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My Story: Cerulean

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 1:55 am
by Phoenixincarnate
. I am attempting to write an X- men/Nightcrawler fic…
Let’s see how it goes.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the X men.
Cerulean trudged through the snow, despite the fact that it was getting stuck in her fur. Why did she have to have a mission, tonight of all nights! But, she had here orders, and if she messed things up…
Cerulean shuddered just thinking about it.
Why was she doing this?
She didn’t know.
Then she remembered.
She had no choice.
It was either that or the crazy church…
Cerulean kept on going; she was starting to feel cold, despite her fur. She shivered, and wondered, Could this get any worse?
On cue, the sky turned white.
Cerulean grumbled, and pulled her coat tighter around her.
Well, this sucked.
But she kept on going. She knew she had to.
It was cold, even with her fur.
Man, she hated the cold, she was pretty sure her feet were going numb.
To prove her point, she fell over.
“Great.” She thought, “I can’t feel my legs, now I have to crawl to the target. Well, this sucks. Could this get any worse!?”
As if to answer her question, the white sky faded to black as she fell into unconcessness.
“I guess it could…,” She mused as her world went completely black

My Story: Cerulean

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:43 am
by Elfdame
Cliffhangers. Gotta love 'em.

My Story: Cerulean

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:49 am
by Phoenixincarnate
Da next enstallmentttttttttttttttt. Dun Dun DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the X-men.
“Thank goodness for fur…” Kurt mentally thought as he stood in the now very cold Xavier institute.
It had started out as a simple training session, until Bobby decided to take the fight to the control room, witch, in turn, had shut down the heating systems, making everyone very, very, grumpy. Logan and Scott were attempting to set it back up, but Kurt could here an argument shimmering, and, he wanted to stay alive for the moment, so he left.

Kurt walked outside, marveling at the white winter wonderland the blizzard had turned the grounds into, and especially after that killer blizzard they had last night. Kurt was sure that it would break a window or something…
Lost in thought, the blue man tripped over something, and landed flat on his face, in the snow. He mentally wondered if Storm was responsible for this…

Kurt looked down, and saw what he had tripped over.

And he immediately freaked out.

Because, he didn’t trip on a mound of snow…

He tripped over a person.

A very catty looking person, but a person.

Or, more specifically, a mutant, judging by her appearance, because you don’t see people with black-and –blue striped fur, black hair, black cat ears, and blue tips, do you?

I didn’t think so.

Naturally, our favorite fuzzy blue elf took the catlike mutant to the mansion, by teleportation, of course. Interrupting a fight between Cyclops and Wolverine, and scaring both of them quite senseless.
After some time, our catty mutant friend was in the medical ward of the Mansion, sleeping quite soundly, despite being buried under piles of snow.

Beast couldn’t figure out how she managed to survive, being buried under god knows how many pounds of snow…
Another confusing thing was that she was fine. No hypothermia. No frostbite. No nothing. It was confusing, very confusing.

“Um, excuse me?” Beast was brought out of his trance by a voice. He looked over, and saw the girl, sitting up in bed, scratching the back of her head.

“Ummm, do you know what I’m doing here?” she asked.

My Story: Cerulean

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:15 am
by Elfdame
Keep going; we have til Monday now...