6/14 Issue: Judgment Day

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Title: Damn Not Given
Nightscrawlearth Character: :icey :phoenix

6/14 Issue: Judgment Day

Post by Slarti »

Timelined when the Mistress of the Timeline wishes.

Jessica: Jess sighed as she sat in the small seating area in Sebastian's office and tried to tame the unruly hem of her blouse that for some reason refused to stay flat. At least she'd had the sense to wear her inhibitor so Sebastian wouldn't feed her frustration or feed off it. The link and her empathy were a terrible combination when they got stuck in a negative feedback loop. And this was a frustrating situation.

Shaw: Sebastian sat at his desk, attempting to focus on some corporate minutiae before Madrox's appointment. He looked over at Jessica, who was continually fidgeting, and gave up the battle. "Calm down, love. It's only Madrox."
Jessica: "I know... it's just..." she huffed and got up to help herself to the office bar, "It's been a while since we were in the same place..."

Jamie: Jamie rapped on the door with two knuckles and rolled his shoulders in his coat. "Ya know, normally, when I have a client, they come to me. Not the other way around." Oh yeah, that's good. What a slogan! Print that on the business cards. ...Shut up. He blinked at the other person in the office and gave Jean a mental nudge, wondering if she knew this was a set up. "Heyyyy, Jess."

Jessica: And it was a good thing she didn't have her powers active because she would have exploded the scotch and then Sebastian would have been sad. "Long time no see..." she offered Jamie a small smile, "Startled me there."

Shaw: "Most of your clients aren't me," Sebastian said, getting up from the desk to shake the man's hand. He gave Jessica a glance, hoping she didn't drop the scotch in her hand.

Jamie: "No joke. That's why I charge you more for meeting like this." He shook Mr. Shaw's hand. "It's chump change to you folks." Smooooth. ...What did I just say? "Sorry about the scare, Jess. Didn't know you'd be here."

Jessica: "Yeah, that was on purpose... I was worried you wouldn't come if you knew..." She took a sip from her glass and went to Sebastian's side.

Jamie: "That you were part of who was paying me? I knew. I'm not dumb, just eccentric."

Shaw: "I tried to assure her that you were a professional, but she had her concerns, and considering our situation I understand her anxiety." Sebastian slid his arm around her waist. "Would you like a drink?"

Jamie: "Not until I know what the job is. Thanks, though." He gave a nod of appreciation and looked between Jess and Shaw. "If you wanna hire me to hunt for Viper, you can, I guess. Not like I'd mind getting paid for my side hobby. But you won't be my first call when I find her."

Jessica: Jess shook her head, "No... no one needs to go looking for her... if she was alive she'd have contacted us already." Not that Hope took that into account on her ridiculous mission with David. "This is a more personal matter... I'm sure you've seen the papers by now..."

Jamie: The dance party happening in Jamie's head almost made him miss the next bit of words. Focus! But? He frowned at himself but sent and excited burst of feelings to Jean. Of course, that took away a path to Rott... The joy faded. "Papers? Sure. We talking stocks? Missing people? Terrorism?"

Shaw: "The stories about Jessica's... past." Sebastian gave her an apologetic look. "Someone has been digging up dirt in hopes to tarnish her name, and by extension, mine."

Jamie: "Ohhh, the tabloids. Those aren't papers, Jess, that's yellow journalism."

Jessica: "Yeah well... enough people read them that we had reporters on our doorstep."

Shaw: "I've had to file several restraining orders and a defamation suit, but the tabloids are relentless."

Jamie: "Damn. That sucks. I never pay attention to that garbage." He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "So... You're wanting me to find out who, what, and why? Or is there something you're not telling me?" There's always something they're not telling you, dude. Leader of a murder cult and daughter of a terrorist.

Jessica: "Someone spoke to my employer at the time... I want to know who that was and how they found her. Only two people knew where I worked and one of them is dead now..."

Jamie: "One of them is dead, so Viper. And the other one is... you? Or outside of you?" Probably outside of. No one is as literal as us. Fair point. "Am I just supposed to guess at who the other person was or are you not planning on telling me? Because if you want me to guess, get ready. This'll be fun."

Jessica: Jess shook her head, "No. Viper didn't know... or if she found out later she's gone now anyway..." she sighed, taking a sip of scotch, "And she'd have no reason to do something like this... The people that knew were the ones Xavier sent to pick me up... and Xavier I suppose but I can't see him doing it either..." she frowned.

