9/3 Issue: Alientales

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9/3 Issue: Alientales

Post by Svartfreja »

Timelined for the day after [issue]Portal Puss.

Jean: The cat was not driving, but she might wish she was since Jean was behind the wheel. She loved her car and she loved road trips and she loved caffeine. All three together was a great day!

Jean: They zipped along, with the top down, since it wasn't too hot. Jean grinned over at her passengers and resisted the urge to fully drive with her teke.

Carol: Carol didn't mind Jean's driving. It was less horrifying than Viper's, involved less swearing than her own and it wasn't like she had to worry about getting in an accident anyway... or Chewie digging her claws into her jeans. It was also good that she had short hair or she'd probably be eating it by now.

Jean: Jean wasn't a complete idiot since she'd braided her own hair again today. She took a turn a little too fast and giggled.

Carol: Chewie probably wished her new 'mom's' skin was easier to pierce so she could hang on tighter. She yowled and dove into the footwell. Carol laughed and lifted her feet, watching Chewie slink under the chair. "Bet you're regretting coming with us now, huh?"

Jean: "Sorry kitty!" She thought the words at the cat too, just for fun, and was rewarded with a torrent of what she assumed was cat swearing. "She totally is!"

Carol: "Well maybe she'll reconsider her supervision order..." She pushed a hand through her hair, looking at the houses in the neighbourhood. They still looked the same. Older... but the same.

Jean: "She probably wants to drag you under the seat with her. It's safer there! Also I bet there's totally some nip toys if she looks. I swear to God those things breed. They're everywhere!" Jean thought about this. "...I wonder if Jamie dupes them..."

Jean: Then another thought occurred and she brightened and bounced. "OMG does nip work on not-cats?! Have you tried?"

Carol: "When would I have had the time to go out and buy drugs for my not-cat?" Carol raised an eyebrow at Jean then sank down in her seat (which was impressive with her height) as the navigation system announced they were at their destination.

Jean: Jean slowed and started looking for the address, rolling to a stop in front of the house. "I don't know. Did you get any cat food for your not-cat? If not, we're totally going to Petsmart when we leave and getting Chewie set up." Jean gave Carol the elevator eyes and picked up her cold brew for another sip.

Carol: "I figure she's been feeding herself this whole time...." Carol offered by way of an excuse, her gaze drawn to the house she'd grown up in. She was definitely having second thoughts.

Jean: "Well, yeah, cats are good at that, but now you know she's adopted you." Jean shrugged, then followed Carol's gaze to the house. "I know it's pointless to ask if you're ready, so maybe you should put on your bracelet and I'll give you some gummies?"

Carol: Carol's gaze slid to Jean, "There are so many reasons why that is a terrible idea...."

Jean: "Oh, I didn't say it was a good idea, but it's an idea!" Jean grinned and sipped her coffee, unbuckling herself and checking her hair in the rear view mirror.

Carol: Carol sighed and pushed a hand through her hair again before she sat up and reached under the chair to fish Chewie out. "Let's get this over with..."

Jean: "At least somebody gets some parent meeting done around here." After inspecting her lipstick, she grinned at Carol and hopped out of her little red car. "I can't get Jamie to meet mine."

Carol: She blinked at Jean, "What's he afraid of?" She tucked Chewie under her arm and started for the house.

Jean: Poor Chewie looked like a football, so she fell in beside Carol and gave her a pet. "He thinks they'll hate him."

Carol: "Well he's gonna have to get over it since he put that ring on your finger...." she stopped halfway up the steps to the front door because it was already open. "Hi mom..."

Jean: "You would think, but so far that's not been a compelling argu-" Jean cut herself off and ramped up her grin. "Hi, Carol's mom! Nice to meet you!" She went ahead of Carol while she had her personal panic attack and shook her hand. "I'm Jean."

Marie: Marie Danvers shook the girl's hand with a warm smile, "Hello, Jean, nice to meet you. You can just call me Marie." She looked at Carol over the girl's shoulder, "What? No hug? After all those muffins I baked?"

Carol: The joke broke the spell and Carol shook herself, laughing, "There's a lot." She closed the distance to give her mom a hug, "This is Chewie..." she introduced the not-cat.

Jean: "Marie!" Jean stepped aside and watched the reunion, debating how her mom might react in a similar situation. "Chewie is adorable. She adopted Carol."

Marie: "I hear that's how it happens with cats," she gave her daughter a squeeze, "Nice to meet you too, Chewie.... You named her after Chewbacca?"

Carol: "She likes it!" Carol protested as she followed her mom inside, "And I was the equivalent of three..."

