11/28 Instance: Shenanigans on Ice

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

11/28 Instance: Shenanigans on Ice

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: Current.

Adam: Adam was...looking like he normally did, actually. He'd given up and finally admitted that he felt better in all the cybergear, especially when Jolen had accidently let on that he preferred the guy in it. He seemed to be doing a lot because Jolen liked it, actually. "So uh..." He looked up at the snow-laden sky. "...Ice."

Fabian: Fabian banked hard with one of the golf carts, laughing quite happily as he did. These were even better than the segways. "Yeah, ice! Fucking cold ice but this is all right, yeah?"

Cecilia: Cecilia held onto the sides of the golf cart for dear life. "Any of this seem awfully familiar to you, Fab?" She teased.

Jean: Jean's finely tuned survival instincts were clearly failing her, because she was on a golf cart on a frozen lake.

Adam: "You...are fucking insane. Just saying. Watch it!" Adam banked his just in time, a hand on the tiny rabbit in his hair. He was also laughing maniacally as he shot after Fabian's cart, dreads and PVC coat flapping in the wind. "It won't break up under us, right?"

David: "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" David slid past the others, going sideways.

Melati: Melati was busy steering her cart in a tight circle, keeping the wheel yanked to the side and the pedal smashed to the floor. "They sure slide nicely, but I don't think you can do a proper burnout on ice," she remarked, leaning out the side to glance down at the wheels. "Might melt the ice, though."

Fabian: "Of course, still fun!" Fabian replied to Cecilia, laughing and spinning a doughnut on the ice. "Either way it's a good thing we have people who can pluck us out from under the ice just in case, yeah Mel?"

Adam: There was an angry-sounding 'RAWRAWRAWRAWR' from Adam's cart as it slid sideways and narrowly avoided Mel's. Who needed memories when you had a frozen lake? He knew this was going to be a good idea. No emoing about lost families for him. "Aren't we supposed to be doing something?"

Cecilia: Cecilia eyed the ice with some trepidation. "If I fall in I will be pissed!" She said, half-jokingly. She'd would also be dead, not fun. Cecilia looked up at Adam. "Yeah...I'm a little distracted right now, holding on for dear life and all that!" She laughed.

Melati: "Dude, relax!" Melati sped the car across the lake, turning her head to shoot the others a grin. "For once there's no horrible emergency going on or any of us missing and in the clutches of whatever madmen wants to mess with us this week. We gotta celebrate that!"

Adam: "Celebrating, trust me, celebrating like hell right now, scary lizard lady!" Adam laughed as he skidded past. "Delicious freeeeeeedom!!"

Cecilia: Cecilia looked a bit upset at that. Was this really her life now? Just waiting for the next disaster? "One of my closest friends is a spider...it's complicated," she muttered.

Jean: There's a lizard driving her golf cart! Jean was fairly sure she hadn't been smoking today, but she wasn't so sure, since she was still dizzy from the donuts.

Adam: "Also, Trask wasn't mad. Misguided, but not mad. There were no maniacal giggles that I could hear coming out of that office. Wheeeee!"

Fabian: "Mayday will be fine, Cee." Fabian offered her a less manical smile. "Sometimes...there's more manifestations. I mean, have I told you how I met Jolen?"

Melati: "Don't worry, if anyone can fix her, it's our good Doc Blue," Melati remarked, adjusting her shades. She turned her head to give Jean a sideways glance. "So, still thinking this place sucks? Don't tell me you ever did something like that in the crazy commune." She yanked the wheel in the other direction and hit the brakes, causing the cart to slide diagonally.

Adam: Speaking of maniacal giggles, the pointy-eared amnesiac was doing exactly that as his golf cart spun to a stop. He panted happily for a moment until he got his breath back. "Craziest we ever did - if it isn't a lie - was fill up a cheerleader's locker with ice once. Poor Selena."

Cecilia: Cecilia bit back a very bitter response about how that platitude ringed a little hollow when May already had eight-legs. He was just trying to help... "Yeah, he nearly pulled you guys into the forest, like the vines in Jumanji," she said.

Adam: "Jolen's vines are awesome, now I'm used to them." That was not a blush. There was no blush there, as he caught his breath and started driving again.

Jean: "AAAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" Jean clutched onto Melati at that, giant lizard or not.

Melati: "Seriously, Mayday's a tough gal," Mel added. "They'll fix her." She grinned mischievously. "I'd be more worried about Professor Salvatore's health until then."

Clarice: Blink! A bright pink circle of light opened up in the middle of the carts and a not quite as pink face peered out of it cautiously, "This ... isn't the gym ..."

Fabian: Fabian rubbed his hands together a bit, flooring his golfcart as he decided this was now a game of bumper cars as well, just clipping Adam before banking again. "Oh god, so many insect jokes, so little time."

Fabian: "Clarice!" Fabian braked sharply and turned as to not hit the pink girl.

David: David slid past what looked like conjoined twins if not for one being a lizard and the other being a human. "This is awesome!" He yelled at them

Melati: "Whoa!" Melati pulled the wheel in another direction when the pink portal suddenly popped up, her tail wrapping around Jean's hip to keep her from falling out of he cart.

Adam: "I will end you, Fabulous!" Adam's giggle was joined with a happy coo from the rabbit at the promise of dismemberment. "Claaaaaaaaaarice!"

Clarice: "EEEE!" The face ducked back into the portal as Fabian zoomed passed, before Clarice popped her head out again, "What the heck are you people doing? Fabian, are you willingly out in the cold?"

Cecilia: Cecilia yelped as she was nearly thrown off the cart. "Watch where you're going!" She said snappishly at Clarice, instantly regretting it.