Shaw: Sebastian snorted. "Could you imagine Charles Xavier selling your story to the tabloids?"

Jamie: Okay, so they were guessing. Cool. "Was it Waldo? Or maybe Batman?" Be serious. "Okay, okay. Big Bird?"

Jessica: Jess' frown deepened at Jamie's suggestions and she turned her back to him, "Johnny Storm and Daniel Rand."

Jamie: "Oh." Jamie cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders again. "I think I'd like that drink now, if that's alright."

Shaw: Sebastian gave Jessica's shoulder a squeeze before he went to the bar. "Certainly. I do hope now you understand this is difficult for Jessica."

Jamie: "Because my dead best friend who was murdered by her quote, mom, was one of the people who knew where she worked? No, I don't understand how difficult it is for her. Why did you decide to hire me, of all people?"

Jessica: I told you... Jess moved to sit down where she had been before. "Viper isn't my mother."

Shaw: Sebastian raised a brow. "In theory, you would understand. Ties made at that school are indelible for many reasons." He handed over the tumbler of scotch and took a sip from his own.

Shaw: We'll give him a moment.

Jamie: Jamie knocked back half the glass in one go, coughed, sniffed, and looked between the two of them. "So if the only people alive who know are this Rand dude and Xavier, my money's on Rand. When was the last time you spoke to him?"

Jessica: "When I told him I didn't want to see him anymore... as far as I know he's still running his family's company... I don't look for news..." She shrugged helplessly, "I honestly can't imagine why he'd do something like this either."

Shaw: "Rand is a suspect, I would say, but there is another possibility." Sebastian took another drink and moved to stand beside Jessica. "My uncle. Essau Shaw. He's... reappeared. I thought he was dead. Evidently not. He made some vague threats to Hope a few years ago, but nothing seemed to come of it. Still, I can't help but wonder."

Jamie: "Reappeared? How did you find this out? Has he approached you?" Jamie's eyes flicked from one to the other. "What does he have to do with Jessica? And why threaten the President's daughter?"

Shaw: "About five years ago, he approached Michael and Hope at a public event. He introduced himself as my uncle and said he wished to renew familial ties. I was unaware I had a living uncle. My father died when I was young. He was... vague and Hope felt threatened."

Shaw: "Since, I have confirmed he is indeed my uncle. I'm not a hereditary member of the Hellfire Club, and he is not a member, but he has appeared at the New York Club, this time asking after myself and Jessica. It's curious."

Jamie: "Ms. St. Croix called, then, I guess?" Jamie was making mental notes about who to talk to and who to look into but not talk to. He wasn't sure where he wanted Monet to fall yet. "Did he follow through on anything that he said about Hope or Michael? ... Sorry, who's Michael?"

Jessica: "Michael is our son - Hope's husband now," Jess supplied, watching Jamie. "You probably remember him as Shinobi if you remember him at all but he changed his name years ago."

Jamie: "Ohhh. Yep. Shinobi." He nodded and drained the remainder of his glass. "Mr. Shaw's clone. Hoo boy. So many evil people are wrapped up with your family."

Shaw: Sebastian's eyebrow rose. "Excuse me?"

Jamie: "Well, okay, two. Two evil people. Unless you want to count your uncle who seems pretty diabolical. Jury's still out on the evil."

Jessica: "If you mean Viper, she's not evil." Jess rolled her eyes and seriously considered going to pester Emma outside for tea.

Shaw: "Michael is not evil," he defended. "He was created and used."

Jamie: "Mi- Oh!" Jamie laughed and shook his head, "No, man. Essex. Who made Michael."

Jessica: Good thing he doesn't know about the Oyamas or we'd never hear the end of the judgment.

Shaw: "That we can at least agree on," he said, relaxing somewhat and taking a drink. I believe you're right.

Jamie: "Do either of you have any thoughts on why Essau might be spreading dirt around about Jess?" He arched an eyebrow at her, "You piss off the wrong person at some point? You've always seemed pretty above-board as long as I've known you."

Jessica: "I have no idea... I've never talked to anyone about my time in Amsterdam, if that's what you mean... or my time here as an escort. I keep those secrets... Honestly, I think it's to get at Sebastian through me... like the threats to Hope."

