11/14 Game: Afterparty

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
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11/14 Game: Afterparty

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: 8th Nov. 2011

Jason: "You know, I was terribly hung over from last weekend. You would think that I would have learned my lesson or something." Jason laughed though, at least they had found a few places to go in so far though it wasn't as comfortable as it used to be.

Jay: Jay grinned. "Aw, well who's fault is dat, darlin'?" He blew hair out of his face. The wings had drawn a lot of attention, but fuck 'em. He was out to have fun.

Cessily: "Nah, where would be the fun if we always learned from our mistakes," Cessily replied and gave a chuckle. "Some mistakes are just meant to be repeated over and over and over, don't you think?"

Anna: "Never learn your lesson! Being drunk is good!" Anna stated. "I like being drunk."

Rogue: Rogue brushed her silver hair off her cheek and shrugged, "It ain't all bad, f' sure."

Jason: "Most everything is my fault." Jason was fully prepared to admit this. He just didn't actually take responsibility for it.

Kitty: Kitty was feeling like the disginated driver as she wandered in the mist of the group. "So, where to now guys?"

Jason: "I'm afraid my sense of direction is questionable at the moment. Where are we?"

Cessily: "Uhm, still in New York, I believe," Cessily replied, looking around as she walked. "Unless we took the wrong turn and ended up in New Jersey."

J: J smiled, a little buzzed, but not quite wasted. "In the city." He said happily, still not used to the effects of alchohal.

Jay: "Er...righ' here." Jay shrugged, cupping a hand around his cigarette as he lit it. "Ah dunno, Ah ain' in my natural habitat. Ah'd guess some ways from school though."

Jason: "It doesn't smell like Jersey so we're still safe."

Cessily: She glanced over to Kitty. "Well, I don't know. I could do with something delicious before going back home."

Anna: "Delicious? As in food?" Anna looked hopefully at Cess.

Rogue: "Ah'm kinda hungry..."

Kitty: "There's got to be diner around here somewhere..." Kitty laughed, shaking her head at them.

Cessily: "And no worries, guys," Cessily assured the others. "We'll always find a way out with the subway or by just taking a taxi." She nodded at the others. "Yeah, a pizza place, perhaps. They should still have opened."

Jay: "Ah could deal wit' pizza. An' mebbe a doughnut. An' some sorta coffee. Or mebbe more alcohol. Dere any more clubs open?"

Jason: "How about Indian? I could do with Indian...pizza's good too...or pho." Okay, so Jason, at this point, was just starting to randomly mumble food choices.

Kitty: Kitty looked at Jay. "I'd throw up if I ate all that!"

Anna: "Fooooood. Any food. Unhealthy food." Anna put in.

Jay: "Ah'd take d' edge off my appetite wit' it." Jay grinned at the girl through a cloud of smoke.

Cessily: "How about coffee with alcohol in it," Cessily suggested and grinned. They randomly turned a corner to walk down another block of houses. There weren't many people out on the streets. For New York, anyway.

Rogue: Rogue arched an eyebrow at Kitty, "Really? Y'all got a tiny stomach then." Rogue looped her arm through Jay's and gave him puppy eyes, "Mind if Ah bum a drag, sugah?"

Jay: "Y'all can bum a whole one, darlin'." Jay grinned, offering the packet to her. "Ah don' share my smokes. Unless y're in bed wit' me, an' dat ain' gonna happen." He flicked a look at Cess and blushed deeply. "Well...real unlikely, anyway."

J: J walked along, head finally quite as he looked at all the bright signs they passed. "I do not care what we eat, or what we do... I just don't want go back to school yet. I want to stay out all night!"

Jason: "Oh you rebel you, next we'll have you snorting crack off of hooker's asses."

Rogue: "Thanks." She grinned a bit as she pulled one from the pack, "Nah. Think Sam'd get real upset 'bout me bein' in bed with anybody else. Even a gay guy. No offense, hun."

Cessily: "Yeah, that's pretty much exactly how rebellious behaviour escalates, I think," Cessily agreed with Jason and had to laugh.

Jay: "Aw, he could join us." Jay laughed, squeezing Rogue slightly. "Us Southerners gotta stick t'gether, right, mon ami?" He let go of her to take a drag.

