4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

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Title: Damn Not Given
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by Slarti »

Timelined right after 'Dedication'

DrMcCoy: Hank placed his glasses back onto his nose after their latest polish and leaned in again. "The first set of tests was inconclusive, but Forge shall be by soon with some of his more specialized spectrographical equipment." He clucked his tongue, holding the girl's glassy gaze for a moment before turning to Charles.

DrMcCoy: "It's like nothing I've ever seen. And you can't feel her mind at all?"

Xavier: Xavier closed his eyes again. He wore the concentration visible on his face while his mind probed the crystalline form in front of them. "There is... something." He concluded after a minute. "A very hazy presence. It is as if the crystal form dampens any signals passing through."

Xavier: "However, it's not like any natural shape I've ever encountered before." He added, opening his eyes again. "Those had all invariably shown no sign of psychic activity. This form here... Raya does." He turned his head to look at McCoy. "I won't say that I'm certain, because this is as strange to me as it is to you, but I'd go as far and say that this statue is not lifeless."

DrMcCoy: "Aha. I had assumed as much. After all, we've seen various forms of nonstandard life in many of our other students. It's only logical to assume we haven't seen them all yet." He adjusted his glasses again and after a moment of thought rummaged through this small tray of supplies and picked up a grinding wheel.

Amara: Amara walked slowly down to the medlab. She'd packed all her things, she knew she was in a lot of trouble. She wished they weren't asking her to come back down here again though. It was hard enough when she was here on her own but now she'd have their accusing looks to deal with too.

Amara: She lifted her hand to knock, waited then poked her head around the door, "Um... I'm here...."

Xavier: Xavier turned to look at the blonde girl poking her head into the med lab. "Ah, Amara. Please, come in." He wheeled his chair back from Raya's frozen form to give everyone more room. "Do you want to sit?" He gestured at a free chair near the wall.

Amara: Amara stepped nervously into the medlab, shaking her head at the question, "N-no thanks, p-professor...." She glanced at Raya and McCoy then fixed her gaze on the floor. It was safer to look at that for now.

DrMcCoy: "Ah, hello, Miss Crestmere." Hank adjusted the settings on the grinder and tested it, the whir filling the room for a moment. "And how are you feeling? Any ill effects from this... misadventure?"

Amara: Amara's head snapped up, "Me?!" He was worried about her? Why?! "I-I'm fine... well... I mean...." oh God, she'd made it sound like she didn't care! "No, that's... I..." She bit her lip and took a breath, "I feel terrible... I didn't mean to... it was an accident.... I'm so sorry..."

Xavier: Xavier held up a hand at Amara's rambling and showed the girl a small smile. Her turbulent thoughts and emotions were noticeable without actively sensing for them. Xavier straightened his psychic shields to drown them out. "I know." He told the girl truthfully. "I know what happened and also how you feel about it."

Raya: Oh God don't let him come near me with that thing! Grinder! Bad! No no no, put it back!

DrMcCoy: "Yes, we've conducted an internal investigation, of sorts, and of course we have the advantage of the good doctor." He nodded at Charles, adjusting the settings again and exchanging his glasses for protective goggles, which for the time being rested on his forehead.

Amara: Amara stared at Dr McCoy then at the thing in his hand, she watched him put the goggles on. "Wait! What are you doing! Don't hurt her!" She ran fowards to stand between Raya and the Doc, "Please don't hurt her..."

Xavier: "I doubt that Dr. McCoy will hurt her with that procedure." Xavier tossed in. "She shouldn't be able to feel pain in her current state." He arched his eyebrows at Amara and gave an affirming nod. "Oh, yes, we do believe that Raya is still very much alive, albeit in a restrictive form. After all, her sand form supported her life just fine before."

Raya: Yes I can feel pain in this state! Don't carve on me with that!

Amara: Amara looked from Xavier to McCoy, "But what if she can feel something? If she's alive it's a possibility, right? Please don't hurt her! There has to be a way to fix her without cutting bits off her! Please, let me help, I'll do anything!"

