1/14 Instance: Munchie Munitions

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
Posts: 2673
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:16 pm
Title: Timelord
Nightscrawlearth Character: :x23 :rachel
Location: Indiana

1/14 Instance: Munchie Munitions

Post by tears~fall~like~glass »

timeline: after Fear and Penises in Westchester

Fabian: "Are there any brownies left?" Fabian half rolled off of the sofa, boneless and confused about how gravity worked at the moment. He had, at least, managed to put his boxers back on but after a few more brownies his pants had been beyond him. "I'm hungry."

Fabian: He slid the rest of the way to the floor before he could stop himself, a muffled cry coming too late as he had all ready touched down to the ground. "What happened?"

Rachel: "How did I ever think they were boring?" Rachel wondered out loud. Sharks were so, so awesome. She wasn't entirely sure how, but she had managed to get her underwear back on, and she'd gotten a start on her shirt before the sharks had captured her attention. At the thud, she glanced over and tried to contain her giggling, "You totally just fell..."

Rachel: Then, her gaze wandered to the coffee table because she was also hungry. "Fuck, we're out of brownies..."

Fabian: Fabian grumbled and pushed himself up level to the coffee table to see for himself. "Fuck, we are...what're we going to do?" This was tragic, this was unheard of, this was-oh, sharks!

Rachel: "Dude... Where did everyone else go? Wait. Nevermind. That means more..." she trailed off as she once again came to the realization, "Fuck, we're out of brownies." Rachel looked to Fabian again, "...We have to make more."

Fabian: "Make...oh yeah, people make brownies." They didn't grow on trees or anything...though that would be awesome. "Rachel, why are there no brownie trees? We have people who do plant things, can't they get to work on that?" He got to his feet. Brownies needed to happen.

Rachel: "...I would love the outdoors so much more if there were such things. They should get off their asses and do something about it," Rachel decided as she got to her feet as well. As she struggled to get her arm through the sleeve of her shirt, she slowly turned in a circle, stopped, and pouted. Why didn't her shirt work? Fuck it. She didn't care. Brownies. She needed brownies.

Rachel: "To the kitchen!" she declared, starting in a direction. Then, she realized that was the patio and turned around, trying again, "To the kitchen!"

Fabian: "I know, what's this school for if not to grow brownies on trees?" They were well behind the mission. He stumbled around the sofa, wondering why it seemed like the wall was lurching back and forth as he made his way to the door. "To the kitchen!" He had found the way!

Rachel: "When I start teaching, I should teach brownie growing... or I should just use my authoritah to make the plant people grow us brownies," she rambled as she followed, "Because brownies are awesome and not cold. ...Unlike me. It's fucking freezing in this house." Because her lack of clothing had nothing to do with it.

Fabian: "It is. We should get the fire-y people on that as well." There were things to be taken care of, the people were cold! "But once we get the stove thingy going we should be fine." He kept his hand on the wall as he walked to the kitchen, peeking in. "Coast is clear."

Fabian: He had no idea why he was checking for people...except he didn't want them to eat their brownies.

Rachel: Rachel wasn't sure why they were sneaking either, but she felt the need to point out, "I could've told you that."

Fabian: "...oh yeah. You've got the best powers, I swear." He still snuck in nevertheless. You never knew.

Rachel: "I dunno about the best, but they're pretty damn awesome." Like brownies. She had powers that were awesome like brownies. The only way it could be more awesome would be if she could make brownies magically appear. ...Someone in the world had to have that power, and they needed to find them.

Rachel: She moved over to the fridge and yanked it open, taking in the contents for a few moments, "...How do you make brownies?"

Fabian: "I...um." All of Fabian's answers involved someone else making them so he was lost as to how to answer. "There's...fuck if I know. The internet could tell us though."

Rachel: "Too bad we lost Paige... Paige can make really, really awesome brownies," Rachel mumbled, heaving a disappointed sigh. It was too bad they'd lost Paige for other reasons as well... Like, for looking at. Plus, she'd only made really, really awesome brownies for her stupid boyfriend recently. Disappointment all around.

Rachel: Shutting the fridge, she turned to lean back against it, squeaking at the cold against her back. That was enough of a surprise to pull her thoughts away from Paige, and she focused once more on brownies, declaring, "To the internet!"

Fabian: "Should've never let her or Sean crawl away...were did they go, anyway?" Fabian was now confused, trying to figure out when Sean had left...maybe the sofa had ate him? It had thrown him off so it was obviously vicious. "To the internet!" He grabbed his phone and, through much concentration and backspacing, searched for brownies.

Rachel: "I have no idea, but those bitches left us to starve," Rachel answered and moved to peer over Fabian's shoulder. Then, she decided it was easier to just rest her chin on his shoulder as she squinted at the small screen. Why did words have to be so hard?

Fabian: "There are so many brownies in the world...how do we know which one is the right brownie for us?" This seemed like a profound match. "Oooh, caramel." Nevermind, that question was sorted. "We neeeeed...butter! Flour, four eggs, cup of sugar and brown sugar, melted butter, 1 1/4th cup of cocoa, some vanilla, caramel, more flour and....salt? Why is there salt in brownies?"

Rachel: "...Like caramel that comes in a bottle? Like... Like... Chocolate syrup? ...Except caramel?" she asked as she returned to the fridge to gather the ingredients while she still remembered them. ...Wait. Her brow furrowed as she looked back at him, startling when she dropped a few eggs. Once she was finished flailing, she looked over to him again, blinking, "Salt?"

Fabian: "Caramel comes in bottles?" Fabian asked, confused at the notion. "I thought it just came in the little squares...Oh wait, ice cream caramel, you're right!" Ahha, and there was some. "Maybe the salt's a misprint. We can always leave it out."

