2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

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Title: The Ragin' Cajun
Location: NY

2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

Post by NachtcGleiskette »

Howlett: James stopped on the street, looking behind him at the trail of students. "Ok, gather!! Gather my lovelies!!" He gestured to them to come closer, doing a quick head count. Crap, he probably should have done that before they left too to know how many there were.

Lorna: Lorna gathered but she wans't sure what to think about being one of Professor Howlett's lovelies. She couldn't help but smirk though. Things were always interesting at least.

Selene: Selene trudged behind the other students, hands dug into the pockets of her coat, wondering with a frown on her face why this suspiciously excited teacher she barely knew called them "lovelies". She rearranged her hat, pulling it deeper into her face. Too many people. Too crowded, too open spaces.

Tessa: Tessa stood on the sidewalk, the wind moving her hair into her face every time she pushed it aside. "So, where are we going?"

Vic: Vic raised an eyebrow. Lovelies? Great.

Howlett: "We're here, my Tessa! The MOMA! Museum of Modern Art!" he told them, with a flourish. "We're here to take a look around, but especially take advantage of the Robert Maplethorpe exhibit they're featuring."

Vic: Vic put his hands in his pockets. "Soun's....interestin', Prof. Who's this Robert guy?"

Amara: Amara raised an eyebrow. A museum? Great. At least it was in doors...

Lorna: Maplethorpe...Lorna knew that name from an unfortunate evening spent flipping through wikipedia pages. Oh this should be really interesting.

Howlett: "He was a photographer, and he was fanTAStic capturing the human form. We're seeing a series of male figures he's photographed," he put on a little stern face. "But let's all be grownups here!"

Tessa: Tessa blinked at Howlett and tried to edge away a little. Sometimes the enthusiasm made her a little uneasy lately. "He does nudes. Photographer."

Kyle: Kyle yawned as he listened, hardly listening to the teacher. He had this unusual dream the other day, and ever since then it kept repeating in his head.

Selene: Why had she come along again? She glanced up at the building. A museum of modern art would certainly be intriguing. Then again, it meant dealing with other people. She sighed, dreading Professor Xavier for urging her to take part in more activities with other students.

Amara: Wait. Does that mean nude pictures...? Oh god no!

Kyle: "Huh? He takes pictures of naked guys?" Kyle asked when he heard Tessa

Vic: "Nude guys?" Vic smirked. aybe this wouldn't be so bad. "Hey, Kyle, y' alrigh'?"

Lorna: "Yeah, more penises than you can shake a stick at." Lorna wondered if she was cursed when it came to outings and special occasions with Professor Howlett. She remembered Bob the model all too well.

Howlett: "I'm going to let you all go free and see what you like...but we will meet here in front at 3!! Then get some lunch!" Howlett squeed, then opened the doors for them.

Amara: Amara sniggered at Lorna use of the word 'stick'.

Selene: "You'd think that there are more interesting things in the world to take pictures of than nude men," Selene commented with some disappointment in her voice.

Kyle: Kyle looked back at Vic, thinking of something, then shrugging it off, "err...yeah, I'm fine."

Vic: Vic raised an eyebrow at Kyle, then snorted at Lorna. "Heh."

Amara: "Nude women would be more appealing..." Amara mused

Tessa: "Not to Howlett, there aren't." Tessa said to Selene as she stuck her hands in her pockets.

Vic: VIc sighed, adjusting his sunglasses. "Well, at leas' it'll be interestin' viewin' matter, eh, Kyle?"

Selene: Selene past Howlett into the museum, then stopped to glance around the large interior. "Impressive. This could actually get interesting. I just wish I had come at night when the place isn't crowded with other people."

Howlett: "There is something so....magical about the nude form!" he told them. "And Maplethorpe captures every nuance, and every detail, every bit of beauty of the form!"

Amara: "It's a museum," Amara told Selene, "They attract people like shit does flies..."

Vic: "Magical. Yeah."

Lorna: Lorna wandered in iwth the others, taking a quick look around before going for a closer look at the photo closest to the entrance.

Amara: "Can't think why..." she looked around for a plausible escape route, as soon as Howlett's back was turned....

