8/18 Game: Pretty Diseases

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
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8/18 Game: Pretty Diseases

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: August 24th.

Fabian: Fabian's pen clicked on his table, frowning at the television being brought into the room. That didn't really seem like it was something Professor Lehnsherr would generally have with his lectures. "Special topic or something today, Professor?"

Melati: Wielding two pencils, Melati practiced playing the drums by beating them against the stuff cluttering her desk. "Sweet!" She put on a wry grin and leaned back in her chair when the screen was wheeled in. "We're going to watch a movie about math. Exciting."

Illyana: Illyana waddled into the classroom, opting for a seat close to an exit for easy bathroom access. Wait... was she in the wrong class?

Fabian: "Is there some movie based on Flatland? Because, no offense, that sounds painfully boring."

Jessica: "That sounds like the worst movie ever and I've seen some terrible ones in my popular culture lessons."

Connors: Curt grumbled as he tried to set up his notebook. His least favorite class of the day, and this one was going to be especially horrible.

Clarice: Clarice blinked into the room and checked her watch, awesome! She wasn't late ... but all the good seats were taken ... wait, gap between Fabian and Mick! She skipped over to between the boys, pulling her notebook out, "Don't mind if I sit here, do you guys?"

ProfLensherr: "Not quite, Ms. Kusuma," Erik replied with a smile towards the reptilian student. "Fabian is right; as thrilling as math may be, I figured we take a little break from it today for a little excursion into the real of current events." He looked around the room. "Unless someone insists on repeating stochastic theories."

Clarice: "Oh I dunno, when I was at school we watched some thing called Math Spy that was kinda fun," she smiled around the room as set up her pencil cases befor raising a hand, "Professor? Will there be a test on the video when we're done?" Better to be safe then sorry, right?

Connors: "I like Donald Duck in Mathmagicland." Curt admitted. "Very entertaining while still being informative." He began to doodle on his notepad, unsure of how much he liked the idea of a video.

Melati: "There are current events in math," Melati asked, a frown appearing on her face.

Illyana: Well maybe this wouldn't be bad anyway. Videos were usually fun. Illyana eased back in her seat and opened up her bag of trail mix to munch on. She was so not getting back up... unless she had to pee.

Fabian: He had wondered why there had been a request for people to come to this particular maths class. That at least made sense. Though he hoped that the actual video started soon as not to hear about strange math-related straight to DVD movies.

Jessica: Jess frowned a little and wondered how much actual class they were going to miss with this detour. Her eyes were drawn to Illyana and there they stayed. She was huge.

Mick: Mick yawned, looking up at Clarice. "Whu? Oh. Oh, no, no mate, go for it." He smiled at her, rubbing an eye behind the shaggy mane of hair.

Clarice: "Not keeping you up, are we?" She smiled at Mick.

ProfLensherr: "No, Clarice, there will be no test or anything on this topic. All I expect from you is to watch this recording I made, think about what you saw and heard, and then start a lively discussion about it. I hope so, anyway." Erik showed the class a brief smile, before he turned to fidget with the remote.

Mick: "Nah, jus'...totally not awake yet, y' know?" He smiled at her. "Oooh. Debate. Fuuuun."

Connors: Curt's attention was caught and he eyed the Professor.

Fabian: The opening for Matthew Stoffelis' show started up and Fabian was the first to voice his opinion in this debate so far. "Oh God, not this fuck."

Illyana: Illyana made a face. Debates never went well. She conteplated texting Pietro, but her phone was in her bag... yeah she'd just tough it out on her own. She caught Jess looking at her and offered the girl a smile.

Connors: Curt sighed and rolled his eyes. "Is the debate how to drown him?"

Clarice: Clarice pulled a face, "What's thyere to debate about him? We all agree he's a total nincompoop!"

Jessica: "Who're we drowning?" She shook herself.

Melati: "Oh hey, at least it's not math." Her frown deepened, and she slightly tilted her head as she watched the screen. "Oh hell, he's not much better, though."

Illyana: Illyana was horrified. She didn't want the babies to hear this!

Fabian: "Drowning would be far, far too peaceful. Unless we're going to do it drop by drop."

Illyana: "I volunteer to drop him into a volcano."

Clarice: "That Stoffelis guy," she called back to Jess.

Mick: Mick eyeballed the TV. "Oh righ'...him. Hey, even idiots like him're allowed their say, guys, this is a free world...even if it is total bullshit."

Jessica: "Oh... strangling him would be more cathartic I think."

ProfLensherr: "There we go," Erik said, upping the volume. "Please watch the video, as challenging as it may be to endure the peculiarities of its host. It's only a couple minutes long."

Clarice: "Noooo, tie him to a rock and get that silly eagle to eat his liver out, like in that myth," Clarice giggled slightly evilly.

Melati: Melati raised a hand. "Can I go to flatland instead?"

Connors: Curt tried to listen and was stunned at the guest. "Whoa! I know this guy! I read about him online!"

Fabian: "...I am absolutely with Clarice, we're going to Prometheus the hell out of him."

Connors: "He's the guy who - ... Oh man. I don't know..." He got quiet.

Melati: "I vote we just send Wade to be his next interview guest," Mel remarked, folding her hands behind her head. "That's worse than getting your liver eaten."

Illyana: Illyana just sighed and rubbed her stomach.

Fabian: Fabian looked over towards the lizard girl...he was in a room of evil geniuses and they were the 'good guys' too. "I think I love you."

Jessica: Jess found her attention wandering back to Illyana again.

Mick: "Who's the hack in the seat?" Mick propped his head on his hand, staring at the screen and playing with a pen. "Dude. Seriously. Is he...he's totally makin' us out to be a disease, ain' he."

Clarice: Clarice gave Fabian a little mock pout at the declaration of love for her roomie, then turned to Mick, "Yeah, I saw this a while back, it's messed up!"

Illyana: "There is a reason I don't watch this channel." Pietro probably had it blocked, but that was beside the point.

Angelina: Finding herself with a free period, Angel decided she wanted to hear people's thoughts on this... cure. She slipped in the door with a nod to Erik and took a seat near Illyana. The girl was getting big!

Mick: That just reminded him of when he'd sneezed and teleported an entire wall out of the house once when he'd manifested...and his mother had asked if he had a cold while he was trying to cover the gap. He snorted at memory.

Melati: "From what I've heard, I might need to take a number for that," Melati remarked, glancing at Fabian with a wry grin on her lips.

Illyana: Illyana smiled over at Angel. "Joining us too?" She whispered to her.

Mick: "Don' watch this shit normally, man." He stretched in his seat. "And you know what? Kinda rememberin' why..."

Fabian: "Hey now, it's worth the wait." He smirked and gave a wink before bringing his attention back to the television."Oooh, this is the Trask episode!" He was now distracted from Mel now, cringing. "If the host gets Wade he can get the Prometheus liver torture. It's only fair."

Angelina: "Si, it has me... intrigued." Her lips twitched with what was half smile and half frown.

Clarice: Clarice rested her chin on her fist, "I don't get it, apart from thinking we're all sick that Trask guy seems kinda nice."

Jessica: Jess attempted to pay attention to what was being said on the tv but she was distracted now.

