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12/19 Issue: Absolutely Not Particle Man

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 7:40 am
by Slarti
I shall leave the date to you, o mistress of the timeline.

Jamie: Jamie sat at his makeshift work station on the third floor, bobbing his head to an internal tune, tinkering with the inhibitor bracelet. Breathless was side-eyeing him and he grinned down at her. "Daddy's working. Just let me be, girl." He twirled the screwdriver between his fingers and started humming along with the song in his head. This work was intricate. SHIELD knows kind of what they're doing. In. To. IT.

Jamie: "Multiple Man, Multiple Man... Doin' the things a multiple can... What's he like? It's not important. Multiple Man." Jamie's shoulders started to move to the beat of his song, too. "Is he a lot or is he alone? A super clown or a super clone? His own beginning and his own end... His own best friend! Multiple Man!" Breathless boofed at him for disturbing her nap and he decided that meant he should sing louder.

Jamie: "Here's a hymn to welcome in the day, heralding a summer's early sway. And all the bulbs all comin' in, to begin, the thrushes' bleeding battle with the wrens, disrupts my reverie again..."

Jeannie: Jean didn't take her usual care in bringing her very expensive bike inside where the hoodrats wouldn't be tempted to jack it. Dropping it by the steps, she tried to float while hiding she was floating since her fucking knee was already swelling. She dropped the key, caught it with her teke, then dropped it again. Dammit!

Jamie: Jamie set his tools down and picked Breathless up, ignoring her squirming, and continued his song as he cradled her. "Pegging clothing on the line, training jasmine how to vine up the arbor to your door, and more. Standing on the landing with the war, you shouldered all the night before."

Jeannie: The moment she got inside she considered dropping the block she'd put on the link so Jamie would come help her. She could make with the big eyes and he'd take very good care of her, after all.

Jeannie: Jean took a moment to focus and stopped, tilting her head to listen when she realized the sound from upstairs wasn't from the TV or any screen at all. She smiled to herself and put down her water bottle and the keys after relocking the door. Quietly, she floated up the stairs.

Jamie: Time for the chorus! He snuggled Breathless, "But once upon it, the yellow bonnets, garland all the lawn. You were waking... Day was breaking... A panoply of song. And summer comes to Springville Hill." Jamie buried his face into the floof of Breathless' cheek and she nuzzled his shoulder. What a good baby.

Jamie: A little bit softer now, "A barony of ivy in the trees, expanding out its empire by degrees. And all the branches burst alboom. In the boom, Heaven sent this cardinal maroon, to decorate our living room."

Jeannie: She'd expected him to be on the living floor, but nope, just the boys cuddling on the bed. They looked up at her with lazy blinks and she kept floating. On the third floor, she stopped. If she got too close, Breathless would sense her and spaz... and so would her dad.

Jeannie: No spazzing! Jean wanted to enjoy this while she could.

Jamie: Keep it soft. Lullaby style. "But once upon it, the yellow bonnets, garland all the lawn. You were waking... Day was breaking... A panoply of song. And summer comes to Springville Hill." He pulled back to smile down at his pup and rub her ears while her eyes finally drifted closed again. "And years from now when this old light, isn't ambling anymore... Will I bring myself to write, "Give my best to Springville Hill"?"

Jeannie: It was a good thing she'd clamped down hard on that shield because this was the cutest fucking thing Jean had ever seen. OMG. Breathless was enjoying the attention and Jean was avoiding attention. Win-win!

Jamie: "Ready, Breathless? One more time," he whispered, but enthusiastically. Obviously there had to be some excitement for the final chorus! "But once upon it, the yellow bonnets, garland all the lawn. You were waking... day was breaking... a panoply of song. And summer comes to Springville Hill... and summer... comes... to Springviiiillle Hiiiiillll..."

Jeannie: Jean was grinning at them both like an idiot, and she wanted to clap, but she didn't want to give him a heart attack. It was so tempting though! So, so tempting. She float-bounced a little in place, then winced when it pulled her injured knee.

Jamie: Jamie loud kissed Breathless' muzzle and set her back on the floor. Back to work, back to work. He turned and snatched up one of his tools, flailing and sending it towards the door with a yell when he saw someone standing there. OH NO! "JEAN!"

Jeannie: She was also glad they weren't linked for that, but she jumped anyway. His reaction was hilarious though and she stopped his baby screwdriver in mid flight. "Hiiiii." Breathless barked, rather belatedly. So helpful!

Jamie: He visibly slumped in relief at the floating screwdriver. "Babe... I'm so sorry." Jamie hopped up and snatched the tool from mid-air and gave her a kiss. "Are you okay? Why didn't I know you were there? long were you there?"