Kyle: "Heheh, yeah." Kyle added. "Does funny magical things to me."

Selene: She stuffed the hands back into her pockets. "Lovely," she replied to Amara. "At least this place smells better."

Amara: Amara giggled, "Yes thank goodness for small mercies..."

Lorna: Okay, it was going to be more difficult to be 'grown up' about this if the magical powers of nude kept up. Lorna tried to keep from smirking. "Yeah, nothing quite like the tingle of magic in the air."

Victor: Vic grinned at Kyle. "Yup." He followed the group inside, wrinkling his nose at the smell. "Magical wands."

Selene: Selene tried to hide in the back of the group, having no idea where to go first. She wasn't really interested in looking at pictures of nude men. "What's so special about nude people? I'm sure there have to be more interesting exhibitions."

Howlett: "Be good kiddies! I'll be around, but I want you all to be very good!!" He told them, and was drawn like a magnet to the magical penises.

Amara: "In here?" Amara said to Selene, "unlikely. I don't understand mordern 'art'."

Kyle: Kyle nudged Vic with his elbow, and nodded at one picture. "I can bend better then that."

Lorna: "Oh God, just had to go to the wands, didn't you? Now I've got pervy Harry Potter in my head and wondering if Howlett can find tickets to Equus."

Selene: "Me neither. Most of it seems to be pretentious trash arranged in weird ways that's then labeled as "art", so that whoever tortures our senses and minds with such things can feel special and competent." Selene shrugged. "But that's just my opinion. Some of it can be quite interesting, but usually I prefer the classical things."

Amara: "Me too. I grew up in Venice. But I'm up for giving anything a chance...."

Selene: She looked around the into various halls, wondering where to go. But wherever she looked, penises seemed to stare back at her. Frightening.

Vic: Vic snorted at Lorna, then tried not to think of how Kyle could bend. It was hell, Rahne being so far away.

Amara: "Maybe there's some sort of canteen area where we can hide out til three?" Amara looked around for signs, "Anything has to be better than this..."

Kyle: One picture looked a little unusual, but after a moment, Kyle tilted his head to the side, then he realized what it was. He almost gave a giggle at the angle the guy was posing.

Vic: Vic looked at Kyle, then at the picture and smirked. "I'm bigger."

Selene: Selene opened her bag and got out her notebook and a pencil. "I had actually planned to make some sketches of the things we see here. Perhaps they have exhibition halls with something else instead." She looked around. Those places usually had some kind of plan or guide to help one find the way.

Kyle: "I know" Kyle let it slip.

Vic: Vic blinked, then shook his head. Goddamnit. Goddamnit. "I know yeh do."

Amara: "Oh a map!" Amara caught Selene's wrist and dragged her to a small stand with e floor map on it,

Lorna: Lorna moved on to the next piece. The sheer amount of male genitalia was overwhelming but there really was something magical about it. "Everyone loves Magical Penis, 'cause the tricks he does are ever so clever." Lorna mumbled the song and decided she would never think of Magical Trevor the same again.

Kyle: "I know you know I do." Kyle said. That was on purpose however. He liked this game.

Selene: Selene let out a small "Eeep" as Amara dragged her along. "Ah, excellent. Let's see what they have here. You know, I once read about a fantastic exhibition of medieval weapons and torture instruments. Sadly, it's in another town."

Vic: Vic shot Kyle a look, then smirked. "Heh. Y' can remember still? Sure ya don' need remindin'?" No. Bad Vic. Fuck.

Amara: "That's a shame... hey I think there's one of those where my dad's from..." Amara thought for a moment, "Anyway that doesn't help, that's in England. Anywhere look good to you?"

Lorna: Lorna stopped at one of the more interesting poses and stared, trying to work out just how to do that. "Should have made Bobby come along."

Selene: Selene frowned. "I see they have the entire exhibition dedication to this Maple-Man. So I guess we'll have to deal with his pictures." She raised her eyebrows and tapped her finger at some other halls. "But apparently he has taken pictures of other things as well."

