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April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:44 pm
by Scumfish
You know, Mondays suck.

And this Monday started to suck for me right from the word go - ie, at 12.49am. I was up, as usual, at a stupid hour on the night when I was due to be in college at 9am. What was I doing? The usual. Roleplaying.

Time zones suck, but then the people I was roleplaying with were actually one and two hours ahead of me.

All was going well until halfway through an instance I was really enjoying, my back spasmed. Jesus did it hurt. Now, I’m used to pain - suffering from the weird-ass brain tonsilled crap that only someone like me could get meant the whole headaches and backpain thing - but this was really bloody painful.

So I said my goodnights - as soon as I could sit up and see the screen again - reached for my pain pills and dragged myself to bed, trusting that my girlfriend would take the hint and come soothe my poor body.

Take that as you will.

Of course, thanks to my pain meds, I was out within half an hour, so there wasn’t really much point in me hoping. Meh, a boy can dream.

When I woke up - well, resurfaced - in daylight to the happy, chirpy and above all goddamned bloody annoying beep of the bloody damned sodding alarm - my back….wasn’t as bad as it had been over the last few days. Which was nice. It ached, in that dull, heavy way you get when, say, you’ve just helped a mate move house and carried one too many heavy boxes. But I could live with that - it beat the nasty little sharp stabs I’d been getting from my shoulder blades to my hips.

I went to turn over, mumbling something along the lines of “Maaaaary, get th’ damn alarm plz.” but got stopped by the covers I’d somehow managed to wrap around myself. Ah well, I didn’t mind, they were warm and soft and damnit, this was a Monday, wasn’t it.

Argh. I had to get up. Had to be on bus in half an hour. Dun wanna go. Stupid college.

I felt Mary-Jo shift beside me to go and smack the alarm about until it stopped and then got very rudely awoken properly by her shrieking in my ear. Of course, that kinda spoiled my whole ‘yay no pain’ five minute fuzzy warmness.

I opened my eyes to give her the sleepy death-glare she seemed to find so adorable, only to find my vision obscured. So I gave whatever was obscuring my vision the cross-eyed version of it.

Since when did we have anything made out of red feathers? I know I’m a gimp for anything soft and fluffy but I’d remember coming to bed with this.


Sleepily (I really don’t wake up fast) I managed to wriggle a hand loose and prise the feathers apart (oooh, soft) to peer at my beloved.


“Feathers. Feathers!! You!!” She was backed into the corner of bed, covers covering her (shame) and gnawing on her knuckles. “Feathers!!”

Stating the obvious. I tried to sit up, but whatever the feathery thing was was wrapped around me. I tried to pull it off, and yelped as I got a fistful of red feathers. That actually hurt!

Waitaminute. Things only hurt when they get pulled out because they’re attached.

What the hell.


Going on?

Mary-Jo wasn’t exactly helping, watching me with wide blue eyes while I kicked off the covers and pushed the things off me - they were heavy and big, I’d give them that - and finally looked at her properly, slightly bewildered and braided hair probably making me look even more lost.

She looked me over, a silly little smile playing over her face.


Okay, not the most helpful thing I was looking for her to say, but hey, I wasn’t complaining. I reached over and hit the alarm before it really did start to make my ever-present headache worse. “Well. Yeah. I guess. Y’ always say that though. Not like I wear clo-”

“No, I mean you really are right now.” Mary flapped a hand at me. “What with the wings. Hee. Angel.”

Wait. Wings. Wings? I looked over my shoulder at the two rather smooshed, flopped feathery things. Hah, what do you know, she was right.

I had two large wings sprouting from my back. From the feel of it, the roots went from shoulder to hip, almost, and they rose with each breath.

“Well….explains the back, I guess….” I muttered, before looking back up at Mary just as the door began to open. I squeaked and tugged the covers back over myself. Gah. People never knocked here!! Ever!!

“Mary, you alright?” Mary’s younger brother, Tom, went to poke his head in. “Heard you scream. Chris kick you or something?”

“No!! No, um, I’m fine, um.” Mary quickly said. “Getting dressed!! Don’t come in!!”

Tom shut the door hurridly. “Oh. Well. I’m off to college. You in today Chris?”

“Yes. No. I don’ know!!” I swallowed, looking at Mary. How the hell did I explain wings?

Tom buggered off, and a few minutes later we heard Mary’s dad go off to work. That left me and Mary alone in the house.

Usually, if we were doing good for time, this meant a good thing. Today though….she was sat staring at my new limbs.

“Wings. This is so cool. You look kinda like Jay only minus the emo.”

“Gee thanks.” I poked my tongue out at her as I pulled a wing round to look at it. “Hah. Not quite. Wrong colour.” They were red, yes, but a dark, wine kinda red. Woo. At least they weren’t black. I don’t think I could have actually lived if they were black or white.

“Whatever. You’re a mutant!! Oh god Chris this is cool!!” Mary actually flapped. “Can you move them?”

“In here? Are you nuts?”

“True.” Mary suddenly caught sight of the time. “Oh hell. I’m going to be so late for work!!”

“So phone Rekka.” I shrugged - and nearly fell off the bed. These things were heavy. “Please?” I wheedled.

“But it’s too late….”

