11/20 Game: Paintball Party

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
Posts: 2447
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:26 am
Title: Fergie the Unjust
Location: I'm in the hick-land playing the spoons

11/20 Game: Paintball Party

Post by Ferguson »

Jason: Jason checked the sight on his gun as he sized people up as to how difficult they would be to take down. "So, it seems amusing to me the fact we're encouraged to play with fake guns right outside the school. I might want to take these out later for shenanigans."

Pietro: "The kind of shenanigans that might get you arrested?" Pietro raised an eyebrow.

Illyana: Illyana got a feel for the gun she was holding. A grin spread across her face. This was going to be so much fun! AND she had an excuse to shoot creepy Jason.

Selene: "You know, I don't think it would be very hard to inject some itching powder into these things," Selene said, her fingers playing with one of the paint-filled little balls. "Or even better, curled up leeches. That would make this game even more interesting."

Illyana: Illyana raised an eyebrow at her roommate. "Remind me not to anger you, roomie."

Pietro: Pietro took a step away from Selene... and then another just to be sure. "Remind me to avoid being hit by Selene at all costs."

Jason: "You say that like I've ever gotten anyone arrested...Bobby and Lizzie got themselves arrested right along with me without me being a leader in the endevour...and I think if you had a leech gun PETA might be on you...or not as leeches aren't exactly cute fuzzy animals."

SinJin: "That sounds like fun, count me in, Doctor!" Ginny blinked as he heard Selene. "I think leeches are going a bit extreme."

Selene: "It's general knowledge to not anger me," Selene replied, giving her roommate a smirk. "I think it's being taught as part of the welcome tour at Xavier's. It should be, anyway."

Illyana: Illyana poked her roommate playfully and gently, with a smile.

Pietro: "I second that..." Pietro added to Selene's suggestion.

Jason: "I always do." Jason answered Ginny, glancing towards him as if to ask 'team?'

Selene: Selene squinted and shut one of her eyes at the poking. "A little more to the left, please," she said.

Illyana: Illyana giggled at her roommate. She was so weird. Illyana glanced over at Pietro to see what he was up to.

Jason: "Selene, are you directing your roommate on how to best molest you?"

SinJin: Ginny nodded once: 'Stupid question'. He hefted his loaded gun over his shoulder. "And if she's not doing it it right can I have a go?"

Selene: "Unlike angering, poking usually is highly encouraged," Selene told Jason. "In the right places, at least."

Pietro: Pietro raised an eyebrow. He wasn't hearing this conversation. Wasn't.

Jason: "When I shoot you I'll try to aim for the right places then." He shouldered his gun. "Shall we?"

Illyana: Illyana smiled at Pietro, the conversation going well over her head. "I am ready!" Illyana checked her red paint ball level to make sure it was loaded.

Selene: "So shall I," Selene announced, hefting her gun. "I hope all the boys present remembered to put on their cups."

Pietro: Pietro sighed and picked up his gun then blinked at Selene, "Can I just say right now that I think that should be a no shooting area."

Jason: Jason looked over at Ginny again, attempting to communicate 'we take down Selene first for our own sake.'

SinJin: "Ok, rule one - you don't go for the jewels, we don't go for your chests," he said as he winked at Jason. 'Of course - she's scary as all hell.'

Illyana: "That sounds fair, yes." Illyana nodded.

Selene: "Ah, don't worry, Pietro, I have a good aim, but not that good," Selene replied, looking at Pietro with a sly smirk.

Pietro: Pietro frowned, "I feel like I've just been insulted."

SinJin: He nonchalantly positioned his gun so it was pointing at Selene without anyone noticing.

Illyana: Illyana frowned at that. Insulting Peeto was not ok! Roomie was going to be taken down!

Jason: "Oh you have, she'll rub salt and lemon on it too, possibly make a margarita. So, twenty paces and start?"

Selene: "Ooh, is this going to be like a high noon shootout," Selene asked.

Illyana: Illyana slyly sent Pietro a wink.

Pietro: "Good Luck hitting me at all," Pietro told Selene. Yeah, she was so going down.

Jason: "Oh, just giving us the chance to get out of each other's way to better stalk." Jason smiled, oddly sweetly.

Pietro: Pietro laughed, "I'm at a huge advantage here."

SinJin: "Ok, no powers for you then - that's a huge one."

Selene: "In that case, I'm grateful I brought my ghillie-suit," Selene said, patting the bag hanging over her shoulder. "It's been handmade by me just for this special occasion."

SinJin: "A what?"

Pietro: "I'll do my best not to use them, but I can't usually help it." Pietro told Ginny, "Don't hold it agai..... Gillie suit? You worry me."

Illyana: "Wait, we can't use powers?" Illyana was confused now.