Kyle: Kyle looked up at Vic then away at another picture. Did he just tried to tell him something? Kyle wondered whether Vic was suggesting something. Well...there was the smell...but there was a same underlying smell all over the place. Maybe it was normal.

Amara: "Lets go look at those other things then. I've had about as much naked man as I can take..."

Selene: "I concur." Selene nodded and tried to memorize the way, then led the way through some of the halls. She looking left and right here and there as they passed rows of pictures with nude men. "This person seems to be obsessed with the male genitalia."

Amara: "Yeah..." Amara frowned, "What's wrong with women? I ask you..." she shook her head, women always looked better nude. There were boobs.

Selene: She glanced over at Amara. "I agree. The female form appears more graceful and elegant to me, compared to the often brutish and blunt male body." She paused. "To be honest, I find those pictures slightly intimidating." Selene shuddered as she remembered some of the thoughts that she had involuntarily read in other people's minds. Especially regarding her.

Kyle: Kyle looked at another picture, which pretty much reminded him of his dreams. He bit his lip and looked around him. He suddenly came to realisation why men really wore underwear, and it had nothing to do with keeping warm.

Amara: Amara nodded, "I don't find them intimidating but I know what you mean. There's just far too much... maleness...." she gesticulated with her hand to a nearby picture to emphasise a point.

Lorna: Lorna went a bit slackjawed at the next photo. "Holy crap. Oops." Lorna covered her mouth as she realized that had been a bit loud. Great, and now she was turning red. But damn, it was like the person in that picture was trying to pull a rabbit out of there.

Vic: Vic blinked down at Kyle, then smiled slowly. "Doin' alrigh' there, Kyle?" He was distracted by Lorna. "What y' foun', girl?" Heh. She was blushing.

Lorna: Lorna cleared her throat and waved at the picture that had earned the holy crap. "...that looks like it would hurt."

Lorna: "A lot."

Selene: "Yes." She frowned at a picture with a man with bulging muscles. "So much brute force, so little elegance."

Vic: Vic looked at the picture. "....Yeah."

Amara: "Men are stupid." Amara affirmed, "... do you think anyone would mind if I ate anything...?" she was aware that was a randonm subject change but she couldn't help it. Her stomache was boss now.

Kyle: "Yeah...I'm okay, really." Kyle shifted along Vic towards the picture Lorna was looking at. "No it doesn't." he accidentally said, then, "I mean, yeah...yeah it looks like it does."

Lorna: Stop blushing, stop blushing. Lorna realized what Kyle had said and started repeating the thought faster. "Heh. Yeah."

Vic: Vic covered his mouth to hide the grin. It sounded like Kyle was as fixated as him right now.

Selene: "I don't know if anyone would mind." Selene looked up at Amara and smirked. "But why should you mind them minding about you eating something? I say, feel free to go ahead."

Amara: Amara shrugged, "You make a good point." She fished two bars of chocolate out of her bag and offered one to Selene.

Selene: "Oh, and stupidity certainly isn't gender related." She tilted her head to the side and thought for a moment. "Though, I have to admit that men appear to be prone to revert to a more primate-like behaviour. Especially around females or potential rivals. It's stupid, yes, but certainly has great entertainment value when observed from a distance."

Selene: "Ah, thank you." She nodded and took a chocolate bar.

Kyle: Kyle glanced up at Vic and caught the grin. "What's so funny?" all the time he kept his body directed at the walls with the pictures, aways from everyone else in the room.

Amara: Amara grinned, "Yeah it is always fun to watch. Especially if they're fighting over you. Makes you feel good," she opened her chocoalte bar and took a bite, instantly feeling better, "And you're welkcome, by the way. I don't like eating alone."

Lorna: Okay, breathe in, breathe out. Not that embarassed. Lorna was relieved to feel her cheeks cooling down. Well, hopefully that would be the only time that happened today.

Vic: Vic leaned down with a smirk. "Jus' you." He murmured.

Selene: Selene nodded again. "I usually do. Prefer to eat alone, that is. But I find you to be pleasant company, if you allow me to say this." She took a bite out of her bar as they approached another hall. "There haven't been many men who fought over me, methinks. But there certainly have been some obnoxious ones."