“I’ve just grown goddamned wings. Wings!! Mary, I need y’ help, darling, I’m not gonna be able to do this on my own.” I tugged a braid. “I mean, what the hell can I wear with them? Like, there’s only a few colours that’ll go, y’ know, and you know how fussy I am ‘bout clothes.”

Mary-Jo looked at me helplessly and started to laugh. A little hysterically.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:48 pm
by puppygirl
Hehehe ^-^

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:45 pm
by steyn
LOL this is funny!

Chapter 2

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:29 pm
by Scumfish
The girlfriend phoned her boss and told her she wasn’t able to come in, squeaking something about a ‘family emergency’ before hanging up. Emergency indeed. I’d texted Steff at college to let her know I might not be going in for now, and was currently having her pleading down the phone.

“Please, Chris, please please please I’ll be so boored Holly isn’t coming in today and Adam and Emily are working and soooo booreeed!!! You’ve got to!!”

I was downstairs by this point, having nearly fallen thanks to not being used to the wings, and curled up on the floor with Mary-Jo and a cuppa. It was really awkward, trying to arrange the wings. “I know, man, seriously but I really can’ come in right now.”


“Yeah, but that ain’ the point.” I slurped my tea. “Listen, reckon Clive’ll notice if you sneak ou’ at lunch? Or somethin’.”

“ ‘Course not. He’s stupid. Why?” Steff sounded curious. “You don’t sound ill, Chris, what you got planned?”

“Not exactly ill. Ah, look, I’ll ring you later, ‘kay? Promise it’s worth it. Promise.”

“It better be, Boots. Talk to you later, gay.”

I sighed and smiled as I hung up, drinking the rest of my tea. “Right.” I said decisively. “What now?”

“What do you mean, ‘what now’?” Mary looked at me. “I like them.”

“Well yeah. But what do I do wit’ them, babes? Not exactly y’ know, built to fly.” I didn’t want to say it, but I was feeling kinda….weirded, having to sit topless. Can’t exactly wear a top with wings this big, and I’m a little fussy about people seeing my chest.

Not that I’m fat or anything. It’s more the fact that I had a car crash, and I’m funny about the scars.

“Well, you learn. Not planning to have them removed or anything?” Mary looked at me with an eyebrow raised, knowing exactly what my answer would be.

“Oh hell no. This is way too damn cool, baby. I mean c’mon, I’m a mutant!!” The wings flared a little as I said it, knocking over a lamp. “But….where can I sorta learn?”

“Back garden? You can’t hide them forever, Chris.” Mary raised an eyebrow. “You said it yourself.”

I allowed her to help me up and lead me out the back door. Something told me this wasn’t such a good idea, but hey. Not like I really had a choice, eh?

Is this is a bad time to say I hate heights?


“Christian Joseph Black, let go of the bloody tree!”

“Why? It’s safe!! And solid!!” I called down, giving Mary a nervous grin and not lessening the death grip I had on my branch.

Nice branch.

“For goodness sake, Christian, just drop! You’ll be fine!”


How had I ended up in a tree in my girlfriend’s back garden? (Holly tree, by the way) Easy enough. Taking off? Hard work, but easy as hell, considering these wings were huge. Bigger then I needed, really. But yes, easy. Going up? Yup. Can do. Sideways? Took some work….same with steering, but, y’ know, meh.


Yeah. That’s why I’m in the tree.

“Christian if you do not come down from that tree so help me there will be no sex for you for a week!!”

“LIES!!! All lies!!”

Actually, she was being serious. If I didn’t find a way to get my ass out of this (holly) tree, then I wasn’t going to get anything any time soon. And as for her dad coming home for lunch and finding his girl’s boyfriend sitting in said tree with wings….


Five minutes later found me in a heap with Mary petting me until I stopped whimpering after managing to drop from the tree.

Why, when Marvel wrote about mutants, did all the bastards have a really nice, clean, pretty manifestation? Alright, the wings growing was….relatively painless….but damnit, did Icarus have issues learning to fly? Nooo, the sod was off flapping around like no one’s business. Same with Warren in that bloody movie. Never used his wings before, yet he soared like a bloody eagle.

Smarmy gits.

Anyway. Mary picked me up and helped me straighten out my wings before giving me yet another cuppa. At this rate I was going to go through the 180 bag her mum had bought a few days before.

Though cups of tea fixed all.

Of course, as she sits me down with tea, the doorbell has to go, doesn’t it?

I froze, before sidling into the front room, trying to keep the wings out of sight as Mary went to the front door.


Oh thank god. Clare. I poked my head around the door, which then caused the wings to do the same. Clare was alright. She was a total geek for things like this too and out of most people I knew was the least likely to freak about my new additions in the bad way. She was talking to Mary about the weather – and the fact that it wasn’t raining for once – and hadn’t spotted me yet.

I sidled into the hallway, folding the wings in a little closer – strange how quickly I’d learnt how to control them, but then that was how this sort of thing went, wasn’t it – and took a gulp of tea, waiting for the inevitable shriek and possible glomp.

Or at least a pointed finger.

Clare turned to hang up her coat and spotted me. “Oh, hi Chris! I’ve written m….” The coat hit the floor as she noticed the fact that a) I was topless (never happened) and b) I had wings. The damn things ruffled slightly as if realizing she was staring at them. “Oh. When did that happen?”