Jean: Jean flipped her sunnies up onto her hair and followed them inside, looking around a bit. "She was three, I was kidnapped. Isn't being a superhero fun?"

Marie: Marie frowned a little as she went on into the kitchen to get some coffee for Carol and her friend. "It sounds like a headache to me..."

Carol: "You're not wrong..." Carol set Chewie down and watched her wander off to explore the house. "How long do we have...?"

Marie: "A few hours... he's on site today to supervise some deliveries..."

Jean: Well, Jean could guess the he in question was her father. She kind of wanted to go snoop with Chewie, truth be told. But hey! Emotional support redhead! She could do this! "Definitely not wrong."

Carol: Carol nodded, taking a seat at the table in the kitchen. "Like I said on the phone... I need to talk to you about something... and I don't want to be interrupted..."

Marie: Marie set a cup of coffee on the table in front of Carol, "Would you like some coffee, Jean?"

Jean: "Oh! More caffeine? Yes, please!" Jean gave Marie a winning grin and took a seat too.

Marie: "Do you take cream and sugar?" she paused after pouring Jean a cup.

Jean: "Yup! That's the best part, other than the caffeine." Jean gave Carol a smile she hoped look more encouraging than manic.

Marie: Marie finished up with Jean's coffee and brought it over before taking a seat herself. "What is it you want to talk about?" she studied her daughter, watching her look everywhere but at her.

Carol: Carol sighed, wishing she could just settle into the usual chatter about Astrid and work and ignore all the other stuff. "I need to talk about me... specifically... my powers... and where they come from."

Jean: Ooo, she was diving right in and she wasn't even drunk! Go Carol! Jean sipped her coffee and watched.

Carol: Carol wished she was drunk because she couldn't read her mom's expression and the next words out of her mouth were going to sound super weird. "A raccoon from space told me I'm half Kree."

Jean: Oooookay. That was a Jamie-level dive for sure. Jean tried to keep her face under control. Carol's mom was just as shocked and uncomfortable as they were! Score!

Marie: "A raccoon from space?" Marie echoed, deciding to fixate on the stand-out weirdness.

Carol: "I know... it sounds crazy. There was some talking tree thing too called Groot... but his vocabulary was really small so I had to get all my answers from the talking raccoon... but he was not bullshitting me because the Shi'ar confirmed his story... so I just want to know how the hell is it I'm half alien?"

Jean: Wow. Jean was impressed. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's not. The raccoon... was for real super annoying. I didn't meet the talking tree." In fact, she didn't know there was a talking tree, so she was just going with Carol's story on that one. Sure! Why not.

Marie: Marie's gaze shifted to Jean at her confirmation and she frowned a little. The mention of Shi'ar was bothering her and she sighed, "I know you're half Kree..." she said after a pause, "But I promised your father I wouldn't tell you."

Jean: But which father? This was getting interesting! Oh, right, supportive friend. Jean gave Carol a smile, then looked back at her mom. "Don't you think Carol has a right to know?"

Marie: "Of course I do... but I agreed because it wasn't supposed to matter... and I didn't want any of you to feel like you didn't fit in." She looked at her daughter again.

Carol: Carol was trying hard to keep control of her temper. "I haven't felt like I fit in since I was fifteen, mom."

Jean: Yeah, mom. Take that. Jean looked between the two of them. Any of them to feel like they didn't fit in? How many damn aliens were there around here?!

Marie: It was tempting to try and distract Carol but with her friend sitting across the table it probably wasn't going to work. "You're half Kree because of me... I came here under orders and I stayed... so I kept it a secret to protect you... all of you."

Jean: Jean very nearly bounced with excitement. "So you're the alien? Woooow." She tried to check the woman out without checking her out.

Carol: Carol let this information sink in. It threw up a whole other load of questions.

Marie: "It's... very different here..." Marie said carefully, offering Jean a small smile.

Jean: "Okay, sooooo, do you have powers, too? Or is it a special combo deal for Carol since she's a mutant." OMG! Or! "Or is she not a mutant at all and just an alien?!"

Carol: "I've never been tested... they just assumed..." Carol muttered, her gaze fixed on her coffee.

Jean: Jean was watching alien mom for her reactions... and in case there were any tentacles incoming. Feeling distress from Carol, she looked over at her and tried to project a bit of calm.

Marie: "I have powers," Marie answered Jean's question, "But Carol's are stronger than mine... My name is Mari-Ell..." she reached to cover Carol's hand with one of her own, "Say what's on your mind."

Carol: Carol nearly withdrew her hand. "Why do only I have powers...?"

Jean: "Wow." Jean had so many questions, and one of them absolutely was how many other aliens were tripping around on Earth pretending to not be aliens, and if any of them were named Grey.