Melati: "Hey, sweet! Your pink blink things work again." Melati just had enough time to flash Clarice a grin, before she lodged the cart into a big pile of snow. "Uff!"

Jean: "TAIL!" Jean couldn't help herself, but she was distracted at the pink spotted girl. "I know you!!"

Fabian: "There are ways to get me out into the cold, ice golf is one of them" He laughed, brandishing a club from the back of the cart. Obviously golf had fallen into other fun and games. He looked over to Cecilia though, arching an eyebrow as if to ask if she were all right.

Clarice: Clarice looked a little hurt, her eyes had yet to be completly swallowed by the green light that made reading them tricky to the uninitiated, "Sorry ... I'm trying to, I was aiming for the gym but they're still being all ... wonky."

Melati: "No, they work right," Mel replied, looking over her shoulder as she backed the cart up out of the snow pile. "They instinctively realized that the gym was boring and dull and took you to where awesome happens."

Fabian: "Mel's got a point...an awesome point."

Cecilia: Cecilia had the decency to actually look embarrassed. "Sorry...that was really rude," she said. Try as she might, she still bit both Clarice and Ed's heads off at the slightest infraction...she truly was a bitch...and now she felt extremely bad.

Adam: "Eh, never mind." Adam frowned at Cecilia, then smiled brightly at her for the apology, before parking his cart under said portal. "Jump in, Brain!" Brain? Why'd he called her that?

Clarice: "But ... I thought you had to get out of the carts to golf?" The floating head pondered, before an equally spotty hand emerged and waved at Jean, "If I knew that you could do it in the carts I might have been more inclined to give it a try."

Fabian: "I like to think of it as mechanized ice polo."

Adam: "Get in the cart, loser, we're playing golf."

Melati: "Of course you can do it in them," Mel replied, giving Clarice a look in return. "In fact, just earlier I and..." She noticed the bag of clubs in the back. "Oh, you mean golfing... Yeah, didn't try that yet."

Melati: "But hitting stuff with metal clubs always appeals to me," she added, cracking a grin, and floored the gas pedal again.

Jean: "Not with me you didn't!" she added, holding on with an eep as the other girl sped up.

Clarice: "Hold on, I need my jacket," Clarice's head vanished for a second before she stepped out completly, pulling the jacket on. She went to climb into the cart and realised the portal was still open, "Close," she ordered it.

Adam: Bit-bunny flopped into Clarice's lap, cooing at her before rolling onto his back. Since his pet human had returned, he'd become a lot friendlier.

Cecilia: Cecilia sat back in her seat and kept her mouth shut. Obviously she wasn't capable of being decent today, so she might as well not say anything at all. God...yelling at Clarice, the nicest student in the school. That had to be the equivalent of kicking a puppy or something..

Clarice: It hung in the air, humming gently, "Close. Cloooooose. Shut. Go away," it wasn't co-operating.

Adam: Adam studied said portal. "Can't you just...you know...suck it in?"

Cecilia: "Try imagining it disappearing," piped up Cecilia. Fuck, wasn't she supposed to be shutting up? Oh well. "Or just...'letting it go.' That's how I control my force fields, I just make the shapes in my head and direct with my hands or eyes."

Melati: "I can try to ram the cart into it," Melati suggested, already aiming the vehicle at the pink portal. "We'll find out if it didn't work when we find ourselves in my closet."

Fabian: "I'm afraid I've no clue...but I sort of like the idea of playing portal mechanized ice polo..." Fabian smirked, very tempted to drive through same as Mel.

Jean: "What? NOOOO!!!" Jean flailed.

Clarice: She carefully scratched the rabbit's belly while glaring at the portal like an angry baby bird, "Shoo! Get lost! Bye-bye!" Still nothing, "I'm trying to make it go away with my mind, that's what I did before, I just wanted them to go away and they did, but now they don't."

Adam: "Gotta admit, that is so cool." Adam muttered to Clarice. "Your powers are awesome. Did you know apparently I can fly?"

Melati: "Ah, don't worry, what's the worst that can happen? I break my neck and get better, so?" Melati flashed Jean a grin, which probably prevented most of the damage, as she failed to hold the wheel straight and caused the cart to spin around itself, sliding across the lake out of control.

Clarice: "Now they just hang there, mocking me, like the queer eye of Sauron ... flying? I don't remember ever seeing you flying."

Cecilia: Cecilia stepped off the cart and looked at the portal. Huh...fascinating...she hadn't really had a chance to study it in depth back when Clarice had fallen through one when they first met. She took a club and began poking through to the otherside. "Do you know where it leads?"

Jean: Jean used her teke, trying to stop the spin and instead making it faster.

Fabian: "Um...you guys all right in there?" Fabian called out to Mel and Jean, a bit concerned as they seemed to be on their way to becoming a whirling dervish.

Melati: The cart eventually came to a stop, a good distance away. "Wow, wasn't that fun?" She tried to focus on the girl sitting next to her. "Whoa, why won't you stop spinning?"

Clarice: "Well I was in my room when I opened it," Clarice frowned, holding her hands out and then pushing them together like she was trying to squash a really big pillow, hoping the portal would take the hint.

David: David pulled up next the the group huddled around the portal. "Maybe you should say mean things about it. it might get hurt and slink off to eat a tub of icecream."

Cecilia: Cecilia walked back to the cart and sat down again. "Maybe if you stop paying attention to it, it'll go away. My shields don't stay up if I'm not concentrating on them."

Jean: Jean was hyperventilating, panting and wide-eyed and staring at Melati.