I swear all to God one of these damned days I will actually shock that girl.

She bent down to pick up her coat and dusted it off, staring at my wings as I shrugged. “Dunno, mate. Woke up with ‘em.” I slurped my tea calmly as Mary grinned. “Yer guess is as good’s mine.”

Clare came up and poked a wing. “They’re big.” She supplied. “Okay, I’m assuming this isn’t one of my crazy dreams or something because there’s no crazy voiceover from Stargate going on. So they’re real.”

“No shit.”

Mary nodded. “He had a really bad back last night, had to cut short an instance with Steyn and Star.”

“Which was a pain in the ass.” I muttered into my cup.

“I’m sure.” Clare grinned. “You had a bad back for ages though, right?”

“Mm-hmm, I did. Y’ kept bugging me to go to the docs about it.” I pouted. “So. Y’re cleverer’n me, Clare. Theory?”

“You’ve grown wings?” She shrugged. “Well I don’t know!” She waved a hand at my glare. “You’re the random sciencey ‘anything’s possible’ guy. Can you fly yet?”

Me and Mary shared a long look. “In a manner of speaking.” That holly tree had hurt when I’d hit it. “I’ve only had them for a few hours, man. It’s hard enough turnin’ around without knocking stuff over.”

Clare blinked. “How big are they?”

“Big enough f’ me to know not to stretch them in here.”

Mary petted one of the wings absently as we talked. “Well, it’ll save you on bus fare….”

I blinked at her. “True. Provided I can learn how t’ y’ know….land.”

There wasn’t really much else we could do at that point. The three of us went out into the back garden (because I didn’t want to have to explain to Mary’s folks about anything breakable being….well, broken) and Clare studied my wings. After establishing that yes, they were attached by pulling out a handful, she then demanded more tea and started working out just how cool this was.

All very well, but this didn’t answer one pretty damn important question.

How the hell am I meant to be able to function with these bastards?

I mean, don’t get me wrong. Wings are pretty damn awesome, I’ve had those ‘what if….’ moments same as everyone else. The fact they’re in my favourite colour too kicks so much damned ass. But let’s face it. I couldn’t wear a top because they’re so damn big. That rules out coats too. And as for walking through the streets of Birmingham with them? Someone stick a ‘beat me up’ sign to my back, kay thanks.

I think Mary and Clare could tell these sorts of thoughts were going through my head, because they were talking about the positive sides – of which there were many, though I’m not sure dropping heavy things on chavs is actually legal. But damn. Couldn’t I have woken up with the ability to bamf? Or maybe speed? No, I get stuck with wings.

Mondays suck.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 1:40 pm
by steyn
:*D :*D :*D :*D :*D :*D :*D

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 2:05 pm
by Dämon
:LMAO Oh MAN!! That is GOOD! I love the English lingo there. Poor Chris, having to go aroung topless all day (the girls are very lucky ;) ).

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:53 pm
by Angelique
Loved the fear of heights bit!

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:22 pm
by Slarti

:shifty :icarus

Chapter 3

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:29 am
by Scumfish
Well, after that busy morning, lunch rolled around pretty quickly and with it a phonecall that I’d totally forgotten I was going to get.

“Chris!! I’ve escaped. Where are you?” Steff’s voice yelled at me down the speaker. “Emily and Adam are going to the pub. Wanna meet there?”

I could feel my headache getting steadily worse. “Can’t, man. Not a good idea righ’ now…”

“Gay!! Where are you? And why not?”

“At MJ’s, and y’ wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Seriously.” Bearing in mind this was the mate I had known as Marvel Girl for the first few weeks at college because we’d got talking about comics and I’d totally forgotten to ask her name, this probably wasn’t strictly true. However. “You might do if y’ came and met me though.”

“You’ve dyed your hair again and it’s all fallen out?” Steff laughed at my snort. “You’re hours away though man. Why can’t you just fly over here?”

I had to bite the highly-amused and somewhat hysterical laugh off, coughing instead. “You know, I could do that.” An idea hit me. “You in the Sack?”

“Of course. Vouchers!! Booze!!”

“Yeah. Alright. Can you meet me by Big Tree?” I gestured at Mary to make me more tea. Big Tree was, surprisingly enough, a huge tree in Sutton Park that Steff introduced me to during photography.

“That’s ages away, Chris! What’re you being so shifty about?”

I sighed. “Seriously, Steff, this will so be worth it. Honest t’ God. Trust me?”

I could hear Steff mulling it over, knowing I had her curiousity and heard Emily and Adam demanding to know what we were talking about – much the same as Clare and Mary were my end. “Can’t you just tell me over the phone?” She wheedled.

“Nooo, this is definitely somethin’ y’ need to see, man. Really.”

“Alright. When?”

I looked at the two girls. “Give us an hour.”


Of course, in saying that, I wasn’t really thinking. You could tell. Because the girls would be able to go by bus – and I’d literally have to go as the crow flies. I hadn’t actually done any serious flying yet, so I didn’t have any idea how far I could actually fly – like I said earlier, I’m not exactly built for it.

Then there’s the whole thing of people seeing me. You know, human with wings? Hah. That’ll go over good. The first church to claim I was some sort of angel was going to get something heavy thrown through the window, seriously.