Amara: Amara smiled, "I'll take that compliment," she looked around at the other hall, No naked men. Always a plus.

Lorna: Lorna slipped down the path Selene and Amara were taking as well and was relieved to not be greeted by more penises. Though, if there was a portrait of a magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat Lorna might just die on the spot.

Selene: They passed another map and Selene took a quick look at it. "Down this hall there are pictures of flowers, over there are the portraits, and up those stairs there are pictures of females. All shot by this Mapplethorpe." She glanced at Amara. "Where would you like to go?"

Kyle: Kyle looked Vic up and down, then gave a tiny little growl of dissatisfaction. "Don't know how you can keep looking so...you know....normal." He said giving a glance at the next picture.

Amara: "Hmmm... plants or naked women...? What a choice...." she frowned, she wasn't sure if Selene would appreciate more nakedness, "You decide."

Vic: Vic straightened. "Bein' used t' seein' shit like this helps. An' jus'....I dunno. Not thinkin' abou' it."

Lorna: Lorna was tempted to berate herself for being a prude but just couldn't bring herself to. She supposed she should be proud that she was out and not shying away from people like she had been. Lord, if going to an art museum with friends and getting flustered was an improvement that was not boding well for her.

Selene: Selene looked up at the ceiling, pondering, then back down. "I don't intend to bore you. You said earlier that you'd find nude women more appealing. So if you'd like to have a look at those pictures, we can head up there."

Kyle: Kyle frowned. How can he not think about it?!? They were looking at pictures of bits and stuff, and half of them they were...like..stuff.

Amara: "Well if you don't mind, that'd be great!" Amara beamed,

Vic: Vic smirked a little. "Ya wanna move on, mate? If these pictures are makin' ya....eh....uncomfortable I'm sure we c'n fin' better ones."

Lorna: Being silly, as usual...just don't think about anyone pulling a rabbit out of anything. Lorna slipped back into the main exhibition room, the blushing finally officially gone.

Selene: "No, not at all. I said that I find the female form more graceful." And far less frightening. "So, let's go." She got her notebook out again. Perhaps she'd still actually get to draw some sketches.

Kitty: Kitty shook her head. Some of that had looked painful. She smiled brightly at Lorna. "So...that was interesting."

Lorna: "Yeah, interesting." and really painful looking. Lorna grinned though. It was interesting and still fun. "Just hope not many people heard me going 'holy crap' back at that one."

Amara: Amara linked arms with Selene, "Lead on."

Kyle: "I...er...I..I'm not uncomfortable with this...but if you really wanna, I don't mind". That was mostly the truth. The person who was really uncomfortable was anyone who walked by Kyle close enough to notice his slightly unusual walk.

Vic: Vic bit on the laughter, doubting Kyle would appreciate it, as he lead the guy out of the naked men room. "I dunno. Flowers or women?"

Kitty: "I think I am no longer going to wonder what the body looks like." She blushed in spite of herself. "I thought the flowers were pretty though."

Lorna: Lorna couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Yeah, they were. Really pretty."

Selene: Selene startled for a moment as Amara took her arm. She really wasn't used to people being that friendly with her that fast. But a lot of the students at Xavier's appeared to be that way. "Of course." She led the other girl up the flight of stairs to the second floor and into another exhibition halls. This one was considerably smaller, as the male nudes seemed to be the main part of this.

Kyle: Flowers, "Women", NO! Flowers you idiot! Kyle didn't want to sound stupid and change his answer. He bit his lower lip harder.

Vic: Vic blinked. "Okay. Ya sure, man? That th' bes' of ideas?"

Lorna: "So, what part are you going to look at now?" Lorna turned to ask Kitty.

Kyle: Kyle only nodded giving a slight whimper of an "uh-huh" through a closed mouth.

Kitty: "Dunno...I think the women nudes? Or the flowers again." She looked around for professor Howlett. "Or maybe another part of the museum."

Lorna: "I think most everyone else is heading up to the women." Well, that was a little less awkward...well, depending on what was going on in the photos.

Amara: "Ah much better..." Amara said looking around the room, she released Selene and wandered off to get a closer look at some of the more interesting pictures.

