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AMC's The Killing

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:32 pm
by Ult_Sm86
So I've been checking out this show The Killing, and while I would love for it to be an ongoing tv series, I hope it finds its resolution quick as Breaking Bad did, or it at least has a planned mini-series to only return in maybe 3 seasons tops. Regardless, it's brilliant.

From the writing, to the acting, the cinematography and the music the show is a perfect harmonizing of various motifs. Noir, suspense, mystery, horror, politics, and social proclamations. This has everything.

The overall premise of the show is as follows:
The first season covers the first two weeks of the investigation and has three main storylines: the police investigation into Rosie's murder, the attempts of her family to deal with their grief, and the fluctuating electoral fortunes of a political campaign that becomes embroiled in the case.
Believe it or not, there's a lot here. This sounds like a mere 2 hour movie, but they do a splendid job of drawing it out.