Me, Clare and Mary were sat at the table – well, I was sat on it – and discussing this. Mary was of the same mind as me – being engaged made her kinda protective, I guess, and she didn’t want people throwing things at her boy, I suppose. Come to think of it, neither did I.

Clare, though, was of the opinion that there wasn’t any way in hell I was going to be able to hide them forever. I refused, point blank, to even consider a harness – I cramp easy – and there was no way a coat or anything would hide the wings. I’d only need to breathe and it’d rip. The trouble was they were too big for my body, the wingspan more then I actually needed. It meant for easy standing takeoffs, I guess, but still.

Clare watched my wings as I ruffled them and settled them back. “Seriously, Chris, you can’t tell me you don’t want to try this out at least.”

She was right. “I know, but I don’ wanna be beaten up or anything either.” I shrugged, looking at Mary.

“She has a point. You’ve got these, and I doubt they’re going to go away any time soon, baby.” She was stroking a wing again. “Maybe if you fly high enough? Sooner or later someone’s going to spot you. They probably have already from where you were stretching them in the back garden.”

I groaned. “True dat.” I drained my tea and rubbed my face. “Gimme pain pills. I’m gettin’ rid of this damned headache before I do anything.”

Drugs taken, we sat down to do some real planning. Mary and Clare would take the bus to Sutton, given that I wasn’t risking either of them to test if I could carry people, and they’d go to the Bottle Of Sack to meet Steff and the gang. They’d then take them to Big Tree, where they’d probably find me a pathetic heap from where I’d landed in it, then fallen out of it.

Hopefully no one would freak.

Because I couldn’t exactly see Mary and Clare to the bus stop, they watched me take off instead, gaining height quickly as I beat my wings. After a few flaps they were only small miniatures in a patchwork of gardens. God I hated heights, but I guessed I’d have to get used to this now.

I took a deep breath. This was higher then I’d been yet – the highest I’d reached was just above roof height – and I had to admit, this was pretty damn awesome. Beating my wings slowly to keep my position in the air, I looked around, then waved down to the pair below me that I was fine and watched them go in.

So now what? I could already feel my chest and back aching – really wasn’t used to this yet – and I needed more height to see where the hell I was going. I pushed myself up a little higher and then felt my stomach lurch as something pushed against a wing and nearly flipped me.

Air currents!! How could I have forgotten about bloody air currents? Oh, that’s right, because guys don’t just randomly grow wings and fly.

I righted myself, mulling over this new piece of information as I worked out my direction and started in it. Air currents and thermals….I could use those like birds, right? Probably better, given my wingspan….all I needed was one that went in the general direction of Sutton. So kinda like catching a bus.

Just for the hell of it I tilted a wing and circled over the girls’ bus stop, before gaining height. Much as the whole damn thing irritated me, this was exhilarating! I laughed as I startled the hell out of roosting pigeons on a lamppost, swooping low and then whooping as I found an air current going the right way. God, the speed! And I was barely moving my wings, except to go faster, which meant that my aching chest and back could get a rest.

Of course, the whoops didn’t go unnoticed. I looked down to see a police car following me, people pointing up at me and swore.

Congrats, Chris, you are king of stealth!! No one will notice a half-naked winged man whooping his goddamned head off, noooo.

I tried to ignore the stares and the pointing hands, pushing myself up higher and out of the air current. Damnit. I flapped my ass off towards Sutton, hoping like hell no one followed me. I was probably going to have to hide to lose them, though, as my red wings made me fairly conspicuous against blue sky.

Damnit, damnit, damnit!!

Though that being said, still had the time of my life as I flew, out of breath by this point, into Sutton airspace. I circled over the bus stop where Mary’s and Clare’s bus was pulling into its stop, watched them get off and head over to the Sack before I went and headed to the park. There was a big-assed thermal that I gained height on before I glided down towards Big Tree, actually managing to not hit it too hard as I landed.

Read ‘too hard’ as ‘not knocking myself unconcious’.

It seemed that I’d lost my crowd too – at any rate, no one had followed me in – so I dropped out of the tree and tucked my wings close to my back, leaning against the trunk and really, really wishing I’d remembered the packet of baccy I’d left back at Mary’s.

I don’t smoke.


Soon enough, just as I was starting to get really, really bored, I saw a group of people over at the gate. Resisting the urge to climb back up in the tree and gibber, I stayed leaning against the trunk and stretched out the wings, working out any kinks and pulling a couple of twigs out from in between the feathers.

Well. If I got ‘em, might as well look the best I can, hmmm?

As the group got closer I could see Mary and Clare trying to prepare them for it – and the incredulous looks – so I snapped the wings right open and then tucked them back in tight. That got their attention – Adam and Emily stopped, and Steff was gobsmacked.

“Real? They real wings?” Emily pointed. “Like….really real.”

Adam mouthed “WTF” at me and cautiously moved closer, and Steff bounded up and tugged on one.

“Ow!! Hey, watch it.” I tugged the wing out of her hand as the group finally made it up to me. “Yep, really real. Hence the not turnin’ up to college thing.”

Adam poked one as Mary came and wrapped her arms around me, Clare standing to the side and grinning. “This is pretty cool.” He tugged a feather, making me wince. “Can you fly yet?”

”That’s how he got here.” Clare shrugged. “Talking of which, Chris, everyone on the bus saw you. So much for not wanting to be seen.”