Selene: "It's a suit, made of stuff," Selene explained. "More like a poncho. It's for camouflage."

SinJin: "Pietro can't, it'd be unfair."

Jason: "I think that's up to you." Jason answered. "...I'm torn between curiosity and wanting to walk away. What kind of stuff?"

SinJin: "Stuff?" he echoed.

Illyana: Illyana wasn't sure how Pietro would be unfair but her's would be fair, but she wasn't going to argue it.

Selene: "I could show you, but that would be giving away my advantage," Selene said, a grin on her lips. "Let's just say I'm going to be the last thing you never see."

Illyana: "You 'ave to catch me first, Roomie." Illyana grinned.

Jason: "...I always wondered how my life would end. I find it oddly comforting now." He started away, keeping an eye on all of them."

SinJin: Ginny followed, walking backwards. "I'm not comforted."

Pietro: Pietro looked at Illyana and shrugged.

Illyana: Illyana smiled at him. "I will see you on the field, yes?"

Jason: Jason dropped his voice low for Ginny's benefit. "Once they start to go for places I illusion us away and we make for the treeline?"

SinJin: "Perfect," he agreed.

Selene: "Hm, maybe I should have brought more decoys and lures," Selene mused, tapping her chin.

Pietro: "I guess so," he smiled, saluted her and dashed off for the trees. Cover! Far away from Selen cover!

Illyana: Illyana giggled and teleported away.

Selene: "When are we..." Selene began, stopping as everyone darted towards cover. "Oh, I see." She grabbed her stuff and quickly took off in a random direction.

Jason: "Good...and now." Jason and Ginny vanished from sight as Jason turned and hurried for the edge of the woods.

SinJin: Ginny took off after, taking a quick glance around. Only Selene was left where they had been.

Illyana: Illyana found a place to completely hide her body. It should be safe. Astral Illyana boldly headed out on the hunt.

Jason: Well, why not take a potshot as they were getting into position? Jason took aim and fired at Selene, then going into the trees.

Pietro: Pietro found a tree to climb and hurried up it, looking around for the others.

Selene: Ducking behind a rock, Selene pulled the makeshift ghillie suit out of her bag. She had to be careful with putting it on, otherwise the countless post-it notes it consisted of would come off - each one painted in various shades of brown and green. The plush squirrel sitting on her head would perfect the camouflage.

Illyana: Illyana posing as herself stalked around, looking for Selene.

SinJin: Ginny slid behind a tree. Oh hello - squirrel on a rock? That hadn't been there before. He shot at it, splattering it with red paint.

Jason: "Invisibility, freaking handy." Jason mouthed to Ginny. Now, to pick out their quarry..."...did you just shoot a squirrel?" he mouthed again.

Selene: Selene peeked over the edge of the rock, looking out for any movement - then quickly ducked back behind cover when Skittles was suddenly hit and became the first casualty of the day.

SinJin: "No - I think it's a decoy of some sort. It would have run away...look, see?"

Jason: "...quite right." Jason motioned the way he would round the rock, moving to see if he could get a better angle.

Illyana: Illyana snuck around, lookig for movement and listening for anything.

SinJin: Ginny went round the other side, scanning around him as he moved. He wished he had a more helpful power.

Pietro: Pietro heard the splatter of paint and turned in his tree to see if he could see where it was.

Selene: Selene rushed across the ground in a crouched down position, trying to find a better spot to hide in. If all else failed, she still had some prototypes of her lemonade.

Jason: Over in the corner a barrage of shots fired, illusionary paint striking out at suspected spots as an equally illusionary Jason was visible changing places.

Illyana: Illyana couldn't figure out where everyone had gone.

SinJin: Ginny hoped Jason had him covered, and darted out from his hiding spot, towards the other side of the rock.

Selene: Selene spotted a much more promising hiding place - a large pile of leaves. Perfect! She promptly charged towards it and dove in.

Jason: Jason eyed the astral form of Illyana still out in the open, deciding to let the illusionary version of him open fire at it just to see what would happen.

SinJin: Ginny saw Selene legging it for a pile of leaves in the most ridiculous outfits he'd ever seen, which was losing some of its - were those painted post-it notes? He fired off a shot and missed. He reloaded and hit the pile of leaves before she made it. He dashed behind the rock.

Illyana: The illusionary paintballs passed through Illyana easily. Illyana barely noticed. "...cool!"

Pietro: Pietro spotted Asral Illyana too but, obviously, didn't know it was only the astral. At least until the paintballs started going through her.

Selene: Selene let out a squeak when the poor leaves around here were splattered with paint, rolling around cluelessly to distract her opponent. She seemed to be successful, apparently still unhit when she hid behind a tree.

