4/17 Game: Mixed Fruits and Nuts

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Title: Damn Not Given
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4/17 Game: Mixed Fruits and Nuts

Post by Slarti »

Timelined Tuesday, May 1

<Jay> Jay had wandered down, leaving the bunnies in Darren's capable hands after hiding the sculpture at the top of his wardrobe at the back, and was now building his Epic Sandwich. Damnit, he'd forgotten to eat and he was hungry.

<Anna> Anna pushed her way backwards into the kitchen, nose-deep in a text book and felt her way to the fridge for some juice. A bottle of ketchup and a jar of jam later she found some orange juice and popped the lid off. Mmm juice. She spilled a bit on the counter as she poured some into a glass. "Ooops...." Teke to the rescue. A cloth got dropped on the puddle.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank looked down at his watch. "Stars and garters!" he gasped. He had certainly lost track of time, making the perfect pot of non-med-lab coffee for their new guest. Ah, but flights were notoriously late, and surely Erik's perimeter alarms would inform him of her arrival.

<@DrMcCoy> He grinned a hello to Anna, pleased she was eating outside of the medlab as well.

<Selene> During her trip down to the kitchen for a snack, Selene had decided that most of the food in the pantry looked inexcusably boring. So she had taken it upon herself to grab her black pen and paint various facial expressions on the lemons, oranges and eggs in there.

<Anna> Anna grinned back at McCoy as she put the juice back in the fridge. "It's weird seeing you up here..." She told him.

<@DrMcCoy> "I might say the same, my dear!" He looked around. "It's ... brighter above ground!"

<Jay> "Hey McCoy, Anna." Jay slid in the last slice of cheese and put the last slice of bread on top. "Ah thought y' were tied to d' lab dese days, Doc." He smiled at the doctor, drifting over to the fridge to see if there was any cranberry juice left.

<Anna> Anna giggled and turned her grin on Jay, "Hi Jay!" She sipped her juice.

<@DrMcCoy> "Tied? Nay, I say chained to our stations! But, soon, all our work shall pay off!"

<Jay> Jay straightened, carton in hand, staring at McCoy. He'd managed to not think about it for so long, but... "...Really?" His wings twitched as he blinked.

<Selene> At a certain point, she had started arranging the already painted ones in small ensembles to form scenes and situations. She put down another painted fruit and took a step back to give her work an appreciative look. So far, so good.

<Anna> Anna grinned and shuffled over to the pantry to see if there were any good snacks in there. She was greeted by a dizzy orange. "Er... Huh... weird.... Oh, hi Sel!" She laughed.

<rachel> Rachel made her way into the kitchen and to the fridge, grabbing a soda and popping it open. She took a sip and a seat on one of the countertops.

<@DrMcCoy> "Indeed, my fine feathered friend!" Hank passed by Jay to search for something Twinkie-like and gave him an over-powered pat on the back. "Oh, my, Selene! .... are there any Hostess products in there?"

<Hector> Hec walked invisibly to where Selene was working and filtched a banana out of one of her scenes, making it just appear to vanish. "Sorry... Have to bring in the stunt double for this one..." He said as he appeared a few steps away, magically holding a peeled banana in hand.

<Selene> Selene jumped and squeaked when the pantry door was opened all of a sudden, and instinctively tossed the fruit she currently held in her hand towards the unexpected intruder. The orange with the panicking face painted on its skin flew towards Anna.

<Anna> Anna stopped the orange with her teke, her expression mirroring it comically. "I guess this means no crisps...." She plucked the orange out of the air. "Bad for me anyway..."

<Jay> Jay staggered forward, nearly falling into the fridge, but giving Hank a hopeful smile. Please let dis be to do wit' d' Legacy... Like it would be anything else - rumour had it Hank hadn't slept since Sam had gone under.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Lo and behold, Erik's perimiter alarms sounded, signaling the guest's arrival.

<Jay> He ambled back to the Epic Sandwich (cheese, tomato, pickles, peppers, bread and bacon with a slice of pineapple...Sel was rubbing off on him) and squashed it down from a foot tall to edible size, sticking a toothpick through it before pouring a glass of juice. Perfect.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank wasn't afraid of a little vitamin C, so he looked into the pantry for his treats, only to jump when the alarm sounded. "Zounds!"