DrMcCoy: Hank gave the hysterical girl a good look and decided his test could wait until she had been dismissed. "While we do know that this... remarkable transformation was an accident, we must take measures to ensure that such an accident not occur again, yes?"

Amara: Amara nodded, "I... if you want... I'll go... I'll leave... I won't come back...." She looked at Xavier, "I'll go back home and I won't bother anyone again..."

Xavier: Xavier held up his hand once more, hoping to calm the girl a bit. "I know you want to help and make things better, but I'm afraid this wouldn't do any good. In fact, it would only increase the risk of another accident sometime in the future."

Xavier: He paused and took a breath before going on. "We also do not wish to punish you. I know how much you blame yourself. Believe me when I say that I don't want to give up any student. Neither you, not Raya." He gave her a firm look. "However, I also think that we have to work much harder on your control over your powers."

Amara: Amara bit her lip and looked down at the floor, "I can control my powers fine...." she mumbled, "It wasn't lack of control that did this. I was distracted... thinking of myself..." She ran a hand through her hair, "Apart from going and leaving all the distractions here I don't know what else to do... I thought that's what you'd tell me to do..."

DrMcCoy: "But that in and of itself is a form of fine control. You must be aware of everything around you when using your powers, because as you are aware to do less can have disastrous results."

Xavier: Xavier held out his hands, palms facing upwards. "Dr. McCoy is right. Focusing on what you are doing with them is a part of controlling your powers, as well. A most important one, to be exact. As you have seen, distractions and carelessness can be just as dangerous as a lack of general control."

Xavier: He gave Amara a brief nod. "Therefore, I think it would be for the best if we scheduled additional lessons that will help you to keep a focused mind and block out any distractions. There are some quite effective mental exercises for that."

Amara: Amara looked between them for a few moments not quite believing what she was hearing, "You... you're... not kicking me out?" She stared at them both, "I... I don't know what to say..." she was so overwhelmed with surprise and gratitude that she was stumbling over her words, "Of course I won't mind extra lessons!"

Amara: Anything anything that meant she wouldn't have to leave was okay by her.

DrMcCoy: "While Dr. Xavier assists you with some mental focusing exercises, it may be for the best if we suppressed your power for the time being." Hank looked away from Charles after a brief, silent exchange. "Something to give you some breathing space without concerning yourself whether you may become 'distracted' again."

Amara: Amara turned her attention to McCoy again, "What? What do you mean?" She didn't like the sound of that at all, "What are you going to do? What about my baby?"

Xavier: "There's no need to worry, Amara." Xavier tried to assure the girl. "Under any other circumstances we would have agreed that the recently developed suppression-patch makes for the easiest solution. However, given your pregnancy, we don't want to do anything that might risk the health of your baby, of course."

Xavier: "The alternative is absolutely harmless for both you and the baby, and easily reversible." Xavier continued to explain. "Of course, I will not force you to anything. But if you were to agree to it, I could create a mental block in your mind that will prevent you from accessing your powers, both voluntarily and involuntarily."

Amara: Amara gaped wordlessly at Xavier, she couldn't believe what he was suggesting. The idea of it frightened her, "I couldn't use them at all? Nothing...? What about my immunity to heat? Would that go to? And my calorie intake?" It was so much to take in. If those went with her powers it would mean a major lifestyle change, not to mention the fact that she would have to get used to being cold again and not being uncomfortable in water.

Xavier: "As I've said, this would be entirely voluntary." Xavier reminded her. "We're not going to force you. However, given the circumstances, it would make things easier for you, as it completely removes the danger of another mishap. The way I see it, it would help you a lot to ease your mind."

Xavier: "Besides, you don't have to decide right away." He added, tapping the tips of his fingers together. "Although I'd welcome it if we could have the first training lessen soon."