Illyana: She quickly disappeared. Real Illyana teleported to a different angle than where she had been and fired on where the Jason bullets had come from.

Selene: Leaning around the tree, Selene fired a rapid series of shots in every possible direction.

Pietro: Pietro spotted Selene and opened fire from his position high up in a tree.

Jason: Jason started shooting at where whoever was firing at his decoy was, happy someone took the bait, hurrying away from the spot once he had fired a few rounds.

SinJin: "Jason! I've been hit!" Ginny yelled as a hard ball hit his shoulder, splattering paint across his cheek. He took off for the shelter of the trees once more.

Selene: One of the post-it notes on her shoulder got hit and was torn off, so Selene reacted with lighting-fast instincts and faceplanted to distract and confuse her enemies, before rolling away downhill.

Pietro: Pietro heard Ginny and looked to see where he was, but he couldn't see anything. Jason. And they had the nerve to say using his powers was cheating?

Illyana: Illyana didn't stay still. She fired and then teleported. She fire in the the direction of the person who had been firing at her.

Jason: Jason threw his voice away from him. "where'd it come from?"

SinJin: "The pile of leaves!" Ginny said as he stopped next to Jason.

Pietro: Ginny's voice again! Pietro opened fire in the direction it had come from.

Selene: Selene landed inside the bed of a tiny stream of water, unremarkable safe for its abundance of pebbles. Selene smirked, pushing herself up. Excellent. She scooped up as many as possible and got to work.

SinJin: Ginny hit the deck as another ball whizzed by his head. He rolled over and fired in the direction that it had come from.

Jason: Attack from above! Jason crashed away, giving an illusionary Ginny running ahead to draw fire.

Selene: After having animated plenty of her rocky little allies, she ordered her army of pebbles to scuttle up the hill, making croaking noises to distract the others. "Scuttle, my lovlies! Scuttle!"

Pietro: Pietro ducked back round the tree when Ginny fired back, "Invisibility is cheating!" he called down.

SinJin: Ginny had learned not to talk and snuck away, trying to follow Jason.

Jason: "Powers are in the rules!" Jason threw his voice away again, moving to the base of the tree...then he heard the croaking.

Illyana: Invisibility? Ohhhh Jason was cheating! After they said Peeto's was cheating. CHEATERS! Illyana paused to think. She was going to have to outsmart them, not outshoot them.

Pietro: "Then so are mine!" Pietro called back, if they were invisible he was going to need his powers.

Jason: "I never told you any differently now, did I?" Jason fired as well as set off illusionary shots from different angles, aiming up for Pietro.

SinJin: Seeing as his little cheating plan had now backfired, he needed to reach higher ground. He looked at a likely tree, and clambered up. This was a bad idea. He was blind except for straight down.

Illyana: Pietro sounded high up... in a tree? Illyana fired at all of those shots, then teleported the heck out of the way.

Jason: He tucked in behind another treetrunk a few feet away, laying in wait now.

Selene: Selene followed a little behind her stony little allies, keeping her head down and looking out for anyone who might get startled by her friends and come out of hiding.

Pietro: Pietro eeped at the sudden barrage and dashed out of the tree, landing on the ground a little way away and disappearing into the undergrowth.

SinJin: Ginny looked around as best he could what the hell was that croaking noise?

Illyana: Where Illyana had landed, there was an army of pebbles. What in the world? That was different. Suspecting Jason, Illyana listened and waited for more shots to be fired.

Jason: "...Oh nicely played Selene!" Jason threw his voice off to the left a few feet as he saw the rocks. "That's beautiful!"

Illyana: Illyana teleported to the far side of where the voice came from, landing behind it. Ok Jason. Do something stupid.

SinJin: He saw something move below him and shot it. He stayed perfectly still as now he was wide open.

Selene: Noticing the dead stump of a tree nearby, Selene took a detour and jumped on its top, How could she have thought to lead a charge without a mount? Using her powers to animate the piece of dead wood, as well, she made it uproot and ordered it to gallop forward up the hill, carrying the girl on its back.

Jason: The voice wasn't where he was, however, looking up to see Illyana's back quite near. He took the shot, scurrying up the tree as fast as he could manage, illusioning away the motion and noise from his trail.

Illyana: Unfortunately for Jason, Illyana had just had a brilliant idea and teleported away just in the nick of time, unaware that she had narrowly escape paintball death.

SinJin: "Hi, Jason," Ginny greeted. "However, this is a very bad place. We're sitting ducks."

Selene: "Freedom for Cydonia," Selene yelled, bursting out into the open on her stumpy steed, wildly firing in every direction. Whenever she saw something move that wasn't one of her pebbles, she tried to aim for it.

