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Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 11:02 pm
by Wolvertique
Since so many people seemed to WANT a slash Odd Couple challenge in my other challenge thread, I hereby post Wolvertique's slash Odd Couple Challenge with the following rules. Please read them thoroughly before writing and ask questions or U2U me beforehand for clarification.

Da Rules:
1. Absolutely no standard M/M or F/F pairings. None. So no Iceman/Northstar, for example.

2. No use of Remy or Logan. Sorry. It's so standard in everything I see that I don't see any way someone can make a pairing with one or the other that is truly original.

3. Absolutely no near-standard M/M or F/F pairings. No exceptions. Ever.

4. No turning a male character female or vice versa to make one half of the couple.

5. A/U is okay.

6. The pair must be of two living humanoids. E.g., Dead Girl and Storm would be okay, but Dead Girl and a living mannequin is not.

Yes, it's the same one

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:53 am
by Lauren
Author’s Note: I accept thy challenge and give you this! Prepare thy barf bags people!

A lot of people ask me how in the hell Kurt and I became a couple. Sometimes they just stare as we walk by, Kurt holding onto my arm with his head on my shoulder. Other times, it’s the other way around, with my arm around his waist.

Either way, people can’t bloody stop staring at us as we walk the streets.

I guess we can’t really blame them for staring at us, but it would be nice if they didn’t do it so obviously. A few times they just walk right up and ask us on the street how we got together. When that happens, Kurt usually gives one of his lop-sided smiles and turns to me to answer for him.
I remember hearing him sobbing in his room that night. I had the room just below his in the Lighthouse and his sobbing was so loud it was a wonder that no one else had gotten up and gone to see what was the matter before me.

When I knocked on his door, he wouldn’t answer it, so I just opened it and I found him perched on the balcony on the porch near his window, his shoulders shaking as he wept softly, the light from the stars shining around him in a shimmering outline.

I walked up slowly and rested a hand on his shoulder, asking him why he was crying so hard. Kurt wouldn’t answer me at first, turning his head away to hide his tears as his shoulders still trembled from his suppressed emotions.

I placed my arm around his shoulders next, squeezing them lightly as I asked him again what was the matter.

He finally gave up, turning to me with his watery yellow eyes. They were the only things I could really see of him in the dark; they seemed to really reflect his soul in that instant. I think it was then that I realized that I loved him.

He told me that for the past two weeks he had been having dreams about his friends whom had died back in America. He said that his dreams were always the same too, and they scared him.

It was always his old friends, covered in gore with their heads bashed in and their limbs torn and bloody pointing long and curled fingers at him, accusing him of being a coward and a failure for not being there when they needed him. They were always taunting him and condemning him for being one of those who survived when everyone else perished in Texas that day. He said that he always begged them to forgive him, saying that he didn’t mean to fail them, but they always attacked him in the end, ripping him limb from limb for failing to be with them when everyone was really needed.

His sobbing had renewed while he was telling me this, and I couldn’t stop my own eyes from stinging. He rested his head on my shoulder when he was finished, letting his tears flow freely down his smooth cheeks.

I’ll never know where I got the courage from, but I remember gently cupping his chin in my hand and making him look at me while I kissed his tears away. He could have easily socked me in the mouth for that, and I wouldn’t have blamed him, but instead he just stared at me for a long time before he kissed me on the lips lightly.

The rest gets a bit blurry after that. I think we made love because when the memories come back, we’re lying on his bed together, my arms holding him tightly as he rests his head on my chest, playing with my chest hairs lightly. When he looked up at me, he was smiling, his teeth glittering in the light of the stars and we kissed for a moment.

When we parted, he said four simple words that I still hold dear to me this very day,

“I love you, Brian.”

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:55 am
by CurlyyHairGirl
Heeheehee! That was a very...refreshing match there.*has very disturbing dreams*

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:57 am
by Wolvertique
::in a Rocky voice:: Again?

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:58 am
by Lauren
yes, because now it fits in your little odd couple challenge thingie!

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:59 am
by Wolvertique
Well, yes. Yes, it does. If you want to contribute something more original, that too would be coolness.

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:00 pm
by Wolvertique
I don't even know who Beak is, so you'd have to give me details first.

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:13 pm
by Mistress D
:eek *shudders at Lauren's story* Uhhuhhhuh.... >_< That.. is not... right.... *considers for a moment* Okay, maybe it makes more sense than I think, but I'm just kinda used to the topsy-turvy Brian from Nandiraya's "A Long Time Healing"... *shudders again* That story is whacked, but highly addictive. :D

Cat and Demon

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:13 am
by Lauren
Logan looked up and curled his lip slightly in a snarl, his nose twitching slightly at the smell that was coming his way.

It smelled like a mixture of brimstone and Sabretooth, and he immediately drew out his claws to deal with the threat at once.

With a feral snarl he leapt forward and knocked a surprised Kurt to the ground. He frowned slightly, looking down at him in confusion.

“Is something the matter, mein freund?” Kurt asked a bit nervously, looking mostly at the still drawn claws. With a growl Logan retracted his claws and helped his friend to his feet.

“I thought I smelled Sabretooth coming towards me.” He said. “Must be something wrong with my nose or something.” Kurt smiled faintly, his tail swaying side to side lazily.

“Perhaps you should go see the professor about it.” He offered. Logan nodded, rubbing the back of his head slightly.

“I suppose so.” He agreed. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked. Kurt made a show of checking himself before he shook his head.