Melati: "Hey, you okay there?" Melati frowned at Jean. "You don't look so well, you know? Have you considered taking things a little slower? I mean, not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast-paced, over the top excitement."

Cecilia: "At any rate at least you'll be having fun with us while you figure it out," said Cecilia. "You... can hop on here if you like." She said, motioning to the cart. There...that was peace offering.

Clarice: "Umm ... I don't think it has feelings? It's a wormhole?" Clarice stared at the boy, was he new or did she still have massive gaps in her memory that she hadn't realised were there? "Maybe we should try ignoring it like Cecilia says?"

Jean: Her eyes bugged a little and her panting turned to hysterical laughter. "Oh my God! This shit is awesome!!!!" She bounced in the seat. "Go! Go! Go!"

Fabian: "I think she's all right!" Fabian clapped, laughing at how excited Jean was now, waiting for his passengers to board again. "Cee? You want the wheel for a while? I think it's time I tried riding on top of this thing."

Melati: Melati returned Jean's look, actually stunned for a split-second, before she revealed her teeth with a wide grin. "Hell yeah, that's the style, girl!" She aimed the cart back at the others and smacked her foot down on the pedal. "Hang on to your butts, everyone! Here we come!"

Cecilia: Cecilia shifted over, freeing up her seat while Fabian climbed onto the roof. "Want the shield box again?" She asked, referring to their first attempt at golf cart surfing.

Clarice: "Oh, no thank you, I don't wanna cramp the couple. Adam's got space for me here," Clarice gave the other girl a smile.

Adam: Adam squeaked at the incoming Mel and Jean and hurridly put his foot on the accelerator - clipping another cart and spinning away with a cackle.

Jean: "Wooooo, yippee ki-yay, motherfuckers!!!" Jean squeed and beat on the dash of the cart.

Cecilia: Cecilia eyed Adam's crazy spin. "Your funeral," she said, shrugging. Thank Christ she had shields, nobody here would win jousting with her cart.

Fabian: "My coat'll protect me." Fabian claimed, climbing onto the roof and working on getting his balance. "...though aiming for a snowdrift wouldn't be a bad thought, I'll admit."

Jean: The crazy redheaded guy was on the top of his cart now and Jean fought the impulse to ram the cart just to see what would happen. "BWAHAHA!"

Melati: "Never underestimate the therapeutic value of driving a golf cart across a frozen lakes at reckless speeds," Melati remarked, before she gave Jean a quick look, arching an eyebrow. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

Clarice: Clarice watched the others zoom around then leaned over to Adam, "I thought you guys were playing golf, not bumper cars?"

Jean: "Does it involve flying redheads?" Jean's grin was manic now and her hair whipping crazily in the cold wind.

David: I think they're ignoring us. Do a wheelie! Chicks love wheelies! "You're a wise man, voice." David attempted to do a wheelie, taking a couple tries before... "Success!" and tipping his cart over backwards.

Adam: Adam grinned back. "Yeah, it started out as that, but we're having waaaaay too much fun hitting each other. The ginger and his girlfriend cheat though, they've got shields or something."

Cecilia: Cecilia made a shield box anyways. The last thing she needed was to have another friend hospitalized, she had a limit on how many friends she could see hurt in a week. She accelerated hard and yanked the steering wheel hard, doing a donut.

Melati: "Oh, they'll be soaring, girl," she replied, her grin growing big, before turning the cart to aim at Fabian's. "Incoming, suckers!"

Cecilia: Cecilia flinched as Mel's cart came towards them. "Shit!" She created a shield to block them form hitting them.

Clarice: Clarice looked a little worried and hunted to see if the cart had seatbelts, "Fabian and Cecilia," she corrected automatically.

Adam: "To-may-to, to-mah-to. Hold on!" Adam cackled, going straight for Mel.

Jean: She saw some sort of shimmery field come up and cursed, lifting the entire cart with her teke. "Oh shit! Big! Big! Too big!"

David: "Guys. Uhhh... guys? Little help." David crawled out form under his over-turned cart, surveying the wreckage.

Melati: Melati's eyes went wide, both seeing and feeling the frozen lake move farther away from them. "Whooooooo...!"

Clarice: "EEEEEEEEE!" Clarice squealed and gripped the side of her seat, "If I break any bones I'm going to sadface you SO HARD!"

Fabian: Fabian was cackling from where he stood ontop of his cart. "Pull alongside! I want to see if I can jump from cart to cart!"

Fabian: This was a bad idea but Fabian didn't particularly care.

Adam: Adam's cart shot under the floating vehical, missing it narrowly. "Hey - that's cheating!" He shook a club at them. "Aaaw, I won't let you get hurt - you hit too hard for me to do that."

Jean: The momentum carried their cart forward in a wide arc right over the top of Fabian's head... and directly into another cart that already seemed up be upended. "INCOMING!"

Cecilia: Cecilia frowned. "Do you want to die before we finish the list?" She drifted slowly over to Adam's cart though. "Right, go for it!" She said, keeping an eye out so she could make some sort of shield construct if she had to.

David: David dove out of the way as he saw a cart "Flying? What?" towards him.

Jean: "Aaaaaeeeeeiiiiiiiieeeee!!" Jean had been using her teke to hold herself inside the cart, but now that seemed like a bad, bad plan, so she bailed out and tucked into a ball.

Jean: And rolled right into David.

Fabian: Fabian had sense to hit the roof when the carts were flying over. "Oh don't be ridiculous, nobody's going to die. They're golfcarts, the don't even go that fast." Unless they were on ice.