Pietro: Pietro found another tree and climbed on up, deciding to sit quietly and wait.

Jason: "Why hello there, partner." Jason nodded to Ginny. "Don't worry, this isn't exactly the first time I've been treed." He mouthed, blinking as he caught sight of Selene, head tilting to the side.

Illyana: Illyana teleported to a hiding spot and put on her stolen thermal goggles from the mansion. She was positive that they would show reality and not be fooled by an illusion. You can fake the eyes and mind sensors, but not equipment! Right? Illyana looked for Jason.

SinJin: "What the hell is she doing?"

Pietro: Selene and her army passed under Pietro's tree and he opened fire on her again.

Jason: "She's being Selene." Jason couldn't resist opening fire, again pulling it from all around.

SinJin: Ginny shot at her too, she waas so easy a target!

Illyana: Bingo. Illyana took the shot into the trees, firing in a small line from left to right.

Illyana: She then quickly teleported away.

Selene: Selene felt the impact as she was hit in the shoulder from above. "Treachery," she called, spinning wildly on her wooden mount. She was hit again; and another time. Time for a tactical retreat, she decided. Wounded, she let herself drop to the ground, hidden underneath the tree stump, and fished for a final gadget in her bag.

Jason: "...Son of a bitch..." Jason winced at the hit to his shoulder. "Someone's playing with things they shouldn't." He muttered, looking at the paint colour. Well, Illyana had brought something onto the field but as long as it wasn't something like a camera he should be able to manage to get rid of the traces, just needed to know what it was she had.

Illyana: Illyana fired at the previous location in the trees from her new position, carefully going quickly from right to left this time, then teleporting away again.

SinJin: "Gah!" Ginny dodged a paintball as it nearly hit him, it collided with the trunk, and got him covered in paint. "I say we get down from here."

Jason: "I agree...and figure out what she has." Jason nodded, shifting branches.

Pietro: Pietro saw other shots cutting across the scene, his mutation allowing him to follow their progress til the point they disappeared. Then he turned his paintball gun on that location and opened fire too. Invisibility wouldn't save them!

Illyana: Illyana fired at Ginny's voice, then disappeared again.

Selene: "Time for some lemonade," Selene muttered, pulling out a normal looking lemon - except for the obvious plug on one end. Naturally, the term lemonade was the result of combining the words lemon and grenade. A gas grenade, in this case, but still rather ingenious, Selene found. Pulling the plug, she gave the yellow fruit a squeeze.

Jason: Jason got himself on the ground, ducking behind the tree and concentrated. A quick burst of speed seemed to pelt through the pebbles, an illusionary
Pietro running for cover.

Pietro: Pietro blinked at his illusionary self and carried on firing at his target.

Illyana: Illyana went back to her secluded hiding spot and held her head.

Selene: Selene's next thought was that she probably should have given this device a little more testing under controlled conditions before using it in the field like this. The chemical concoction inside worked as intended, spilling out in a thick cloud of gas, enveloping Selene to give her enough time to crawl into hiding.

Selene: Or so she would have, had she tested if the makeshift gas was in any way irritating or had other side-effect. Therefore, she simply lay curled up on the ground, busy with coughing.

SinJin: Ginny slid down after Jason, and started running for the porch. He ended up tripping over Selene, coughing in the gas. "You're crazy!"

Pietro: You had to hand it to Selene, she was resourceful.

Jason: Jason was wary of the gas cloud, creeping away from it as he kept an eye open for his quarry.

Illyana: Illyana just rested. She had shot Jason. That was win enough for the day. Plus, her head felt like it was going to explode from the overuse of her powers.

Pietro: Pietro looked around for Illyana, there was no sign of her and there hadn't been any paint of her colour for a bit. He moved along the lower branches of the tree, away from the gas cloud, and jumped down to the ground to go and look for her.

Selene: "I still win by points, don't I," Selene asked, struggling to sit up on the ground. She rubbed her eyes, which had teared up from the itchy gas.

Illyana: this was hilarious

Jason: Jason crouched low, thinking he saw someone ahead. Yes, Illyana. He threw his voice right behind her. "Naptime?"

Jason: "I come in peace." The illusion added as he tried to see what it was she had on him.

Illyana: Illyana groaned inwardly and forced herself to teleport to a safer hiding spot.

SinJin: Ginny pulled his shirt up to wipe his eyes. "Not even." He fired at her.

Jason: "No fun at all, are you?" the voice stayed as Jason went about hunting her again.

Pietro: Pietro blinked as Illyana appeared right in front of him. Well that was convenient. "Hey."

Illyana: Illyana smiled at Peeto and grabbed onto him as she stumbled slightly. She pressed a finger to her lips. 'Jason is after me.' she mouthed.

