1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

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Title: Executive Administrator

1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

((Timeline this a couple days after Staff Meeting - Student Woes))

[Summers] Scott knocked on the door, and at her call, went into the office. He liked her office - it was warm and inviting. "Hi, Dr. Guan." He smiled at her, flopping bonelessly into one of the over-stuffed chairs across from her.

[Dr.Dragon] Dai looked up from the open file on her desk and smiled before glancing back down to make a few final notes "Hi Sco-"

[Dr.Dragon] Her eyes shot back up, doing a double take ... he wasn't wearing his glasses and she wasn't a red smear on the opposite wall.

[Dr.Dragon] Her mouth opened and closed and she pointed at him with her pen "H-how?" she managed to ask finally.

[Summers] Scott grinned wider. "Well, Dr.McCoy said that i converted energy from the sun into my beams." He pulled up his long sleeves to show her his pale skin. "No sun, no beams. I just managed to stop them last night!"

[Dr.Dragon] Dai smiled "Well ... that would explain why you've turned into an extra for a remake of Lost Boys. I'm very happy for you Scott, how has this made you feel?"

[Summers] "Ecstatic. I mean - I can see colour again."

[Dr.Dragon] Dai laughed "That's wonderful, I guess seeing everything in shades of red must have given you a head-ache. I know how much the ... uncontrollable nature of your powers bother you. Can you actually control them now?"

[Summers] "Well...actually, I haven't been able to turn them back on." He tapped his glasses that hung on the collar of his shirt. "Just in case."

[Summers] "But I don't care if they're gone for good." He sat back.

[Dr.Dragon] "Really?" Dai shrugged "Well, your powers have given you alot of grief these past three or four years."

[Dr.Dragon] "What do the other students think?" She smiled, "I bet Angel's happy about this."

[Summers] "Yeah, she is. She took out the camera and hasn't stopped. I'm not sure about the other students. I haven't really talked to them. . . about it yet. I didn't really tell anyone how miserable I felt with the beams, so they don't get how happy I am that they they're gone.

[Summers] He let out a breath that ruffled his fringe.

[Dr.Dragon] Dai laughed "Well, I'm really happy for you Scott, have you told Dr. McCoy yet?"

[Summers] "Yeah, I just finished with him actually. We're running tests." He fiddled with his glasses. "Well, enough about that - I could go on and on, but there's some stuff I need to talk to you about."

[Dr.Dragon] "Oh, sure Scott," Dai closed the file and shoved it to one side of her desk "What do you want to talk about?"

[Summers] "Well...Okay, here's the deal. I want to be the field doctor for this team. But - I keep running into...road blocks." He sat forward, looking at Dai. "Namely, Remy and TJ - though, she's been nicer this year. It boils down to Remy."

[Summers] "I can't treat him if all I want to do is bash his head in myself."

[Dr.Dragon] "That's an admiral choice, Scott ... and I can see why Remy may make you feel like that. I understand you've had several run-in's with him, especially over myspace."

[Dr.Dragon] "And last year you two had a fight, yes? Do you want to tell me a little about what exactly it is that gets to you about Remy?"

[Summers] "He pushes my buttons," Scott replied instantly. "Over and over and over, again. I don't think he realizes just how much it pisses me off. I know he knows it gets me, but I don’t think he knows to just how deeply. And I hate myself for rising to the bait each and every single damn time."

[Dr.Dragon] Oh dear "And how exactly does he push your buttons, is it just the things he says?"

[Summers] "Yeah." Scott fidgeted in his seat. "And - it's other stuff too. Deeper stuff." He sighed, and raked his hand through his hair. "Things I've never told anyone ever."

[Dr.Dragon] "Would you mind telling me?" She asked gently.

[Summers] "Um..." Scott looked down at his hands. "I...I would. I don't want...Christ." He put his head in his hands.

[Dr.Dragon] "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to Scott."

[Summers] "No...I should. It's just going to get in the way. . ."

[Dr.Dragon] "Well, you know nothing you say will go past me."

[Summers] "I know, I know. But...it's hard, you know?"

[Dr.Dragon] "I do, it's okay Scott, in your own time."

[Summers] "I'm. . .I'm just like Remy." Scott said.

[Dr.Dragon] Dai blinked "Oh? And how're you the same?"