Melati: "Sorry!" Melati spun the wheel all the way in one direction, before flailing it back into the other, while Jean become airborne next to her. "Those things really aren't very aerodynamic!"

David: David saw the human missile headed towards him and braced himself for the impact. Oooh. Say something clever! "Oof." Ladies and gentleman, the smoothest player.

Jean: Jean found herself sprawled on top of a guy. The new guy. "Ugh." She looked up at him, then flopped face down on him once again.

Clarice: Since they seemed to be out of immediate danger Clarice let go of her deathgrip on her seat to crane her head around to see what the others were doing, "Mmmm ... Adam? I'd hate to be like ... a debbie downer, but did you guys check if Bobby had reinforced the ice? It just ... there's a lot of crashing going on?"

Melati: The cart landed sideways, close to keeling over and only carried by two of its wheels. "Watch out, lizard in a cart," Melati yelled, trying to stop the thing from sliding into the others.

Fabian: "See? That was the worst thing that could have happened and everyone is alive...well, second worse. I'm pretty sure the ice is strong enough to take all of this, though."

Cecilia: Cecilia sighed and accelerated so that she was neck and neck with Adam and Clarice. "If you're gonna go, Fab, then do it quick!" She said, dropping the shield box around the top of the cart so he could jump. There...she wasn't a nagging mother all the time . "It better be!" She said.

Adam: "Well, there's no cracks and we're not out in the middle or anything, so...I think we're okay." Adam nodded. "Hey! We're being boarded - Clarice, poke him!"

David: "Could you hand me my lungs. I think they're lying a couple feet a way. "He wheezed to the girl lying on top of him.

Fabian: "Work with us now, Clarice, and this will be great!" Fabian hoped they were still good enough friends in her mind that she wouldn't floor it suddenly as he made to jump on over.

Clarice: "Board-oh! Is it like pirates!? We gotta stop him boarding?" She grabbed a golf club and waved it (carefully, she didn't want to hurt Fabian by accidentally hitting him), "Yaaaaaaaaar!"

Adam: "It's not her you want working with you, I'm the one on the pedal." Adam cackled. "Poke him, poke him!"

Jean: "If you can get my spine... I think it's still in the cart..." Jean pushed herself up, using his stomach as her springboard.

Cecilia: Cecilia put up a field to stop the jabbing. "Don't knock him off!" She said churlishly. Seriously what the fuck did they think they were they doing?!

Fabian: Fabian was enjoying himself and grabbed one of their own clubs to fight back, frowning a bit at the field.

Melati: Melati climbed out of the cart and nearly fell on her ass right away, only managing to remain standing with much flailing of her arms and long tail. "Any survivors," she asked, stumbling over to Jean and David.

David: David propped himself up on his elbows, "I'd introduce myself, but i seem to have knocked my head and forgotten who I am." He pretended to think hard for a moment. "Oh wait. David. I'm David. Your human airbag."

Clarice: "I'm not trying to knock him off," Clarice pouted, her golf club was no where near Fabian.

Jean: "You're a good airbag too," she said, finally climbing off him to sit up and push her hair out of her face. "I'm Jean."

Adam: Adam shot Cecilia a frown. Seriously, what was her problem? "It's fun, Cecilia, it's not like we're actively trying to hurt him, I wouldn't be holding the cart so close if I wanted him hurt."

Fabian: Fabian finally went for the roof switch, plopping down on the opposite roof. "Everyone relax now." He gently reached down with his club and poked Clarice's side now that he could actually reach. "It's all good."

Cecilia: Cecilia just stared right back. Her problem was she'd been through enough stress this week and was frankly, close to hitting the breaking point. She braked hard once Fabian was off. Letting them go ahead while she stayed behind.

Clarice: "The Spainard's boarded! Epic pirate duel to the death!" Clarice poked him back, "Avast!"

Adam: Adam simply shrugged as she braked and cackled. "Hold on!" He warned the others. "Taking evasive actions!"

David: "I would say it's nice to meet you, but I can think of a dozen less painful ways that could have happened." His grin turning to a wince as he sat back up. Healing factor or no healing factor, that still hurt like hell. Oh come off it, you big baby. "I don't see you having to take any of the punches you want me to roll with." he muttered.

Fabian: "You know, did any of us actually bring balls for this?" He asked, poking at Clarice but now distracted that Cecilia had just fallen behind. What was wrong now?

Adam: "Maybe? They might be in the back of the carts with the clubs, but who cares!" He slid the cart, cackling maniacally.

Cecilia: Cecilia's idea of risk vs. fun was obviously not the same as everyone else's. She decided it was better if she just struck out on her own, driving further into the lake and doing donuts by herself. There, now she wasn't ruining anyone's day.

Jean: For an instant, Jean thought there were two people talking, but shook it off. Her powers were still weird. Weirder than normal. "Yeeah, that wasn't planned, but somebody had to go all protective!" She pitched her voice to carry to Cecilia.

Jean: She noticed she was still on the ice and scrambled up. "Gaah, cold!"

Melati: "Come on, you bloody box of plastic," Melati muttered as she gave the stopped cart a kick against the side. She hit the switch again, but the electric engine only whined miserably.

Clarice: "I asked that earlier," Clarice tried to see if she could tickle under Fabian's arms with her club, "Umm ... do you want a lift back to your girlfriend?" Had she done something wrong to upset her? Maybe she was like ... insecure about Fabian poking his ex with a stick?

Cecilia: You knew you had an anger management problem when you were seriously considering running over an eighteen year girl with a golf cart. Cecilia ignored her and continued racing across the lake, smiling a little at the vast expanse of nothing.