Selene: "Hey, not in the hair," Selene complained, lifting her own gun with one hand and shooting back without aiming much.

Pietro: Pietro nodded and put an arm around her waist to help her stay up. He tapped the goggles and gave her a questioning look.

Illyana: Illyana grinned. 'Heat, Thermal' she mouthed, taking them off to offer him a turn.

Jason: "Not fun in the least bit, guess I'll have to get closer." Jason's voice muttered as he stalked through, trying to glance through the underbrush.

Pietro: Pietro grinned and took the goggles, putting them on. Weird. But useful.

Illyana: Illyana smiled. She wasn't much use right now anyway, might as well give him the advantage.

SinJin: "Ow! Not in the jewels!" he howled and curled up.

Illyana: Illyana did have to admit that without the goggles on, her head felt a bit better.

Jason: Heat, Thermal? Well, that was good to know! Jason crouched lower, heading towards where he heard the voice explain. He could illusion that away and suggest Ginny have a bit of fun maybe too...where was Ginny, anyway? Well, Jason would have to find him later. He opened fire once he was close enough to Illyana and Pietro.

Pietro: "Crap!" Pietro pulled Illyana out of the way.

Illyana: How did he always manage to save her just in the nick of time? Illyana couldn't help but smile. Oh yeah, she was supposed to fire back wasn't she?

Pietro: "Okay, I'll run, you shoot." Pietro suggested, "Shoot anything that moves."

Jason: Jason was hurrying away, needing to find Ginny to share the good news.

SinJin: He scuttled away on his hands and knees, coughing.

Selene_: Selene saw that her lovely suit was more or less in pieces, too. Who could have guessed that paper wouldn't make for a durable outfit?

Jason: "Ginny, Jesus...Selene didn't bite you, did she?" Jason always worried she was rabid.

Illyana: Illyana nodded. "I can do that."

SinJin: "No - some sort of gas and she shot me where she wasn't supposed to!"

Jason: "...then we go in for the nippleshot." Jason's voice went serious.

Pietro: "Alright." Pietro picked her up, "Let me know if you can't get a clear shot and I'll help."

SinJin: "Just steer clear of that gas."

Illyana: "Just give me some kind of cue when to shoot. I cannot see like you do." Illyana smiled. She liked being held by him. Even if it was just for paintball.

SinJin: He looked up at Jason, as if he were dying. "Get her for me," he coughed and lay on the ground dramatically.

Selene_: Selene managed to stand and get all of hair out of her face, stumbling out of the cloud of gas with her gun in hand.

Jason: "Oh, Pietro and Illyana have thermal goggles, figured you could have some fun with those." Jason smirked. "I will nipple-venge you, Ginny, you won't die in vain!"

Jason: "Selene! Have at thee!" Jason opened fire at Selene's chest, tapping into touch illusions just to make sure she got the full jist of it in case his aim was off.

Pietro: Pietro carried Illyana back to where he'd left Selene and Ginny, "Fire at will!"

SinJin: "Thermal goggles? Now that's cheating!" He sat up, then dropped as he heard Pietro yell. He fired in the direction the vice had come from.

Jason: "I know, right?!"

Pietro: Pietro dodged around the paintballs as Ginny opened fire, "Well if you will stay invisible!" he replied.

Selene_: Selene crouched down and advanced slowly. Time for revenge. Time to stay focused. She carefully aimed when she spotted movement over by... ooh, squirrel! Selene stood up and bolted forward, storming at the critter while firing wildly.

Illyana: Illyana began firing as quickly as she could before diving out of the way.

Jason: Jason chased after Selene, intent on causing his damage.

Illyana: Illyana fired after Jason AND Selene from her spot behind the rock.

Selene_: "Die, Mr. Nibbles," Selene shouted, painting the tree the fuzzy animal sat on. Before she could hit it, however, the little thing had disappeared somewhere.

Pietro: Pietro shot at Ginny since Sel and Jason were covered.

Jason: Jason slid to a hault as he realized he was being fired at. Oh, Illyana back? He turned his feelings illusions on her, deciding not to aim for nipples on her at least as she hadn't broken that rule yet.

SinJin: Ginny got up ad ducked behind a tree, peeking out to fire at Pietro.

Pietro: Pietro stopped behind a tree too, leaning out occasionally to fire at Ginny.

Jason: And...since Selene seemed to like squirrels so much, Jason created more for her, running all over the place.

Jason: Squirrels...that when hit or caught exploded into illusionary brown paint.

Illyana: Illyana ducked in time for her body to miss the illusions, but they did snag her sleeve. Close. Too close. She aimed in the direction of Ginny instead... wait where was Ginny? Crap she was left firing at Jason. That sucked! Illyana boldly ran and fired as she went for a bigger rock.