[Summers] Scott took a deep breath. "Poor white trash." He spat out, more directed at himself.

[Dr.Dragon] "White trash?" Dai shook her head.

[Dr.Dragon] "Would you mind clarifying on that for me?"

[Summers] "No. I'm sorry - I shouldn't have said anything - it's not him, it's me. I need to just deal. He's how he is."

[Dr.Dragon] "Scott, I'm here to help you, you know you can say anything to me and it doesn't matter."

[Dr.Dragon] "Listen, I'm not too sure we can just work through this with just the two of us ... alot of this stuff you need to talk to with Remy."

[Dr.Dragon] She looked thoughtful "Do you want to talk with him with me here?"

[Summers] Scott jerked his head up. "I should, shouldn't I? Just...get it over with. So we don't fight any more."

[Dr.Dragon] Dai smiled "Well, right now he should be in Ms. Munro's class, I'll just give her a call and see if he can come up."

[nakedremy] Remy knocked on the door, and popped his head in. "Y' called?"

[Dr.Dragon] Dai smiled "Thanks for coming Remy, would you mind taking a seat?" She gestured at a chair.

[Remy] Remy looked at her questioningly and opened the door further, finally noticing Scott in the room. He scowled. Merde. What had Scotty said now?

[Summers] Scott looked up at Remy miserably. I never should have opened my big mouth.

[Dr.Dragon] Dai smiled at them both Hoooo boy "Well, basically we're all here to try and sort out the problems you two seem to be having, I think it all comes down to communication."

[Remy] Remy sat on the edge of the chair folding his arms across his chest and trying to look casual. "Y' mean he keeps openin' his mouth?"

[Summers] "Well, if someone would stop opening his mouth, I wouldn't have problems."

[Dr.Dragon] Dai rolled her eyes "Put your handbags away ladies, please."

[Dr.Dragon] "We're here to be civil to each other and discuss your problems in an adult way."

[Remy] Remy scowled a bit. "Bein. What d' y' want den?"

[Summers] "I have a problem with you constantly pushing my buttons." Scott said, sitting up, returning Remy's scowl.

[Remy] He raised an eyebrow. "Pushin' y're buttons? Maybe y' should mind y're business Scotty an' y' wouldn't have as much problem."

[Remy] "Sides which, y' get goin' with Talia, an' what d' hell am I supposed t' do den?"

[Summers] Scott opened and closed his mouth. "Well, when unprovoked, then. Just random shit you say about private things. Your little digs out of the blue. You have no sense of tact."

[Dr.Dragon] Dai sighed and banged her hand on the table to get their attention, a jet of angry fire spewing from her mouth "Gentlemen! If you don't start acting your age I ... I'll transform and pin you under my claws until you do." If they're acting like children they can be treated like children.

[Remy] Remy sat back, moodily. "Remy's just tired of bein' judged by him. It ain't like I'm some sort of idiot. May not have been rich like y' an' with all d' schoolin' and all dat, but it don't mean Remy's..." he trailed off, stopping before he got angry again.

[Summers] “Money has nothing to do with school and learning! You could have gone to school any time. They have programs for under-privileged kids. Hell, you could even have gone to a library and taught yourself, but no,” said Scott, sitting back, glaring at Remy, studying his face openly.

[Summers] “No, you’re not an idiot; you’ve made it this far. But what I can’t understand is why you wallow in being the poor little victim. Who in their right mind would want to turn out like that?” Scott said, gesturing at something he could only see in his minds’ eye.

[Remy] "Oh oui! Let Remy jus' waltz into a school with these" he waved at his eyes. "Not t' mention dat how in d' hell was I supposed t' get d' time t' pick up shit like food?" He shook his head. "Don't matter. My past was what it is, but y' seem t' think it was a cakewalk an' Remy's jus' a lazy ass."

[Remy] "An' Remy's not a victim. Done jus' fine! Ain't askin' for y' t' talk about it. Merde." he looked away. "It ain't none of y're business anyways. Jus' forget about it."

[Summers] Scott sat back crossing his arms. “Okay, that was out of line. And . . .I don’t think it was a cake walk. I can imagine it was a hard, unhappy existence very well.” He looked off into middle space. “You’ve made your life work very well for you. I can appreciate that.”

[Remy] He glanced back at Scott and then resumed studying the carpet. "Den why d' y' always throw it in my face? It's Remy's life. Ain't y'rs. Y' may have all dat y' have - but dat don't make it better."