<Selene> "I'm sorry," Selene said, clearing her throat. "You surprised me." She glanced over the shelves. "And I'm afraid there are only quite healthy foods in here at the moment."

<Anna> Anna dropped her orange in surprise. "Oh! Here!" She jumped up and down in excitement.

<Hector> At the sound of the alarm going off Hec instinctively vanished again, eying the door and wondering where to make a break for it, or hold for the time being.

<Dr_MacTaggert> A few moments later, the doorbell rang.

<@DrMcCoy> "Pity, that." Hank sighed gustily but then brightened and took Anna's hands, joining in her bouncing for a moment.

<Anna> "Doorbell!" Anna continued her bouncing out of the door.

<Jay> Jay nearly dropped his E.S. and staring at...bouncing Hank...oh man, if only Darren was here...

<Selene> Selene frowned at the sudden excitement, actually taking a careful step back at the sight of Dr. McCoy bouncing.

<rachel> Rachel blinked at McCoy and Anna's happy dance...

<@DrMcCoy> "EEE! .....ahem. I suppose we should get that!" He followed her into the hall, still a disturbing spring in his step.

<Anna> Anna stopped at the front door, managing to keep her bouncing to the minimum. She decided Hank should be the one to open it.

<Jay> Jay just...stared. "Uuuuh...anyone else find dat as disturbin' as Ah just did?"

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Now, now, lad, ye're tha sick on here, I can manage my own bags, thank ye kindly," came a woman's gently scoulding voice from behind the door.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank did just barely remember to check the alarm system before he opened the door. He stopped, he stared, then he grinned. "MOIRA!"

<rachel> "Just a bit," she answered. "If he's that happy over the doorbell, how happy do you think he'll be when he finds the legacy cure?"

<Hector> "I'm going to need to see a shrink cause a that..." He shook his head, knowing it did no good as he couldn't be seen.

<Selene> Selene shuddered. Apparently not only her boyfriend was suffering from strange cases of possession lately. Even though ditzy girly spirits were something new compared to the psychotic electronic ones. And more terrifying.

<Jay> Jay groaned. "Don't. Ah'm d' one dat gets d' happy, remember?"

<Anna> "Hiiiii!" Anna waved frantically at the guest. And she was bouncing again.

<Selene> She picked up the dropped orange and put it back on her place on the shelf, then poked her head out of the pantry, cautiously looking around.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Hank!" The pretty Scottish woman smiled widely at the sight of her friend, "Good t' see ye!" She said, stepping inside the door and wrapping her arms around him, kissing him soundly on the cheek, "it's been too long!"

<Dr_MacTaggert> The thin, blond and somewhat ... lumpy boy with her smiled nervously at Anna, "Hullo."

<@DrMcCoy> "Oh my! My dear! Yes, yes it has!" Hank bear-hugged the woman, then picked her up and spun her around.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira giggled like a school girl, the boy looked faintly embarrassed.

<Selene> "Am I hallucinating again," Selene asked, stepping through the door.

<Jay> Jay raised a hand to Selene before taking a healthy bite out of the E.S. Oh man...maybe Sel had something with the weird foods. The pineapple was perfect.

<rachel> Rachel shook her head, "I'm sure we all wish we were just seeing things..."

<Anna> Anna grinned and stopped herself bouncing by levitating herself.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank had made himself a bit dizzy with the spinning, so he put her down and held her at arm's length, clucking, and then took in her companion. ...oh my.

<Selene> "Well, damn," Selene commented. "Usually it's pretty convenient to simply dismiss all the weird things one sees here as mere hallucinations." She looked at the others and nodded. "Certainly much easier on the old mental health."

<rachel> She took another sip of her drink and grinned a bit, "I wasn't aware any of us had mental health."

<Jay> Jay smirked, catching a bit of pineapple juice with a finger, tightening his wings against his back. "So long as what's got him happy is somethin' closer to gettin' a cure, he can bounce all he likes, as far as Ah'm concerned."

<Selene> Her curiosity had led Selene towards the main entrance, just in time to catch a glimpse of McCoy spinning someone.