Kitty: "Ew!" Kitty wrinkled up her nose at Jason's comment. "That's just gross. Now, I'm not hungry at all." She laughed, walking between Anna and J.

J: "Yeah. That'd be... Wait... what?" He looked over at Jason a bit confused.

Rogue: "Damn straight." She bumped him with her shoulder, "Gotta light, hun? Ah ain't smoked in a long time. Don't ever have a lighter anymore..."

Jason: "You'll find out, tune in next week." Jason reached over and patted J's head. "God but I love corrupting when I can. I could 'paint you a picture' if you like."

Jay: "Tch, unprepared. An' y'all from Louisiana, Rogue? Ah doubt it." He grinned at her, offering his lighter.

Cessily: Cessily looked up as a trio of young men caught her attention, all similarly dressed in heavy bomber jackets, jeans, and combat boots. She would have missed them walking past the group of mutants at a brisk pace, if they hadn't stared at Jay and her quite obviously. What was also slightly suspicious was the fact that they soon turned around and began to follow them.

Rogue: "Naw. Ah'm from Georgia, darlin'. Just ended up in Louisiana 'fore comin' up here." She took the lighter and lit her cigarette before passing it back. "Jason, y'all be nice ta tha boy!"

Anna: Anna gave Kitty a small drunken smile, she needed food soon or she might fall asleep while she was walking.

Jay: Jay stared at Rogue. "Y'all serious? Y're from Georgia? No way, dude! No way in hell!"

Rogue: "Loganville," she grinned. "Left when Ah was twelve." She frowned at him, "Y'all didn't know that?"

Kitty: Kitty grinned back and put one arm around Anna and one around J as they veered off a bit. "Come on guys...just stay with the herd. Safety in numbers and all..."

Anna: "Herd? We're not sheep!" Anna giggled, "Baaaaa...."

J: J flushed and blushed as she put her arm around him and returned the favor. "I think she might be..."

Jay: "Hell no!" Jay grinned widely. "Ah'm from Georgia originally. D' only reason Ah got a N' Orleans accent is 'cause Ah lived dere for a few years."

Jason: "Um...I think we should possibly be heading somewhere with a bit more lights and people?" Jason clued into the fact that they had earned some attention.

Anna: "And food?" Anna turned to look at Jason, "I'm hungry..."

Cessily: "Yeah, maybe let's find a place where we can go and sit indoors for a little while," Cessily agreed. She avoided to turn her head and look directly at the people following them, but knew that they were still there, a few meters behind them.

Jay: "Eh?" Jay looked back at Jason. "Well, thought we're headed t' more people anyway."

Kitty: Kitty laughed as the 'Little Bo peep' shot through her head. "But don't get off by yourself, you'll get picked off by wovles." She rolled her eyes at Anna good naturedly and grinned at J's blush.

Anna: Anna giggled at Kitty, "No wolf could be a match for my fuzzy cuteness - I'd melt their face!"

Jason: "Yeah, we just might want to do it faster."

Jay: Jay finally caught on to the people behind them. He sighed. "Sure thing. C'mon, Ah wanna get somewhere warm wit' pretty men in anyway."

Kitty: "Guys?" Something was making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Jason and Cess seemed very intense all of a sudden. "Is something wrong?"

Rogue: Rogue's back went a little tense as the eyes she felt hadn't left them yet. "Yeah, Ah think so, Jason." She tried to continue her conversation with Jay, trying to not alert the people that she knew they were there. "Yeah? Which part?"

Jason: "Wrong? No." Jason shook off the question but it wasn't said in the most comforting manner.

Jay: "Somewhere south." Jay said vaguely. "Got sick of d' bible-bashin'."

Rogue: "Yeah. Gets a bit much, don't it?" She took a few drags from the cigarette before flicking the un-smoked half away. "If only this were more like West Side Story," she murmured. "Where they jump out in front o' ya an' start dancin'..."

Jay: "Oh come on, three guys against us lot? Dey're probably jus' lookin' for a good time." Jay grinned at her. "Ain' my type, or Ah'd offer."

J: "Oh I saw that one! Or like Anchor Man! That was an awesome movie." He agreed, leaning a bit on Kitty as they walked.