[Summers] "It's not about things. It's about how you deal with your situation. I’m –” Scott swallowed hard. “Last year – it was different. But you’ve got your uncle now, so, what I’m going to say really refers back to last year.” He studied his hands, and fell silent.

[Remy] "Oh so what? Remy's rich now so he's ok?"

[Dr.Dragon] "Remy," Dai said in a warning tone "I'm sure that's not what Scott meant, just give him a chance okay?"

[Summers] “I said it’s not about things, Remy. I told you that. I don’t care how rich or poor you are. It’s how you dealt with what you’re given that bothers me! Listen to what I’m saying and don’t take it all like I’m digging at you – because I’m not.”

[Summers] He made an exasperated noise. “I’m not rich. All the money that I earned from playing tennis went directly back into the ranch and funding Chris and Megs’ work and a college fund for me. . .my parents work hard for a living.” He stopped and took a deep calming breath.

[Remy] Remy frowned. This wasn't quite what he was expected from Scott. "Den why d' y' have such a problem with Remy? Thought it was cause y' were always lookin' down on how Remy lives."

[Summers] Scott flashed him a small grin. “It is.” He stood up and went over to the window, and looked out. “I- there’s something I need to tell you but I’ve told myself ever since I was little I’d never speak of it. And, I’m sorry that it’s so hard for me to say.”

[Remy] Remy slid Dai a look. Yeah, this was his idea of a good time. He sighed. He could at least listen to Scott. "What?" he asked in a softer tone.

[Summers] “My parents. . .they work hard to do what they love. But they were driven to get away from their parents. I never knew my grandparents on my father’s side, but Chris told me they didn’t die from old age.” He said softly.

[Summers] “He died of liver failure from too much drinking and she overdosed on drugs. He met them once, before they died. Before they moved to Nebraska and had me.”

[Remy] Remy nodded. "OK...so still don't get what dat has t' do with Remy."

[Remy] "Are y' tryin' t' say y' get me or somethin'."

[Summers] Scott turned and looked at Remy. “Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. I saw my grandfather on my mom’s side a lot. She was more duty-bound, I guess, to visit him, since he lived in Nebraska.”

[Remy] "Scott y' don't have a fuckin' clue. Y' can't go for a field trip there and say y' know what it is like t' live it."

[Dr.Dragon] "Remy, let him finish ... and Scott, I think you have to realise that your experience is different to someone's life time."

[Summers] “When I saw your parents, I saw my grandfather instead, and I felt like the biggest asshole. I’ve wanted to apologize, but you have a gift for pissing me off, so I didn’t. That’s been bothering me ever since.” Scott finished lamely.

[Remy] "Y' felt like an asshole why? Ain't y're problem."

[Summers] “Because you stupid idiot, I realize that a few visits to a relative can’t compare to a lifetime, but I can understand where you’re coming from and that I don’t look down on you. Scott ran a hand through is hair. “Because a friend’s problems are my problems.”

[Summers] He flopped back in his chair and studied the carpet with interest.

[Remy] Remy looked at Scott like he grew two heads. "Friend?"

[Remy] "I don't get y' Scott...it ain't like y're dat bad of a guy, but y' jus' get so uptight about some shit. Never know what's gonna set y' off."

[Summers] “Well, I’ve talked enough – what goes on in that brain of yours?”

[Remy] He shifted in his chair, uncomfortable with the intent gaze of the two people on him. "D' main thing dat sets me off is when y' fight with Talia. Love dat girl more dan anythin'."

[Remy] "Plus don't like feelin' like y're judgin' me. An' it feels like dat all d' time."

[Summers] "Ok, I'll lay off TJ. And I've just been trying to tell you I'm not judging you, I just don't get why you wouldn't better yourself when you first came here."

[Remy] "Didn't matter. Couldn't see d' point of it, y' know? Ain't like Remy was gonna get hired somewhere or somethin'. Nonc's just...changed shit for d' better y' know?"

[Remy] "Why were y' so concerned about it? Didn't make any difference t' y' if I did school or no, did it?"

[Summers] “Well, college is where people go willingly to get a higher education – to further their knowledge. So I wondered what the hell you were doing here, besides the obvious. But in retrospect, TJ had a lot to do with why you stayed.”

