11/8 Instance: Fury Daycare

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11/8 Instance: Fury Daycare

Post by Slarti »

Current timeline

<Bobby> Although he knew Darren knew he was back, getting a call from Fury in the wee hours of the morning wasn't the best news delivery method. Nor was the debriefing report he was sure Darren had received.

<Bobby> Bobby knew a better way to say hello to Darren, and it came by the case.

<Bobby> Hoping Selene was out practicing her pom poms, Bobby climbed the long stairs and knocked on their apartment door.

<Darren> The door opened. Darren took a moment to stare a Bobby critically. One hand reached out to grab the crate while the other balled into a fist and hit Bobby square on the nose.

<Darren> "I had to give Lorna the fucking 'Your husband is MIA' talk,'" he said remarkably civilly, "then when I came home there was no comfort or succor from my wife. No, I was forced to endure a five-hour-long marathon of 'The Wizards of Waverly Place.' Five. Hours. You were wise to bring booze, son. Come in." He smiled and stepped back.

<Bobby> He staggered back from the punch, hand going to his nose. "Um, ow. Is this your traditional greeting for me these days?" Bobby sniffed, hocked, brought up blood, and made another face. "You hate my nose, I get it. I won't hold it against you. It's a fantastic nose." His voice had a new nasal quality to it until he shifted.

<Bobby> Shifting back again, he ramped up a cheeky grin and went inside. "Good to see you too, chief!" He looked around. There were... pink things. "I think they just implanted her with Paige's old personality, man."

<Darren> "Well hugging you is no longer an option since The Night That Shall Not Be Named." Darren gave a small shudder before flopping onto the sofa. "Consider it payback for making the Boss sad."

<Darren> He tossed Bobby a can before opening one himself. "See, now you're doing Paigerz a disservice. She was way smarter then Selena is turning out to be."

<Bobby> "Oh, come on, you know you want some more of this," Bobby leered, catching the can and a seat. His cocky expression faltered for just a moment at the mention of Lorna. He'd put her through so much this year. "Yeah, well... I made her happy again."

<Bobby> Taking a drink, he kicked back. "Paige remembers now, by the way, and Jess seems to be remembering more all the time, so Selene should be okay soon, yeah?"

<Darren> "She's starting to come back, it's just ... when she lapses it's ... made of special," he shrugged. "So ... near death and temporary broken nose aside, how're you doing."

<Bobby> "Consider it an excuse to indulge any dirty, dirty bubblegum fantasies you may have ever had." Mmm... beer. "I'm fine," he decided. "Confused. Still kinda tired... but guess that'll happen when you dirt nap for a few days." Bobby cocked his head. "Sand nap?"

<Darren> "Get out of having to do clean up duty nap," Darren corrected, taking a sip of beer. "Glad you're back though. Jay's been moping like hell and Kyle's sad face would make every cute animal page out there shut down with a notice saying 'No way we can top this'."

<Bobby> "Aww, I'm loved." Bobby sniffed, but his grin was real. "I... it was weird. I still really don't know what happened." He licked his lips and toyed with the can. "I talked to Rachel."

<Darren> "Huh," Darren narrowed his eyes and took another mouthful, "How'd that go?"

<Bobby> "She apologized," he snorted. "But yeah... she really thought she'd done me in. She did something and it scrambled me for a while, but it did something else. Felt like I got spread out."

<Darren> "Still don't make what she did okay, plenty of innocent people got caught in the crossfire who won't be getting back up," he sighed, tipping his head back. "So I guess you really are indestructible after all."

<Bobby> "No, it doesn't, and that's what I told Rogue." Bobby sighed as well, wondering what the hell they would do to her. "I guess so... it's weird. Just another weird on top of my weird," he laughed, somewhat nervously.

<Bobby> "By the way... nobody told Rogue." He glanced over at Darren.

<Darren> Darren shrugged. "And I should care becaaaaaaaause?"

<Bobby> Bobby gave Darren a sour face and took another drink. "Yeah, yeah, I know... but it was mean... I mean, not that she doesn't deserve some punishment for everything she's done, but not like that."

<Darren> "I've washed my hands of the psycho bitch, none of my business if everyone else has done the same." Darren drained his can, crushed it in his fist and tossed it into the trash, meeting Bobby's sour look with a dark one.

<Bobby> It wasn't the time to push it, he decided, nursing his beer. "Guess the only advantage she has over Rae right now is she's free. Rae is... so fucked. What she did..." Bobby shook his head, eyes on the can in his hand.

<Darren> "She did exactly what he wanted her to ... at least up untill she iced him," he smirked a little at his pun, reaching for another can.