Jason: "I don't know, if they started dancing I think that would freak me out more than anything." Jason turned the corner, seeing more lights down that way but they would have to hurry to actually get to them*

Rogue: "Skinheads ain't y'all's type?" She grinned, "But y'all'd be able ta make fun o' 'em, Jason."

Jay: "Ah like an anchor." Jay said simply.

Jason: "Yes, but it would be the pelvic thrust that drove me insane in a very bad way."

Kitty: "Easy champ." Kitty leaned back, trying to stay balanced between Anna and J. "I don't think these guys are looking for a 'good time' Jay."

Rogue: "A what?" Rogue frowned.

Jay: Jay raised an eyebrow, then mimed what he meant before grinning dirtly and looking at Kitty. "Well, either way, Ah'm spoilin'." Maybe he shouldn't have had those cocktails with gin in them, but hey.

Rogue: Rogue's eyes went a little wide. "Oh. Well alright then."

Jason: "Still not the best idea." Jason was glad that he wasn't quite that drunk at least.

Anna: Anna frowned, "Bah they're just people, ignore them...."

Kitty: "I don't think they want to ignore us. Kitty whispered to Anna, still holding onto J. She was starting to get very uncomfortable with the skin headed stares.

Rogue: "We just need ta get somwhere with more people 'round. Do y'all's best ta ignore 'em."

Jay: Jay lit another cigarette off the dying butt of the first and pulled his wings in tighter. "Just leave 'em to stare. Dey're probably jealous." He said lightly, but in truth he was tense. He'd been a little tense since Halloween - and this seemed perfect.

Anna: "Well don't worry," Anna told Kitty, "You phase, I'll turn to gas and we'll be fine - then I can heal anyone that isn't." She patted her.

J: J frowned. "I don't like that plan..."

Anna: Anna shrugged, "Better than no plan..."

Kitty: "Don't worry, I can phase both of us," she whispered to him, "Just like Disneyland, remember?" She hoped he wasn't as drunk as he seemed.

J: "Right." He grinned, and then frowned again for a moment, "That place is scary..."

J: "And do not worry, I am not as think as you drunk I am." He laughed and smiled, "I'm just playing..."

Anna: Anna laughed, "Yeah, it is a bit." she agreed.

Jason: "It really is." Jason agreed once he heard the disney sentiment.

Jay: "Never been." Jay added cheerfully. "Ain' plannin' to either."

Rogue: "Ah'd like ta go sometime..."

Kitty: "Just don't go to the one in the Danger Room, it comes with it's own fire breathing dragon." Kitty scrunched up her face and jabbed J in the ribs, playfully.

J: "Glad we are in agreement..." He looked down the line at the others echoing his sentament. "It's scary... trust us."

Anna: "Don't get me wrong... I like the movies... just... the place... scary..."

Jason: Jason chanced a glance behind. "Okay...they're closer."

Rogue: "So... We walk a bit faster."

Jay: Jay shrugged, his wings flaring just a little unconsciously. "Seriously, Ah doubt dey'd take us on. We outnumber 'em."

J: "Yeah! I could take those 3 by myself! Too bad I left my ninja sword in the DR..." He shrugged and grinned as they picked up the pace.

Rogue: "Ok, Ah don't know 'bout y'all, but Ah ain't willin' ta draw attention ta us."

Jason: "I don't think that would stop them somehow." Late night, both sides been drinking? No, logic wasn't going to fit in here.

Rogue: Rogue frowned and looked at J, "Why do y'all have a ninja sword?"

Jay: "Ah cain't hide my wings, y' know."

Rogue: "Meant attention from other people. Fightin'd bring more people than just those three."

J: "Because I know Kung Fu." He said matter of factly with a slight grin.

Jay: "Ah know how t' open a ca of whoop-ass."

J: "I have a six pack, we can all split it!" He said cheerfully.

Jason: "I'm going to risk some subterfuge then." Jason muttered, trying to pull an illusion up to hide them...being drunk and working illusions though didn't really equal success.

Rogue: Rogue laughed at them both and shook her head. She glanced over at Jason, "Y'all sure y'all can do that right now?"

Jason: "Sometimes I can manage." Other times not so much though.