Kitty: "Ok...women it is."

Vic: Vic grinned. "Okay. On y' head be it, mate." He chuckled, patting Kyle's shoulder and leading him to where the nude females were. Goddamn, and he wasn't due to see Rahne for a while. He concentrated on blocking out Kyle's scent.

Lorna: "Right." Lorna nodded, leading the way.

Selene: This is certainly a curious one. "I have to admit that you strike me as different from most of the other girls I've met so far." She followed Amara. "From what I can tell, most young people of our age can't think of anything more interesting than ogling at the nude form of the opposite sex. And more often than not, they can get annoyingly immature while doing that."

Selene: "However, you don't."

Kyle: Kyle could have sworn he felt some of Vic's claws coming out on his shoulder, but the next minute it was just Vic normally pushing him onwards. Kyle gave a swallow when he saw the first picture.

Amara: Amara looked over her shoulder at Selene, "I used to be like that. But then my ex exploded and I sort of... lost interest... Women look far better naked anyway..."

Kitty: "Well - this isn't so bad. Kinda cool how he cuts off everything but the body."

Vic: Vic looked over the bodies appreciatively. "Th' guy has an artistic eye, I'll give him tha'." He murmured.

Lorna: "Yeah." Lorna nodded, looking over the nearest photos. "Makes them sort of like mannequins."

Selene: "Ah, I see." Selene pauses and blinked. "Well, I see what you mean regarding the women looking better part. Or, I guess that I do. Whatever." She shook her head a bit. "You said your ex... exploded? Now, that had to be quite painful, methinks. How does something like that happen? Did he play with firecrackers? People always say one should be careful with those things."

Amara: "No, he was a mutant too. His powers went crazy..." Amara frowned, "Not really sure how or why..."

Selene: "Oh." She blinked again. "I'm sorry to hear this." After a moment, she nodded. "Yes, some of our abilities are rather puzzling."

Kyle: "Yeah...artistic...I can see that." Kyle wondered maybe if he...it's not like anyone would... "Hey...uhh..Vic." he tried to get his attention.

Vic: Vic looked back at Kyle. "Sup, man?"

Amara: "Annoying more than anything," Amara replied, "My mother hates me even more now... I wonder how the universe picks it's victims...."

Selene: "Quite randomly." She shrugged. "But with a mean sense of humour and a bit of biting irony. Actually quite amusing, at times."

Kitty: "It does. So, how's things with Bobby?"

Kyle: "Do you know where the..err..toilets...err..restroom, yeah, restrooms are? I need to, you know, go." Kyle asked, glancing at another body stretching in a picture.

Amara: "Amusing...? I guess... it was kind of funny when I set fire to my mother's desk over the christmas holidays... she didn't think so though..." Amara shrugged, "Ah well, at least I'll be with my dad over the summer."

Lorna: "Great." Lorna smiled back at Kitty. Unless he's only staying at the school because of me. Lorna looked down and then back up at the photo. "Really great."

Kitty: "Mmhmmm." She arched an eyebrow. "I'm glad, he's a total love-sick puppy for you, anyway." She smiled encouragingly, hoping to get Lorna talking.

Vic: Vic smirked, wordlessly pointing to a sign that pointed the way, half-tempted to- no. Not even thinking about joining him.

Selene: Selene nodded again, then sat down on one of the cushioned benches in front of a large picture showing a nude woman in motion. She arranged her notebook and got her pencil. This one looked interesting enough. "Good for you. I guess I'll be at the school over the summer."

Lorna: And it's probably not good for him. "Aww, I suppose we're both a bit love-sick puppyish, aren't we?" Lorna returned the smile a bit half-heartedly.

Amara: "Awww, you don't wanna spend the whole summer here... you might get dragged to more exhibitions of naked men..."

Kyle: Kyle followed the point then went straight for the the sign's direction. He passed the girls from the class, trying his best at being non-chalant about his little predicament.

Kitty: "Oh yes. You two are soooo cute! But like, what's wrong, you're not giving me your usual 'oomph'. " She stopped. "You two haven't had a fight or anything, have you?"