Fabian: "He thinks we're a disease. That's one of the most insulting things I've ever heard in my life and I get insulted quite a lot. I should be an expert in it by now."

Mick: Mick nodded. "Seems t' genuinely think we need help...which is a step up from wantin' to treat us like a dangerous minority, eh?"

Illyana: "Of course he does, Clarice. That's how he gets support for his stupid idea."

Fabian: "So because his Mutant-Kind Savior ignorance makes him nice about it he's less of a fuck?" His brow furrowed in Mick's direction.

ProfLensherr: "Ah, welcome, Angelina." Erik sent a smile across the classroom. "I feel flattered you decided to sacrifice your spare time for one of my boring lectures."

Clarice: Clarice snorted at her fellow teleporter, "Naaaah, the way they get support is by saying we should all be burnt at the stake, didn't you hear what he had to say about sorta-Professor Mr. Kent's new team thingie?"

Jessica: "They should be spending their time looking for cures to actual diseases."

Clarice: Clarice banged her pencil tin on the desk in agreement with Jess, "Here, here!"

Angelina: "Grazie. This is hardly a boring subject." She smirked. "And I don't think you're capable of being boring, Erik."

Mick: "Hey, I'm jus' saying I prefer people offering me a tissue t' people offerin' me a bullet, you know?" Mick shrugged.

Illyana: "Woah woah, bullets?! They are going to shoot us now?!"

Fabian: "Exactly right." Fabian nodded to Jessica. "While people are dying of actual diseases they're going to waste billions trying to take from us what we were borh with."

Clarice: "Some of them want to shoot us, like those Friends people," she shuddered.

Melati: "Eh, I know types like him," Melati muttered, tapping the pencil she held between two fingers against her knee. "They all think they're the know-it-all shit, all well meaning and showing us idiots the way."

Melati: She huffed. "Tell you what, he may thinking he's doing us all a favour as much as he wants, doesn't make him any less of a misguided fuck up."

Fabian: "And, I don't know about you, but I'd much rather be shot than be hauled off to some hospital."

Jessica: "I hate hospitals..."

Illyana: Illyana frowned at Melati. People and their mouths!

Mick: Mick yawned again, slouching in his seats. "Just like every single goddamned politition ou' there, Mel." He murmured lazily. "You reckon they'd make the cure mandetory?" He frowned a little then.

Clarice: "Having been shot at, I think I would prefer the hospital," Clarice pulled a face, "but not by much, grant."

Jessica: "If they make it mandatory I'm moving to the moon."

Clarice: "... Mutant Moon Base ..." Clarice grinned at the idea, "can we do that anyway?"

Illyana: "We could colonize the moon! Excellent plan."

ProfLensherr: Erik switched off the TV as soon as the short interview ended. "Well well, so much for that," he said, looking over the class. "Seems like we're well on the way to have that lively discussion I mentioned. Good good."

Angelina: Angel hid her grin at the running commentary and crossed her legs to get comfortable in the chair,

Melati: "Speaking of which, did you know that you can use pressurized beer as propellant in space," Mel remarked, looking over to the others with a knowing nod. "Keep that in mind, guys. Might save your live at some point."

Jessica: "Wouldn't that be a waste of good beer?"

Clarice: "... Seriously?"

Mick: Mick pushed the stuff around his desk via pen half-heartedly. "Honestly, guys, bettin' ya in a few weeks this'll sink without a trace, jus' like every single 'shock cure' for mutants."

Jessica: "Or they'll be rolling it out to clinics across the nation."

Melati: Melati frowned. "Yeah, that's true. That's why I'd consider it a last resort."

Illyana: "Governments across the globe could begin requiring the 'vaccination' just like any other, if it is real."

Clarice: "They can't force you to have a vaccination though? It's a basic human right."

ProfLensherr: "Now, some of you raised a number of interesting points already," Erik recapped, sitting on the edge of his desk. "For one, who can tell how successful such a supposed cure might be, or whether it's possible at all. However, for the sake of the discussion, just let's assume that it actually is possible to suppress mutant traits for a prolonged period of time."

Mick: Mick shrugged lazily. "Ooor it's just another flash in th' pan that won't come to nothin'. Which let's face it, totally will."

Curtis: "I would do it..." He admitted softly under his breath.

Mick: He looked at the Prof, then scratched his cheek with the pen. Oooh, needed to shave, it shouldn't feel like he was sanding his pen on his cheek. "Can see why some wouldn't mind the choice."

Jessica: "They could start doing a two-for-one deal for newborns. Free mutant cure with your circumcision....." she mused.

Melati: "I don't think there ever has been something like a mandatory vaccination," Melati remarked, crossing her arms. "Seriously, you'd piss off too many people even trying to suggest something like that."

Mick: "But then they've been tryin' to cure gay for years, with about as much success. When you get righ' down t' it, it's the choice of the individual, innit? I mean, for mos' mutants, you couldn' lead us to water if we didn' want it, let alone stick a needle in us."

Melati: "Think of all the hicks in the hinterlands," she continued. "They don't trust the government worth crap, and won't hesitate to wave a shotgun in the face of whoever suggests their kids should get vaccinated. Even when it's against common diseases."

Fabian: "We're not human, Clarice." Fabian pointed out. "If that was the case we wouldn't have to go through half the things governments try to put us through. They don't really care about how much they piss us off."

Fabian: "Plus they all ready have given us an actual disesase through mandatory testing."

Melati: "I mean, as much as these guys might hate mutants, wouldn't they be too paranoid to go with something like that?"

Jessica: "If they piss us off and we attack them we're just proving their point anyway. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place."

Illyana: "And they could require it for schools and certain jobs, just like the laws already in place. You can opt out, but it limits where you can go and what you can do. It would keep mutants out of universities and the best jobs."

Clarice: "I'm human," Clarice said firmly, "and you're allowed to defend yourself from crazy people trying to stab you with needles."

Mick: Mick let his head fall back, staring at the ceiling. He'd always had his eyes, but if given the choice, would he not be a mutant? Compared to a lot of kids here, he'd had it piss easy, only a bit of bullying. "Guess it's all down t' if you like bein' a mutant or not, mmm?" He half-muttered.

ProfLensherr: "Let's try to keep the discussion on a philosophical level for now," Erik tossed in, holding up a hand. "No one is suggesting we take any public stance in this. For now, anyway."

Jessica: "They'd never see it as defence though. History has taught us that. We'd be deemed terrorists."

Fabian: "We know we're human but they don't." He sighed. "Trask might say we're perfectly fine to go back into society when we're cured but you'll note he doesn't think we can do it before because even he won't treat us as human."

Mick: "I mean, ain' there people, even in this school, that don't like th' fact they're born like this with no choice? I mean if we're born with a hare lip or a wonky nose, we get it fixed by surgery. So why not this too, if people don' like it? So long as it stays a choice, I mean."

Illyana: "But how do you ensure that it stays a choice?"

Melati: "Call me human, call me mutant - I don't care whether anyone sees it as one and the same or something entirely different." Melati leaned back in her chair, balancing it on two legs. "All I know is that I'm me, and I like the way I am."

Jessica: "It's not going to stay a choice."

Clarice: "Philosophically speaking, if they think they can cure mutantness then that should mean they can figure out how to cure like .... genetic illnesses like AIDS and things, the stuff that's actually killing people," Clarice huffed.