Rogue: "Is this one o' those times?"

Jason: Jason looked sheepish. "I may have accidentally made a flamingo."

Jay: "Ah rather think dat's a no, seein' as dey're still there, ami." Jay raised an eyebrow at Jason. "Dat better not have been made outta me."

Jason: He hadn't, but he was sure he saw something plastic and pink about Jay.

Rogue: "A flamingo? Y'all fail miserably."

Jason: "My subconscious is a confused face where Jay looks like a flamingo, okay?"

Anna: Anna laughed, "Flamigo! That's awesome!"

Jay: "...Y'all are so sufferin' for dat when we get back." Jay said flatly.

J: J bust out laughing as Kitty nudged him to look over at Jay.

Jason: They were drawing more attention with the laughter now though. One of the three split off though, leaving the others to trail along behind the group.

Rogue: Rogue rolled her eyes with a faint laugh as she gave Jason a light shove on the shoulder, which pushed her slightly away from him as well.

Jay: "Git." Jay muttered to himself, noting the one that peeled away. Two left. Awesome. And they were nearly home safe too.

Jason: That one though knew just where to meet the rest of their gang and soon, just around the corner, a whole slew of bomber jacketed FOH members were waiting.

Rogue: Rogue paused and her whole body tensed as she saw the big group around the corner. She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her own bomber jacket and took a deep breath. "Great."

J: J rounded the corner and almost started to back peddle with the girls as he saw the large group all turn to look at them, much as the wolf do the sheep.

Jay: Jay pulled up sharp, wings flaring before he managed to snap them back. "Oh well fuck." He summed up.

Anna: Anna's eyes went wide, "Eeep...!"

Jason: "...hello." Jason took a step back as well. The two behind them were much nicer than the bunch in front after all.

Jay: Jay swallowed, his eyes flashing back to the cards - maybe this was what they meant by suicide, just plain rhetorical - and coughed. Well, his throat was fine. Though...he didn't have good control so...hell. "Um."

Rogue: "How're y'all doin' this fine evenin'?" Rogue gave them a smile, hoping they'd take to kindness...

Jason: "Oh, look, he makes noises too. Maybe he's a parrot-man?" The lead stepped forward a bit, looking at Jay. "Oh, we're just fine there, mutie lover. Or maybe you're one yourself, huh?"

J: J went ahead and smiled at them. "I like the jackets. Buy in bulk to get the discount?"

Rogue: Rogue arched an eyebrow, "Y'all wanna check mah ID? Says Ah ain't." She frowned, "Y'all got a problem with mah friends though? They do somethin' wrong?"

Jay: Fuck. Jay absently tied his hair back and tried to make himself relax. "Ah dunno, fashion statement like dat..." He glanced quickly at Rogue.

Jason: "Yeah, we have a problem with who you call friends." He gave her a leer. "Not welcome around here. We don't want nobody controlling us, you see, like they've got you wrapped around their finger."

Jay: "Hey now, Ah ain' controllin' no one, thanks." Jay frowned. "An' we're as welcome t' walk d' streets as y'all are."

Rogue: Rogue snorted, "Ah ain't wrapped 'round nobody's finger. Not even mah boyfriend's. So sorry honey." She put her hands on her hips, "We're just tryin' ta find a good pizza place. Y'all know o' one?"

Rogue: She took a breath. At least Graydon wasn't with them... He knew she was a mutant.

Anna: Anna chewed a lip, the good feeling was gone. Now she was nervous and the last thing she wanted was to be naked on top of it.

Jay: Jay rolled his shoulder, a wing rocking as he did, before scratching at the tattoo over his chest. Yeah...this wasn't going to end well. He'd seen this sort of square-off in the sewers. Great...

Jason: "Naive, aren't you?" He laughed at Rogue, turning to the others. "And I bet some of you aren't exactly human either. Can't go off on what just youc an do, can we bird boy?"

Rogue: Rogue frowned, "Alright, well, if they do have me under some sorta control, which they don't, Ah'd think that's mah business, ain't it? Point us ta tha nearest pizza place an' we'll be on our way."

Jay: Jay narrowed his eyes. "Not even my frien's can call me 'bird boy', censored slur." He growled.