Selene: Selene chuckled dryly. "Oh, I'm sure I'll decline when invited again to go to such a place." She drew some lines on the blank sheet of paper. "Actually, Lizzie offered me to visit her at her home in England. I'm tempted to go. Seeing that it also is the only other place I could go to during the summer."

Lorna: "Oh! No, no." Well, you made up over the other issues anyway. "I just...got a big bad dose of boyfriend father while our parents were up. That's all."

Selene: Selene glanced up for a second as Kyle walked by, shooting him a suspicious look, hoping that he'd keep his distance. She regretted that they hadn't allowed her to take her knife along.

Amara: "I wouldn't say that. You'd be more than welcome in Venice. My mother may not like mutants but she's far too well brought up to be rude to guests." Amara leaned to inspect a picture more closely, "And my dad would love to meet some of the people I've written to him about. It's pretty much an open invitation to anyone that feels like dropping by."

Vic: Vic watched Kyle scuttle off with a light chuckle, going back to the pictures. Hey, if there was a legit reason to look at nude women, he wasn't wasting it.

Kyle: Kyle didn't notice the dagger glances Selene gave him as he headed towards the restroom, opening the door, and disappeared in the room.

Selene: "Oh, is that so?" Selene looked up at Amara, dropping her pencil for a moment. "Venice. Now, I have to say that sounds fascinating. Such a fascinating place." She glanced at the picture for a while longer. "I have to say, I'd be intrigued to visit this city sometime."

Kitty: "Oooooh." Kitty remembered a man who walked around like he smelled something bad and frowned. "Ouch. Well - put him out of your mind - people like that aren't worth it. You love Bobby - he loves you, end of story!" She clapped her hands and jumped as the noise echoed. "Whoops...but yeah, like, no worries, okay, Lorna?"

Lorna: Lorna chuckled, quietly to not repeat the echo. "Yeah. That's certainly true. No worries." Lots of lying though. Worry and lie about it, it's a vicious cycle. Lorna grinned back at Kitty, hoping she was convincing.

Amara: "Well if you fewel like dropping by over the summer we'd be glad to have you. You're polite and stuff so my mother won't find anything she can complain about... just don't throw any lemons at her and you'll be fine... unless she can't see that it's you throwing them..."

Kitty: "Okay." she gave Lorna a tight hug.
Selene: Selene smirked. "I'll try to keep that in mind."

Lorna: Lorna was caught by surprise at the Kitty hug. It was like a sudden attack of friendship. Lorna hugged her back, a bit jealous at how easy things like seemed for Kitty.

Selene: "Thank you for the offer. I really appreciate it." Selene watched Amara for a moment, her head tilted to the side. What a pleasant person. Her gaze then shifted back to the large photography depicted the graceful nude female. "I think that I really like this one here. It's my personal favourite among the ones we've seen so far. It has so much grace and a shadowy air about it."

Amara: Amara turned and smmiled at Selene, "You're welcome... and yeah I like it too. It's interesting." Amara sat down and pondered the painting some more, takign the opportunity to fish a bag of sweets out of her bag. She offered those to Selene too.

Selene: "My drawing of it doesn't even begin to capture its atmosphere. Nothing like the original." She gave the sheet of paper in her lap a frown. "I have to admit, this Maple-Person has talent, after all. You know, wouldn't this picture look quite wonderful in the main hall of the mansion?"

Selene: "Oh, thank you again." She glanced at the sweets, then took one out and tried it. "Those are good."

Amara: "It would... but I think it might scare prospective students..." Amara smiled at her again, "And you're welcome again. My mother sent these over. Our cook made them for me."

Selene: "Ah, how mindful of your mother. I shall appreciate them. They are delicious." She took another one. "Please, feel free to give both your mother and your cook my regards."

Amara: "I will." Amara smiled happily and sucked a sweet, looking around at all the pictures. "And I think your sketch is good."

Vic: Vic huffed as he reached the last picture, eyes going back to where Kyle had disappeared. Goddamn. Now he was bored and hand nothing to distract himself with.

Selene_: Selene glanced back at the picture. "Well, alternatively I could picture it in my room." She started gnawing on her pencil after she had finished the sweets. "I wonder if you can get souvenirs from this place."