Amara: "Ease my mind?" Amara repeated, she put her face in her hands, "I can't imagine my life without my powers... I think I'd miss them too much...." She looked up again, "I'm all for the training thing... but I can't... I don't think I could handle giving up my powers... It'd be too... different."

Xavier: "It would only be temporary, of course." Xavier told her. "A couple of weeks, at best. Besides, we'd have to remove the block regularly to see how much progress you make." He gave the girl a smile. "Now, please take your time with the decision. I know you're feeling very troubled right now and that it's not an easy thing to do. I'd suggest that you at least sleep over it."

DrMcCoy: "I agree that it would most likely be a little disconcerting, but if Miss Qadir is indeed aware of her current situation, I can only imagine how very disconcerted she is at this very moment." He gave Amara a long look. "We hope to prevent anyone else from suffering a similar experience."

Amara: "Sleep?" Amara replied to Xavier, "Sleep? I can't sleep at the best of times! How can I sleep now, knowing I've done this to a friend?" She gestured at Raya, "Ever since I got my powers I've been terrified of hurting someone I cared about. I don't want this to happen to anyone else, I want you to believe me when I say that..."

Amara: She dropped her gaze to the floor, feeling defeated and cowardly again, "But... I can't imagine giving up my powers for a minute... The thought of it scares me..."

Xavier: Xavier took a deep breath before speaking up again. "I fully understand your concerns, Ms. Crestmere." He said, deliberately switching to using her last name. "But you also have to understand that I have ensure the safety of every student in this school. As Dr. McCoy said, Raya already has been seriously injured. I'm sure you don't want this to happen again."

Xavier: "And if you have trouble calming your mind, or getting sleep at night, Dr. McCoy could help you out." He continued. "I'm sure he'd gladly prescribe you something that helps you get some rest."

Amara: "It's Marino now..." Amara corrected, still stubbornly staring at the floor and reigning in her temper, "My surname, that is.... and I tried sleeping pills before... after Matteo died. They didn't work. Something to do with my mutation...." she looked up at McCoy again, "I'm willing to try any relaxation therapy you throw at me, honestly I am. But I don't want to give up my mutation... I'll feel too vulnerable without it..."

DrMcCoy: "Miss Marino. My apologies." Hank adjusted the goggles. "Though to be very specific, you would not be giving up your mutation so much as we would simply block your access to your powers for a while to prevent accidents. You are not the first student to whom we have offered this, nor will you be the last, I'm certain."

DrMcCoy: "Alternatively, we could restrict your movements until we are sure you're in a better frame of mind to control your powers under all circumstances. Again, we have offered such quarantine to other students as well."

Amara: That sounded a little less threatening, she frowned, "Restrict my movements? How...? To where?" Would they confine her to the grounds? She could live with that, she barely left anyway... or maybe they'd confine her to the medlab? Wow that would be boring but at least Raya would have company. She gave the girl a glance as she thought on it.

Xavier: Xavier pinched the bridge of his nose, keeping his eyes shut for a moment. Had he been just as difficult during his youth? "Miss Marino." He looked back up at her. "Try to understand how your fellow students might feel about this. If we can't revert Raya's condition soon, they'll undoubtedly learn about what happened."

Xavier: "I guess you neither want to be isolated from your friends, nor have them be afraid of you." He gave her a long, almost pleading look. "I'm convinced that shutting off your powers, temporarily, would be the easiest solution for all involved."

Amara: "No no!" Amara shook her head, "Isolation is good! That's what I wanted! I'm not safe to be around, I know that. But I don't want to have my mutation turned off because that'd just stress me out even more. Isolation is the best solution for everyone." She nodded, "I can do that. Can we do that?"

Xavier: Xavier exchanged a look with Dr. McCoy, then let out a barely audible sigh. "Well, if that's your wish." He tapped the tips of his fingers on his legs. "I'm sure we'd find a way to accommodate you down here in the med lab somewhere."

