1/22 Instance: Rock Solid

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
Posts: 2447
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:26 am
Title: Fergie the Unjust
Location: I'm in the hick-land playing the spoons

1/22 Instance: Rock Solid

Post by Ferguson »

Current Timeline

<Fabian> Fabian was doing his work but that was the last thing he really wanted to be doing. He was even eyeing his bookshelf for distractions as he finished up his math for an excuse not to move onto the next coursework. He had time, there wasn't any reason to be doing things now...maybe a bit of time out of the school was in order? He hadn't skipped near as many classes as he used to, after all, he was doing much better.

<Cecilia> Cecilia stomped down the hall grumbling to herself, rubbing absently at her arm. She'd changed into short sleeves to minimize the irritation but that didn't do anything for the feeling of tightness that the stitches caused. Like the skin was being stretched or pulled. She'd had it before when she'd had the stitches in her head and it was driving her insane.

<Cecilia> She poked her head into Fabian and Sean's room. "Knock, knock," she said flatly. "Busy?"

<Fabian> "I am the opposite of busy. I am so, so very bored." Fabian admitted, spinning around in his chair to motion her in. "Come! Come and be merry." His arms flopped down to his side and he slid bonelessly lower in his chair.

<Cecilia> "Well, I'll try, no promises though," she said, though she was starting to smile a little just by talking to him. She lifted her arm, revealing the long cut, ten stitches in total. "Guess who?" She said wryly, tapping the skin around it.

<Fabian> "What the hell happened to you?" Fabian stood up to get a better look at it. "Well, the sharpest people we know around here are Penny and Max but they don't usually do such things. Who?"

<Cecilia> "Our lovely little Japanese friend with the penchant for swords," she said, sourly. "Hisako," she confirmed, just in case he thought this was Noriko's work.

<Cecilia> "I hear you and Clarice managed to piss her off the other day," she continued. "I offered to help her practice her powers to bring her out of her sulk and...well, this happened."

<Fabian> "...Are you serious?" Everyone was insane here, everyone. "And us piss her off is laughable considering what a little brat she was being...and you've met me, you know my high expectations for bratty behavior so it takes a lot for it to register to me."

<Fabian> He wouldn't have thought it was Noriko. There weren't enough electrical burns for Noriko. "What the hell was she even thinking?"

<Cecilia> "Do I look like I'm joking?" Said Cecilia, raising an eyebrow, lips twitching a little. "I couldn't make this shit up. And I have no idea what she was thinking but apparently she was 'fighting to win.' Which apparently involved slashing me with her psionic sword while I was down, instead of yielding once I was down, like I expected. And then having the goddamn nerve to get all huffy with me when I got angry at her."

<Fabian> Some bitch needed a good talking to and Fabian was going to be hard-pressed to resist...especially since he rarenly bothered to resist things. He had thought he had managed to make something of a friend of Hisako's but apparently she wanted to be extra pissy. "So she threw a hissy fit all over you."

<Cecilia> Cecilia sat down on Fabian's bed. "I think she was pleased to be winning. She mentioned she'd been beaten twice in sparring in the last week. She seemed...surprised though when she hurt me." She shook her head, "She shouldn't be though. How stupid do you have to be to be surprised when a sword cuts someone? She'd seen my shield slice a stump in half minutes previously and she knew her sword could cut through my shield because she did it

<Cecilia> "And then to get all angry at me when I got upset?" She scowled. "And say I 'insulted' her by thinking she might hurt me, when she already had?" She threw herself onto her back glaring at the ceiling. "I am seriously pissed at her."

<Fabian> "She likes to talk about her honour code but looks like to me like she's lacking in sense and honour both." Fabian's head shook. "She's defensive...a bit like you but this is a bit much."

<Cecilia> "No shit!" Laughed Cecilia, patting the bed, motioning for him to sit. "...I actually came to ask you if I could stay with you tonight. We're roommates, y'know. If the answers 'no' that's fine I can deal I just...prefer not to." She frowned. "I have no desire to go back to anger management because I was forced to slap another bitch."