Mick: "Philisophically speakin' here."

Fabian: "Mutations aren't to be cured. The only thing wrong with people who want to change their mutation is self-loathing and what they need is a good shrink."

Jessica: Jess frowned a little, thinking of Kevin. A good shrink wouldn't fix that.

Mick: Mick huffed. "Yeah, but some people are seein' mutations on the same level as AIDS an' shit. It kills people, it scares people, it causes problems."

Clarice: "Well, they're just silly."

Fabian: "So because people are afraid of us we're wrong somehow?"

Jessica: "Any of that stuff is just caused by their lack of understanding or willingness to understand."

Fabian: "I'd say it's up to them to get over their own fears. It's not like we're curing homosexuals because of the Westboro Baptist Church but people sure as hell used to want to and I don't see this as that much different."

Jessica: "It's not any different."

Mick: He scrubbed an eye. "And not all shit can be cured by learnin' to love yourself more, guys. Some people with mutations really do have problems with it. Look, I ain't sayin' it's wrong or right, just tha' for some, they're as pissed they're mutants as we are about havin' it taken away."

ProfLensherr: Erik nodded towards the class. "I believe equating mutations to other hereditary diseases is an interesting exercise in thought, but is it really appropriate to draw such a parallel," he asked. "After all, such diseases generally only affect the people who are afflicted with them. In our case, we also affect the people around us."

Mick: "Hands up here who chose to be a mutant?"

Fabian: That actually earned a smile in Jess's direction at that.

Mick: Mick pointed at the Prof. "My point."

Jessica: "No one chose it. That's the point."

Mick: "Yeah, so how many people d'ya think are happy that they weren't given a choice about blowin' shit up or hearing their best mate's real opinions?"

Fabian: "If it were a choice I would choose it over again because I am not ashamed at what I am and never will be no matter what they tell me."

Jessica: "They're effectively punishing us and targeting us for something we had no control over. It's like saying they have a cure for different coloured skin - in some cases it's exactly that!" she gestured at Clarice.

ProfLensherr: "Isn't it that what motivates these people," he asked, no one in particular. "The fact that some of us are born with powerful and arguably dangerous abilities."

Illyana: Illyana munched on her trail mix.

Mick: Mick looked up. "Who here would trus' a politition that could control your thoughts?"

Clarice: "Me too Fabian," she nodded at Jess, "I was born looking like this, if my mutation went away I wouldn't be me anymore ..." the idea was slightly disturbing.

Jessica: "It's not our choice. We shouldn't be demonised for it. And just because they are dangerous, it doesn't mean everyone will use them that way."

Illyana: "If a person with AIDS infects 100 partners with HIV, that makes him more dangerous than most of the people in this room. They are not calling for his cure the same way they are our 'cure.'"

Jessica: "There are good mutants and bad mutants. Just like their are good non-mutants and bad ones. The difference is we don't all need guns to hurt people."

Mick: "Look, ain' sayin' I'd choose it for myself. I like bein' a mutant. But there's some kids who would like to be...well, human, I guess. Besides, mutation's a visible thing, eh?"

Fabian: "And that person probably does want cured." Fabian sidded up with Illyana. "Look, this is basically an attempt to homogenize the world and, last I checked, in most other ways we've accepted this was wrong on so many levels."

ProfLensherr: "But try to see it from the pragmatic side," Erik remarked. "They may see it as an unfortunate circumstance we didn't have a choice in the matter, but that doesn't remove the fact that some of us could easily cause more destruction than most weapons in the human arsenal."

Jessica: "But that doesn't mean we will!"

Mick: He doodled in the margin of his notebook, unsurprisingly a little elf Death Knight doing the macarena. "Yup. Fuck the nuclear arms race, bring out the supersoldiers."

Clarice: "Isn't that why SWORD was set up though?" Clarice asked, "to control mutant threats to world security and stuff?"

Fabian: "Everyone has the potential for destruction. You don't have to be a mutant to destroy or else there wouldn't be a war on drugs, a war on terror, racial profiling."

Mick: "But we might. Hate t' bring up old wounds, but...look at who we jus' stopped, guys. Look at it for a moment. If you were a government, hell an average human, wouldn' you want that threat gone forever?"

Jessica: "They should stop looking at us as a blight on society and instead focus on the good we can do with our powers. I thought that was kind of the idea of the X-men."

Illyana: "It is illogical to think you can eliminate all threats."

ProfLensherr: "While the average person is required to undergo a screening to purchase a handgun, some mutants are born with the equivalent of one." He nodded at Fabian. "Good point. But many people will see a difference in how much power is available to each individual."

Mick: "No, but you can try. C'mon, they wanna try and protect their people from a percieved threat. Look at it from their perspective for a moment."

Fabian: Well, just when he thought he might go through a day without thinking about what he had been involved in.

Jessica: "You can't licence people to live. That's ridiculous!"

Fabian: "What do you think the registration act is? They've just not gotten to the part where they put us down probably."

Mick: "Would you let th' guy who heads up Westboro have these abilities? Hey, how about the KKK? They hafta weigh over the bad, because that's what gets people hurt."

Illyana: Illyana rubbed her stomach worriedly. "And what about for our kids too?" She asked mostly to herself. What kind of world would her twins inherit?

Jessica: "But they won't assess the threat properly. They're not going to look at it on a case by case basis, are they? They won't care if they're curing healers or people that can blow up the sun. They'll just blanket ban our abilities."

Clarice: "And even if they did ban mutants, when mutants are criminalised, only the criminals will be mutants."

Clarice: "So all the good law abiding mutants will loose thier powers, but all the bad guys will still have them and no one who can stop them."

Jessica: "Exactly. The whole idea is flawed and they need to forget it."

Melati: "You don't have to look that far," Melati remarked. "Just look at that Apocalypse looney and Essex's goons. Make no mistake, guys. People won't think of us as victims, but only remember the potential threat we pose."

Melati: "Can you blame them after we've seen what a few messed up folks can do," she asked.

Illyana: "That's like saying we should kill all Muslims because of what a few did."

Mick: Mick sat back, chewing his pen. "Yeah, but...think about it. You have a room full of mutants. Nine outta ten of 'em's decent, law-abidin' awesome people. One of them has the ability t' blow people up, and he's a terrorist that wants t' see people dead. What do you do in that situation if you can' tell who the guy is? You take the risk of missin' the guy away by curin' them all."

Clarice: "I mean, some mutants don't even have like .... DNA or stuff, how would you cure that Malice thing or Professor Kincaid? If either of them wanted to go on a rampage I think only another mutant would have a chance of stopping them."

Mick: Fuuuuck, it'd happened again, hadn't it? Goddamnit, he always ended up being the devil's advocate on the debate teams at home.

Fabian: Fabian just gave Mick a bit of a look. "So how is that any different from killing all the Arabic people they can find because of 9/11?"

ProfLensherr: "I fully admit to playing devil's advocate here, but I believe we all can agree that the situation is more complex than it may seem at first glance." Erik sent the class a faint smile.

Jessica: "They should just leave our DNA alone and bug some other poor unfortunate law-abiders for a while."

Mick: "Hell no. But there's ways of catchin' those people. Mutants...not so much, not when we can fuck wit' minds, perception an' technology."