<Hector> "Well someone showing up unexpectantly and not blowing up the front door is a welcome change of pace though..." He smirked and took a bite of his banana, letting his field fade and came into visibility.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira steadied herself and waved the boy inside, "This is Sammy, ye could say he's my intern, as well as a paticent at Muir Island, he's here to lend us a wee hand. Do come inside lad an' shut the door, ye letting the heat out."

<Anna> Anna held out her hand. "Hi! I'm Anna!" She grinned at the boy.

<Selene> "Well, it still could explode," Selene reminded them.

<@DrMcCoy> "No fears of incendiary doorframes today, children. Dr. MacTaggert brings only good tidings!" Hank composed himself -- somewhat.

<Jay> Jay scratched his chest, before taking a deep drink of cranberry juice and letting out a contented belch. "Oh? Dat so, doc?"

<Dr_MacTaggert> The boy did as he was told, looking a little overwhelmed, "Oh ... umm you already, umm ..." he stared at Anna's hand like he wasn't sure if it would explode or not.

<@DrMcCoy> "Dat is quite so!" He beamed at her.

<Anna> Anna watched the boy for a moment, "Little shy? That's okay." She patted him on the shoulder instead.

<Jay> Jay snorted at the dig at his accent, grinning easily and stretching a wing out lazily.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Honestly, Sam, what's gotten into ye recently, shake the lass' hand," Moira said, before looking around the assembled students, "Oh, indeed, I hope so, though ye may call me Moira, no need to be so formal, these ain't my students after all."

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Pleasure to meet ye all."

<Selene> "Another doctor," Selene commented, taking a step closer to get a better look at the newcomers. "I guess that's a pretty good thing, considering how accident and injury prone the people here seem to be." She looked back and forth between McCoy and the new woman, then gave the newcomer a brief nod. "Hello, Moira. My name is Selene."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Sammy flushed and muttered something uninteligable before going to see to the luggage.

<Jay> "Moira." Jay nodded. "Joshua at y' service, though Ah'd really prefer y'all to call me Jay."

<@DrMcCoy> "Well, no, but then... we could always remedy that as well, if you'd like them to be your students." He kept grinning like a loon.

<Anna> Anna lowered herself to the floor and decided to help Sammy with the bags. She giggled a little at McCoy.

<Selene> "Provided you're a medical doctor, of course," Selene added with a shrug. "After all, you could also be a psychiatrist, no? I actually believe we'd need one of those even more than another medic."

<Hector> Hec made his way to the door and helped with the bags as well, giving the new woman and boy a small smile as he ate his banana with one hand, and held a bag with the other.

<Selene> Selene gave McCoy a suspicious look, before leaning closer to the others. "Is Dr. McCoy trying to pimp us out as students to other people," she asked under her breath.

<rachel> "Rachel," she introduced herself, inwardly cringing a bit at the thought of another teacher. She supposed it wouldn't matter much since she slept through or skipped classes anyway.

<Jay> Jay eyed up Selene. "Y'all are probably right dere." He turned his smile back to Moira, hurridly finishing his sandwich and tucking his wings back close.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira smiled, "Ah, I'm afraid I'm not much of a teacher. And aye, young lady, I'm a medical doctor, I own and run Muir Island Hospital, where we specialise in mutant care."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Sammy pretty much ignored the helpers, still blushing and playing with one of the zips.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "And sick mutants is what brings me here, I believe we are days, if not hours from the final break-through of curing the 'Legacy' virus, thanks in no small part to your efforts, from what I hear," she smiled around the room.

<Anna> Anna grinned at Moira.

<Jay> Jay just outright stared at the doctor. "...Y're kiddin' me, Doc. Please tell me Ah ain't dreamin', because if Ah ain't an' y'all weren't out of my league, Ah might just kiss you."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Almost on cue, Sammy coughed wetly, his sleeve sliding down his wrist to reveal a painful looking, yellowed bony growth which he quickly covered over again.

<@DrMcCoy> "Yes indeedy! It's a most exciting time!" Hank suddenly blustered at Jay's comment. "Well I believe we can dispense with the kissing, but yes, my most esteemed Moira is quite correct!"