Selene_: "Oh." She frowned at her sketch again. "Thank you. It's acceptable, I guess."

Kitty: Kitty plopped down on an empty bench, taking care to look elegant.

Amara: "There's bound to be some sort of souvenir place..." Amara frowned, "Not sure I want to go hunting through them though, just incase I have to search through all the naked men first..."

Kyle: Kyle opened the restroom door, a small smirk permanently stuck on his face. He walked back to the nude female photo's and joined Vic, looking at the one he was looking at...with no problem what so ever.

Lorna: Lorna sat down too, resting her head against the wall. "How have you been now that I've gotten the hug I needed?"

Vic: Vic looked over as he caught Kyle's scent....and his tail flicked as he caught what else it was mixed with. "Bastard." He purred slightly, smiling. "Have fun?"

Selene_: "Huh?" Selene gave Amara a puzzled look. "A souvenir place?" She blinked a few times. "Oh! Yes, of course, that's what I meant. Souvenir place. Not taking that picture over there with me or anything like that. Noooo, I guess I don't want to go and look for one. I'm quite sure we'd find nothing but penises there anyway."

Kyle: His smirk turned to a full on grin as he turned his head to look straight at Vic. "Hehe-yeah" he chuckled.

Vic: "Fuckin' bastard." Vic chewed a lip and looked back at the picture, tail flicking again.

Amara: Amara raised an eyebrow, Selene was a strange one. "Of course you weren't thinking of stealing it. Where would I get that idea?" Amara smile benignly, "Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

Selene_: Selene nodded. "That would be highly appreciated, thank you." She bit on her lower lip, looking back over the wall lined with pictures. "Not that I was implying to have had such intentions, mind you."

Kyle: Kyle noticed the tail, then nudged Vic in the side with his elbow once more. "You're not acting that normal anymore." he said, same stupid grin still on his face

Amara: Amara shook her head, "Oh of course not."

Vic: Vic just looked down at him deadpan, then at his tail. "Fuckin' thing. Gotta life of its own." He smirked at Kyle. Fuck. Stupid scents.

Selene_: "Besides, it's just the photography of a nude woman. Nothing that special anyway, don't you think?" Selene fidgeted with a strand of her long hair. "Not worth the trouble in any case, no? I'm sure they wouldn't like me if I tried to just take some of those nicer things with me. Well, they could keep all their penises, of course, but still." You should stop talking for once.

Amara: Amara giggled, "Well if you really want a photo of a naked woman I'm sure you wouldn't have to look too far for someone who would be willing to help recreate it... and as for the other pretty things... there's bound to be real pieces for sale..." Aamra frowned, she wondered how much money she could get out of her mother.

Kyle: Kyle breathed easy, taking a deep breath while still looking at the picture Vic was looking at. The tail wasn't the only thing giving away Vic's situation. Kyle was enjoying this fact. "You look uncomfortable. You sure you want to watch this or do you want to go to the flowers?" He asked Vic.

Selene_: "Perhaps, but I don't have any money to buy things. I guess I'll somehow have to help myself when I want to redecorate my room." She frowned at the picture. "Oh well, on a second glance, it looks a tad too mundane to go into my room. I probably wouldn't like to have it there."

Amara: "Fickle aren't you?" Amara said playfully, "But if you want help decorating your room, you only have to ask. Anything you need."

Vic: Vic pulled off the sunglasses to give Kyle the deadpan glare, but he couldn't stop the slight smile. "Hey. It ain' th' pictures, boy." He murmured, tail flicking lightly. Monogamy is a bitch, sometimes. "Shame they don' have showers."

Selene_: "You're not the first to call me that, yes." Her gaze shifted back to Amara, a tiny smile appearing on her face. "And I guess I should thank you for your generosity again. You are really helpful. I shall consider it."

Kyle: "No...but they have stalls." Kyle told Vic while perusing around the room. It was like looking at all the pretty pictures in a new light

Amara: "Hey no problem. I like to help friends."

Kitty: Kitty got up after a minute, and walked over to Selene and Amara. "Crazy weird, isn't this gallery? The flowers were really nice, though."