Jeannie: "You're lucky I have good reflexes!" Jean floated close and wound her arms around his neck. "That's a lot of questions at once," she giggled. "I dampened the link while I was out so I wouldn't distract you ....aaaaand ate shit on my bike because I was distracted."

Jeannie: Her lip popped out in a pout. "I wrenched my knee, so I blocked you so you wouldn't freak out. Totally worked. Clearly!" Breathless was dancing around them now, tail wagging so hard her butt shook.

Jamie: "Oh nooo!" He scooped her up gently and looked down at her knee with a pout of his own. "Babe, why didn't you call me? I would've come to pick you up!" Literally. Just like this. But also with Baby.

Jeannie: Jean relaxed against him and nuzzled into the crook of his neck. "You were busy! I want you to fix that thingie!"

Jamie: "But you were hurt! That trumps thingie! Thingie can wait!" He nuzzled her back and held her tight. "Let me get a good look at your injury." Jamie turned and nearly tripped over Breathless who had come to see what all the fuss about Mommy was. "Gah! Dog!" He caught his footing just in time to plonk her in his chair.

Jeannie: "I'm not, like, dying hurt. I just twisted my knee when I kissed pavement!" Jean looked down at the excited puppy, then eeped when he nearly dropped her - and himself. She corrected them both with teke and righted herself in his chair, stretching out her hurt leg.

Jamie: Jamie gave her a look that said level of hurt didn't matter and propped her heel on the edge of his table so he could examine her knee. "Wanna tell me how my Olympic biker of a fiancee kissed the pavement?"

Jeannie: "I just... spaced out." She shrugged and unblocked the link after giving him a little brain poke of warning.

Jamie: Ouch, man! "Spaced out, huh?" Jamie winced at the pain and leaned over to plant a super gentle kiss on the side of her knee, avoiding the scraped up bits. "Alien tomato some first aid stuff up here and we can play doctor."

Jeannie: Jean's heart melted at the little kiss and the feel of him back in her head. "Mmm I do love that game." She closed her eyes to picture where she'd left the first aid kit. Maybe. "Space bird in space," she nodded, then frowned to herself. "And thingie is important! We've had to wait soooo looooong."

Jamie: "Ya know you're not really a space bird, right?" He grinned and kissed her cheek fast while her eyes were closed then helped her out with the location of the antibiotic spray. "Thingie is important, but you're more important. What if you'd gotten hurt after getting hurt because you had to limp since people were watching? Or what if someone caught you flying and then you couldn't do any fancy kicks to fend them off?"

Jeannie: She made a pleased noise when he showed her the location and picked up the little basket with their first aid supplies and started it a'floating. "I dunno, I might be. Carol said there's all sorts of things in space." Jean opened her eyes to meet his. "Thingie is important." She reached to tug at the lapel of his trench coat. Point made.

Jamie: Jamie tsked and rolled his eyes a little. "I know, babe. I know. But if you're not in one piece, what good would thingie do?" He gave her a pointed look. "I'm fixing the thingie so I can be in one piece with you."

Jeannie: "That's one way to put it." The basket floated upstairs and Breathless tried to catch it. Bounce! Bounce! Boof!

Jamie: Jamie snagged it from mid-air and lightly bopped the pup on the head with it. "Time to fix Mommy!" He set it on his work table and gathered the spray and a couple of bandaids. "With you... in you... same difference, right?"

Jeannie: "Mmhmm..." Jean gave him the elevator eyes, lingering on a few favorite floors. Her nose twitched when she was done. "But I dunno, I might be jealous."

Jamie: "Jealous?" His eyebrows went up and he grinned up at her. "Of me being in you? I can let you feel it next time if you want."

Jeannie: "Maaaaybe..." That took her thoughts in an entirely different direction and ...well well well. "More on that later... but, no, actually. I'm jealous of Breathless!" The puppy perked up and licked her hand and Jean ruffled her soft ears.

Jamie: Jamie frowned and looked down at said fluffball. Women were weird. Without a doubt. "Okayyy... Because she didn't go ass over tea kettle in the street? She does it down the stairs at least once a week."

Jeannie: Jean looked up at him and turned on the sad eyes. "Noooo, because you sing to her, but not to me." Her lower lip popped out for good measure.

Jamie: "I.. um. How much did you hear?" Jamie felt his cheeks start to heat up a bit, even in the face of her adorable pout.

Jeannie: The adorable pout spread into a grin at his blush. So fucking cute! "A lot." She wriggled her fingers at him to get him to move closer to her.