<Bobby> "Yep. Oh, the fuckin' irony." He took another drink and raised an eyebrow. "You know, only I'm allowed to make cold puns. It's in my contract."

<Darren> "All's fair in love, war and post-mission gallows humour," Darren chuckled.

<Bobby> Bobby finished the can, popping off the tab to play with it. "They ever find him? Nur. I mean, that's kind of important, right?"

<Darren> Darren shook his head. "She dropped him deep. We still haven't been able to locate the body, so he's only presumed deceased ... and since you came back from that, that's probably gonna worry people now..." He frowned.

<Bobby> "Yeah, but I'm special." Bobby put on his brightest grin and reached for another beer.

<Darren> Darren snorted and threw a cushion at Bobby. "Yeah, special needs!"

<Bobby> "You gonna make me start wearing a helmet during missions?" Bobby ducked the cushion and frosted Darren's floppy mohawk.

<Darren> "Hey!" Darren laughed, snapping off the frozen hair and immediately growing it back. "You forget Frosty, your freezing only makes me stronger!" He absorbed the frozen hair back into himself, before snaking a tendril from the tip of his boot across the floor to wrap around Bobby's ankle, yanking him off the chair.

<Bobby> "Whoa, Sparky! Save it for the bedroom!" Bobby landed hard on his ass with a groan, spilling his beer and looking up at Darren indignantly. Eyes narrowed, he targeted the beer in Darren's hand and froze it - just slowly enough to make it overflow.

<Darren> "But traumatising you is way more fun." Darren laughed, then yelped when his beer started to fizz up, and he threw it towards the sink, still laughing. "So, is this the part where we give each other facials?" he snorted.

<Bobby> "Facials... well, well... I did awaken your inner homo, didn't I?" Picking himself up off the floor, he flopped onto the sofa beside Darren, finishing off his own beer in a long chug. Resting his head back against the cushions, he gave the other guy a lazy wink.

<Darren> The wink just about killed him, and Darren cracked up. "Did you tell Lorna about our fake-out then?" He asked once the chuckles subsided.

<Bobby> "Oh, absolutely," he laughed. "I even acted out the finer moments. She may want in on this secret agent gig after all. Although... we might get distracted." He waggled his brows. "No reason to fake it."

<Bobby> "Oh, absolutely," he laughed. "I even acted out the finer moments. She may want in on this secret agent gig after all. Although... we might get distracted." He waggled his brows. "No reason to fake it."

<Darren> "You should warn her that the beds aren't always that comfy though, only fair," Darren smirked. "Do you really think Sel and I fake it?"

<Bobby> "Haaaa," he cackled, reaching over to give Darren a friendly punch. "I'm seeing the upsides of the husband and wife agent teams more and more now... does SHIELD have daycare?"

<Darren> "Maybe if you asked Fury reeeeeeeeal nice it might," Darren trailed off into thoughtful silence. "Y'know ... before this ... thing with Trask, Sel and me were looking into addoption ..." he remarked.

<Bobby> That made him look up at Darren seriously. "Really? Wow..." He thought about it for a moment. "You should. I mean, when she's back to normal."

<Darren> "Yeah?" Darren smiled, "Thanks man, most people'd just laugh at the idea of me an Sel with a kid."

<Bobby> "Well, I'm not saying you wouldn't be the Addams family," he grinned. "But you guys would have a lot to offer a kid. People laughed at the idea of me and Dee with a kid too... and I won't lie - it's scary. But I think we can do it."

<Darren> "Well I figure if my sisters can manage it, no reason I can't," Darren laughed. "You and Lorn'll make great parents anyway."

<Bobby> "Thanks." Bobby nodded, unwilling to admit he was touched. "Besides, if there were two kids, Fury'd have to offer that daycare." He reached over and snagged two more beers, offering one to Darren with a smirk.

<Darren> "Cunning, very cunning," Darren smirked, taking the offered can.
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Re: 11/8 Instance: Fury Daycare

Post by Starfish »

Woot! Epic bro-reunion of epicness! :bounce
<Bobby> That made him look up at Darren seriously. "Really? Wow..." He thought about it for a moment. "You should. I mean, when she's back to normal."
Oh Bobby, hasn't he learned yet that "normal" is a flexible term when it comes to Selene? :toothy
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Re: 11/8 Instance: Fury Daycare

Post by Chaos »

That word really has no place in the same universe as Sel, does it? :3
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Re: 11/8 Instance: Fury Daycare

Post by steyn »

I wonder if Darren knows what Selena's been doing all that time at Circle Pines :shifty
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