<Selene> "That's good to hear," Selene commented, glancing at Jay when she mentioned the virus. "This visit is turning out so positive that I'm actually starting to get afraid. We're not used to so many good news at once here." She frowned. "Are you sure you're not going to explode?"

<Dr_MacTaggert> "No joke, and no, I'm not going to explode," She gave Selene a slightly alarmed look.

<Anna> Anna giggled at Selene, "Don't worry, Sel. I can fix it if she does...."

<Jay> Jay laughed, actually...happy. "Ah, don't mind Sel...d' last visitor we had made a more...violent entrance." He rubbed the back of his head. "Ah gotta say though...if y're right? Ah think y' might have just made my year, doc, seriously..."

<Selene> Selene debated whether to go get the fire extinguisher and keep it at hand, just in case, but eventually decided against it. This Moira didn't appear too volatile. "That would definitely be a different kind of puzzle," she said, turning to Anna. Now... there was a business idea... body puzzles... Selene's eyes widened from the grandiose idea.

<Anna> Anna gave Sel an even bigger grin.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Yes, Joshua Jameson? I heard that you'd been afflicted, you appear to be doing remarkably well," her eyes looked faintly sad for a moment, before turning to Anna, "though I believe that is all to do with this quite remarkable young lady?"

<Anna> "Yep, that'd be my handy-work." Anna nodded, giving Moira a more tame smile.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Remarkable, indeed, well done to ye," Moira said, nodding.

<@DrMcCoy> "Don't be so modest, my dear," Hank grinned at Anna. "She's been quite the miracle worker for our students."

<Anna> Anna shrugged, "I just wish I could heal the virus properly..."

<Jay> Jay nodded. "Aye- Ah mean yeah, Anna pulled me outta d' coma. Was pretty much goin' downhill rapidly, from what Ah heard."

<Dr_MacTaggert> "I'm sure ye could assist us with the creation of a cure-proper," Moira threw her hands up in mock dismay, "alas, in a perfect world, we'd all be gettin' Nobel Peace Prizes fer this."

<Selene> "Basically like the medical equivalent of duct tape," Selene tossed in with a firm nod. "She's been all that kept the sick people together."

<Selene> Selene tapped a finger at her chin, looking back at Moira. "Why, should we get one for you?"

<Anna> Anna grinned at Sel again, "I'd not have it any other way," she told Moira, "I want to see this thing through to the end."

<@DrMcCoy> Hank laughed. "Someday, my dear, I'm sure our work will be appreciated - probably posthumously, as it is for the best of the innovators." He sighed dramatically. "Never appreciated in our own time."

<Jay> "Yeah well, in a perfect world, dere's no mutant-haters." Jay gave her a sad smile. "An' don't answer dat. She'll steal one."

<Selene> "You can't know that," Selene replied, crossing her arms. "Maybe I was just going to find one. Somewhere."

<Hector> "I could help... Find one..." Hec said with a grin, tossing his banana peel over toward the trashcan.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Oh dear, well maybe we should just leave that idea here," Moira said, what an odd lass.

<@DrMcCoy> "There will be no finding Peace Prizes," Hank said, putting on his Teacher's Voice for a moment. "Besides, the true prize is our result!"

<Anna> "Hear hear!" Anna seconded Hank.

<Jay> "Yeah, in some thrift store somewhere, right?" Jay rolled his eyes and grinned at Selene and Hec. "Look, all Ah'm concerned with is knowin' Ah ain't gonna backslide into dat coma...or anyone else, for dat matter." He ran his hands through his hair and smiled. "Dat's wort' more to me den any prize."

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Indeed! We don't need accolades, just knowin' that we cured thousands is enough," Moira clapped.

<Selene> "Your call," Selene said, quickly glancing over at Hec to show him a wry smirk. "In case you need anything else... found, Hector and I certainly can be of help." She shrugged slightly. "Because I'm afraid I won't be of much use as a doctor's assistant. Except for wearing a nurse outfit and poking people with needles, I'm usually not trusted with medical equipment."

<Anna> "Because we're worried you'll pilfer it and look for other applications." Anna patted her gently.