Selene_: Apparently she would have to look elsewhere for a replacement for her ruined hat, and so returned her attention to the task of... Oh no, more squirrels! "It's a trap," Selene yelled, jumping back. And she had ran right into it.

Jason: The squirrels turned, chasing and trying to surround Selene, chittering in unison.

SinJin: "That's freaky, Jason." He blinked at his gun clicked. He was empty. Crap.

Jason: Jason stayed behind his tree, catching his breath and trying to come up with his next plan.

Selene_: Selene grit her teeth as she fired at the squirrel horde, staring in shock when they exploded in colourful clouds. "It's worse," she tried to warn the others. "Bomb-squirrels!"

Selene_: Determined not to let the terrorists win, however, Selene continued to fire and flail bravely at the skittering horde.

Pietro: Bwahaha! Unarmed target!

Jason: "Catch!" Jason winged an extra round to Ginny, having the squirrels climb at Selene's legs.

Illyana: Illyana decided her nutty roommate could handle the beasts herself. She had to hunt down Jason. Illyna fired away at the voice.

Selene_: Selene squeaked and rolled on the ground, before unloading the rest of her clip into her own legs. "Hey, that stings," she protested.

Jason: Jason ducked and returned fire, trying to get a good glimpse at Illyana and thinking of just how to get at her as his illusionary squirrels started to explode into paint bursts at being shot.

SinJin: Ginny reloaded and took a shot at Illyana.

Pietro: Pietro fired at Ginny again. No shooting at Illyana!

Illyana: Illyana couldn't dodge both colors fast enough. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" She held her arm as she fell. That hurt! Her hand was covered in green paint. when she pulled it away from her 'wound.'

Jason: Jason eyed the tree behind Illiana and smirked, branches reaching down for her, remembering the incident with the trees from the whole Kevin debacle, trying to lift Illyana up.

Pietro: Blue paint pellets hurtled towards Ginny for inflicting the 'wound' on Illyana.

Illyana: Ok Jason was a bastard. Illyana grabbed her gun and forced a teleport to the safety of a tree far from the immediate battle field.

Jason: "No fun at all!" Jason fired on Pietro instead, ducking for cover.

SinJin: Ginny ducked behind the tree again, firing off some shots.

Selene_: Selene barely realized when the last of the squirrels had vanished, still flailing about, covered in illusory paint.

Illyana: That was a bad idea. Illyana sank to the ground as her head felt like it was going to explode for sure.

Jason: Jason turned to flailing Selene. "Doublt tap time." He threw his voice to her other side as he properly fired a few rounds at her.

Pietro: Pietro was distracted by the fact that Illyana had teleported again and he knew she wasn't doing too good. So he got hit by two paint colours courtesy of Ginny and Jason.

Selene_: Selene stopped and stared down at herself - the illusory paint gone, but the real hits remained. "Aw, crap."

Jason: "Retreat time!" Jason grabbed for Ginny, fleeing farther into the woods.

Pietro: "Illyana?!" Pietro called, deciding not to follow the others at this point.

SinJin: Ginny stumbled after Jason, breathing hard. "I think I'm going blind what the hell was in that gas?"

Illyana: "Over here!" Illyana cautiously called, ready to fire at Jason if necessary.

Pietro: Pietro went over to where he heard her voice and bent to see if she was okay.

Illyana: Illyana smiled at him. "You should be shooting Jason and Ginny, not worrying about me."

Jason: "Knowing Selene? Opiates." Jason let the invisibility slip back over them, slowing down, looking for a specific spot in the woods. "You remember when freaky hunter guy was here?" He mouthed, then he saw it, looking up at the treeline. Lorna and previously-Sam's old treehouse was better than any pit he could have hunted. "there. We retreat there." He started to climb up.

Pietro: "I've hit them plenty of times," He smiled at her, "They've hit me...." he counted, "Five times between them."

Illyana: Illyana pouted. "They shouldn't be 'itting Peeto!"

SinJin: Ginny followed, grinning. "This is the best spot ever!"

Pietro: "I got distracted," he shrugged, "I just wanted to see if you were alright, you've been teleporting a lot."

Selene_: Selene might have been down, but she wouldn't be content with being out anytime soon. Reloading her gun, she tied what remained of her post-it outfit as a makeshift bandana around her forehead, then took off into the woods, following the others.

Jason: Jason glanced around the tree house. "....I wouldn't have suspected them of being carpenters of this skill." Ha, there was even a generator...and a mini fridge. Jason opened it up. "...care for some drinks, comrade?" He pulled out a bottle of vodka, tipping it from side to side temptingly.