“Yeah well….you try flying like tha’ sometime then.” I poked my tongue out at her.

“Oh man this is cool!” Emily bounced. “Think about it!! We can draw proper wings and – oh man!!” Her eyes widened. “You so have to model in visual studies, Chris.”

Trust a bunch of art students to think about that.

“Yeah!! You’re like a red winged Warren!!” Steff cackled. I mock-glared at her as Clare and Mary laughed too. “What?”

“I ain’ no X-Man.”

Emily and Adam snickered. “Oh, hey, what if Xavier’s existed?”

I frowned, looking at the others. “Wouldn’t we have heard if X-men was actually real?”

Mary grinned. “I dunno, Chris, you’re the guy that comes up with the conspiracy theories. Maybe the government commissioned them to create a comic so that people wouldn’t think they’re real.”

I poked my tongue out at her, but she had a point. I do come up with the most random conspiracy theories, just for kicks – I’m that kinda guy. And thing is, it would fit.

“Like that guy who does the television program about Stargate!! When that huge ship comes down, remember?” Clare bounced.

Steff and the others grinned. “It’s worth a shot.”

“Yeah, but how do I get find ‘em?” I shrugged. “F’ god’s sake, if it’s real, where is it?”

The other five looked at me. “True.” Adam frowned. “How far can you fly?”

“No idea. Before I caught a current, just coming here was knackerin’ enough.” I shugged. “I ain’ flyin’ over the Antarctic.”

“Atlantic.” Clare corrected absently.

“Whatever.” I was always getting geography mixed. “I’m hungry. I ain’ eaten yet t’day and flying can really take it out of a guy. Food.”

“Neither have we.” Emily shrugged. “But how the hell are you going to go through Sutton like that?”

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:19 am
by steyn
oh man I love this

Chapter 4

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:33 pm
by Scumfish
If you had told me, even last night, that I was going to be walking through Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham in nothing but my combats, boots and a pair of wings, I would have told you to hand over the drugs. Seriously.

Naked, yes. Done that. Singing, even.

But wings?

I felt like I’d stepped out of normal Chris-space (which ain’t that normal, but hey) straight into a comic book as I headed into Sutton with my bodyguards. ‘Cause that’s what they were, pretty much, I was tired after flying and didn’t even wanna think about doing that again and wasn’t willing to be left on my own while this lot buggered off for an hour.

So I’d tucked the damn things in as close as possible – pointless, as they stood a good foot or so above me – tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible – me, topless, in Sutton, with dyed blond braids and New Rocks and such – and shuffled along in the middle of the group, hands in pockets and head down as I tried to ignore the stares and the whispers.

C’mon, Sutton. It’s only a guy with wings. I just want a damn sandwich and possibly a beer.

Scratch that. Whiskey. Stat, yo.

I was escorted into the Aldi, the guys making small talk and also uneasy with the stares, and managed to get out clutching my salmon sammich. We had a small following by this point, and I was so jumpy I swear I would have gone like the pigeon if someone had made a sudden move.

No one had thrown anything yet – good sign – and the general feeling I could gather from the faces was more curiousity with just a little fear. I caught sight of an old lady crossing herself, mumbling what I guess was the Ave Maria.

Woo. Catholic Birmingham for the win.

“Chris….” Mary hissed at me. “Coppers.”

Oh great. Not my favourite wan- people at the best of times. I sidled into a side street with the group, still holding my sandwich and smiling at the people staring at me.

Again. Why wings?

Adam led us through the back ways of Sutton until we made it back to Big Tree, and I sat with some relief on the ground, letting my wings flop on the ground as everyone else did the same. I pulled open my sammich and started eating it slowly, deep in thought while everyone else chatted around me.

I couldn’t keep running away from people like this, not now that they’d actually seen me, but how long was it going to be until someone decided to take a potshot at me? I mean, come on, a guy with wings is not usual and there was going to be some dick out there that would take offence that I’d been given wings and he hadn’t.

Or something. I think hunger was making me just a little bit hysterical by this point.

I felt movement, and found Mary climbing into my lap and snuggling with me, kissing me on the cheek. She petted a wing, trying to soothe me, and I smiled. It did feel kinda nice. “You alrigh’, baby?” I asked quietly while Clare and Adam were excitedly swapping ideas for divebombing people. Nice.

“Yeah.” She chuckled nervously. “All things considered. I mean, I woke up next to my fiancé who’s grown wings. I think I’m in shock.”

I pulled a face. “Yeah. I’m sorry, angel.” Sounds dumb, but I actually felt guilty for springing this on her.

“Not your fault. And that sounds so weird, coming from you.” Mary poked me on the nose, making me wrinkle it. “I mean, you look like an angel. Always knew you were.”

I couldn’t help the smile at that. Trust her to be soppy at a time like this. “That’s somethin’ I’d say.” I tugged on one of my braids, sighing. “Seriously, though. Yer parents’re gonna do their nuts. I’ll probably shed feathers everywhere.”

“Not necessarily.” Clare had been listening to us. “You haven’t dropped any feathers yet.”

“Well, alright. But they’re still not gonna be happy, y’ know that. Maybe I should jus’ stay away….”

The death-by-hug from Mary told me that was probably a very bad idea.