<Fabian> "Why would it be no? My bed is your bed. We might want to go get some of your stuff though or are you going back in the morning?" Fabian asked, getting up from his desk. "She's just an idiot, we'll see if she can figure that out."

<Cecilia> "Well, it's not polite to be presumptuous," she said, smirking. "I didn't think the answer would be no, but we do have to consider Sean, too." She rolled over onto her stomach. "I'll go back in the morning or if I need anything, I'm not slinking around like I did something wrong, I just don't want to see her for any extended length of time right now."

<Cecilia> "If she figures it out then she figures it out. If she doesn't, she doesn't. Anyways, let's talk about something else, because this is just pissing me off. What's going on with you? Anything exciting going on?"

<Fabian> "Sean probably won't even notice but he wouldn't have any complaints either." Fabian snorted at the idea. "No, nothing exciting which is why we must come up with something. I'm dying here."

<Cecilia> "Hmmm," she said, thinking. "We should head into town for awhile, or a different town, even. Have a change of scenery. I hate January, it's so boring. Cold, nothing to do and no holidays until Valentine's Day and that's a depressing holiday."

<Fabian> "That mean I don't have to come up with something to do for it?" Fabian asked, smirking as he grabbed his coat and keys.

<Cecilia> "Well, I dunno, I never actually thought about it," she admitted. "Didn't think that far ahead. And that depends entirely on what you're thinking. If you're planning on getting me a burrito and then getting laid then you can forget it," she teased. "I'd rather spend it alone."

<Fabian> "Less than a month away, it's not exactly that far ahead." Fabian reminded her, smirking as he pondered exactly what would be done...burritos was on the table just to tease her a little bit. "I'm sure I'll come up with something."

<Cecilia> "Hm," she smirked, "well I'll get my coat and give you a minute to think about where we're going and what to do about the American holiday with the highest expectations." And with that she slipped out of the door and down the hall towards her own room.

<Fabian> ((Time Passes))

<Cecilia> "'Fat Man's Misery,'" said Cecilia, squinting at the sign in front of one of the caves at Westchester's 'World Famous' Scenic Caves. She squinted into the narrow space. "'Warning: Pregnant woman, person's over six feet tall, person's suffering from claustrophobia, physical handicaps and those with a high BMI should not attempt.'"

<Cecilia> "...So we're definitely doing this one, right?"

<Fabian> "It looks like a hole of bugs." Fabian said, frowning at the idea of being in a dark place with crawing insects he couldn't see. He could face this, though. "Yeah, why not? We're both more than fit enough and apparently it's safe enough for signs and being well travelled."

<Cecilia> "Alright then," said Cecilia, sucking it in and squeezing her way inside. "Wow," she gasped, crawling along the rock wall. "Never have I ever been happy to have no tits before. Hell has obviously frozen over."

<Cecilia> She chuckled as she took in the 'cave paintings' on the wall, which had clearly been painted on by some desperate ranger to draw in stupid tourists. "You ever see 'The Temple of Doom'? This kinda reminds me of that."

<Fabian> "This is sort of sad and squishy." Fabian laughed as he came along behind her to see the grafitti and felt extra squished into the cave. "This is normal person's misery and Fat Man's Death." He decided, ducking down as the ceiling came down.

<Cecilia> Cecilia laughed as she dropped to her knees and shuffled along on her stomach. "Oh my God...hehe...Don't make me laugh, I can't move my ribs out that far!" She snorted.

<Cecilia> In the narrow passage a beam of sunlight broke through one of the holes in the ceiling, illuminating a large slivery spider's web with a perfect brown spider with white markings in the centre of it.

<Cecilia> "Hm, well this is a slight problem," remarked Cecilia, studying the path. "We have to go through..." She frowned, she didn't especially like spiders, but she didn't like to smush them when they were outside minding their own business.

<Fabian> "What's the problem?" Fabian couldn't see from behind her so he was currently blissfully unaware of what it was that was blocking Cecilia's path.