Jessica: "Not all of us can."

Clarice: "No it's not, they're silly poopyheads for thinking they should do this," Clarice would not budge from her point, no siree!

ProfLensherr: He held up his hand. "I don't think Mick ever had such a drastic measure in mind, and perhaps we may even assume that the powers that be will never take things as far either."

Illyana: "I think it's safer to assume they will."

Jessica: "And whose to say that one terrorist in the room with nine other good people wouldn't have the power to mind control and make them think they'd vaccinated him or her too? Your argument is invalid."

Illyana: "After all... nobody thought Hitler would exterminate so many people when he began his rein now did they?"

Fabian: "Why would they?" Fabian looked to Lensherr. "I mean, all of human history points to the fact that it'd go just as pearshaped as imaginable."

Angelina: Angel knew that was coming, and shifted in her chair.

ProfLensherr: "Perhaps they see it more like a measure akin to... say, gun control," he suggested. "Would you consider it immoral to suppress potentially harmful mutations until the individual person has proven they're lawful members of society and are able to handle them responsibly?"

Mick: "No, but the public only sees the ones who can, guys. Seriously, look at it from their point of view for a moment. They're squishy humans, they see all these...weird an' new abilities, they know there's people out there who can make 'em do the can-can naked down the street and take their minds away from them. What's not t' be frightened by?"

Mick: "Yes! What the professor said."

Illyana: "Mick. They can hurt us too. Just because we have powers too, doesn't mean we're safe from them. It means we can stop them."

Jessica: "They could try paying attention to the ones that are trying to protect them. And like they're going to give us our powers back. It's a cure. Once they're gone they're gone. They can't make us take a test to decide if we earned them!"

Mick: "Yeah, X-Force did a real good thing of showin' that, huh."

Melati: "Viva la revolution," Melati asked, showing Illyana a toothy grin.

Illyana: "You shut your mouth, Mick."

Kevin: Kevin slipped into the room quietly. Ok, so this wasn't normal class. He went to sit at the back, wonder why he'd thought it was a good idea to stay up so late drawing.

Angelina: Angel flicked her wings and gave Kevin a faint smile. "Fashionably late, si?"

Jessica: Jess glanced over at Kevin and gave him a small smile.

Mick: Mick snorted, giving a half-shrug. "There we go." He muttered, going back to his doodle. "Besides, what about those poor mutants tha' don't want to be a mutant? That are terrified of what they can do?"

Illyana: Illyana settled back down. She kept a slight glare on Mick though. How dare he bring that up?

Jessica: "Even if they put a system in place for that someone would find a way to abuse it and force others into it."

Fabian: "You think they're actually doing any of this to benefit us? I think that's just naive. I doubt somehow Trask is going to show up with a questionaire for us to fill out. Rate life with mutations with smiley faces and frowns."

Jessica: Jess snorted at that.

Melati: "You know, I could get behind that idea," Melati remarked, rolling one of the pencils between her lips. "After all, you don't let any schmuck on the street carry concealed heat, right?" Her expression turned stern. "You don't have to look further than this school to see that some people shouldn't have the power to make others blow up."

Kevin: "Sorry!" Kevin said. He blinked. That was something he felt - he hated his powers. He squirmed in his chair.

Illyana: Illyana crossed her arms across her stomach. "Please tell me more about how everyone follows the laws. I'm intrigued."

Angelina: "I'm only teasing," Angel assured him. His power... should understand wanting a cure. And Scott, for a time, had learned how to suppress his.

Jessica: "Yes but they still don't have the right to take away our powers. We were born with them. They're a part of who we are. And like I keep saying: not everyone that has destructive powers is going to use them that way."

Remy: The door opened, and Remy let himself in, dropping into the nearest seat, hoping no one noticed the late entrance.

Illyana: Illyana blinked at the kid sitting beside her. "Hello."

Clarice: This debate was putting her in a foul mood .... however hot french guy had just entered and ooh look ... suddenly better!

Mick: "But they don' know that. They don' know our heads and there's been plenty of mutants who've shown them tha' actually, yes, they will use it tha' way?"

Angelina: Angel was happy to see that chronic tardiness wasn't just restricted to her classes.

Jessica: "So lock them up like other criminals and throw away the key! 'Curing' them isn't going to make them magically nice. In fact, it will probably just piss them off further."

Illyana: "There are plenty of humans who have killed more people than anyone at this school, Mick. Just you keep that in mind."

Remy: Remy smiled at Illyana - aaaah, the pregnant one. "Bonjour." He murmured. Looking around, he spotted Clarice, face suddenly brightening. "Chere! Bonjour, you are feeling better?"

Fabian: "Even if people with destructive powers use them that way it's not their mutations that make them violent, it's the situations they're in that produce the need for destruction."

Kevin: "But, Jess, what if someone with destructive powers couldn't control them, and they did something really bad with them, and they didn't want to do it in the first place? Do you want to punish me - them for something they couldn't have any control over?"

Mick: Mick snorted. "Funnily enough, Illyana, I wasn' talking about anyone at this school, I was thinkin' more Apocolypse."

ProfLensherr: "A valid concern," Erik remarked in response to Fabian's words, holding out his hands. "As someone else said, any new law shouldn't be examined by its potential benefits, but by how much damage it could cause in the worst case."

Clarice: "Better for the company," she blushed slightly back at him ... darn it, no empty seats next to her!

Jessica: "No, Kevin. That would be accidental. And there's plenty of cases where non-mutants have gotten off because the deaths they caused were accidents. We should get the same courtesy."

Fabian: "And this is just another situation that is going to cause more violence. I mean, I should know all about Apocalypse and I can tell you that the way he got followers is by offering a world order that seemed safer to them. It was manipulative and not really what most of us had in mind but this is the kind of thing that push people towards higher and higher destruction."

Remy: Remy smiled, hoping that the blush didn't show too badly. "So ... what'd Remy miss, chere?"

Clarice: "We're talking about that poophead doctor that want's to cure us and how it's silly," she summarised, pulling a slight face at the mentionings of her uncle and shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

Melati: "What about those who would want such a cure, though," Mel said, nodding in Kevin's direction. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I somehow doubt Kevin here feels all righteous just because he was born with the sucky powers he has."

Melati: "I think he should at least get the choice, if such a thing were possible," she remarked.

Fabian: "After all, it's only the very rare wackjob that decides to blow up a place just because it's fun and they should be more concerned with what is actually wrong with said wackjob than being born a mutant."

Clarice: "If they do come up with a cure and people want it, I won't stand in thier way. I believe in free choice, but it shouldn't be decided for them."

Mick: Mick sat back, slipping into silence, frowning to himself as he thought, pen doodling absently on the paper. Ugh, this was a messy subject, and reminded him when he'd had to be on the side of the Nazis for that bloody debate in history once. He'd been decked for that because he'd been a little too good, too. "See, that's the poin' I've been tryin' to make, Mel."

Kevin: Kevin squirmed some more. Now everyone was looking at him. "I'd definitely like the choice."

Jessica: Jess changed seats to sit nearer Kevin. "If it stays a choice then it'd be fine... but it wouldn't."

Remy: "Oh. D' Trask thing? Oui, Remy saw dat. Looked interestin'." He shrugged. "Would like t' go home."