Fabian: Great. Fabian thought flatly to himself. This was supposed to be fun and games and now whatever this whole deal is was happening. "I don't even know."

Melati: "Hey, where's that crazy chick going now," she asked, looking up to spot Cecilia's cart way off in the distance.

Adam: "Ah, sod her, if you're in trouble you're in trouble. May as well have fun now." Adam cackled.

Jean: "Chicken," she mumbled, dusting herself off and looking down at her landing mat still sprawled in the snow. "You crashed too."

Clarice: "It's not fair if we're the ones who upset her or ... something? Wer

Clarice: *Were we mean to her without realising?" Clarice fretted.

Fabian: "No, I'm the one who's managed to put her in a mood." Fabian assured Clarice. "Mind driving me out there?"

David: "It's funny how ice is cold." he tossed a friendly jibe before getting to his feet. "Yeah. It turns out balancing on the back wheels is not what these were meant for."

Cecilia: Cecilia turned another donut, chuckling to herself a little. She actually felt better now that she wasn't worrying about other people. Huh, she was nearly at the other side of the lake. Sweet.

Clarice: "Chauffer?" Clarice elbowed Adam gently.

Jean: "I don't think these are made for any of this, but whatevs!" Jean went to his overturned cart and stared at it. Hard. Slowly it rose into the air and righted itself.

Adam: Adam sighed, stopping the cart. "Sure...damn. Well, it was fun while it lasted." He turned the cart and headed out towards Cecilia.

Fabian: "You're just dropping me off, no fun's ruined." Fabian laughed, giving Adam a poke as well.

Melati: "Do or do not, there is no try, eh?" Melati stepped up to Jean and watched the hovering cart. "Sorry, guess I've been hanging too much with Lorna."

David: "Well, that's a neat party trick." he stared at the slowly revolving cart as it spun right-side up. "What's the prognosis, Doctor? Is it going to make it?" he asked Jean, referring to the rather battered cart.

Adam: "But I wanted to play piiiraaaates, daaaaaaaiiid." Adam whined, trying to ignore the image of fire that always accompanied that word. What he couldn't ignore, however, was the low, musical creaking that started under the cart as they drove over Cecilia's donut tracks. "...Oshit."

Jean: "Neeeerd. The green-haired one is a nerd? Never would have guessed." God she loved sarcasm. Jean let the cart drop with a thunk and shrugged. "I have noooo idea... but at least it's upright!"

Cecilia: Cecilia eyed the group approaching her. Great, were they here to yell at her?

Clarice: Clarice heard the crack too, "Uh-oh ... put your foot down Adam!"

Melati: "Nothing that some tough love can't fix," Mel remarked, heading to the cart to give it a look over. "Or your handy tech-savvy lizard chick."

Adam: Adam squeaked and put his foot down, though the result as water began to leak up through the spidering cracks was more wheel-spin than movement. "On it. Trust me." He said tensely.

Fabian: "Son of a bitch, go for the edge." Fabian was not on board with this shit.

David: "Well, we won't know until we try!" David hopped into the cart and gunned the engine which, instead of the standard noises, made a horrible crunching and grinding noise before shuddering to stillness. "Well, that sucks."

Adam: The wheels found traction and shot forward - in time for an entire chunk of ice to splinter. Adam reacted instantly, blurring and grabbing Clarice, throwing her and the rabbit in her lap out of the cart and onto solid ice. "Fabian, jump-" Just as the cart pitched forward into the freezing water.

Cecilia: Cecilia actually heard that crack all the way from where she was and saw as the cart went straight through the ice. "SHIT!" She shouted, accelerating quickly to the hole in the ice.

Melati: "Ah, nothing I can't fix for sure," she said, grabbing the lid to the engine and gears and pulling it off. "I've managed to tape way older rides back together."

Clarice: Clarice shrieked and automatically curled up around the rabbit to protect it as she skidded on her side across the ice, looking up at the sound of Cecilia's engine, "No! You'll fall through too!" She shouted at the other girl.

Melati: Her head spun around when an unhealthy loud cracking sound reached her sensitive ears, just in time to watch the ice break and swallow the cart, including her friends. "Crap..."

Cecilia: She braked hard as she came up the hole, not waiting for the cart to come to a complete stop before she was out! "Are they still in the cart?!" She demanded to Clarice, jumping back a bit as the ice cracked under her feet.

Fabian: Wait, they had someone with telekinesis here. "Jean! A little help over here?" That was a bit too late though and Fabian jumped, rolling onto the ice and picking himself up, perhfectly fine and laughing. "Cecilia, what in the hell do you think you're doing!" He stopped laughing when he saw her heading for the hole in the ice.

Jean: "What?" Jean looked up from the crushed cart and eeped. "That's not right..."

Melati: With the cart broken down, Melati tried to make her way over there on foot - and only managed around ten yards before she slipped on the ice and faceplanted.

Cecilia: "Where's Adam?!" She shouted, jumping back farther as the ice cracked again close to her feet. FUCK.

Adam: Adam was trapped under the cart as it sank rapidly, blades automatically coming out and sheering through the metal. Kicking away from it as soon as he was free, he pushed himself up, hands hitting ice. He punched a blade through it, and then again, and then shattered the covering, pushing himself up and taking a deep breath of blessed air, coughing as he hung off the side of the hole.

Adam: "...Right here." He said hoarsely, then coughed again, still mostly in the water. His eyes were oddly red instead of blue, though.

Melati: "Bloody stupid sonovabitch slippery ice," she muttered, digging her claws into the hard surface in order to pull herself back up on her feet.