Illyana: "I am ok. I just need to rest for a few minutes. I 'ave been teleporting more and more, but stamina takes a long time to build, yes?" Illyana laughed a bit and rested against the tree.

SinJin: "Ooooh, yes please! Wodka along with everything else was inwented in Russa."

Pietro: Pietro nodded, "Yeah, but you're getting there," he gave her a smile, "I'll wait with you till you feel better."

Jason: "You're all too right, Ensign Chekov." Jason opened the bottle, drinking and passing it to Ginny.

Illyana: Illyana blushed a bit. "You do not 'ave to do that... but thank you." She felt like something was off... was there... vodka about? Surely not in the middle of paintball!

Pietro: "Eh I think I've hit them enough times to earn a break," he leaned against the tree then frowned a little at her expression, "Everything okay?"

Illyana: Illyana shook her head. "All is well. Ginny got my arm..." She showed him the green paint.

SinJin: "Thank you, Lieutenant Sulu." He took a pull and passed it back.

Pietro: Pietro reached into his pocket and offered her a tissue.

Jason: Jason sighed, leaning back. "I claim this territory in the name of us...we shall call it...this treehouse." he took another drink, rummaging for snacks as well.

Selene_: Selene found the tree-house, and the others along with it. Her eyes narrowing, she closed in on the soon to be treehouse of horrors. Climbing up carefully, she swung herself over the edge and aimed her gun. "Now you can..." she began, when the clip dropped out of her gun and fell to the forest floor. "I have no luck today."

Illyana: Illyana smiled at that. "Thank you, Peeto." Illyana used it to clean herself up. "Awwww this is going to bruise!"

Jason: "We will accept your surrender." Jason held up the vodka bottle as terms.

SinJin: Ginny took the bottle back. It was soothing to his throat. "I'm going to be covered in bruises. I am seriously a lover not a fighter, but that was a lot of fun!" He lifted the bottle in a toast.

Pietro: "Yeah I'm glad I don't bruise..." he gave her a sympathetic look.

Illyana: Illyana couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

Selene_: Selene frowned and cocked her head. "Fine, I accept your terms," she said, dropped the gun and climbed up into the treehouse.

Jason: "If you surrender, you get vodka...and doritos, cheese, and what looks to be cake. Ooh, bourbon!"

Illyana: "mmm what?" Illyana looked back to Pietro, missing what he had just said.

SinJin: "Come on in, Selene, this is Switzerland in here. Oh, nice!"

Pietro: He frowned again, "Are you sure you're alright?"

Jason: "Should we announce to the other two we have terms to offer?"

Selene_: "Wait a second," Selene commented, sitting down to lean back against the wall of the treehouse. "Do we know where this stuff comes from, and possibly for how long it's been up here?"

Jason: "Well, the drinks will be safe, the chips aren't stale...I wouldn't eat the cake though."

Illyana: Illyana took his hand and teleported right inside the treehouse. ".... VODKA!"

Pietro: Pietro blinked, what the hell? Woah dizzy. He sat down on the floor, "I call time out..."

Jason: "Or I suppose they'll arrive right where we are, and I was going to do the Voldemort boomy voice too." Jason sounded disappointed. "Anyway, throw down your weapons in surrender and we will welcome you to our feast."

SinJin: Ginny screamed at the sudden appearance of Illyana and dropped the bottle of vodka in shock.

Selene_: Selene jumped a little when Illyana appeared amidst them. "Well, I think I'll stay with the drinks for now," she said. "The food looks suspicious."

Illyana: Illyana looked to Peeto, and quickly sat down next to him. "Are you alright?"

Jason: "Nooooo!" Jason grabbed the bottle.

Pietro: "Yep. Fine... in a minute..."

Illyana: Illyana thought back to how she had felt the first time she had been carried by him at top speed. Whoops. "Sorry..." she blushed.

Illyana: Illyana then turned her attention to Jason. "You saved it!"

Pietro: "It's okay," he told her then looked to see what she was talking about. Oh booze. Wonderful.

Jason: "It would be tragic if it rolled out of the treehouse." Jason acknowledged, cradling it. "Do we have your surrender?"

SinJin: "Surender to the dark side, we have vodka!"

Jason: "And cheese."

Selene_: "Fortunately, I always have my own snacks with me," Selene remarked and reached into her bag. "Anyone want a slice?" She pulled out a lemon and started to peel its skin. The plug that dropped off the underside and fell to the ground confused her for a moment, however. "Aw, crap..."

Pietro: "I surrender, too dizzy to run anywhere..."

Jason: "Throw it out, throw it out!"

Pietro: He saw the plug roll across the floor. Crap.

Illyana: "Eh why not... oh dear..." Illyana wasn't sure what to do!