Selene_: Selene blinked, pausing for a few seconds. "You'd consider me a friend," she eventually asked.

Selene_: She gave Kitty a nod. "Yes, I concur. It's... interesting. The flowers were beautiful, though. However, the amount of nude people is rather bewildering."

Amara: Amara was surprised by the question, "Well... yes... does that bother you?"

Kitty: "I think, like that's the point..."

Amara: Amara turned to Kitty, "I like this room best."

Lorna: "Yeh, yeah. I'm pretty sure that the nudity's a pretty important theme." Lorna stayed at the bench, feeling quite lazy all of a sudden.

Selene_: "Oh, no, not at all." Selene was quick to shake her head. "I was merely surprised. I don't thing I've met many people who'd call me a friend yet."

Selene_: "Yes, I agree. I like these pictures." She gave another nod. "And the flower ones, too."

Kitty: "What? Really? Like, of course people call you friend." She blinked and looked between the two girls.

Amara: "Awww, I'm sure a lot of people call you friend, but they've just been rude and not told you." She patted Selene on the shoulder

Selene_: "You do, too?" Selene glanced up at Kitty with slightly widened eyes. "Usually people are just being polite when they say such a thing." If they really like me...? Selene uneasily smiled when Amara patted her.

Vic: Vic snorted at Kyle. "Yeah. Guess they don' consider mutan's wit' really good noses migh' jus' be lookin' at these."

Lorna: "Yeah, you're our friend Selene." Lorna smiled, holding back the 'often knife weilding, torture talking friend' portion of that topic.

Kitty: "Whaaa? You haven't like, met very nice people, then!"

Selene_: "Oh." Selene stared at the wall, not knowing how to respond. "Thank you, I guess. That's a nice thing to hear." She paused before looking at Kitty. "In fact, no, I haven't. That's the reason why I don't know what I should say now." Selene paused another time, her gaze wandering over the other girls. "Except, that I'd gladly be your friend, yes?"

Amara: Amara smiled at Selene, "Good. That's a great thing to say."

Kyle: "Yeah," Kyle agreed with Vic. Some of the pictures was starting to lose their artistic appeal, but gaining in a more personal appeal. "Or healing factor." he mumbled.

Kitty: "Yes!" Kitty grinned, tossing her hair over a shoulder. Victory! Another friend! Yay!

Vic: "Mmm." Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. "Shall we go look at th' flowers, Kyle? Nice flowers."

Selene_: "Very well then." Selene showed a reluctant smile, grateful for apparently having found the proper words. She took a few seconds to look from left to right and back again, trying to hide the mixture of confusion and excitement. "Please, excuse me, but this is all very new to me. Now that we have all agreed to being friends, is there anything else we have to do to solemnize this event?"

Kyle: "Yeah...flowers.." he followed Vic, eyes darting away from certain objects as they walked.

Amara: "Um... not really... but you can have another sweet if you like..." she offered the bag

Kitty: "I'd say group hug but like, I don't want to scare you off..."

Lorna: "Yeah. Nothing unless there's something you want to do." Lorna shrugged.

Selene_: "I think I'll go with the sweet. But thanks for the offer, Kitty." She reached over to take another sweet.

Amara: "feel free to help yourselves, my mother will just send more if I run out."

Selene_: She nodded again, not knowing what else to do, then returned to sit with her bag and notebook in her lap, her fingers awkwardly playing with the pencil.

Kitty: Kitty sat down next to her, wishing she hadn't worn her new shoes.
"If you live your life to please everyone else, you will continue to feel frustrated and powerless. This is because what others want may not be good for you. You are not being mean when you say NO to unreasonable demands or when you express your ideas, feelings, and opinions, even if they differ from those of others.â€
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2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

Post by steyn »

not as long as other games, but really fun to play
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2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

Post by Slarti »

:LMAO That was awesome! Lots of great, funny little moments.
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2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

Post by Starfish »

Heehee, yes, we had so much fun playing this. And yay, Selene is making friends! :)
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
Kieron Gillen
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2/16 Game: Mapplethorpe

Post by Ferguson »

Selene's friends moment is just fantastic.
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