<@DrMcCoy> "You've proved a most excellent phlebotomist, Selene, just not always when we'd prefer you exercise the talent."

<Selene> "I can't help it," Selene defended herself, giving Anna a quite convincing innocent look. "Being burdened with a creativity like mine can be quite the curse."

<Anna> Anna giggled and shook her head.

<Dr_MacTaggert> That was ... actually rather alarming.

<Jay> Jay smirked. "Ah trust y'all as my roomie's girlfriend, Sel, but not wit' a scalpel. Sorry."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Perhaps the girl had some kind of vampire mutation and had decided to play to type?

<Selene> "Well, what can I say, Dr. McCoy, I believe it's always necessary to keep ones skills honed," Selene replied, grinning briefly.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "I-Indeed," Moira coughed, "What a ... a unique collection of students ye have, Hank," she said polietly.

<Anna> Anna laughed, "It's okay, we know we're all mental. You can say it."

<@DrMcCoy> "Oh yes. Unique is what we call them after we've had our morning coffee." Hank grinned. "Speaking of! Would you like to repair to the kitchen for some colonial refreshment?"

<Selene> "Gives the concept of the special needs school an entirely new meaning, doesn't it," Selene remarked, keeping that wry grin on her face.

<Jay> Jay grinned too. "Speak for y'self, Ah'm perfectly sane."

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Mmmm, that sounds divine, t'was a long flight," Moira said, "I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind, hmm?"

<Dr_MacTaggert> The boy looked up at the mention of his name? "Huh? Oh ... ummm?"

<Anna> "Oh yeah! I have juice!" Anna hurried off to the kitchen.

<Selene> "Few things vitalize as effectively as a freshly peeled lemon, served with a tall glass of cucumber juice," Selene said, following the others back to the kitchen.

<Jay> Jay flicked out his wings. "...Y' know, dat actually sounds nice, Sel." He blinked. "Do me some?"

<@DrMcCoy> Hank followed, holding the door for their guests. "We have coffee, tea... and yes... various fruits.... ignore the faces."

<Anna> Anna picked up her juice and used her teke to rescue her terrified orange from the floor. Then she peeled it.

<Selene> "Oh, definitely," Selene told Jay, her eyes lighting up at his request. Finally someone took her up on one of her offers. "I'll get right to it."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira picked up a smirking satsuma, "Oh how very ...artistic, and coffee please," she said, sitting down at the counter as Sammy found a box of Lucky Charms and regarded it curiously.

<Jay> Jay nodded, wondering what he was letting himself in for. Oh well...nothing pizza and a beer couldn't fix. What was the worst that could happen?

<Anna> "Stay away fr'm me lucky charms!" Anna said in a voice as close to the one on the advert she could muster.

<Selene> Selene picked a pair of lemons and some cucumbers from the pantry, then proceeded to put the former on a cutting board, while tossing the latter into a mixer.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Sammy jumped and put the box back on the shelf, "Umm, okay!"

<@DrMcCoy> Hank poured the coffee with a flourish, humming happily.

<Anna> Anna giggled, "I didn't mean it!" She told him, "Help yourself - they have marshmallow bits." She popped a bit of orange into her mouth.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "... Oh," Sam picked up the box and went to start eating the cereal straight from the box, till a small cough from Moira made him go in search of a bowl and milk.

<Jay> Jay smiled at the kid, then picked up a chair and reversed it, straddling it. "So y'all been workin' on d' cure too, Moira?" He looked at the Scotswoman curiously.

<Selene> Selene grabbed one of the large kitchen knives and skillfully sliced off the skin of the lemons, while the mixer continued to blend the cucumbers into a fine liquid. "Here you go," she said, putting the lemon on a small plate, which she placed in front of Jay, then poured him a glass of juice. "You might want to add some salt, pepper, or sugar. Just as desired."

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Oh aye, my hospital is packed like a tin o' sardines with poor folk who are afflicted," Moira took the cup of coffee Hank offered her and breathed in deep the fumes, "Mmm."

<Anna> "I wish I could help them all like I helped everyone here..." Anna leaned against the counter, "But it'd probably take months, so might as well just find that cure."