Jean: Jean lifted up into the air, but all she could manage was a fairly slow float over to the spreading hole in the ice. "I can't hold myself and the ice and the cart all at once!"

Fabian: "Luckily you're pretty good about keeping your blood warm, huh?" Fabian shook his head, boosting him some to help with that.

Clarice: "Get back!" Clarice ordered Cecilia, "Adam! Hold on, I'll get you out," she slid on her belly to keep her weight spread out towards the hole, the ice creaking gently as she grabbed Adam's hands, "Gotcha."

Cecilia: Cecilia sighed as Adam resurfaced on the other side of the hole. "Oh thank God-" She didn't manage to get the rest out though before she fell right through the hole and sank into the dark water.

Jean: Jean screamed when the other girl just disappeared.

Melati: "As I've always said, when you want something done right, you gotta do it without shoes." Rolling onto her back, Melati kicked off her boots. Having access to the set of sharp, long claws on her toes, she turned and got on all fours, before taking off across the ice as fast as she could.

Adam: "What? I am?" Adam gripped Clarice's hands, letting her pull him out. "Huh. Guess I am. I do that, right?" He actually felt the boost then. Oooooh. "Toasty warm-" Then Cecilia disappeared. "Fuck." He let go of Clarice, letting himself go back under the water to look for her.

Clarice: "If someone could grab my feet and pull us both, that's be great- Crud!" She'd TOLD the girl to move away!

Jean: She dropped down to the ice herself, losing her balance and sliding, falling sideways as she tried to reach out with her telepathy to find Cecilia.

Melati: "Where is she? Can anyone see her?" Melati ignored the unsettling cracking of the ice around her, scampering over the slippery surface as fast as she could by relying on the traction provided by her claws.

Jean: "I can feel her!" She projected to the other girl to stay calm and tried to use her teke to haul her back upward.

Clarice: "MEL! Get off your feet! You'll crack the ice more! Stay laying down like I am!" Clearly everyone needed to take a trip to Canada and learn frozen river saftey.

Adam: As he sank again, he looked around, then realised he could feel the other girl's heartbeat...that was just weird. Spotting the dark shape, he headed for her, gloved hands wrapped around her. Automatically, without realising he was doing it, the same thing that kept his blood warm extended to her too as he pushed up, Jean's teke helping with that.

Fabian: "...I swear to God." Fabian muttered about a diety that he wasn't particularly here or there on. "Clarice, portals?" He asked, pulling her on up and boosting Jean as well. "People for fuck's sake we don't need everyone in the water."

Melati: Melati came to a sliding halt near the hole that Cecilia had vanished in. "I am laying low," she called back, on hands and knees as she tried to see anything through the milky surface.

David: David came to a stop a bit of a ways from the hole, sliding up behind the others. Well, you can't really do anything here. You should stand there looking concerned so they don't think you're a douche.

Clarice: "No, your belly, stay on your belly, hands and knees are making like ... pressure points for your weight."

Jean: "Adam found her!" Jean lifted herself back off the ice with her teke, helping them both to the surface.

Melati: "Don't you go all scientific on me when I try being a big damn hero, dammit," Melati said, but still saw some wisdom in Clarice's advice, doing as she had been told.

Cecilia: When Cecilia surfaced she did not come up quite at the hole though...she had come up in a part where the ice was just at the edge and the TK and Adam pulling on her just slammed her head against the side of it, rattling her senses.

Clarice: "I think I see them! I'm gonna grab Adam, Mel, move back and grab my feet so you can pull us all away, and the portals arn't co-operated Fabian."

Fabian: "I can still boost you to help that." He reminded Clarice, making sure he was steady enough in his own stance to help pull people out.

Melati: "On it!" Lying on her stomach, Melati gave her best komodo dragon performance and scuttled across the ice quickly, until she reached Clarice.

Adam: A few moments later he broke surface with her, coughing again. "I've got her. This isn't doing my clothes any favours." He smiled, though, keeping the pair of them warm - though the slam hadn't gone unnoticed. Strangely though, it wasn't bleeding. At all. No blood. "Fuck."

Clarice: Seemingly to prove the point a portal open up ten feet above them, ever so helpfully, "Adam, over here, I'll grab you guys and the others will pull us out."

Jean: "Sorry!" She called, wincing at the crack of the impact. "I... can't aim..."

Clarice: "You and me both," Clarice flashed Jean what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Adam: "You still with me, Cee?" He kicked off, easily holding onto her with his added strength and Jean's teke, heading for Clarice. "At least I can keep you toasty. Uh. I didn't mean to sound perverted there."

Cecilia: Her head! GODDAMMNIT! Why was it always her head! "Getoffme..."she mumbled, pushing at Adam, blood running down the side of her head and grabbing for the edge of the ice.

Clarice: Clarice reached out and managed to get one arm under Adam's shoulder, then the other, "Keep a hold of her, Cecilia, we're gonna pull you and Adam out, okay?"

Melati: Melati grabbed Clarice's legs, holding on tight, while digging the claws on her feet into the eyes. "I got you."

Adam: "Don't push me off, Cecilia." Adam kept a grip on her easily. "Come on."

Clarice: "Okay, I think we're good. Mel, pull us now!" Clarice braced herself.

Cecilia: "Usted no tiene que gritar yo te escucho," muttered Cecilia, still stunned.

Cecilia: ((Spanish: You don't have to yell I can hear you))

Adam: "Pog ma thoin to you too. C'mon." Well, she wasn't bleeding any more after that one trickle, so the hit must have ben a surface one. That was alright then. "Someone better make me hot chocolate after this. Uh. Without too much chocolate in it."