Rogue: Rogue sent Jay a glare. Not. Helping.

J: J watched as Rogue and Jay stared down the group. His eyes flickered as he went through his martial arts training at rapid speed, just incase it came to blows.

Jason: censored slur? Oh, this was going to come to blows. This was going to come to blows right now. He rushed Jay, those behind him following suit.

Anna: "Uhoh!" Anna exploded.

Jay: Jay's wings flared as the first one came for him. Smart move, Jay. Smart move. This was going to hurt. He managed to straight-punch the speaker in the face, the added shoulder muscle packing more into his punch, and then uppercut another, but the fight was pretty one-sided. Although he managed a few other hits, once a couple had got his wings he was a ripe target.

Rogue: "Shit!" Rogue tried to move in between Jay and the guy, but not fast enough to block the tackle. She ducked her head as someone came towards her.

Jason: The speaker went down but there was plenty where that came from just ripe for a fight.

Jason: Jason swore. Fighting was just not really his thing. Most physical activities weren't really his thing to be completly honest. It helped to sober him up faster so that when he wanted to illusion a brick wall, by god, the back two ran into a damned brick wall.

Jay: A punch to the gut made him double over, the wind pushed out of his lungs but he was yanked up straight - which meant he could knee another in the balls. He didn't have the breath to use his voice, only managing to wheeze with pain as he was beaten, one eye swelling shut, his arms as pinned as his wings.

J: J grabbed one by the collar, pulling him down and back to J's own height. A quick kick took him to his knees and a spin kick left him on the sidewalk. He kept an eye on the girls, making sure none of the crew went after them before jumping into the pile with Jay, doing his best to seperate them.

Jay: A cough and a wheeze later and three of the gang were forced away from Jay by a weak sound-missile, reeling and holding their ears. He viciously kicked behind him, boot finding the shins of another and the suddenly freed wing able to buffet the last. He staggered, a little disorientated and definitely punch-drunk on adreneline and gin. Which was why he promptly turned and punched another baddie.

Rogue: Rogue blocked some hits and ended up throwing a guy to the ground before trying to make it to help the other girls. She was rushed by another though and she took a good blow to the chin, causing her to yell out in pain. She did not like the not being invulnerable part...

J: "Yeah!!" J jumped to his feet as Jay was cleared, almost bouncing on hte balls of his feet. "It's just like Boondock Saints!" He ran forward and did a jump kick into one of the ones cheering the others on.

Anna: Anna hovered over the others trying to pick a target, she spotted a straggler and dove in.

Jason: The FOH members who couldn't reach the mutants had decided to be ingenius. Rocks were being launched towards people though their aim was a bit off and once in a while hit the wrong side.

Jay: "Only better. An' more painful." Jay croaked. He beat his wings at another, managing to keep his feet but the air-pressure making the other fall on his ass. Then he ran for the one that had gut-punched him, doing the same back - until someone jumped on his back, sending him sprawling face-first to the floor. Winding him. Again.

Rogue: Rogue cocked back and threw a punch at the guy's jaw with one arm, using that as a distraction as she got him in the ribs with her other.

Anna: Anna used her new minion to distract the bunch throwing rocks by levitating herself and her taxi. "Look I'm a mutant!" She cried in his voice. Distraction go!

J: A guy ran up throwing a punch at J, he blocked it quickly, sending his own punch to his foes' bicep. He laughed as the hate filled human cried out in pain. "I can't believe that just worked..."

Jason: "Sick little freaks!" One cried out, launching his rock towards Anna specifically

Anna: Anna left her taxi as it got knocked out cold by a well-aimed rock. Anna told the others, or wait... she went for him instead.

J: J grinned as he got going, a small blur as he released a flurry of punchs and kicks, learned over several life times of practice.

Jason: Jason's brick wall illusion faded as a rock made it to him. There also seemed to be more than the two that had been back there now that were coming in.

Cessily: Cessily had raised her arms in defence when the fight started, but so far none of the thugs had really attacked her. Instead, they circled her in some distance, seemingly a bit unsure about getting close to an obvious mutant. "Why does it always have to come down to this," Cessily muttered.

Anna: Anna didn't like having to do what she was doing to her newest taxi. She drew herself together into his lungs and waited until he passed out then she left.