DrMcCoy: "Certainly." He removed his goggles, deciding the test could wait until Forge arrived. Keeping herself contained while they performed their analysis could be her first test of control.

Amara: Amara nodded. She could totally do that. And she was already packed so getting stuff down there wouldn't be a problem. She closed her hand over the wedding rings in her pocket. "Thank you... both of you. I'm really glad you're not making me leave... I like it here... even if I don't deserve to be here." She managed a small smile, "Is it okay if I have a few of my things brought down?"

Xavier: "That won't be a problem." Xavier said and nodded. "And please, don't say that. We already established that it was an accident. Mistakes happen. We just have to learn from them." He gave a small smile again. "Of course, feel free to tell any of us if you change your mind about the power suppression. Aside from that, I'll let you know about our first appointment."

Amara: Amara nodded, "Okay... thank you professor." She bent and gave Xavier a little peck on the cheek, "You're a really good guy, you know." She smiled, properly this time, "I just wish it hadn't taken something this bad to make me appreciate everything you do for us."

Xavier: Xavier coughed awkwardly. "Well, you're welcome. I'm sure we'll soon find a way to overcome even this challenge."
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by steyn »

Well, that answers my previous post's question.
What if they just cut a little off at the hair part? I mean, she got a lot of that, just cut a little itty bitty bit. And when they're finished with it, and they found a way to turn her back, just glue it back where it last was. Pretty sure she can just turn to sand and when she gets back to human, all will be perfectly fine. Perfectly fine.
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by wingyding »


plz to not be using the brain drill, kthxbai.
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by Ult_Sm86 »


Very clever solution.
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by Elfdame »

Okay, I admit: I am hooked on The Saga Of Glass Raya. Sat here and read each Instance instead of paying bills and planning our trip. I am so pathetic ... but this was such a good one -- and involved one of my favourite characters!

Can't believe Jason hasn't done something [considering his interest in Verbal Dissection], or Anna -- but I guess this is, as they said, chemistry-oriented. Call Spider-man! *wrestles self to ground* er, sorry, that's merely my reflexive reaction to disasters.

I had been wondering ... thinking it odd that she'd said her telepathy won't work ... but I guess you need an electric-type brain to do that. Glad that issue was addressed.
Grinder! Bad! No no no, put it back!
My feelings exactly, Honey. I about choked on my Gorganzola when he picked up the drill.
Hank gave the hysterical girl a good look and decided his test could wait until she had been dismissed.
Oh, good. I'll go change my underwear now.
However, given your pregnancy, we don't want to do anything that might risk the health of your baby, of course
On the other hand ... what the hell, it's just a fetus and you can always make another. Which might end up having spider-like tendencies. (kidding! I'm only kidding!)
The idea of it frightened her, "I couldn't use them at all? Nothing...? What about my immunity to heat? Would that go too? And my calorie intake?"
Typical woman.

Whoever takes the role of Beast -- kudos. You have his style down pat. I looooves me some Beast, oh yeah.

Did Wingy have to leave in the middle? Or did Raya not have anything else to say after the sight of the drill (get this) petrified her? Srsly, she got awfully quiet, even in her mind.

This is so riveting ... you peeps better hurry up and solve this or I'll never get anything done around the house!
"Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton." From Chapter 9 of _Brother Odd_ by Dean Koontz / from Chapter 10: "Life you can evade; death you cannot."

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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by Slarti »

I take the blame for our boisterous, bouncing, but not-so-blue Beast. :hank Thanks! :) And Star was our fearless and not even narcoleptic leader in this one. :D

Wingy was there, I think I just traumatized her. :shifty

[Edited on 23-4-2009 by Slarti]
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4/22 Instance: Containing the Situation

Post by Elfdame »

Thought it might be you. Great job.

You people need to take time off work or something and hurry it along before I gnaw my nails clean through.
"Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton." From Chapter 9 of _Brother Odd_ by Dean Koontz / from Chapter 10: "Life you can evade; death you cannot."

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