Marie: Marie sighed heavily. She should have seen that one coming. "The Kree have a saying... 'seek painful learnings'.... you have had more painful learnings than anyone... like humans with mutations our powers tend to manifest in adolescence... I think your run-in with Rogue may have been the final straw...."

Carol: Because of course it was. Carol stood up to walk it off.

Jean: Well, that was awkward. Jean was glad she wasn't Rogue right now. She watched Carol go, deciding to give her a minute before she went after her. "How... common is it for aliens to be living on Earth?"

Marie: "That probably depends on your definition of common... and living," Marie frowned after her daughter for a moment before turning her attention back to Jean, "If they were going to cause any trouble you'd know by now."

Jean: "...are they undead?" Jean narrowed her eyes at the woman and gave her the once over.

Marie: The question made her laugh, "No, dear. I mean they may just be hiding instead of living... or gathering information."

Jean: "So was that what you were doing? Spying on us for the Kree?" Jean had no idea what a Kree really was, other than Carol's commentary. Oh, and the raccoon, but that raccoon talked a lot of shit when he was at the school.

Marie: "That was why I was sent here, yes... but since I became involved with Carol's father I stopped all that."

Jean: "It's... amazing that all this is real. It's like a movie." Jean shook her head and took a drink. "A SyFy Channel movie. So long as there aren't any sharknadoes, I guess."

Marie: "Well, so far so good..." she offered, glancing again in the direction Carol had wandered. She wanted to check on her but she knew from experience it was often better to let her come back on her own. "Is this interest in other potential aliens personal or professional?"

Jean: Jean watched her watch for Carol. "A little of both, I suppose. My powers confuse the people in the white lab coats too..."

Marie: "I imagine a lot of mutant abilities confuse people... there's a huge variety."

Jean: "Um... do you remember the news stories about the giant firebird that blew up part of New York?" Her head tipped sideways as she watched and tried to eavesdrop on her brain.

Marie: "Yes, I remember that..." She nodded, hearing Carol's footsteps on the stairs. That was never a good sign.

Jean: "That was my cousin. I have the same powers." Jean knew the woman was distracted now. "I got them after she died and it's like... she's almost a separate thing... living inside me..."

Marie: "She? Your cousin?" Marie may have only being paying half attention but she was sure that didn't account for the sentence not making sense.

Jean: Jean swallowed. She was oversharing, but... where else was she gonna find an alien?! "No. The firebird. We call her Phoenix. She was in Rachel's head and when Rachel died she came to mine..."

Marie: She frowned in thought, recalling years of training she'd tried to forget. "There are races that inherit the 'strengths' of their deceased ancestors... so it could be something like that..." she tapped her finger tips on the edge of the table, another memory stirring. But that couldn't be it... because that was a myth.

Jean: "That'd be super weird... although my dad called it a family curse. I'm guessing we had mutants in the family for generations since people thought we were witches..." Jean was starting to wish there was a special additive in this coffee. "No birds though... that was new with me and Rae."

Jean: Do you want to talk? she asked Carol, trying not to snoop as she located her mind upstairs.

Marie: Hmm. "Well... there is something else... but I don't know if it's real... it wasn't something we were taught so much as something the older students talked about... it got passed down."

Carol: Carol was startled by the voice in her head as she sat on Steven's bed. I don't know... I need to stop being angry first...

Jean: Okay, she told Carol. "Something else? Passed down... like an urban legend? You have those in space? ...space legend..." Jean contemplated that thought train for a moment.

Marie: "I think everywhere has legends... but the Kree are a warrior race so most of our stories are about warriors... but there is one about a... being... I suppose is the right term..." She focused her attention on Jean as Carol showed no signs of reappearing.

Jean: "A being..." Jean swallowed and felt a rising interest in the back of her mind. "Does this being... happen to be a firebird?"

Marie: "It's been called a few things... but the story is always the same... it's a world destroyer..."

Jean: "A-and it's fire..." Jean raised a hand and summoned the flame. It danced around her fingers and coalesced, forming into a small version of her Phoenix raptor. "Like this?"

Marie: "I honestly don't know... if you want to ask about giant space birds the best people to ask would probably be the Shi'ar that Carol mentioned... but, if your phoenix is related to this force... then you have a lot of power inside you that can be extremely destructive. So my advice would be to be careful."

Jean: "She's... saved my life, and my fiance's life, more than once. So far, she's only protected me and the people I love." Jean studied the construct and then let it fade into her pink teke and wisp into the air.

Marie: "Protection can take a lot of different forms..." Marie pointed out gently, "Sometimes it can lash out and hurt people you don't mean to... or it can come back to bite you in the ass later."