Jamie: "Did you..." He cleared his throat and smoothed the last bit of the bandaid down before moving closer like she wanted. "Hear my song?"

Jeannie: "I heard you singing? So yes?" Wait, had he written that too? If so, wow. Jean took his hand and dragged him down to kiss.

Jamie: Jamie groaned and felt his flush start to spread down his neck. "Just... Don't tell anybody, okay? It's my theme song... kind of. The guys would laugh at me if they knew." Oh, kissing. She liked it? He liked the kissing part, so at least that's one thing they've got.

Jeannie: She giggled against his mouth. "Theme song, huh?" She couldn't remember all the words at the moment, but she knew it was pretty, so hey!

Jamie: "Yeah... it's a parody of a song I heard in a cartoon when I was a kid..." He hummed the song because he couldn't remember the real words and kissed her again. "Oh! How's your bike?! Does it need to be triaged?"

Jeannie: Jean pulled back to look at him with a cocked head. "That wasn't what I heard. The thing about flowers and hills?" Oh right! Her bike! "I left it outside, so we totes need to bring it in."

Jamie: Wasn't what she heard? Ohshit. Distraction! "I'll get it!" Before she could say anything he leapt over the dog and headed for the door.

Jeannie: He moved fast enough she jumped and the flash of panic made her flail. Breathless boofed and chased after him.

Jamie: Jamie shooed Breathless away when she tried to bound down the stairs with him. "You'll trip! Go take care of Mommy!" She wasn't listening. "Fine. But I'm not going to put band-aids on you."

Jeannie: Jean hit the rewind button in her brain to replay the song. Huh. You don't have to run away from me, you know. Deciding they were done anyway, she grabbed the basket and floated herself downstairs to the second floor.

Jamie: I'm not running away! I'm... What? Treating the patient! He picked up the somewhat mangled bike and frowned as he looked over the bent parts of the frame. Looks like you weren't the only one to eat shit... This thing has seen better days, babe.

Jeannie: This thing?! That thing is my bike! My perfect, beautiful Olympic bike! Not so perfect anymore, true. She settled herself on the bed and cooed at Dupero, who immediately hopped into her lap.

Jamie: Jamie winced at himself. Dummy. He knew better. Sorry... You're right. He brought the bike inside and leaned it against the wall to the side of the door. He might need two or three of him to fix it, but it was doable. Jamie scooped Breathless up when she tried to jump up on the bike. "Not for Breathless. For Mommy." Speaking of... He climbed the stairs a little slower than normal. "Mommy heard your lullaby."

Jeannie: Mommy also heard him muttering to the dog and grinned to herself. "Maybe daddy should sing mommy a lullaby sometime, too," she mock whispered to the cat.

Jamie: "Mommy thinks that I can sing in front of people. You're not a people." He stopped in the door to their room and let Breathless down after kissing her on the head. Fluff in the mouth! Jamie tried to spit it out but was failing, so swiped at his scruff a few times to get it off. Death by fluff wasn't how he wanted to go. Ever.

Jeannie: Jean watched this spaz attack fondly. "I'm not a random people though, I'm your people!"

Jamie: "Yeah, but you're still a people!" Jamie frowned at her once he finally got himself mostly rid of the fur. "It's just something I do... You know how I always dance to a song in my head. It's always there. But I can't get it out of my mouth if there are people around."

Jeannie: "Why not? You know I can hear you when you sing in your head, too." Jean gave him the pout again and beckoned him over.

Jamie: "Great! Now I can't even do that!" He groaned and crawled onto the bed miserably. "Baaabe," Jamie whined and put his head in her lap. "How did I make it this long without you hearing me only to muck it up now?"

Jeannie: The cats fled, hopping down from the bed as Jamie settled in. Jean smiled to herself and brushed back his hair. "Yes you can," she soothed. "I love hearing you in my head."

Jamie: "You always hear me in your head. Me singing is totally different." He turned to pout up at her. "You're gonna make fun of my theme song now that you know I have one, aren't you?"

Jeannie: "Nooo," she said, then giggled. "Maybe a little, but only because it's adorable." Jean played with his hair and scritched her nails over his scalp. "But your secret is safe with me, baby."

Jamie: Jamie looked at her skeptically for a minute, then shrugged with his head and closed his eyes to enjoy the scritching. "Multiple Man, Multiple Man, doin' the things a multiple can," he sang under his breath.

Jeannie: Jean bit her lip to keep from giggling but kept up her scritches. Totally not the song she'd heard, and she could totally believe he had made this one up. Still cute though!