Jamie: "Nah, just in general. Trying to cover my bases. It could be somebody completely different, ya know." He rolled the tumbler between his palms while he thought through things. "What could he have to gain by getting at Mr. Shaw, though?"

Shaw: "As I said, I was unaware I had a living uncle until Hope and Michael met the man. I piss off everyone at some point," he said, giving Madrox a toothy smile. "But yes, in business I keep my nose as clean as possible for my industry."

Jamie: The murder cult industry. Sure, that's squeaky clean. Jamie nodded, keeping his inner-monologue to himself. Because speaking it would turn it into a dialogue and that's the total opposite of 'monologue'. "Is he in need of money? Want to take your place in the mur-- club?"

Shaw: Sebastian caught the slip and gave the younger man a look, then took a drink. "I do not come from an affluent family, but I'm told his bearing was as if he had money. He was hardly a beggar. I was told he mentioned something about restoring the family name, but I have no idea what that means."

Jessica: "But would explain why he's after me..."

Jamie: "Because you also didn't come from money?" None of this was adding up and he moved to sit, staring at the floor between his feet as he leaned forward. Jamie sucked his lower lip under, running his tongue back and forth to help keep himself from losing the thought process to his other selves.

Jamie: "If it is Essau, and he's wanting to restore the family name, but there isn't a name to really restore, then maybe he's bluffing. If he acts as if he's old money, but has none to speak of, he could be in debt or have collectors after him. Collectors will go after anyone who will pay them. You have money, Mr. Shaw."

Jessica: Jess had to laugh, "Oh no... I came from money. But my 'honour' credentials are fairly lacking in some people's opinions. I'm an easy target there... but it doesn't bother me like it used to. I'm more concerned about the damage its doing to the people around me."

Jamie: "Listen, I'm no PR rep, but if you don't have a problem with it, maybe you should say so to the tablo- papers? Gives the Nancys nothing to poke at."

Jessica: The last time she'd spoken to a reporter it hadn't ended well. "No, thank you..."

Shaw: "I'd prefer to get the the source of the problem and deal with it."

Jamie: "Well, yeah, I'd still do that. But if you give them less fodder, it might make my job a little easier. Draw out the guilty party as they dig for other stuff."

Jessica: "I don't want them to dig for other stuff! The other stuff is worse!"

Jamie: ...There actually is other stuff? Apparently. Jamie just blinked at Jess. "Oookay..."

Shaw: "Ideally, when we reach the source of this information, we can stop the flow entirely."

Jamie: "That's always the goal with this type of case, yep." Do they think we don't know what we're doing? Apparently. ...Great.

Shaw: "You've never said you were taking the case. Are you?" Sebastian regarded the strange man.

Jamie: "If you're willing to do what I need done to get the case wrapped up, then yeah. Jean always appreciates the extra dough we get from you."

Jessica: "What do we need to be willing to do?" Jess raised an eyebrow.

Jamie: Jamie met Jess' eyes, making sure he conveyed how serious he was. "Talk to the press."

Jessica: Jess looked at Sebastian for help.

Shaw: "She had a difficult confrontation with a reporter looking for me some years ago," he said. "Why would we need to talk to the press?"

Jamie: "For the reasons I said before. We've got to draw the suspect out. Get them hunting for things so I can catch them doing it." He glanced at Shaw, then back to Jess. "Which is bigger, Jess? Your fear of the press or what slander about something you don't care about will do to your family?"

Jessica: "Why draw them out when you can go to the people they spoke to and ask them who they are? You don't know what you're asking me..."

Shaw: "You said yourself you don't know the nature of the articles that have been running. Why don't you familiarize yourself with the material before you ask Jessica to bare her soul to the press."

Jamie: Jamie sighed and sat back in his chair. "I'm not asking her to 'bare her soul'. But, fine. If you want to play it that way, it's your money. I'll have my assistant call you to set up the payments."

Jessica: "Jamie, the people that would do this sort of thing aren't normal people... they don't think procedurely... they could very well have already done all their digging and are just waiting for us to put out this fire before they start another one."

Jamie: "Jess, I've been doing this a long time. I know they don't think the way normal people think. I don't think the way normal people think. It's what makes me so good at my job."

Shaw: "You have an assistant?" His brows both went up this time. "Your fiancee?"

Jamie: "No, Jean isn't my assistant. She's too busy with her shop."