<Cecilia> "Nothing," said Cecilia, aware of his trouble with spiders. "Just some obstruction." She fumbled along the ground for something to brush it away. Ah, here. She raised a stick and carefully, pushed the web away and pulled the spider away.

<Cecilia> "See you later, Anansi," she muttered, dropping him down a small crack along the wall. "There, all taken care of. C'mon," she said, shuffling out of the narrow passage and standing up again in the wider passage. Hopefully, Fabian wouldn't notice and they could continue this tour without a panic attack in a small space.

<Fabian> Fabian was in far too much of a hurry to properly stand up again to find anything amiss or eight-legged. "Ahh, Jesus, that's better." He took the chance to look around, raising his flashlight up. "Would you look at this place?" He laughed quietly, looking up and around.

<Cecilia> Cecilia grinned at the huge catheral-like ceiling with stalactite and stalagmites all around. "Big place," she said astutely, taking it all in. "...I wonder if any bears ever lived here?"

<Fabian> "...are there bears in this part of New York?" Fabian asked, frowning a bit. "I mean, bears that aren't native to gay bars?"

<Cecilia> "...What?" Said Cecilia, seriously confused. What the hell did bears have to do with gay bars? "Well, I'd guess there was at one point. Maybe when the settlers came or at least in prehistoric times."

<Fabian> "You know, bears." The pose and movement that accompanied Fabian trying not to actually explain the reference didn't go too far...especially considering how dark the place was. "Well, I think we can feel safe in knowing they aren't here."

<Cecilia> "...I don't see what bears have to do with bars," she admitted. "And why are you gyrating your hips when you say that?" Weird. Her eyes widened at the sight of a very shiny gold rock. "That's not real gold, is it?" She asked, squinting. "Pyrite, has to be. No gold is that gaudy, right?"

<Fabian> "Do you seriously not know about bears? You should ask Jean-Paul what he thinks about bears next time you're doing your rally meeting." Fabian chuckled and looked up. "Nope, not real. It'd be gone by now, too."

<Cecilia> "No, and now I'm starting to wonder if this is a weird sex euphemism I've not heard of. Is JP gonna kill me if I ask him?" She frowned in the dark. "But it's so shiny," she murmured. "It's still pretty, even if its worthless."

<Fabian> "I doubt it. He doesn't seem the bear type anyway judging by Reed." Fabian shrugged. "Are you having a magpie moment there?" He flitted his light back and forth over the stuff for her.

<Cecilia> "I just like shiny things," she said. "...And that sounds really shallow. I didn't...I mean, I just...find it nice to look at." She stood up. "I won't take it with me. Other people might like to see it...but I'm seriously tempted."

<Fabian> Fabian grinned. "Of course you like shiny things, you like me, don't you?" Why yes, he did preen as he said that, walking along the side of the room. "Nah, it's best to leave it but I'm sure we can always find something of it somewhere else or maybe a little piece that's fallen away."

<Cecilia> "Maybe," said Cecilia, brushing off her clothes and shivering. "Brr! For a cave this is real drafty!"

<Fabian> Fabian held his arm out for her to tuck herself under. "Come here."

<Cecilia> Cecilia leaned against him, careful not to mess with her bad arm. "You're sweet...well, sometimes, at any rate."

<Fabian> "When it counts." Fabian supplied. "So, feeling better now?"

<Cecilia> "Mmhm," she nodded. "We got just a small squeeze and then we're out...and that sounded vaguely dirty...are you ready for that?"

<Fabian> "I'm always up for anything vaguely dirty."

<Cecilia> She slapped him a little on the arm. "You're gross," she said affectionately, slipping into the small passage and shuffling along. "I can see the sunlight!"

<Cecilia> Ouch, gah, okay that was a tight squeeze..."You gonna be alright there?" She chuckled down at Fabian, who was still behind her.

<Fabian> "I'm perfect." Fabian answered. He was pretty used to slipping through places like this, really. Usually they just weren't places he should be.

<Cecilia> "Of course," said Cecilia, smirking a little. What else?
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