“You know, Chris, you could just drop back in their back garden or something.” Steff grinned. “That would break it to them.”

I laughed. “Are you kiddin’? I’d prob’ly give ‘em all a heart attack!” But the idea was appealing, and from the looks on Clare and Mary’s faces they liked it too.

So guess how I arrived back at Mary’s parents?

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:22 pm
by steyn
You were carried in by a gorilla?

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 2:24 pm
by wingyding
Very cute. wish I could see more, Jay-scum.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:12 pm
by fourpawsonthefloor
Awesome! :)


April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:42 pm
by JSherlock
Yeah, I've always thought wings wouldn't be practical. Nicely done!

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:36 am
by Dämon
:icarus Nice! Seriously!

Chapter 5

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:36 pm
by Scumfish
Alright, so arriving n a crumpled heap of feathers in the middle of the back lawn was perhaps not the most elegant way I could have done it. Nearly breaking my leg and all. Really needed to get the bloody hang of landing.

That being said, don’t think I’ve ever seen Tommy go so white, or Kristen actually scream. That was worth the landing, especially the bit where Mary came out to kiss me better.


So yeah. After I’d explained everything and had my wings well and truly tugged (which hurt) to make sure they were attached, I sought the solace of Mary’s bedroom.

I’d had just about enough for one day, and all that flying had knackered me out. By six in the afternoon, I was well asleep.


You know, I thought Monday sucked enough.

Tuesday was….kinda worse, really.

After waking up to see that the wings were still there, I ambled downstairs to make Mary a cuppa as she’d been given the day off and was lying in. Flicking on the radio, I yawned and started the Tea Making Ritual.

“-And a very nice little number by Christina Aguilera, ‘Nasty Naughty Boy’. I’m sure her personal naughty boy loves that song.”

Damnit, I’d missed one of my favourite songs. Ah well, I had the album, I’d just stick it on later or something. I stretched, flicking out one wing carefully and then the other and only half-listening as the news rolled on and the kettle started making that gastric bubbling noise that said tea was on its way.

“-And finally, an interesting news story fresh out of Sutton yesterday. A boy was sighted flying at lunchtime yesterday, and eyewitnesses say the same person was sighted walking through Sutton with wings. Mass hallucination or are angels gracing our skies? Resident ex-”

The newsreader was cut off with a squawk as my hand came down on the off button, kettle clicking to a stop beside me. Bugger. I hadn’t thought that some bright spark would do a radio report about my stunt yesterday. I sighed, pouring the water.

Maybe they’d write it off as the water company slipping them drugs again.

As I waited for the tea to stew – both me and Mary liked really strong tea – I made my way to the front door to pick up the paper before anyone else could grab it. Swearing quietly as a wing caught a picture and catching it before it hit the ground, I opened the door, picked up the paper and closed it again, absently shaking it out as I heard Mary start to move upstairs.


Oh for fuck’s sake!!

A boy does not need to see mobile phone pictures of himself on the front page of the local rag, no matter how awesome those wings look. I slammed the paper on the top and muttered to myself as I finished making the tea – three sugars for me, I was gonna need it – as Mary came down stairs.

She took the tea I offered her and snuggled into me, yawning as I wrapped my arms – and wings, damn them – around her. “Chu swearing about, Christian?”

I snorted and waved a hand at the paper. Mary nuzzled my chest after glancing at it.

“Good photo of you, Chris. Should scan it and put it on ‘Scrawlers.”

“Are you mad?!” I took a gulp of hot tea. “No!”

“If you say so.” Mary smirked. “You know you’ll end up doing it eventually. If anyone’s going to understand, it’ll be them.”

“Don’t care.” I was not going to put a picture of me with wings up on a site that dealt with mutants, damnit. For one thing, it looked like a badly photoshopped Icarus and for another….just no.

“Ooooh.” Mary pouted, pulling a wing round and running her hands through the feathers, picking twigs out of them from my many crash landings yesterday. Gotta admit, it felt good and I sighed, sipping my tea. “Y’ know, they look good on you.”

“Y’ think everything looks good on me.” I smiled. “But seriously, no one’s gonna believe this, even on there. If there were even mutants around, wouldn’ we have heard abou’ them?”

Mary smiled and shook her head, putting her cup down on the counter before looping her arms around my neck. “You worry too much.” She murmured, kissing me. “Stop it. You have wings, so it’s not like you can’t prove it. They’ll believe you.”

I grinned, putting my hands on her hips. “So stop me worrying.”

…Think you can guess where it went from there.

We were curled up on the sofa in the front room with yet another cup of tea, Mary lying on me and my wings wrapped around the pair of us as we watched TV and tried to relax. It was the news, local to be exact, and it showed how desperate the station was for news because what was the main article? Birmingham’s resident winged wonder, that’s what.

Had to admit, though, some of the ‘eye witness’ interviews were pretty funny.

“I saw him!! Like one of the Lord’s own angels come down, light all around him….”

I snorted as an old man ranted about how this was some sort of sign that the End was Nigh, etc. etc. Mary grinned, poking me.

“Might as well get used to it, birdy, you’re gonna get that a lot.”

“God, please, I know.” I muttered as footage shot by mobile phones and security cameras were shown. Truth to say, I was starting to find this pretty damn cool. If I wanted, I could get pretty famous because of these wings….you know, guest spots on various shows, that kinda thing…

But no. I didn’t really want to be famous. Picking up the remote, I flicked it off and sighed.