Jamie: To continue or not to continue? The scritches might stop if he did... Grr. "What's he like, it's not important, Multiple Man. Is he a lot or is he alone? A super clown or a super clone?" She might hate this next part, so he hesitated and peeked at her with one eye to gauge her reaction so far. "You're laughing!"

Jeannie: "I'm not!" Although now she was giggling because he'd called her on it.

Jamie: He knew how to get her to stop giggling. The next line. Jamie narrowed his eyes a bit and continued, watching her face the whole time. "His own beginning and his own end."

Jeannie: Jean did stop giggling and cocked her head. Her hand stopped moving. "What's that mean?" She tried to keep the tone of her voice level.

Jamie: Aha! It worked! He continued the line, "His own best friend, Multiple Man!" Jamie grinned at her.

Jeannie: Her head was still cocked with a slight frown.

Jamie: ...It hadn't worked. "What?"

Jeannie: She resumed playing with his hair but was more thoughtful now. "That so wasn't what I heard you singing, just so you know. Still cute, though."

Jamie: "Ta daaa...?" He gave her a weak smile. "Sorry?" Jamie wrinkled his nose but let himself enjoy the petting. "It doesn't mean anything, by the way. Not really. I made it up when I was alone on the farm. I'm like a circle in the sense that we've never found the end to how many mes I am. And it rhymes with friend."

Jeannie: "Okay," she said, accepting his explanation and brushing some dog floof from his scruffy chin. "I think I've heard the song you, like, made it up from."

Jamie: "Really?" His eyes lit up and searched hers. "From that cartoon! With the baby animals!"

Jeannie: She grinned. "That's the one! Lots of silly songs!"

Jamie: "Ball go down the hole!" He frowned, "That duck was too stupid and adorable for his own good. I bet he grew up to be a spoiled kid."

Jeannie: Jean giggled at his cartoon duck impression. "I think he was, like, baby Daffy Duck? Or like his second cousin or something?" She shrugged one shoulder and tapped his frown with a fingertip.

Jamie: Jamie nipped playfully at her finger. "Whoever he was, our kids won't be that stupid. They're going to be smarter than anyone would believe."

Jeannie: It made her smile soften and she bopped the tip of his nose for the bite. "And are you gonna sing the dog's lullaby to our kids?"

Jamie: "I might be able to find a better one by then. Who knows?" He shifted to his side with his arm wrapped around her legs. "By the way, I'm pretty sure I understand how the thingie works now. It won't stop me from duplicating, though, so I'm adjusting it." Jamie gave her a salacious grin, "Soon, Jeannie."

Jeannie: "Soon, huh?" She wriggled in his grip. "Soooon." Ruffling his hair, she gave him another bright grin. "In the meantime, you can sing to me!"

Jamie: "But you laughed at me!" Jamie protested and flopped back onto his back dramatically. "The shame! The embarrassment!"

Jeannie: "I didn't laugh to laugh at you! I laughed because it's funny! I can totes see you singing that to yourself on the farm while you feed the animals." She poked out her tongue.

Jamie: "They loved my theme song, thank you very much." He poked his tongue out right back. Pointless arguments. Move on. "How's your knee feeling?"

Jeannie: "It aches, but I'll live." She slid down the bed and rolled over to snuggle into his side. "I love your theme song too."

Jamie: "Yeah? You don't think it's stupid and silly?" He gave her a skeptical, but hopeful, look and wrapped an arm over her protectively.

Jeannie: "No, I really don't." Jean laid her head on his shoulder and toyed with the button on his trench coat. "It's silly, but we're silly kinda people." She looked up at him with her eyes and nudged his chin with her nose. "Right?"

Jamie: "I do enjoy our particular brand of silly," he mused. Jamie pretended to be reluctant to the idea for a few moments, though, just for funsies. Then he grinned and dipped his head down to kiss her nose. "I love you and I love our silly."

Jeannie: Ooo, kiss. Jean squirmed into a better position and gave him a slightly less awkward one to the corner of his mouth. "Me too! So that means you can totally sing me all your silly songs!"

Jamie: Jamie screwed up his face. "I dunnoooo... It still makes me nervous, babe. Maybe if you sang for me it would help?"

Jeannie: Jean only had to think about that for a moment, then cleared her throat dramatically and belted it out. "Multiple Man, Multiple Man, doing the things a multiple can!"

Jamie: Jamie grinned and gathered her closer to him so he could give her an intense kiss. "You're the best, babe. Anybody says otherwise, you send 'em to me. I'll set 'em straight."