[Summers] “But then, you both didn’t give a damn, so I couldn’t wrap my head around why you two stayed.” He rubbed his forehead. He was getting a headache. “It just didn’t make an ounce of sense.” He refrained from mentioning Jono and that fiasco.

[Remy] "Where else d' y' think Remy could go an' be with her?"

[Remy] He shrugged. "Started here cause it was a way out. Thought it'd be worth a try, neh?"

[Remy] "Mais...still don't get why it matters t' y' so much."

[Summers] “Honestly?” Scott looked at Remy shame-facedly. “Fuck if I know; it just did.” He didn’t want to return to his earlier revelations about his family – and why it irked him. It was too complicated to explain.

[Remy] Remy looked over at Dai and then back at Scott. Was it just him or was this confusing? "So what now den? Remy's workin' hard at school, y'll leave Talia alone...what else d' y' want?" He realized that came off wrong. "Like is dere somethin' else y' need?"

[Summers] “Well. Actually. Yes.” Scott cleared his throat. “I want to be the doctor for us - the team. And I want you to know that I feel I have to gain your trust and consent. Because as I told Dr. Guan, I don’t feel I can treat any injuries you may have if I’m sitting there hoping you’ll die from the from them."

[Remy] He had to chuckle wryly at that. "Remy's stubborn Scotty, but ain't dat stubborn. Wouldn't make it hell on y' if y' were doin' y're job, regardless of who y' were treatin'."

[Summers] “That’s good to know.” Scott gave a small laugh. “What it boils down to is – I’m tired of fighting. I was being an ass, and I want to change, I apologize for what I’ve done and said. I want to become, if nothing else, teammates.”

[Remy] "OK..." He shifted again. "Can let shit go. Y' know though, half d' time y' got all pissed at stuff, was jus' kiddin' around. Wasn't lookin' t' piss y' off."

[Summers] “Yeah…I guess I have to work on my sense of humour.”

[Remy] "Bein...well...is dere anythin' else y' need?"

[Dr.Dragon] "No, we seem to have gotten this sorted out." Dai smiled.

[Dr.Dragon] "You guys are talking, and being civil to each other."

[Remy] "Oui. I could see dis bein' ok." He grinned "Wasn't so bad as though it would be."

* the rest was added on to freak out Nacht, which worked admirably btw.

[Summers] “It was good to get off my chest.” Scott wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and stood up. He paused at the door, and looked back at Remy. “Well, actually, there is something, nothing I need but, I think it’s about time I let you know how much you turn me on.”

[Remy] Remy blinked for a moment, before raising one eyebrow. "Well why didn't y' jus' say so Scotty?" He stood up, and crossed the room. "Wanna go get a coffee or somethin'? He asked with one eyebrow raised.

[Dr.Dragon] "You guys are talking, and being civil to each other."

[Dr.Dragon] Dai watched the final exchange with a slightly bemused expression on her face.

[Dr.Dragon] Well ... didn't expect this little 'make friends' session to be this successful.

[Summers] Scott checked his watch. “Sure. And maybe a smoke? I need a smoke.”

[Remy] Remy patted one pocket. "Oh oui. Got somethin' for y' right here."

*I fixed the double posts and italics. :coy

[Edited on 30-1-0707 by Slarti]

[Edited on 30-1-0707 by Slarti]

[Edited on 23/2/2007 by JSherlock]
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1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by Saffire »

LMAO, that last bit was hillarious
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1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by steyn »

I have to disagree with Saffire there, Remy and Scott could have gone much more overboard than just a cup of coffee.
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1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by littlebamf »

Yup. They could have had sex on Dai's desk. ;)
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1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by Scumfish »

Mmm. Crack.

*lmao* at the Remy/Scott, I was in on it but I crashed out before you guys actully played it *yawn*

Steyn 'n' Lil - didn't you know coffee is the sexiest, dirtiest thing two consentin adults can do together? ;)
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1/29 Instance: Mixed backgrounds

Post by Slarti »

[Dr.Dragon] Dai rolled her eyes "Put your handbags away ladies, please."
This line alone had me dying!
the rest was added on to freak out Nacht, which worked admirably btw.
Oh, it worked on me too. :P That’s okay, Angel and TJ can console each other over the loss of their boyfriends. :naughty

Seriously though, awesome instance, ladies!
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