“What d’ ya wanna do today, babes?”

Mary looked up at me. “Well…wanted to go shopping but…”

I narrowed my eyes. “Fuck it. You wanna go shopping? We’ll bloody well go shopping.”


“Nuh-uh. Don’t try. I ain’t staying indoors all bloody day, and neither are you.” I said determinedly, despite the nervous sweat starting somewhere between my wings. “They know I’m out there, migh’ as well give ‘em something to stare at.”

Mary searched my face and then shook her head, smiling slightly. “Fine. You flying?”

My shoulders ached just thinking about it. “Maybe later. Yesterday hurt enough.” I pouted, which earned me a laugh and a kiss.

“Will you fit those on a bus, though? And what will people think?”

“Who cares? And yeah. S’ long as we stay downstairs. It’ll be okay, Angel.”

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:45 pm
by wingyding
D'awwwww, poor Christian. Really, really good, scummy, it's fabulous.

I want to see pictures now, though. >.>

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:49 pm
by Angelique
Love the line about the badly photoshopped Icarus.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:08 pm
by steyn
Angels on busses....sounds like a hallmark movie

Chapter 6

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:52 pm
by Scumfish
I keep forgetting how much holly trees hurt when you collide with them.

Alright, I had good reason to - I was carrying Mary and there was no way I was gonna be able to land with her clinging to me - and I’d rather I got a sore back and a wrenched wing then she got hurt. But damnit, it hurt, you know? Just another thing for me to feel shit about.

I gently helped her down from the tree before dropping down myself, wincing as I caught my bruised shoulder, and Mary helped me limp inside.

Luckily no one was home to witness just how bruised and beaten I was. But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, aren’t I?

We’d decided to go into town by bus rather then me having to fly - chest and back still ached from Sutton yesterday - and that didn’t really go very well right from the start. Two buses drove past us, no surprise there, but the third stopped, the driver looking a little wide as he let us on but hey, we had valid passes, so he was okay. My wings managed to entertain a small child, earning me a small smile from the relieved mother, and other then that, the journey was quiet.

Not so much when we actually got into the city centre though. Like in Sutton, I kinda attracted a crowd of people who either thought I was street theatre or was thoughtfully remembering the reports from the bloody TV and paper this morning.

Goddamn, I know I wanna be famous and all but this was….crap, really.

The following weren’t as friendly as the Sutton one, though. Chavs never are, let’s face it, and there were some definite unhappy mutterings and gruntings coming from the overgrown and under intelligent sections of the crowd.

Me and Mary ambled about despite this, trying to ignore the stares and the huddles and everything else, but it was a little hard to when you hear the word ‘freak’ bandied about. Chrissakes, you grow a pair of wings and you’re suddenly not human.


Mary putting a cup of tea in front of me brought me back to the present. She was upset by this, I knew, my wings flaring a little at the pain as she stroked my face, trying to be careful around my blossoming black eye. I pulled her in for a tight hug briefly, smiling up at her despite the guilty feeling gnawing at me. For god’s sake, she didn’t have to put up with this.

“It’s alright, Chris.” She stroked down the side of my face, kissing my forehead before pulling away to get her tea. “How’re you feeling?”

“How d’ ya think?” I sighed as she came back, closing my eyes as she started gently rubbing my shoulders.

I should have expected it, really, but when the first bottle hit me in the back it took me by surprise. I couldn’t see who’d done it, thanks to the wings which flared with the surprise. I took Mary’s arm and tried to steer her away from the crowd as someone started yelling things - this could quite easily turn into a mob. My mind flicked to the article I’d read recently of the goth girl beaten to death for being different and I walked a little faster, debating just picking Mary up and flying.

Mary looked at me. “Are you okay, baby?” Anger and a little bit of fear was in her voice but I smiled at her.

“Yeah. Nothin’ hurt, but I think we’re being followed.”

Mary glanced behind her and from the swearing I figured I was right. I sighed, ducking down another backstreet. I couldn’t lose them in the crowd thanks to those bloody things on my back, but I hoped that they’d get bo-

Something hard hit my head and I stumbled as I heard Mary yelp beside me, seeing stars for a moment as my ever-present headache flared and my hands went a little tingly. I saw a glass bottle shatter on the ground in front of me as someone shouted and then someone grabbed a handful of wing and someone else punched me in the face.

I reeled, stumbling back and tried to get my arms up to protect my face, when I heard Mary screaming swearwords. I lashed out, hand cracking into something. I’m no stranger to fights, been in enough, but this was unfair - there must have been a few, I still had people holding onto my wings. Gritting my teeth, blood in my eye from where that punch had connected, I pulled myself out of their grip, losing a good few handfuls of feathers.

There were more shouts, adults this time, as I was punched again, crying out as my nose broke. I jerked up with my knee, making the guy fold up, and leapt on another guy, punching him again and again as I saw him with a hand on Mary, and then there were other hands on me, pulling me back. I turned, stumbled as the world spun and nearly collapsed onto a copper, hands just about catching me.

“Alright, son, come on.” The copper steadied me, hands on my shoulders. There were mutters and whimpers as another couple of coppers dealt with the boys that hadn’t legged it, and Mary immediately clung to me. “Steady now.”