Jean: "Yeah." Jean frowned and stopped staring at her hand. Picking up her cup, she took a drink. "I'll go, like, talk to Carol. I know she was nervous about coming here... hence, me." She stood up and gestured to herself with a flourish. "Thanks for the... um, info." I think.

Marie: She nodded, "If it was safe for me to contact home, I would try to get more information for you but... if Carol has some contact with the Shi'ar it may be better to ask her." She frowned in the direction of the stairs, "She's probably hiding in Steven's room... it's the second on the right upstairs."

Jean: She shook her head with a totally unladylike snort. "We know a Shi'ar bird girl, but she didn't really know she was an alien either. So, obviously, it's making me paranoid that there are aliens everywhere." She went to get some fresh coffee for Carol. "Thank you, though. It's... I'll try to see what I can learn about Phoenix... carefully."

Marie: "You're welcome... don't be too paranoid about the aliens thing. Honestly, if you have alien dna in your system it's probably so diluted by now that it makes no difference."

Jean: "It's still... unbelievable. I've been a telepath since puberty, but..." Jean shook her head, realizing she'd have a lot to talk to Jamie about tonight. Jean took both cups and started for the stairs to find Carol.

Carol: Carol had progressed to lying on Steven's old bed, her back to the door. Her thoughts were still confusing but she supposed this was the lesser of all the evils... though the fact her father knew the whole time and had made her mom keep it from her was still causing the anger to bubble. It was a good thing he wasn't there.

Jean: Jean knocked on the open door and came in. "I come with coffee."

Carol: She couldn't hit coffee... but it'd do... maybe. She rolled onto her back and sat up, "Sorry I kind of abandoned you there..."

Jean: "It's okay. Turns out I might be an alien too." Jean was joking, mostly, but she was definitely and truly very uncomfy with what Marie had said. Or Martian Mary-Anne or whatever she'd said her real name was earlier. She offered the coffee cup.

Carol: "Oh well, it's a small club but you're welcome to join it..." She accepted the coffee with both hands, taking a sip.

Jean: "Sooo, I guess you don't have to worry about tracking anyone down. No weird alien baby daddies out there..."

Carol: "Yeah... just my regular asshole dad..." she sighed heavily, "I don't know what I was hoping to hear..."

Jean: "If he turns up you're not going to punch him to the Kree home world are you?" Jean sat beside her on the bed and sipped her coffee.

Carol: "It's tempting..." she shook her head, "He's kind of the reason I never come here..."

Jean: "I wonder why he didn't want you to know. Secrets are bad." She'd learned that the hard way, after all. Jean straightened her ring and sent Jamie a random mental hug after making sure he wasn't driving or something.

Carol: "Probably because he's spent my entire life telling me I'm never gonna amount to anything and mostly literally beating me down?" Carol guessed.

Jean: "Literally? Fucker." Jean frowned. She had her own share of problems with her parents, but that was never one of them.

Carol: "It wasn't just me.... but... you know the way I am.... I got in the way a lot..." She frowned at her coffee, "He refused to pay to send me to college because I'm a girl... so that's how I ended up in the Air Force - Steven signed up with me... so he blames me for Steven... I blame me for Steven.... but yeah... I try not to be in the same room as him if I can help it."

Jean: "Ugh. And when is he gonna be getting home?" Jean already hated this guy.

Carol: "I don't know... mom said we had a few hours... so I guess we're good for a little while... I still need to talk to her about bringing Rogue here..."

Jean: "Well, and you need to talk to her, like, period." Jean gave her a smile and sipped her coffee. "Not that I'm mad about just sitting here."

Carol: "I don't know if I'm ready to talk about the alien stuff yet... gotta let that sink in for a while... the Rogue thing... that's more important right now."

Jean: "Well, you might sneak it in the back door if the Rogue talk goes okay?"

Carol: "I'm less worried about the Rogue talk, honestly... Mom is... she's reasonable... I don't wanna have that talk when my dad's in the house. Gonna leave it to her to break it to him..."

Jean: "Okay then! Easy. Talk and bolt! You ready to go back, or should I go make more awkward alien small talk?"

Carol: "... I'm kinda worried what that'll involve so..." she sighed and got to her feet, finishing the coffee in her cup, "Let's go..."
:quicksilver Pietro Maximoff [Quicksilver]

Quicksilver: Howisshe?Isshealright?Imusetspeakwithmysisteratonce.
Hawkeye: What is that noise?
IronMan: That is the noise Pietro makes right before he's tossed out of the airlock. ~ Avengers: The Children's Crusade #6
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Re: 9/3 Issue: Alientales

Post by Esynthia »

:rogue says "whooopsie?"
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