Jean: Jean laughed nervously at Clarice's comment and floated over to the large hole in the ice, peering down. The cart was gone.

Melati: Gritting her teeth, Melati pulled, hacking her toes into the ice as she slowly moved backwards towards more stable ice.

Fabian: "Nadie está gritando." Fabian sighed, pulling along with the others.

Fabian: ((Nobody is yelling))

Jean: Looking over at the others, Jean hissed at herself in annoyance and lifted the entire group into the air. "I can't do this forever!"

Adam: ((Irish, btw: Kiss my ass))

Melati: "You can drop me," she told Jean, looking over her shoulder. "I can handle myself."

Clarice: Clarice grimanced, feeling the tension in her muscles as Adam and Cecilia were hauled over the cracking edge of the hole, glad that at least Trask had programmed her to stay a fitness freak. Once they were clear of the icy water she kept a hold of them till they were on firmer ice, then she let go.

Jean: Jean held out her arms now, finding it helped her concentrate.

Cecilia: Cecilia touched the side of her head as she hit the snow. No more blood was coming out...huh...oh wait...that must be Adam. "Cristo en la cruz. ¿Qué demonios me pegas?" She said.

Cecilia: ((Spanish: Christ on the cross. What the hell hit me?))

Melati: Melati sat down on her butt, supporting herself on her hands when she was pretty sure the ice wouldn't break under her.

Adam: Adam pulled Cecilia a little further up, wondering how he was actually managing to keep them both warm and deciding now was not the time or place. "Fft. Showstealer." He smiled at the girl. "Okay, I'd suggest getting her somewhere where she's going to be warm...because I have no idea how I'm doing this or how long it's going to last."

Clarice: "Ugh, I'm gonna feel that tomorrow," she grumbled, getting to her feet carefully, "I think Jean-Paul and me need to give you guys lessons on how to tit about on ice safely. We need to get these two inside," she rubbed her sore arms.

Adam: He realised he still had a blade out. Self-consciously, he pulled it back in and flicked a sodden dread out of his face...just as Bit rage-gnawed his way across the ice to him and proceeded to lecture him in Bunny.

Melati: "Wow, now wasn't that fun?" She cracked a grin, still sitting on the ice, before slowly pushing herself up and dusting off her clothes.

Jean: On cue, the other golf cart crashed through the ice.

Melati: "Clarice, think you can hit the mansion from here," she asked, looking at her roommate. "Or any other place, as long as it's warm?"

Fabian: "I've still got you boosted, so probably a while." Fabian answered Adam, arm going around Cecilia to take over steering her about. "It's either keep you going with that or strip wet people down and I don't think she'd care much for that." Aaaand now another cart down.

Melati: "Whoa!" She spun around, watching the other vehicle vanish. "Damn, here go our rides."

Fabian: "...you think we could sneak into the boathouse?"

Cecilia: Cecilia hauled herself up with Fabian's help. She was wet and cold. She peered blearily at the other golf cart. "No hasta que me invitas a cenar," she said to Fabian.

Adam: "Yeah, neither would I. No one wants to see skinny white Irish booty."

Cecilia: ((Spanish: Not till you buy me dinner))

Jean: Jean meeped and watched the other cart sink, unsure if she should try to save it. "I can float everybody to dry land but it'll take forever... and I can't get the cart too."

Clarice: "I think maybe we should just concentrate on briskly walking off the ice for now," Clarice said quickly as the ice groaned ominously under their feet.

Melati: She gave Fabian a sideways look, cracking a smirk. "And strip naked to occupy their hot tub? I'm all for that."

Adam: Adam decided to risk it, warming the other members up too while he had the boost. "Okay...so...at least I can guaruntee no one'll get colds or anything...moving would be good, yes." He started edging to the bank, not realising he was blurring slightly around the edges.

Cecilia: "Soy una chica muy elegante," she said to everyone at large.

Adam: "Brains brains brains."

Cecilia: ((Spanish: I am a very classy girl))

Fabian: "That's happened plenty of times, Cee." Fabian pointed out just to be a bit annoying. "And yes you are." He was all ready moving with her. "Is there seriously a hottub?"

Clarice: "Me no speak-o espanio?" Clarice hazzarded, before carefully and quickly making a beeline for shore.

Melati: "There better be," she remarked, again relying on her trusty big claws to carry her steadily back to the shore. "Crap, where the hell did I leave my boots?"

Fabian: "She's not stripping until I buy her dinner. She's very classy." Fabian smirked as he caught Clarice up. "I imagine your boots have gone the way of the carts and our empty vodka bottles."

Jean: Or, not. Jean shrugged and just tried to use her teke to strengthen the ice.

Melati: Stopping for a moment, Melati turned around to face the hole in the ice - now rather sizeable - and gave a solemn salute. "They'll all be sorely missed, but fondly remembered."

Cecilia: Cecilia blinked. Wait, shit he had..."Usted es un hombre con suerte," she said a bit deliriously. She blinked at Clarice. "No hablo español," she said.

Cecilia: ((Spanish to Fabian: You are a very lucky man))

Cecilia: ((Spanish to Clarice: I'm not speaking spanish))

Adam: "Don't make me break out in Gaelic, you, no one'll understand me then." Adam made the bank, looking at his sodden PVC despondantly.

Fabian: "Yeeesss, you are, Cee. You'll stop in a bit." Fabian could feel a headache coming as they neared the school.

Melati: "Well, I'd say our fun took a little dive in the end there, no?" She looked at the others, trying an uplifting grin.

David: "Puns? Next thing you know she'll be saying 'Ice to meet you'."