I leant against the wall, wings uncomfortable but I needed the world to stop spinning before I could stand straight, focussing on the notebook as the copper pulled out a pen. “Am I gonna be ‘rrested, copper?”

“Depends.” The man took in my wings. “I’ll need a statement from you. Could you take those off, please?”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed at that as Mary hugged me tighter. “No, I can’.”

The copper frowned. “Come on, son-”

“No, copper, I can’t. They’re attached.” I twitched one in demonstration, hissing as it pulled at a damaged shoulder. “Look. They jumped me. I wanted t’ come do some shoppin’ with my girl. And can someone at leas’ give me a fuckin’ tissue? I’m pissing blood here.”

Yeah. My language kinda goes downhill when I’ve been beaten up. I looked around as I heard sirens in the distance, noting that there were a couple of guys who had obviously made the mistake of going for Mary groaning on the ground. And a lot of police men and women. Well damn. One of the women came to Mary, who was shaking against me and trying not to cry. She knelt in front of her.

“Are you okay, miss?” She asked, eyes going to me as Mary nodded. “Can I speak to you over here?”

Hah. I knew that one. Try and keep all parties separate to get an honest story. I kissed Mary’s head and nudged her. “Go on, babes. I’ll be alrigh’. Th’ nice coppers’ll look after me.”

The guy I was talking to smiled as Mary reluctantly let go of me and followed the police lady to a little way away. “Right, son. Name?”

The interview was short and sweet as a paramedic bike arrived in the back street, the guy pulling out a first aid kit and starting to clean me up. My wings were bleeding from where the handfuls had been pulled out but the guy didn’t know what to do beyond clean the wounds - as he’d said, he’d never had to deal with wings - and the copper decided that apart from having woken up with extra appendages I wasn’t the one at fault here.

Must have been the first fight of my life that I hadn’t had to be taken home in a cop car.

Anyway, stitched, plastered and cleaned up, the paramedic declared me fit apart from superficial injuries, though he ummed a bit when he worked out that what had stunned me was a damned half-brick, and with proof of my brush with the law in my pocket, I was told to bugger off and go home while the boys were arrested.

I couldn’t face going back out of that alley, once Mary had finished her interview. There was bound to be another crowd, another possibility of Mary getting hurt, so I pulled her into my arms.

“Wanna go home?”

Mary nodded, sniffling a little.

“C’mon, then.”

It probably looked very easy, me just pushing up into the air, but believe me, that was hard. And it hurt.

So that’s how I ended up in the holly tree.

I looked up at Mary as she cuddled into me again, kissing my forehead and running her hand through my hair. She pulled a face. “You need to wash your hair, Black.”

I smiled, kissing her. “Wanna help me with that, babes?” I nuzzled her.

“With pleasure.”

God I love that girl.


Hair - and wings - washed, Mary parked me in the front room with a laptop and fresh tea as evening started to set in. I surfed a little, same as I always did, but tried to avoid my usual chatroom. I’m sure all of my fellow roleplayers might have been worried about me, seeing as the last they’d heard I was in a lot of pain, which must have been the wings rather then my weird brain tonsil thing.

Funny. I’d been having a bad back and weird pains down it for weeks. And here I thought it was because I was slouching. Hah.

I took a gulp of tea as Mary came to see what I was doing, feeling my mood improve a little as I relaxed more.

“You going on chat?” She smiled at me, clutching her own laptop.

I shook my head. “I want to but….how do I not rant abou’ those idiots earlier?”

“Rant away. You’ll have to tell them eventually.”

I looked at the screen. “But….”

Mary gave me a deadpan look. “Christian Joseph Black, you’re being a coward. You might as well, you know you’re going to have to tell them someday.”

I sighed. “Maybe one or two people then.” I opened the chat and signed in. I had an idea about who to talk to. I just hoped no one freaked.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 3:42 pm
by puppygirl
:( Poor baby. *huggles*

Chapter 7

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 9:11 pm
by Scumfish
Session Start (Nightscrawlers:#pm): Wed Apr 30 22:04:40 2008
[22:04] *** #pm: Steyn @Scumfish
[22:04] *** #pm was created on Wed Apr 30 22:04:02 2008.
Session Close (#pm): Wed Apr 30 22:04:46 2008

Steyn: Hey, *nudge nudge*

Scumfish: hey mate, you good?

Steyn: Dude, weird frikken day.

Scumfish: yeah? good weird or......

Steyn: Weird weird. Maybe good. not sure yet.

Scumfish: oh? sounds kinda like mine >...< end up filing them off like Hellboy

Scumfish: nooo dont do that. horns are sexy.

Scumfish: go to bed, mate. i'm thinking of heading off anyway, flying's knackered me out and my shoulders hurt.

Steyn: Last night I dreamt of being at another place and woke up at that place.

Steyn: god I hope it doesn't happen again

Steyn: anyway, night

Scumfish: well, if you wake up with a wing covering you, you know where you are.

Scumfish: lol. night mate.

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 9:54 pm
by steyn last chapter seems familiar, as if I've seen it before :shifty

April / May Challenge: Birdies

Posted: Sun May 11, 2008 6:39 am
by Feuerstein
... lmfao!!

I love you two like whoa.