<Jay> "Yeah...we went t' help in Africa." Jay smiled at Selene. "Cheers, Sel." He sipped the juice experimentally, before picking up a slice and squeezing the juice into it. Perfect. He'd have to work this into his diet. "Dat's where Ah caught mine...off...a guy who died."

<Hector> Hec grabbed a boy for the kid and pointed him toward the fridge, and set the bags he was carrying by the door. He watched Jay drink that concoction, "You m-preg man?" He asked with a grin.

<Anna> "Yeah, that one was a bugger..." Anna muttered then put a hand over her mouth, "Er.. sorry..." She grinned.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Terrible business," Moira murmured, sipping the coffee.

<Jay> Jay flipped Hec the bird. "Don' say no to healthy shit, dude, might save y'all's life one day." He grinned, before sobering and nodding to Moira. "Yeah...Hank was sayin' dat d' strain was a lot stronger dere."

<Selene> "And they still say that dead people can't kill you," Selene remarked, sipping on her own glass of juice.

<Anna> "Aggressive..." Anna put in. "Nasty." She finished her juice and went to rinse the glass.

<@DrMcCoy> "Indeed... it was the place of origin of the virus..." Hank sighed and sipped his coffee.

<Jay> Jay looked up at Hank. "It was? Heh." Of course it was - he'd been to the labs in Egypt. "Well, whatever it was, Ah caught it. At least Ah didn't pass it on...Ah hope..."

<@DrMcCoy> "Yes... well, soon, it should be a moot point." He sipped.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Very soon," Moira added.

<Anna> Anna shook her head, "Not from what we've seen Jay, don't worry." She leaned over and patted him.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Sam finished one bowl of the cereal and poured himself another.

<Selene> "No wonder the African nations have a sucking economy with terrible export products like that," Selene tossed in, wondering if her quota of politically incorrect jokes was filled for the day.

<Jay> Jay nearly snorted his cucumber juice at that.

<Anna> Anna grinned and shook her head.

<@DrMcCoy> "Of course, once the cure is perfected.... we've hit the limit of our abilities with non-human trials..."

<Jay> Jay rubbed the back of his neck. "What does dat mean? Ah mean...not all of us are trainin' to be doctors..."

<Anna> "Means we need a guinea pig..." Anna went to the pantry again to get some more fruit.

<@DrMcCoy> "Essentially, yes." Hank gave Jay a small smile.

<Selene> "We can take Jay," Selene stated promptly. "Strap him down, give him the cure, and see if he transforms into a giant chicken."

<Jay> Jay looked around at the doctors, feeling more than a little outnumbered for some reason. "...Should Ah just volunteer now 'fore Ah get suggested?" He smirked a little.

<Jay> "…"

<Dr_MacTaggert> "There shall be nae transmogrification involved," Moira said quickly.

<Anna> "I'll fix anything that goes wrong!" Anna called from the pantry. There was a small sound of fruit-avalanche followed by a, "Whoops!"

<Selene> "One can dream, no?" Selene titled her head, briefly smirking at Jay. "He'd surely make for a cute cock."

<@DrMcCoy> "Well, no, since that's certianly not a part of your mutation that we've documented to date," Hank added.
<Jay> "...An' suddenly, inexplicably, Ah'm filled wit' dis sense of dread..."

<Anna> "Selene your fruit army is revolting!" Anna wrestled her way out of the pile of apples and picked up the plum she'd been aiming for before stepping out of the pantry again.

<Hector> "But it is a part of his normal human bits I'd imagine, else he's not gonna get much use even if he does nab himself a boy..." Hec said idly, looking for something to drink

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Don't worry lad, not like we'd be strappin' ye to a table and waitin fer a lightning storm now," Moira reached over and patted Jay's hand, "we're professionals."

<@DrMcCoy> Hank nodded, then called to Anna. "Are you quite certain there are no Twinkies in there?"

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Twinkies you say?" Moira's eyes lit up.

<Selene> "Indeed," Selene agreed, nodding at Jay. "Now that we have Nori at the school, there's no need to wait for the lightning storm any more."

<Jay> Jay grinned. "Yeah, Ah know. Ain' all dat worried, an' to be honest, if Ah can help y' find d' cure by bein' a guinea pig, Ah'd be more'n willin'." He nodded, sounding a lot more confident then he felt.