“No, no harm done.” He said with a smile.

Kurt let out a sigh of relief when Logan walked away without another word about it. He then headed down to the garage and he hot wired Scott’s car and drove off, turning his image inducer on as he left the school’s gates.

He drove into the city, but he headed for the seediest place, where hookers and drug pushers freely roamed for their prey. Stepping out of his car, he immediately brushed by an LSD and Heroine pusher as he headed up to a condemned building.

Looking around, Kurt teleported inside when he saw the coast was clear and he appeared in the front lobby. The place was a complete wreck with chunks of the wall missing and so on.

“Who’s there?” someone growled. Kurt smiled and turned the image inducer off, starting to take his shirt off next.

“I finally got out of the mansion for a while.” He explained, removing his specially made shoes. “I was wondering if…”

Sabretooth came out in a flash, lifting Kurt off of his feet as he hugged him tightly. Kurt laughed as the fell of Sabretooth’s soft fur against his own. He was pushed into the wall and the two kissed for a full two minutes before they parted.

“Someone missed me.” Kurt panted before they started up again.

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:22 am
by Wolvertique
Well. My. Erm. Well. :eek :eek

And I thought your Kurt/Brian thing was out there...

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 11:12 am
by Nightfollower
Nice stories :naughty

How "odd" is Kurt/Hank... I havent found many of those pairings... I've always wanted to write one :naughty

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:01 pm
by Wolvertique
I haven't found many pairings involving Hank, period. Anyone else?

See? :LOL

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:03 pm
by Nightfollower

may i join in and write one then?

i shall entitle it "wild blue yonder" :naughty

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:22 pm
by Wolvertique
::bows:: The only requirements are listed above. If you think you can write to spec, you're in.

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:26 pm
by Nightfollower
whoo hoo!

*opens up wordie and scourages brain for new and forgotten ideas*

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:48 pm
by Mistress D
I once read a story that had implied Remy/Hank. *shudder* The mental image that that brought kept me awake for weeks... :ick Althoug Kurt/Hank might be interesting... :smirk Ahhh.... My slash loving mind is thankful for this thread.... :D Can't wait to see your story, Nightfollower! ;)

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:29 pm
by TelegramSam
Actually, I have seen a kurt/hank fic. It's essentially PWP but it exists. Warning: pure geeksmut. Don't read if you don't want your fragile little mind to be warped.

Captain Blood and the Great Cookie Caper

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:38 pm
by Mistress D
*hand twitches* Do I dare read...? Yes! *click* ..... Akk! *comes back when things start to get squicky* What's wrong with me? It used to be that I would skip through the entire rest of the story just to get to the smut! What's come over meeee?!?! :o *gulp* I must be brave... *goes back to read the rest*...

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:56 am
by Lauren
that story was awesome! I remember reading that one a few months ago!

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:16 pm
by Lauren
didn't Beak also argue with Magneto, saying that even carrots have feelings?

and didn't he also knock a girl up?

and deal drugs to make money FOR the baby?

and have these really freaky egg things in a shed?


Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:48 pm
by Wolvertique
Erm ... no. Logan is out for this one.

Interesting. Everyone said they were so interested in a slash challenge, but so far we only have two stories, one original, and both written by Lauren. Is everyone else busy with taxes, too?

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:11 am
by Nightfollower
Is there a deadline for these stories?

I've been unable to start mine due to school workload and time restraints.

I will do some though! I intend to write a little on Friday, when I finally get some time off :D

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 3:55 pm
by Wolvertique
Nope, though I was worried no one wanted to write for it...glad to see there is still interest.

Slash Odd Couple Challenge!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 4:01 pm
by Mistress D
I'd like to, but whenever I try to write a short story, it ends up being 20 pages long. :LOL And besides, I've joined a writing group within my home-school group, and the assignments are taking up most of my spare time. =/

Entering my own contest! Again!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:20 pm
by Wolvertique
"The Bet"

She was going to kill me.

I knew it.

Heck, I'd kill me if the reverse were true.

I've seen enough movies to know what will happen. She'll storm off, and I'll never see her again.

I'm just too ... well, some would say "anal," to just let it go.

Her eyes watch as I pace, trying to figure out how to put things.

How do I make this okay?

I sit on the floor, twenty feet away, with her sitting on the couch.

"Are you all right?"

I nod.

"Can I get you anything?"

I shake my head and steel my nerves. "You know how it was after Scott died?"

Her head slowly fell to the left. her red hair leaving a trail in the air. "I know ... something."

"I wanted to die."

She was still. "I am glad you did not."

This wasn't coming out the way I'd planned. I needed to speed things up. "Well, they were trying to cheer me up and one thing led to another and Bobby bet me I couldn't seduce you and for some reason I seized on it and there you have it."

She stayed on the couch, staring at me, eyes shining in the firelight.

Why wasn't she going?

The uneasy silence stretched between us. I blurted out, "So, aren't you going to do anything about it?"

She gave a slow smile. "You co-signed a house with me."

I nodded.

"In Massachusetts, for when the law goes into effect."

I nodded again.

"You buy me vanilla liqueur even though you hate it. You defend me to your ... other friends. You wear my ring."

I couldn't understand it. "So?"

"Jean." She slid down to the floor. "Who cares how it started out? We love each other."

She cradled me as I cried, ashamed. My beloved Mystique forgave me, knew me better than I knew myself, and I would always treasure her for that.