8/5 Instance: Spilt Coffee

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Dread Pirate
Dread Pirate
Posts: 2447
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 5:26 am
Title: Fergie the Unjust
Location: I'm in the hick-land playing the spoons

8/5 Instance: Spilt Coffee

Post by Ferguson »

Timelined directly after Morning Cup of Flirting

<@Fabian> Flipping through his text book attempting to read and finish his coffee at the same time, Fabian made his way down the hall as he hoped he was cured of his hangover enough to remember he at least somewhat spoke Italian in order to get through this class.

<Ruth> Ruth stumbled down the hallway. Not only was she moving through a hall that she hadn't explored, she was hungover. And she was nervous to be headed to her first official class at XU.

<Ruth> And then, Bam! She ran into something, rather someone. Ruth prayed it was someone she actually knew.

<@Fabian> Spilled coffee earned a quick reflexive swear but Fabian chuckled afterwards, juggling his cup around to shake his hand. "Well, good morning, Ruth. It looks like I shouldn't be reading and walking. Are you all right?"

<Ruth> Feeling the heat rising in her cheeks, recognized the Spanish accent from the night before. "Sorry, Fabian. I, uh, am not used to these hallways yet. Are you okay?" She smelt coffee. "Oh crap, did you spill your java?"

<@Fabian> "It was mostly empty, not to worry. Plus I've all ready had enough to feel mostly human. As it turns out, Hope makes a mean cup of coffee." He smirked just a bit though. "How about you today, back to human?"

<Ruth> "I think so. Got to give mad props to Jessica. She sure can whip up some good bacon. The grease always helps. That and the nap helped too. Where are you headed?"

<@Fabian> "Oh yes, she is quite the cook actually so I advise being around to mooch anytime she's cooking." Well, he seemed pretty much unharmed by the coffee so there was that. "First class of the day for me, Italian. How about you?"

<Ruth> "Psychology. I'm hoping to get some insight into the human brain. Still waiting for my books to get her though." Ruth heard her stomach rumble. "Maybe I should've looked to see if Jess was in the kitchen this morning. But I didn't quite have enough time to stop."

<@Fabian> "Well, I'm sure Professor Salvatore would excuse me for being a little late if I were to get you to Psychology?" Fabian offered, glad he had opted out of that course as he wasn't quite certain that Wade was actually a teacher here considering what had happened with the other Professor Drake. He just figured the man kept showing up anyway.

<Ruth> "That would absolutely amazing!" Ruth sighed a giant sight of relief. Thank goodness for tequila and new friends "What do you know about Wade? He's the teacher for the course."

<@Fabian> "He's...well, you'll get an interesting example of some abnormal psychology." He admitted delicately, not sure how exactly to word 'he was part of a hit team that may have been ready to kill me' without alarming her.

<Ruth> "Oh yeah?" She asked casually. "He isn't going to spend the semester droning on and on about one person is he? I don't think I need to get to know an example overly well. I'll start 'seeing' them."

<@Fabian> "Oh, I doubt his lectures will be redundant or anything, probably always interesting...he's essentially insane."

<Ruth> "Oh goody. Just want I want to do. Spend 3 hours a week listening to an insane guy lecture me. So what class are you going to be late to by being a gentleman?"

<@Fabian> "Italian, I'll hope that Angel was just being intimidating when she mentioned an exam for the first day." Surely she wouldn't be that cruel, after all. "It's not too late to switch, I'd imagine."

<Ruth> "Is that why you were walking and reading at the same time?" Ruth couldn't imagine having a test on the first day. "I hope that you aren't too late. You might need all the time in the world for and Italian exam. Except, wait, are you fluent in Italian?" Ruth blushed remembering the voice conversation from the night before. "Cause that's hot."

<@Fabian> Yeah, Fabian could definitely get used to being here. "Well, perhaps not completely but I'll be sure to work a good deal on things to live up to that."

<Ruth> "Just think of it as an incentive to do well in class." Ruth couldn't believe she was attempting to flirt with Fabian. And she was probably doing a very bad job of it. Maybe she shouldn't have drank so much tequila last night.

<@Fabian> "Oh, I definitely will. I'd say that's probably the best incentive I've ever had. Now I just have to get you interested in all of my courses so I can be sure to not miss a thing."

<Ruth> "I've got a wide range of interests, so we might be able to work something out." Ruth smiled in a way she hoped was coy.

<@Fabian> "This makes me wish I had chosen my courses after I got to know those interests." Fabian fired back, laughing as they arrived at her destination. "I'm afraid we've arrived. It's not too late to back out of this course I'm sure."

<Ruth> "I'm not one to give up on a challege, regardless of how insane it might be. Thank you for walking with me. Not only did you prevent me from spilling anyone else's coffee, but you provided excellent conversation."

<@Fabian> "Any excellent conversation requires at least two contributors so I'm afraid I cannot take all of the credit so thank you as well, we'll have to do more of it. And I am sure you're more than up for the challenge...I imagine you'd be the first to know what your classes would be like, after all."

<Ruth> "Yeah, probably by next week, I'll have my grades figured out. Here's to hoping for good news. I guess I should go in." Ruth hesitated. "A few more drunken nights and hallway conversations, and I'll be able to help you out too. Not that you probably need it."

<@Fabian> "Needed or not, I look forward to the conversations." Fabian grinned wide at that, the almost ever-present laughing quality in his voice highlighted. "Is there anywhere else I could walk you to today?"

<Ruth> "If you're offering, I can always use an escort. Meet me back here after you get released from Italian? We'll see where the day takes us." Ruth smiled, trying her best to not be overly forward. But, she was looking forward to talking with Fabian. He was flirty and sounded sexy. Perfect friend to start at university.

<@Fabian> "I'll be here as soon as I can." He assured her. "In the meantime...good luck."
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