Rogue: Rogue was hauled over a guy's shoulder and run into a wall, knocking the breath out of her just before the back of her head hit the wall and she watched the world go black.

Cessily: By shifting her fingers into several iong claws, Cessily discouraged those around her to advance any further. Instead, they took several steps back. One tossed a rock at her from safe distance, without any apparent effect as it hit her face. Seeing that the others were in more trouble than she was, she ignored the ones surrounding her and charged the others.

Jay: Jay felt someone wrap their hand in his hair, shout something about 'fags' and then ram his face into the ground. On the second one, he didn't feel anything else - because it knocked him unconcious.

Jason: One out! A small group of them closed around, kicking at Rogue and laughing. Two! Jay was down and there went the third with Jason. It was time to add insult to injury...or rather injury to injury.

Cessily: "Alright, guys, enough of that," Cessily called out, elongating her arms. She grabbed one that was holding on to Jay and pulled him off, while knocking over one that was attacking Rogue with her other arm.

Anna: Anna dove into another and used her teke to push the remaining ones back, "Leave them alone! There's no need for that!" She some how managed to project her own voice out at them.

J: J soared across the open space, his feet leading the way to one of the guys beating on Rogue. He watched as hit foot met face and the guy smashed against the wall and collapsed. "Oh no... I think I hurt him..." He bent down to check on both Rogue and the man he'd knocked out when a stray rock clipped his head and he fell between them.

Jason: More unmoving bodies to kick. This was their favourite part! They even started to drift away from the fight once they got to do that.

Anna: Anna moved her taxi to block the path of any more trouble, "Leave us alone." She gave another shove with her teke.

Jason: They just laughed at that and flipped Anna off. "Get out of ours and maybe we'll not kick some skulls in."

Anna: Anna glared and sent another blast, knocking one over.

Cessily: Cessily saw several of her friends down on the ground and not moving any longer. Her reluctance to hurt anyone evaporated at the sight of this, and her pacifistic convictions took a backseat to helping them. She let out an angry cry as she tossed one of the attackers against the wall of a building, while picking up another one by the ankle with her other arm.

Kitty: Kitty cried out seeing J laying motionless on the ground. Rushing over, she grabbed hold of him phasing them both. "Come on J, let's get you outta here!"

Cessily: More and more of her human form was discarded as Cessily shaped additional limbs to strike out at the attackers. Several of the them turned around to focus their attention on her. Most were just staring or throwing things at her, but some worked up enough courage to step in and swing an assortment of melee weapons at her silver form.

Jason: "Taking away our kicking toys? That's no fun!" One called after Kitty...but started backing up as the fight didn't seem to be as over as he thought.

Kitty: Staring at Cess from off to the side she was amazed. She knew the mutant could take any form she wanted but actually seeing it was amazing as she took on their attackers.

Cessily: Her friends were inured, Cessily realized, and they would need help. The faster, the better. She had to do something quickly, instead of toying with those thugs for much longer. Time for some psychological warfare, she decided. Psychic tricks might have been beyond her abilities, but that didn't mean she couldn't try to go with some good old scare tactic.

Jason: Scare tactics worked, most were turning and fleeing now while some just stared. Maybe mutant poking was something you needed weapons for.

Cessily: Cessily shed her clothing, her human shape collapsing entirely. In its place rose a metallic mass of clawed hands, bladed tentacles and a fanged maw, quickly towering above the humans below. She gave a loud shriek and smashed the ground with a maced fist, cracking the asphalt.

Cessily: Having worked up the courage to watch some horror films with the other students in the past finally seemed to finally pay off, as Cessily gave her best possible impression of some unspeakable horror born from Lovecraft's mind.

Anna: Anna continued to shove at the guys with her teke to hurry them along a bit before she finally left her minion and watched him scamper away too.

Anna: her clothes were in a pile on the floor from when she'd turned to gas,

Kitty: Kitty stayed between J and Rogue ready to phase all three of them if she needed to. The skinheads seemed to be changing their minds. Cess was scary beyond belief, making Kitty watch in horrified fasination.