Fabian: "Mel's too cool for that kind of a pun."

Adam: Adam was quiet for a moment. Then he grinned. "Are you kidding me? That was awesome!!" Something of the old Adam flickered through then. "I want to do it again! Can we get more golf carts? Maybe scuba gear next time!"

Jean: "Well, I was thinking she was a wet blanket, so it's appropriate." Jean didn't bother setting down, because then she'd get her shoes wet again, and fuck that.

Cecilia: These clothes were chafing. Cecilia threw off her jacket and hooded sweatshirt. "Ammmm....I...?" She said, focusing a little. Trying to revert back to english. "Fuuuccckk..."

Adam: Adam glanced at Cecilia and automatically compensated, keeping up her body temperature.

Melati: "Well, at least we can be sure that there was absolutely no way this could have turned out differently," she remarked, wearing a wry smirk as she nodded in the direction of the hole and then the other two crashed carts. "Anyway, nice going, everyone."

Cecilia: "I'm not," she frowned at Jean. "I just...don't like people getting hurt..." She touched the side of her head. Dammit, she had a bad headache.

Jean: Jean rolled her eyes. "Nobody would have if you hadn't had a hissy and steamrollered off on your own."

Fabian: "There you go." Fabian couldn't help but smirk at the fuck. "Nobody likes people getting hurt, Cee." He found himself sighing again, grabbing the door.

Melati: Melati chuckled. "Totally," she told Adam, giving him a slap on the back. "Though, how about something else first?" She smiled. "You did some quick thinking back there. Did all the right things."

Adam: Adam looked at Mel then, giving her a shy smile and rubbing the back of his neck as he left squelchy little puddles. "I...did? Thanks. Um. Fabian boosted me though, and I mean Jean did a lot with her teke...I just...kinda swam, that's all."

Cecilia: Cecilia blinked at her. "I wasn't mad..." she said stumbling. "...I didn't want to wreck everyone else's time...so I left..." She sighed. "...I know when I'm not wanted...I don't want to...I wasn't angry..." She frowned. God did everyone think she was mad ALL the time?

David: It's like a soap opera in here. And not a particularly very good one. David rolled his eyes at the voices as he trudged along.

Melati: "Sure, but that's not what I'm talking about, you know." Still smiling, she stuffed her hands into her pockets. "Where you could have just curled up or gone all crazy again, you instinctively went for doing anything to save a friend. A teammate."

Cecilia: And maybe no-one would have if she hadn't gone off..."Fuck you," she said dully at Jean. Christ, what was this chick's problem with her?! Since day one she'd been a bitch. She turned and stumbled upstairs before she decided to throw another person down the stairs.

Jean: "Well you wouldn't be not wanted if you weren't a wet blanket, so point made for me!" Jean gave her a bright smile. "You're welcome for helping save your ass, by the way. Bye."

Jean: Jean waved with a wriggle of her fingers and set down, walking down the hall to her room.

Adam: "...Gone all crazy again?" Adam tilted his head. "Well...yeah. What else was I supposed to do? Let her drown or freeze? I..." He watched Cecilia storm away. "...Mmmf. I was there, I helped." As she left his eyeline, his control over her body temperature and the gash on her head went. "Ah well."

Melati: "Sure. What I'm saying is, why don't you come see me in the DR some time, eh?" Her slight smile turned into a smirk. "Let's see about getting you back into that uniform. And don't tell me you don't want to. I know you do."

Cecilia: Cecilia gasped as the blood began running down her face and all the warmth left her. "Fuck!" She slammed her door shut and began taking off her clothes clumsily. God she was FREEZING.

Adam: Adam looked at Mel, confused, but smiled. Maybe this was something to do with the little hints from his memories that he was trying to ignore. "Hell yes. Alright, I will."

Clarice: Clarice worried her lip as she watched Cecilia stomp off, "Is she gonna be okay? Should someone go after her?"

Fabian: Fabian could feel what little patience he had naturally start to get a bit short. He decided the best thing for him to do would at least be armed with a warm drink. "I'll be up there in a bit. Giving her time to change." He explained, leaving for the kitchen.

David: "Well, that was... awkward." David whistled and started on his way to his room. Where the bloody hell was that, again?

Melati: "When is it ever now awkward around here," Melati remarked, still standing with her hands in her pockets and looking around.

Adam: Adam rubbed his head. "Thanks for the boost, Fabian." He smiled at the other. "Guess I better get changed before my ability cuts out, huh?" A thank you would have been nice at least. He huffed out a breath. Ah well.

Cecilia: Cecilia sniffed her arm. Lake water...bleh...alright then, shower first.

Clarice: Yeeeah, boyfriend would probably be better for that then her, for one thing she was still pretty sure that Cecilia sorta hated her, "Well, you guys can hang around here feeling all awkward, but I'm gonna go have a nice, hot soak," she gave the group a small smile, "See you later."

Melati: "Hey, if you plan to do that in our bathroom, I hope you intend to take me along," Melati called out.

Melati: "Remember that I still don't wear any shoes!"

Adam: Adam laughed. "Shower for me. I'll see you in the DR later...maybe some training might get the rest of what I can do out." He shivered a little. "Later, all." With that, he headed down to his basement, trailed by his grumbling rabbit.

Clarice: "I'm sure Jaaaaaaaaack will let you borrow his bath and even off to scrub your back too," Clarice called over her shoulder before vanishing into thier room.

Melati: "Oh yeah!" Melati called through the now closed door. "You know what? He... better do just that!" And with that, she turned to head down the hallway towards the boy's wing.
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