SinJin: "Not again!" He grabbed for the lemon and tossed it out the window.

Jason: "What did you make in those things, anyway?"

Illyana: Illyana cowered in her corner with Pietro.

Selene_: Selene blinked when she heard the hissing sound from outside, dying down in a sputter only moments later. "Why thank you," she said. "Looks like this was a dud, anyway."

Pietro: "No don't ask her! Never ask her!" Pietro shook his head. When would they learn?

Selene_: "Oh, the main ingredient is actually flour," Selene explained, giving a nod. "And various ingredients found in the pantry and the arts and crafts room."

Illyana: "Please do not test them in our room, yes?" Illyana relaxed against the wall.

Jason: "Oh always ask her, I want to make some at home."

SinJin: Ginny helped himself to a handful of chips and sat dow next to Jason. "I suppose they could come in handy."

Selene_: "Don't worry," she told Illyana. "What I couldn't fill into my hollowed out lemons I left in the fridge. As long as mixture isn't exposed to too much air and stays inside the box, not much can happen." She frowned, pausing for a moment. "You know, maybe I should have labeled the box."

Pietro: "I'm going to stop going near the dorms for a while... or use anything in the fridge."

Illyana: "...yeah maybe." Illyana shook her head.

Jason: "Oh I'm going to be extra careful when I go leftover digging tonight." Jason pulled a face, digging into the cheese.

Selene_: "For some reason, no one ever seems to steal any of the food once my name's on it," Selene remarked.

Pietro: "Because we all value our lives..." Pietro nodded sagely.

Jason: "I've been down that road. Pretty sure it got me high so...thank you?"

SinJin: "Mmm. I eat the things that are mine or that is open for use by all."

Illyana: Illyana shook her head. "I think I will go 'ide my snacks better now.... I will see you guys back at the mansion, yes?"

SinJin: "Also this was much better than chancing the DR."

Pietro: "Walk back...?" Pietro requested of Illyana.

Illyana: Illyana made a face. It was so far!

Jason: "I like to think of the school kitchen as a mine of things I just have to dig and find...and yeah, definitely worked out better than the DR." Jason held up the vodka as proof. "Aw, you two are leaving the peace talks?"

Selene_: "See you later," Selene waved at Illyana. "Don't open any suspicious boxes! Or hide them away from unsuspecting students."

Pietro: "I could run you back?" Pietro offered, "I think you should take a break from teleporting."

SinJin: "Bye, now."

SinJin: He waved and took the bottle of Vodka.

Illyana: "OK... " Illyana relented. "You can run me back."

Illyana: Illyana waved to everyone else. "Bye everyone! It was fun!"

Jason: Jason decided Ginny could keep that, it was bourbon time. "We'll be getting drunk in a treehouse without you!"

Jason: "...there seems to be a problem with that statement. We need to figure out an exit strategy."

Pietro: "Alright, see you later guys, don't get too drunk..." he picked up Illyana and waved to the others before heading out with her.

SinJin: Ginny saluted. "We could always take the party to the mansion."

Selene_: Selene carefully prodded the suspicious cake with a small twig. "Well, the food would be safer over there," she said. "Somewhat, at least."

Jason: "I suppose, and steer clear of Professor Drake so she doesn't realize we've pillaged her stash."

SinJin: ""Our dorm room should be safe enough. And we culd really party."

Selene_: "It would also lower the risk of stumbling out of a treehouse while drunk and breaking one's neck," Selene remarked.

Jason: "I do prefer not to break my neck, it's precious."

SinJin: "Quite."

Jason: "Well, let's load up then." Jason recorked the bourbon, strapping it to himself next to the paintgun for safe keeping and started down from the treehouse.

SinJin: Ginny put the cap back on the vodka and stood up. "We should leave the snacks."

Jason: "Why? We've all ready started to eat them."

Selene_: "Yes, let's," Selene agreed, and swung herself over the edge to climb down herself.

SinJin: "Well, take those ones, but leave the unopened ones, obviously."

Selene_: "And leave the cake," Selene added. "I think it's evil."

Jason: "It's a lie." Jason called back, making it to the ground.

SinJin: Ginny wet down, too, still clutching the bottle and the bag of doritos in his mouth.

Jason: "I'd have to say this is probably one of the few times a paintball match has ended in plundering booze and nibblies."

SinJin: "Agreed! I think from now on, they all should."

Selene_: "It's how the first band of robbers must have started out, when they realized their guns could lead them to plunder," Selene said.

Jason: "I'd make one hell of a highwayman." Jason said after some consideration.

SinJin: "I'd let you rob me blind," Ginny said.

Jason: Jasons topped mid-step. "Does that make us Plunkett & Macleane?"
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