Cessily: The thugs quickly scattered, even the rest of them deciding that this wasn't something to be handled by a bunch of guys with bats and switchblades. Reliefed, Cessily slowly returned to a more human shape. "How are the others," she asked, turning to look at her friends. "Oh my... we need to call the school! Or an ambulance."

Kitty: "Um...". What was she going to do? Let poor Anna go naked?! "Sure...ok..." she answered hesitantly.

Anna: Anna steered herself over to Kitty. "I can take care of them when I get my clothes back." She told Cess, courtesy of Kitty's mouth.

Kitty: Kitty went wide eyed at the sensation of Anna possessing her. "Let me grab your clothes and we'll find somewhere for you to get dressed. Cess, can you take care of Rogue and J?"

Cessily: Cessily stared back at Kitty and blinked in confusion. "Clothes? But you are..." She paused. "Anna?"

Anna: "And Jay too!" Anna added, "Yeah I'm in here, you can't hear me otherwise." she grinned.

Cessily: Cessily quickly nodded, still looking confused. "Oh, yes, sure. I can carry them," then shook her head.

Jason: Jason, meanwhile, was waking up on his on. "Son of a bitch."

Kitty: Picking up Anna's clothes, Kitty looked around for a private place for her to change.

Cessily: "Hey there," Cessily said to Jason, kneeling down next to him. "Careful now. Don't move too much." She looked him up and down. "Do you feel as if anything, uhm, important is broken?"

Jason: "I don't think so?" Jason replied back, giving in and moving his hand up to his head. Now that hurt.

Kitty: "Ok Anna, I don't think anyone can see you here.". Kitty ducked behind a trash dumpster in the alley. "And hurry - it smells really bad here."

Anna: She left Kitty and took her clothes back, hurrying to put them on. COLD! "Thanks Kitty!"

Kitty: Kitty had her eyes shut as she nodded. "No problem. Now, let's get outta here before they come back with reinforcements or something."

Cessily: "Okay, then just stay still for a little bit longer, okay?" Cessily managed a small smile. "We'll get you back to the school." She searched for her phone, soon realizing that she was still in a semi-humanoid shape lacking clothes.

Anna: Anna was finally dressed, she rubbed her arms a little to get the circulation going and stepped out from behind her hiding place, "Well I have no desire to ever see the other side of a dumpster ever again...."

Jason: "Right, can do." Jason wasn't for getting up yet so there wasn't much point in moving much.

Anna: "Want me to see to that head injury there, Jason?" She asked, walking over to him and Cessily, "I'm all dressed now so it'll be easy enough."

Jason: "Please." He managed to get out, cringing. "It would be most appreciated."

Cessily: Cessily found her own clothes and shifted back into them. "Let's see that we're getting everyone out of here as soon as possible. Before they decide to come back with friends." She found her phone and dialed a number. "I'll call someone at the school to come pick us up with the van."

Kitty: "Me either."Kitty nodded here agreement then noticed Cess in her nude state and started looking for her clothes. "I knew all this drinking was going to cause people loosing their clothes..."

Anna: "Good idea," Anna said to Cess, laying a hand on Jason to fix his head, "You were awesome by the way." She complimented.

Cessily: "Thanks," Cessily replied and smiled. "It's amazing what a good scare can do. Though, I'm afraid I didn't do much to change their minds on us being monsters..."

Anna: "I don't think anything could have changed their minds, Cess...."

Jason: "That is so much better." Jason said, letting out a breath and sitting up some.

Anna: "No problem," Anna told him, "That's what I'm for."

[Edited on 15-11-09 by Starfish]
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
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11/14 Game: Afterparty

Post by steyn »

good old fashioned brawl
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Deck Swabber
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Joined: Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:15 am
Title: The Boggy Man
Location: arlington tx. / shawnee Ok.

11/14 Game: Afterparty

Post by stjohn »

Awe... J could have changed their minds!! and made them all bff forevers! But they had to go all stone age on him.
Stjohn: did i walk in on yall doing :shifty?
* Bobby covers Lorna's goodies and whistles innocently.
Lorna: You see nothing!
Stjohn: pay no attention to the couple under the covers?
Lorna: There is no couple, no covers, and, on a different note, no spoon.
Stjohn: I don't believe you. I'm holding a spoon right now.
Lorna: Well damn
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