Clarice: "And I object to being called a disease," she pouted, "I'm too pretty and astounding to be a disease."

Angelina: Angel had to smile at that.

Illyana: Illyana laughed at Clarice. "I agree with that sentiment."

Fabian: Fabian turned and applauded Clarice for that, smirking.

Remy: "Tres belle, mon chere, far too beautiful."

Melati: "Damn right you are, girl!" Melati flashed her roomie a grin and gave her an affectionate nudge against the shoulder.

Jessica: "Disease also implies we're contagious. Which I'm sure I'm not."

Mick: Mick couldn't help the laugh, giving Clarice a quick hug.

Fabian: "I'm sure someone will try to prove we are contagious."

Illyana: "Actually.... it kind of is, Jess. Not to others, but... it passes on..." She glanced at her stomach. "But that's why it isn't a disease, but a trait. Just like blonde hair or brown hair."

Clarice: Clarice giggled and blushed as the whole room agreed with her.

Jessica: "Then they can go and find every person that came to me in Amsterdam and check them for an x-gene." Jess leaned back in her chair, "That'll set them straight."

Remy: Remy blew hair out of his face. "You know what? I think ... if I was given d' choice, Remy'd take it. D' cure, I mean. Maybe."

Illyana: Illyana blinked at Jess then shifted uncomfortably.

Fabian: Fabian turned to Remy, obviously confused that he would. "Why?"

Remy: "Because Remy got t'rown out of his house an' disowned for bein' a mutant, ami, an' he kinda misses his family." Remy said bluntly.

Illyana: "Parents could give it to their children!" The idea just hit Illyana. "They could entirely wipe out the mutant race in a few generations except for those born to mutant parents!"

Remy: "What, you think you foun' him on d' streets because it was fun?"

Fabian: "...see, that's a horrible thing but that's also a horrible reason to want to change yourself. It's their doing that they can't accept you, not who you are."

Clarice: "... Really?" Clarice gave him a sad look, "I'm sorry Remy."

ProfLensherr: "Allow me to bring up another argument from the opposing point of view," Erik spoke up. "After all, if you have command a certain power, whether through birth or acquired by other means, isn't there also a certain duty to use them for the greater good?"

Jessica: "Isn't that why we're doing the X-men thing?" Jess frowned.

Kevin: "Living on the street sucks," Kevin agreed. "Professor, what if our powers aren't suitable to help anyone?"

Remy: "Oui. Because Remy loves d' fact dat if he's too drunk, or too tired, or jus' too angry he can blow things up. Buildings, clothes, hell Remy blew up his bed d' night he was thrown out." Remy shook his head, waving away the sudden wave of anger and deflating a little.

ProfLensherr: "Just as we consider it wrong to merely watch a person on the street fall over and do nothing to help, wouldn't it be equally negligent to allow bad things to happen, even though it would be fully within our capabilities to do something about it?"

Fabian: "So you'd cure yourself because you have the potential to screw up? Everyone has that potential, mutant or not."

Clarice: "Well ... yeah," Clarice agreed with the professor, "that's why I became the Astounding Blink!"

Mick: Mick frowned. "See, my mutation's not a dangerous one. So...I mean, yeah, it'd be easy for me to use it f' good."

Jessica: "I made a lot of lives better." Jess said assuredly.

Remy: Remy shook his head. "If Remy has dis, oui, he will, but he wasn't given a choice in d' matter, ami. Think I'd rather be normal."

Melati: "Hey, do I get to be the Magnificent Mel," she asked, turning to look at Clarice.

Angelina: Angel sniffed slightly and started to inspect her manicure. Sometimes these people had very narrow views of ways to help.

Melati: "No wait, what fits with Komodo," she wondered aloud.

Remy: "Kickass?" Remy grinned at her.

Clarice: "Ummm ... Krazy with a K?" Clarice suggested with a giggle.

Kevin: "Fabian, sometimes, our power to screw up can hurt someone seriously! It's not like whoops, I broke your favorite china set. It's more like, whoops I killed - " Kevin said, voice on the higher-pitch end, slapping a gloved hand over his mouth. Shit. He'd almost said it out loud. He sunk down into his chair, hoping nobody had heard him.

Melati: "Ooh, ten points for Mr. sexy Frenchman." She pointed at Remy and gave him a wry grin.

Angelina: Angel had, but she gave Kevin a sympathetic smile.

Remy: Remy looked back at the kid who'd spoken, giving him a half-smile and a nod. "My point. And merci, chere, you're gonna make Remy blush if you're not careful."

Jessica: Jess reached to pat Kevin gently, "We should talk..." she said quietly to him.

Mick: Mick finished his doodle, balancing the pen for a moment. "That's the thing though, innit?" He said. "Some mutants really do have th' ability to fuck up an' be terrified of what they are. Wouldn' it be as bad t' take that choice away as it would be t' force it on someone who don' want it?"

Melati: "Careful doesn't exist in my vocabulary." Melati winked.

Remy: "I'll bet." He gave Mel a dirty little grin, before he glanced at Clarice and then at the teleporter who had eyes similar to his. "Oui. It would."

ProfLensherr: "Speaking of choices, how to you think about criminals who also happen to be mutants," Erik asked the class. "I believe we all can agree that they already lost their right to freedom through their actions. Would you consider it legitimate if the choice was made for them in such a case?"

Clarice: .... Clarice had to think about that one, "... Like when they chemically castrate rapists?"

Jessica: "No. I think they should be locked up, yes, but like other criminals given the option of rehabilitation."

Mick: "I dunno...think that's probably somethin' that'll have to be determined by crime." Mick frowned, scratching his cheek. "I mean, petty crimes, nah. But th' big ones? Murder, rape, y' know...shit tha' gets you locked away for a long time? Maybe then."

Melati: "If some people go out of their way to mess with other people's lives, they can't complain when they get messed with in return," Melati said, adding a casual shrug. "Simple as that. Doesn't mean you have to be an unreasonable dick when it comes to punishment. I'd reserve something like that for lost causes such as our friend Apocalypse."

Clarice: And back to talking about her uncle again, more uncomfortable shiftng in her seat.

Remy: "Oui ... but den you're openin' d' can of worms about capital punishment, ami." Remy straightened a little. "Mean, it'd have to be monitored like hangin' and all dat, can't jus' have somethin' like dat thrown about."

Remy: He noticed the uncomfortable shifting. "Y' okay, chere?" He murmured quietly.

Illyana: "It's not ok to take our powers. Espcially if there is no trial, no jury. And peers would mean other mutants, not humans."

Clarice: "Just .... the whole Apocalypse thing ..." she muttered back, "still not 100% comfortable talking about it ..."

Mick: "But that's the point, there would be, jus' like any other punisment."

Melati: "It's not like the lack of a fair trial stopped some of us from handing out the capital punishment either," Melati remarked, her tone sharp.

Jessica: "No there wouldn't. They'll start refusing mutants to turn up to jury duty for that stuff."

Remy: Remy tilted his head, frowning a little in confusion. "Remy saw dat on d' TV in France, laid low when War was causin' havok. Did somethin' ..." It clicked, then, with the pink skin. "... Oh. Oh, y' were ... oh chere." He reached over and squeezed her hand gently.