<Anna> Anna stuck her hand in her pocket and produced one. "I was gonna save it for later but you can have it." She put it on the table. "I might be able to find more if the fruit leaves me alone.."

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira's eyes locked with Hank's over the Twinkie.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank did not like the odds of getting his quota of cakey goodness if he had to share.

<Jay> "...Is dis d' point Ah see how fast Ah can fly to d' nearest store...?" Jay leant out of the way of the doctors.

<Anna> Anna saw the look and retreated back to the pantry in search for another Twinkie caught behind enemy lines.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank's eyes narrowed.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira tried to gauge the distance between herself and the Twinkie, compared to Hank's.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira's fingers flexed.

<Hector> Hec turned and saw the Twinkie on the counter and grabbed it, not realizing both the doctors were eying it. "Sweet action.."

<@DrMcCoy> Hank's mouth dropped open with an undignified squeak of denial.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira pouted.

<Anna> There was another thud and an 'ow'. Then Anna emerged, with her hands behind her back.

<Jay> "...Y' know, Ah'm gonna head out to dat store." Jay said quickly, getting up and out of the the way. "Any one want anythin' while Ah'm out?" He did not want to witness murder, not before coffee.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Sam ate his cereal, oblivious.

<@DrMcCoy> Hank gave the thin air a murderous glare, then composed himself. "Excellent idea, Jay." Yes... we're professionals. No worries.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Really is just like bein' back in dorms," Moira muttered.

<Hector> Hec opened it up slowly, looking up to see all eyes on him, "What?...." Not eyes on him.... Eyes on cakey goodness in his hand.

<Anna> "Now... what do we say?" Anna slowly took her hands out from behind her back. There was a box in her hands.

<@DrMcCoy> "Oh sweet merciful cake gods! Twinkies!"

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Reminds me o' a old flat-mate of mine, Timothy Shanks- ooooh!"

<Jay> "Right. Yes. Was great meetin' y'all, Moira, an' if y' want me, Ah'll be back in about half an hour." With a bucket of twinkies. "Ah'll be happy t' work wit' y'all." ...Each.

<Anna> "You're welcome." She put the box on the table with a grin.

<Anna> Mission accomplished she decided to tidy the mess she'd inflicted on the cupboard and hoped that someone hadn't hidden those twinkies for a reason. She'd replace them later.

<Selene> "As an alternative, I would have offered to sugar coat some leek for you two," Selene said.

<Dr_MacTaggert> Moira snagged one, opened it and then proceeded to dunk it in her coffee, "Thank ye, Jay."

<@DrMcCoy> "Yech. Leek." Hank was already halfway through his first Twinkie and lost in heaven.

<Jay> "Ah'll be good t' work with as soon as y' want me, alright? If y' cain't find me, jus' ask my roomie - he'll be able to." Jay smiled, before stretching his wings and heading to the patio, already pulling out his cigarettes. "Later all, be back soon." With that, he closed the door behind him, and took off easily.

<Dr_MacTaggert> "That's ... very kind o' ye, Selene, i'm sure," she said carefully.

<Anna> "Seeeeeeeel...." Anna called, "Your lemons are scaring me...." They'd some how fallen all lined up and were giving her murderous glares.

<Selene> Selene cracked at grin for the new doctor. "What can I say? I like to help in imaginative ways." She turned to look towards the pantry door. "Don't worry. They're more scared of you than you are of them. Just be careful you don't corner them."

<@DrMcCoy> "Welcome to the nuthouse," Hank toasted Moira with his second Twinkie before taking a big bite.

<Anna> "Too late...." And yelped when she caught sight of some shifty looking bananas over her shoulder. "They're ganging up on me!" They'd cut off her exit!

<Dr_MacTaggert> "Of course it's a nuthouse, it's a college," Moira winked back at him.

<Selene> "I like it when a plan comes together," Selene said, chuckling evilly as she closed the pantry door from outside.

<Anna> There was a small whimper from inside as the door closed and then a 'poof' as Anna exploded. Her gaseous form drifted out and walked off down the hall muttering to itself.
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