Rachel: "Probably for the best. Salt in brownies sounds wrong," Rachel nodded sagely as she set the items from the fridge on the counter. "So, what do we do first...?"

Fabian: "Um...preheat the oven." He went ahead and stepped to the oven, frowning as he hoped just turning it on is what it meant. "How do you know when an oven's done 'pre'-heating?"

Rachel: "...When it's really hot?" she guessed with a shrug, moving to the pantry to grab the rest of the things, "I don't make a habit of using the oven..." Looking between the bags of sugar and brown sugar, Rachel turned back to him, "Is there really a difference? Besides color?"

Fabian: "I think we've got to use some of both so I guess...probably just a ripoff though." Fabian decided. It was a sugar conspiracy, it had to be. In any case it was time to start mixing things up so mixing there shall be!

Rachel: "Maybe, ooooor... Sugar equality?" Rachel suggested as she considered the bags again, eventually tossing them both to the counter. ...Oops. Maybe tossing them hadn't been the best idea. Eh. They still needed some things, so she turned back to the pantry, rummaging through it for the remaining ingredients. "Is cocoa the same thing as hot chocolate mix?"

Fabian: "Well...people call hot chocolate cocoa, don't they?" Fabian asked, shrugging. "Chocolate's chocolate unless we're breaking out the good stuff, probably." He started mixing in what they had all ready, not really paying attention to what went in when.

Rachel: "Think it matters if it has marshmallows in it? ...Wait, of course it doesn't. Marshmallows are delicious." Rachel grabbed the container of hot chocolate mix and went to add it to Fabian's concoction along with some flour.

Fabian: "Good point." Fabian agreed, grabbing the caramel to add to their mix. "Is that it?" He stuck a finger into taste but he wasn't really sure how to tell one way or if this was how it should be.

Rachel: "I think so..." she said as she went for a taste of the caramel.

Fabian: "We need a pan, right? This in the oven would be a bad idea." He poked the side of the bowl.

Rachel: "Yeah, a pan... Like, one that goes in the oven and not on the stove..." Rachel nodded. Where were the pans kept again? She had no idea, but she'd find out. She started through the cabinets.

Fabian: Fabian had no idea either and soon a lot of the cabinets were unloaded onto the kitchen island. "I think they don't exist...maybe Sean's taken them all for his brownies...they're his leprechaun gold."

Rachel: She started on drawers, despite the fact that most drawers weren't big enough to hold pans, grumbling, "Tricksy leprechauns... Maybe we should just try the bowl? Then, we'd have one massive brownie to split?"

Fabian: "Won't the bowl explode?" Fabian gave the bowl a bit of an eye, not sure if he trusted it or not.

Rachel: Rachel considered that for a few moments. "...how awesome would that be? Because explosions are pretty cool..."

Fabian: "Then there'd be glass in our brownies." Fabian weighed their options on which would be most awesome.

Rachel: "Oh, yeah..." That thought hadn't even occurred to her. "We could make more though..."

Fabian: Fabian considered things, then grabbed another bowl, pouring half of their batter into it. "Just in case." He slid the dish over to Rachel, grabbing a spoon for his own use.

Rachel: "...You're a genius." She took her bowl, eyed the oven for a moment, and shrugged, moving to place it in the hopefully pre-heated space. This couldn't end that badly, could it?

Fabian: "I try." And to think, Fabian had been worried he was a bit impaired at the moment. He happily held a spoon out to Rachel and took a seat at the island.

Rachel: Taking the spoon, she scooped out some of the remaining batter for a taste and passed it back to Fabian. Then, she leaned back against the island, staring at the oven, "Waiting suuuuucks."

Fabian: "It does." Fabian agreed, eating away at the half bowl of batter. Well, if it exploded at least it tasted okay unbaked. "How long do we have?"

Rachel: Trying another bite, Rachel gave Fabian a blank stare, spoon still in her mouth. She had absolutely no idea. She'd never even tried to make brownies before. Pondering the question for a moment, she removed the spoon from her mouth to answer, "...Until they're done?"

Fabian: "That's very existential for brownies." Fabian decided, staring the oven down. This was some Shrodinger's cat shit right here. "I guess we'll smell them or something."

Rachel: At this rate, they weren't going to have any batter if those ones did end up ruined. She shrugged as she helped herself to another spoonful, "Guess so."

Rachel: She eyed Fabian for a few moments, mouth working as she tried to remember what she'd been going to say. She paused when it didn't come back but quickly moved on, "You remember me mentioning another trip to Nasty Nikki's earlier?"

Fabian: Fabian was quite for longer than was necessary as he wondered if he actually did remember it. "I think so." He eventually answered around the batter in his mouth.

Rachel: "I... I think I tried to talk you into a tongue piercing last time..." her brow furrowed as she thought hard about their trip to the parlor, "But I've just tempted myself into one... Did you want to go with me? ...Oh! Or maybe we could get a group together..."

Fabian: "Yes! We sho-Holy shit what was that?" Fabian lept off of the barstool as the bowl in the stove most certainly shattered like he thought it would.

Rachel: "Holy shit!" Rachel echoed Fabian, however she thought to grab the bowl of batter for protecting before she dropped to the floor.

Fabian: "...run away?" Fabian looked to Rachel, waiting for her to agree with his flawless plan.

Rachel: She looked back over to him, deciding to check before agreeing, "And neither of us did anything if anyone asks?"

Fabian: Fabian nodded readily, ready to get the hell out of dodge.

Rachel: "Run away!" Rachel declared as she scrambled to her feet, heading for the door. Ugh. She'd forgotten the batter, but it was too late to go back now.

Fabian: Fabian did not so easily abandon munchies, scrambling back and hurrying out right after her.
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