Angelina: If Angel recalled, Melati had been in on that conspiracy herself. She arched a brow. Interesting.

Clarice: She gave him an awkward smile, "He's my uncle," she said simply, "he murdered my parents and then mind controlled me ..."

Remy: Remy left his seat then, crouching by Clarice and giving her a hug. "It's not y'r fault, oui? You're too nice f' it to be."

Noriko: Noriko jerked out of her thoughtful state in the corner to watch the class and give Clarice a reassuring smile.

Mick: Mick shifted over, eyeballing the French guy - gah, his worst nightmare come to life - and shifted over.

Clarice: "I know," hugs were good, esspecially when the guy giving them smelt as good as he did, and hugged back, "thanks."

ProfLensherr: "So I've heard." Erik gave a nod in Melati's direction, his expression stern. "If I'm not mistaken, you weren't exactly opposed to such measures yourself at first, yes? What made you change your mind, if I may ask?" He then scanned the rest of the class with his eyes. "And isn't it true that the entire concept of the X-men operates outside lawful procedures, anyway?"

Clarice: "Only 'cos the cops can't handle the stuff we do!" Clarice declared.

Jessica: "You were all about using our powers for the greater good ten minutes ago. What happened to that?"

Noriko: Flicking open a page in her notepad she started on another lot of lyrics enjoying listening to the debate, she agreed with the cure sort of just not as a cure.

Mick: "He's bein' a teacher an' keeping the debate rollin', makin' us think." Mick nodded, frowning a little.

ProfLensherr: "Wouldn't you say this organization hasn't infringed on mutant's rights by keeping prisoners themselves?" He turned to Jessica and gave her shark-like grin. "Well, as I've said earlier, my dear, just playing devil's advocate."

Clarice: Clarice pouted, "We shouldn't have kept them, we shouldda given them over to the police."

Jessica: She suppressed a shudder. Creepy. "I didn't agree with anyone keeping Fabian and Lukas prisoner here if that's what you mean."

Noriko: "The police can't really handle mutant prisoners though they just can't handle them, unless say they had the patches or something."

Remy: Remy raised an eyebrow at Fabian, before dragging a chair over so that he could continue hugging Clarice.

Mick: "Which, y' know, takes us back t' the whole removing powers from criminals shit, eh?"

Angelina: "There are collars," Angel put in. "They were developed by Dr. Essex, as far as we know. But many have them now. They stop you from accessing your abilities."

Jessica: "There. They don't even need the stupid cure."

Noriko: "Yeah but the patches are temporary power removal, not permenant you know like taking weapons from prisoners almost."

Kevin: "The patches don't work perfectly, either."

Melati: "Even someone as thickheaded as I can wise up, no," Melati replied, keeping her arms crossed as she looked back at their teacher. "Turned out it's one thing to break a few bones in a fair up fight, perhaps even taking a fucker down for good if he plans to do the same to you or your pals. It's the consequences that everyone's been agreeing to when they joined the fray, right?"

Remy: "Wait, dere's patches? An' no one told Remy?"

Noriko: "Also you can build immunity to the patches over a long period of time."

Clarice: Clarice let her head flop onto Remy's shoulder and involuntarily touched her neck at the mention of the collars.

Melati: "Now, going after someone to stab them in the back..." She shrugged, looking down. "Don't think it's the same thing, and I guess I'm not cut out for that."

Clarice: "The patches don't do anything to your physical mutations either."

Noriko: "Don't they?

Remy: "Non? Merde." Remy sighed, still keeping his arm around Clarice and trying not to blush too hard. "Nevermind den."

Clarice: "I didn't stop being pink when you put them on the He-on me, did I?" She managed a small smile at her best friend.

Angelina: "Neither do the collars. I've never worn the collar or the patch, but from what I understand..." She fluttered her wings.

Jessica: Jess frowned, "What's that about stabbing people in the back? I'm sorry, did their targets not expect people to come after them?"

Noriko: "Oh yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, this is true." Giving Remy a very careful look as he snuggled her best friend. "Mind you I don't have physical mutations to worry about...."

Remy: And another hug. Remy liked hugging Clarice, it was ... comforting.

ProfLensherr: "As far as I know, none of the current means to control mutant powers are absolutely reliable, for better or worse," Erik commented. "Nor are they without side effects."

Clarice: And Clarice was A-OKAY with being hugged by french-hottie!

Angelina: Angel nodded in agreement with Erik, giving him a small, coy smile.

Noriko: "Side effects what sort of side effects?"

Illyana: Illyana just glared at Melati.

Mick: Mick nodded. "Personally, I'm tired of bein' drugged. And I like being a mutant. A lot." He grinned at the thought of the car in the garage. Reaaally needed to get that licence...

Kevin: "The side effects are pretty bad. I became allergic to the sun."

Clarice: "... Owch."

Jessica: Jess gave Kevin a sympathetic look.

Noriko: "Allergic to the sun?! God I hope that wouldn't happen with me..... "Nose scrinkling as she thought about it.

Melati: "See, offing people who've surrendered is just not my idea of a decent fight, you know," Melati told Jessica, giving her a look.

Jessica: "I suppose that depends whether or not you believed them..." she frowned a little.

Remy: "Oui ... think Remy'll be avoidin' dat den." He sighed. It had been a nice thought, though ... but then he'd have had to deal with the step-mother. He sighed, lost a little in thought, squeezing Clarice a little again.

Clarice: "Can we talk about something else?" Clarice said suddenly, "this hasn't got anything to do with the debate thingy now, has it?" She pleaded, she didn'y want to hear about the murders.

Illyana: "You know what, Melati? You can shut the hell up."

Kevin: "Trust is a huge factor in all of this," Kevin said, getting up. He felt sick to his stomach, now. "I don't feel well," he said and beat a hasty retreat from the room.

Mick: "Hey now, it's her opinion an' this is a debate." Mick frowned. "She's as welcome t' it as you are."

Jessica: Jess chewed her lip and watched after Kevin. She'd go find him later.

Noriko: "Mind you I think afew days off might be worth the side effects...." Trying desperately to ignore the arguement starting waaait. "Hey Jess was it worth if for you when you took the patches?"

Illyana: Illyana was attempting to get out of her seat, which was a much harder task than she had realized. "No. She's not. She's being untactful and it'd be good for her to remember who the hell it is she's talking about. They aren't psycho killers. Those are our friends and FAMILY. And you weren't there. So you don't get to pass judgement on them."

Jessica: She looked over to Nori, "For just one day?" she thought about it, "Yes... it was." she smiled, remembering the snow. "Very."

Melati: "What's your problem now," Melati asked, holding out her hands as she gave Illyana a look. "Can't handle different opinions?"

Noriko: Seeing the suddenly happy look on Jess's face she smiled. "I think I'm going to do some research then."

Mick: "Look, I know these people too, y' know. And Mel was there. I think she can be left to her opinions." Mick frowned.

Fabian: Fabian was arching an eyebrow at all the frenchie-hugging, losing the arguments for a moment. "Some people just don't quite enjoy other people having opinions." He shrugged.

Jessica: "I wouldn't want it for a long period of time... but for just a day it was really nice." She added. "Best day ever."