Jessica: Probably a dupe... Jess guessed, finishing the remains of scotch in her glass and setting the glass down on the small table. While she was leaning, she snagged her handbag and began the rummage. She should really remember to empty of Miriam's crap more often.

Shaw: Merciful Hades. He decided to let it go and simply finished his own scotch. "So, we shall get back in touch after you've become familiar with the particulars of the case."

Jamie: "Sure." These people, man. I know. They really need some kind of... Something. What though? ......Restraining orders on their family? "I'll do that. Of course, I was going to do it anyway. Because I'm damned good at my job and I know what I'm doing. But sure. We'll say it was your idea." Dude. Outside voice. Bad. "Sorry, just a little on edge."

Jessica: "Wait... before you go..." Jess finally found what she was looking for and offered him a flash drive, "This is unrelated but for you."

Jamie: "Uhh..." Jamie looked at the flash drive, then Jess, then over at Shaw. "Is your wife trying to give me contraband in front of you?"

Jessica: "It's a flash drive. What do you think is going to happen?"

Shaw: Sebastian watched this little exchange with amusement.

Jamie: "It's going to have a sex tape on it. Or a virus to wipe my entire hard drive. Both of which, I do not want."

Jessica: "It has neither of those things," Jess rolled her eyes, "It's more information... and a starting point... or at least a sensible hypothosis of a starting point... for your search for Rott... You don't have to take it but it was among the things Viper sent to us before..." she sighed, "Anyway... it's yours if you want it..."

Jamie: Jamie straightened at the mention of Rott. Then slumped a little again at the mention of Viper. Schrodinger's Flash Drive? That's the wrong analogy, but I get what you mean. "Viper. No thanks."

Jessica: "Just because it came from her, it doesn't make the information bad." Jess snapped, "But if you don't want it, fine." She dropped the drive back into her bag, "I'll pass it along to SHIELD like we did with all the other stuff and they can make use of it."

Jamie: "Fine by me." He narrowed his eyes at her for the tone. "I don't care if the information is the best lead I'll ever get. I want to get it honestly and either from myself or my own sources or from someone who isn't a terrorist who killed my best friend." Jamie stood and set his glass on the bar cart. "I'll be in touch."

Shaw: "I would think if you're truly interested in locating this Dr. Rott - and I admit after learning more of his crimes I would be as well - that any information would be welcome."

Jamie: "I'd rather get my information by honest means. I don't work with terrorists and neither should you."

Shaw: There's that stubborn morality of his, he told Jessica. "Frankly, no one is working with her anymore as she is dead."

Jessica: "Where do you think your sources are going to get the information from? Someone is going to have to talk to people that have worked with Rott to tell you where he is so anywhere along that chain you're going to be getting your information from dishonest sources. Your logic is flawed and the information Viper left is good so just have it... otherwise it's just going to go to SHIELD where it'll sit in a file somewhere..."

Jamie: "Then it can sit in a file. I won't take it and you need to stop trying to make me bend my morals or I won't take the job either."

Jessica: Jess threw up her hands and sat back in her seat. I give up.

Shaw: "As you wish, Madrox." He waved a dismissive hand.

Jamie: "Thank you." Who did they think they were? Horrible people, that's who. People with skewed moral compasses, that's who. Murder cult members, that's who. Okay, enough. "I'll do my homework on what exactly the tabloids are saying, but I need you to seriously consider that the press may need to hear things from your side. Even if Mr. Shaw speaks for you."

Jessica: If he won't talk to people with questionable morals he's never going to get to the bottom of this... Jess rubbed her forehead with her fingertips and got up to refill her glass.

Shaw: "We'll take that under consideration, yes." He watched Jess get up. I believe he holds his morals to his personal beliefs instead of his professional ones. Luckily.

Jessica: Well let's hope so... I miss her... if she was still here we'd already know who did this...

Shaw: As much as it pains me to say so, yes.

Jamie: Jamie reached out to shake Mr. Shaw's hand. Tabloids. Hah. Not even real papers. Nobody pays attention to those anyway. They should feel lucky that X-Factor Investigations takes every case seriously. Even jokes like yellow journalism. ...What did I just say? Enough. "I'll get started, then."

Shaw: Sebastian shook his hand, meeting the younger man's eyes. "The more quickly this is resolved the more grateful I shall be."

Jamie: "Noted. I'll keep you updated." Jamie gave Jess a nod and headed out. Wait until Jean heard about this. For fuck's sake, these people.
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