Clarice: "She's not passing judgement if she was passing judgement she'd be saying they were all going to hell or something," she leant into Remy, "Crazy preggo hormones?"

Remy: Remy frowned at the suddenly enraged pregnant lady. "Hey, thought dis was meant to be a discussion, amis. Did Remy miss a memo?" He smiled back at her. "Oui ... Remy t'inks so."

Clarice: She noticed the eyebrow arching and raised one back at him, did he have a problem?

Noriko: "Well yeah I think like a week would be to much, just a day so I can have a proper bath and go swimming..... sleep in a normal bed for once and now worry."

Illyana: "Well I am entitled to my opinion too, and that is that Melati and anyone else who has anything to say about X-force can shut the hell up." She gave up on getting up... and hoped she didn't have to pee.

Mick: "And Mel has the same freedom as you to air her opinion, Illyana." Mick tried for a smile. "It's just that, y' know - an opinion. Everyone's got one."

Melati: "To hell? Nah, I tell you, if they ever pull such crap again, they'll go a much worse place than that." Melati pointed down at her foot. "The receiving end of my ass kicker."

Fabian: He just smirked, turning his attention back to the argument. "I don't think an opinion on how others can't voice their opinion isn't really applicable here. She has just as much right to say anything as you do, moreso actually as she was involved and there."

Illyana: "Or not since she's making my husband out to be a psychopath."

Clarice: Clarice smirked back for a second before pointing at Fabian, "What he said."

Jessica: "I don't think it's going to do anyone any good to talk about 'again' either." She narrowed her eyes at Mel. "No one has shown any inclination towards that."

Fabian: "And I'm an asshole for what I did and I accept that...and Drake tortured me and that is bad as well. People do bad shit and they may have to deal with some lables for it."

Mick: "No, she jus' said she didn't agree with what they were doin' - something I happen to agree with. But peope make mistakes."

Clarice: "Can we seriously change the subject?" Clarice asked again, "this has nothing to do with the video we watched."

Illyana: "Apparently not, Clarice since they want an opinion about it."

Jessica: "It has everything to do with it."

Remy: "... Dere was a video? Aw, Remy missed DVD time? Okay, dat really hurts." Remy affected a sad face.

Clarice: "And you keep on snapping back at them, can't we all just drop it?"

Fabian: "It was just the Stoffiles and Trask thing, you didn't miss much." Fabian answered Remy.

Jessica: "This is exactly the kind of thing they're advocating using the cure for."

Illyana: "Somebody has to defend the people who aren't here to defend themselves. If none of you are going to stand up for them, I sure will."

Clarice: "How? No one even knows about that X-Force thing since Bobby handed himself into SHIELD, right?"

Noriko: This was were Noriko thought for a moment, she'd only asked Adam to try, because he would lay down his life and others lives to protect this place, it wasn't right but in might be necessary. Certainly a different opinion for her since the beginning of summer.

Mick: Mick gave Clarice a look, and nodded. "Yeah...she's got a point, guys. Back on subject, we were talkin' about a cure, not X-Force."

Jessica: "That's not the point though. If something similar happened and the public got their hands on it or the powers that be had the cure then they'd have given it to Bobby, wouldn't they?"

Fabian: "I imagine we'll see how that pans out when the Acolyte trials start, won't we ?"

Noriko: "Gotta would how us would we be if we had the cure right?"

Mick: "Nah. He got put int' SWORD, righ'?" Mick shifted.

Melati: "Oh yeah? You don't see me talking shit about anyone. I'm just letting the facts speak for themselves." She held her hands out to her sides, then crossed her arms. "The others are right, though. This is a different matter."

Remy: Remy pouted at Fabian. "Still missed DVD time. Mebbe Remy should turn up on time in d' future, oui?"

Jessica: Jess eyerolled at Mick. He was missing the point entirely.

Clarice: Clarice slumped against Remy, she did not want to talk about death and killing and the ethics of it and all that stuff, for one thing she was pretty sure that the Herald's killing spree had a higher body count ...

Remy: Remy looked at Clarice with a frown. "Y' all right, chere?" He asked quietly. "Dis a little too much for you?"

Fabian: "In any case, the cure has to go through clinic trials before even the government would put it to even their criminals, right?" Now that was a new thing to worry about.

Jessica: "We're not human in their eyes so they could just test it on whoever they liked."

Fabian: "Well, at least Trask in the video metnioned trials. But yes, you're right. The cure wouldn't have to pass his trial for the government to take it and use it."

Illyana: "Or 'test' it on everyone."

Angelina: "Who better to do those clinical trials on, si?" Angel shrugged. "History is also full of examples of such experimentation on prisoners."

Clarice: She nodded a little, unhappily.

Noriko: Noriko sighed alittle and put her head in her arms, she could understand why clarice didn't want to talk about killing she still had night mares about that headshot of Heralds. What she was thinking about now was who she'd be if she wasn't surge. Her face dropping as she thought about it.

ProfLensherr: "While the topic of vigilantism certainly is related to the idea of preemptively dealing with perceived mutant threats, it seems to be quite touchy among this group, so perhaps let's focus on the central question now." Erik gave his students a look. "Ah yes, the necessity of clinical trials certainly poses an interesting problem. Where get suitable subjects?"

ProfLensherr: "Do you expect many would volunteer;" he asked the class.

Noriko: "Volunteers obviously"

Clarice: "Probably the people who hate thier mutation?" Clarice suggested.

Remy: "Oui, dey probably will. Lot of people out dere like Remy, oui? Wantin' a shot at a normal life." Remy nodded.

Jessica: "Some probably would but I doubt they'd be given a psych evaluation to decide if they'd done it for the right reasons."

Illyana: "And what are the right reasons?"

Jessica: "That depends on who you're asking."

Noriko: "No they'd find people like me and Remy who dislioke their mutations and ask nicely, or those with really obvious physical mutations who want to be normal."

Illyana: "Exactly my point."

Fabian: "Americans aren't too picky about clinic trials against minorities they don't like. There's a bunch of dead black people with syphillis to prove that."

Fabian: "So I don't think they'll ask too much."

Remy: "See above." Remy shrugged. "Would like t' see mon pere and Henri again." He smiled at Noriko then.

Jessica: "Yes. Exactly." She pointed at Fabian, "That is exactly my point."

Noriko: Noriko gace Remy a smile back then, she didn't hate her powers anymore, but a part of her still wanted a normal safe life.

Melati: "Wanting to be able to shag someone without leaving a corpse strikes me as a pretty valid reason," Melati remarked, thumbing in Kevin's direction. "Or not having to worry about vaporizing a whole block just because you tripped and lost your glasses."

Noriko: "Or being able to have a bath without dying would be a nice one for me."

Mick: Mick kicked back, doodling again, listening to the others. He couldn't really understand - after all, his mutation wasn't...dangerous, just how he used it. But he wouldn't shift it for the world.

Clarice: "I guess there might be a problem with people people being forced into it by thier families and stuff, like those parents who make thier kids go to gay-curing camp things," she sucked her teeth.

Jessica: "Well I'd like to be able to walk down the street without getting harrassed by everyone but I still wouldn't give up my powers."

Remy: "See, dat would be why Remy wouldn't mind it." He found himself squeezing Clarice again. "But ... I don't know. It's something to think about."

Melati: "Of course, I wouldn't consider it personally," she added, leaning back again. "You don't mess with awesome perfection."

Noriko: Noriko pulled on of her rubber gloves off to look at the scars then, staring at the burns she always had to keep hidden.

Remy: Long and hard, too. He didn't hate his mutation, but it ... wouldn't be a bad thing to be able to see his father again ...

Jessica: "I like the idea of the patches.... at least with those I could have an operation if I ever needed one without having to feel everything... but I couldn't handle being without them forever I don't think..."

Fabian: Fabian shook his head a bit, unable to believe anyone would actually consider it, especially because of outside forces. Plus now he was preoccupied imagining people forcing his sister on this path.

Melati: "However, changing yourself just so others approve of you? Now that's all the wrong reasons, if you ask me." Melati nodded to herself. "You don't bend over backwards just to please those around you."

Noriko: "I know if I was to do it, I wouldn't be doing it for anyone else other then myself."

Jessica: Jess smiled ruefully at Mel, "There are some lines of work where that's encouraged."

Remy: Remy looked at Mel seriously for a few long moments. "An' dat's why Remy's not runnin' for d' trials." He nodded finally. "Much as Remy misses d' family, dere's reasons an' dat's not d' right one."

Clarice: Clarice shook her head, "Maybe it's different for all you people who can like ... hide it or manifested it later but ... no, I don't think I ever could. I want to see me in the mirror, not some random girl."

Fabian: "Glad to hear you say that then." He chuckled slightly to Remy.

Noriko: Sighing the glove went back on to hide the burns and her head went back down on the desk, today was not a good day. "Trials means it's not a definete and possible side effects, thats why i won't run for the trials."

Clarice: "Also ... if we didn't have our powers, there'd be no X-Men, no school ... where would we all go? We wouldn't even have met," Clarice said solomly.

Illyana: Illyand frowned at that idea. She rubbed her stomach again. "I like my powers." She threw in.

Fabian: "They don't want people like us meeting in the first place. It makes them nervous."

Jessica: Jess frowned too, wondering what her life would have been like without her powers. Would she still have a father?

Illyana: She laughed at Fabian. "I'm their worst nightmare!"

Remy: "An' dat, mon chere, would be a crime, oui?" Remy rubbed her arm. "Remy's life would be devoid if he hadn't met y'."

Noriko: "I'm always stuck on 50/50 mine aren't like rogue of withers, or even Jess's but still.... there's a portion of each day where I wonder what would it be like if my powers just went away again."

Melati: She arched an eyebrow and looked at Jess. "I really should ask you for a detailed resume at some point," Mel said with a wink.

Clarice: Clarice gigged and shoved Remy playfully, "You're a terrible flirt!"

Melati: "And Clarice is right, this place sure beats being stuck in some scrapyard in the middle of the desert."

Remy: Remy laughed back, glad that she'd giggled at least. "Oh oui, but y' love it. Besides, it's true, chere."

Jessica: Jess dragged herself out of her depressing thoughts long enough to throw Mel a smirk.

Fabian: "Actually I think he's quite good at it." Fabian laughed at the flirting comment.

Clarice: Clarice grinned at Fabian and giggled.

Fabian: Despite is current mood he smirked right back at her. "So...I think the debate was pretty inconclusive, yeah?"

Noriko: Her books and that went back in her bag. She would've gained by not having powers in some ways, but lost by never having Clarice and Ankka and all her other friends, staring at her hands on the desk she frowned some more. But she knew them now right? and she loved Ankka so what would it be like not to have powers from say tomorrow?

ProfLensherr: "Well, as you you've hopefully seen, the topic is not as simple or one-sided as it may seem at first," Erik said, pushing himself up from his desk. "It wasn't my goal to reach any kind of consensus, but to encourage critical thinking. After all, the only wrong opinion is having none at all."

ProfLensherr: "However, provided this potential cure turns out to be more than empty talk, I can foresee that sooner or later everyone here will have to make up their mind about the issue, and probably take on stance or the other."

Clarice: Clarice shook her head, "Nu-uh, we can all conclude that we're all far too pretty to be diseases, right?"

Fabian: "She has a point, nobody can argue with that."

Remy: "Definitely, ami." Remy risked it and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Hey, he was French, it was expected, right?

Mick: Mick chuckled. "Wouldn' call me pretty, Clarice, but I getcha."

Noriko: Hands coming up she started doing her hair into a plait. Frown still marring her features as she glared at the desk.

Melati: "If I'm a disease, I can already see people having to take a number as they line up to get infected with some magnificent Mel," she said, aiming both thumbs at herself.

Clarice: Clarice blushed bright purple at the kiss and giggled shyly.

Fabian: "So, where is this number taker?" Fabian looked back to tease Mel.

Jessica: Jess sat back in her seat and slouched a little, looking up at the ceiling.

Noriko: What would everyone think of her if she was to say the idea of a cure to her wasn't so bad?

Melati: "Working on it," Mel replied, putting on a smirk. "For now, I think I'll manage to remember you're first in line."

Fabian: Fabian puffed up importantly at being first before laughing. "Just as long as I don't need a cure for you."

Jessica: "I suppose that depends on whether or not she's considered addictive," Jess tossed in, dropping her gaze.

Fabian: "Only the good kind of addictive."

Clarice: Okay ... she had to admit, there was a slight spike of jelousy at the back and forth between Fabian and Mel, but only slight, she did have Remy the Ravishing's arm around her after all.

Noriko: Noriko picked her bag up, she needed air and time. "Professor would you mind if I went outside and grounded please?"

Jessica: "Hopefully not too addictive or people are apt to get jealous." She reached for her bag.

ProfLensherr: "Not at all, Noriko," Erik replied, smiling as he nodded. He then checked his watch. "In fact, I believe it can't hurt to take a general break at this point. Give you some time to think about what we've discussed, or calm your moods, for that matter."

Noriko: Noriko's bag was on her shoulder without another words then with a quick movement she was away from her chair and sweeping out of the room quickly, she could spend alot of time *grounding* after all....

Melati: "Ah, jealousy, another word that has no place in my vocabulary," Melati said as she began to pack her bag.

Fabian: "Who's jealous now?" He asked curiously, standing up to gather his things.

Noriko: There was a final flicker of the lights in the building last sign of Surge exiting for some air and mental debate.

Remy: Remy smiled at Clarice. "You want to go get a drink, chere? Have some time out? Remy'll keep y' company if you like."

Fabian: Despite himself, Fabian jumped a little bit at the lights flickering.

Jessica: "I'm not naming names. I'm just saying. Who knows how many people you're stringing along this week." She headed out of the open window.

Clarice: "I don't drink alcohol, but if you're willing to buy me a fruit juice I'm more then happy to tag along," she gave Remy a smile and had to fight down a small giggle at Fabian's reaction to the light flicker.

Remy: "Fruit juice it is. Remy only wants a coffee anyway chere." He smiled, standing up and offering his hand, before grinning a little at Fabian. "C'mon."

Clarice: Clarice took the hand happily and allowed Remy to lead her out.

Fabian: "I, however, could go for a drink." He turned to Mel. "How about you?"

Melati: "Well, you already said the magic word, so what are we waiting for?" Melati flashed a grin and shouldered her bag.
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