10/24 Game: Inglorious Basterds

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Title: The furry one.
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Location: Space.

10/24 Game: Inglorious Basterds

Post by steyn »

Timelined Sunday, October 18th

Wade: "And then he said 'Rectum?! Damn near killed them!' HA! Oh man, I never get ttired of that joke, hoo boy, we there yet?" Wade asked to the front of the van.

Jason: Jason squinted at the road ahead, pretty sure that whoever gave these directions were absolutely on crack. "Okay, this is obviously not it. I don't suppose anyone has the address of the place?" He glanced in the mirror to see if anyone at least looked promising at that question. "No, not there yet as the van is most definitely still moving."

Anna: Anna shook her head, "Nope, never been before!" She bounced in her seat, giggling at Wade's joke, "You shoulda got them to draw a map!"

Eddie: Eddie looked around. "Don't ask me, I'm the foreigner here.", he said, with a shrug.

Kitty: "Don't look at me..." Kitty bit at her fingernail. "I just wanted to come along and watch. Never seen the inside of a real tattoo palor before."

Anna: Anna continued her bouncing, she wanted a tatoo. "Hope we find it soon, before I change my mind!"

Eddie: Eddie span around to look at Kitty. "Seriously? Never in your life?", he asked with a laugh.

Andreas: "Why am I driving around with you guys again?...Oh, right, some idiot drove my irreplacable Porsche through our front door!" Andreas was quite obviously in a rotten mood. Which was a reason why he finally had decided to go out on a drink...which he couldn't do on his own anymore on account of some religious nut crashing his PORSCHE!

Anna: Anna gently patted Andreas, "There there, you can get another one, right?"

Kitty: "Never ever," she grinned back at Eddie. She got a bit solemn at the mention of Andy's porsche, remembering poor Prof. Forge.

Wade: "I had two so far, one that says Welcome Aboard, and the other says Exit Only, but they fade really fast. Who wants to guess where Welcome aboard was tattoo'ed?"

Anna: Anna cracked up at Wade, blushing and internally chastising herself for going there first.

Eddie: "...your arse.", Eddie said, still looking at Kitty. "Tell you what, flower, you want a tatt? I'll pay for your first."

Andreas: "Didn't your pixie friends tell you the meaning of the word 'irreplacable'?" He folded his arms and squinted into the darkness that was buidling up outisde.

J: J sat quietly, not quite sure why he had agreed to come in the first place. He laughed at Wade's incessant talking and looked around at the motley crew in the back of the school van.

Jason: "Oh I couldn't imagine." Well, if nobody knew they were going to gooooo...this way and try not to snort at 'pixie friends' "Tinkerbell is a very poor dictionary."

Anna: "It's just a car," Anna poked her tongue out at Andy, "They're everywhere."

Andreas: "Tinkerbell is a slut."

Kitty: Kitty blushed wildly at Wade and Eddie both. "Oh...my folks would kill me if I got a tatoo..." she answered, trying to convince herself.

Wade: "No that's the other tat, Edmond, but good guess, my Welcome aboard tattoo is in fact on my back, was great when I gave professional piggy back rides, I tell ya." Wade went on.

Anna: Anna blinked at Andreas, "Well someone's been sucking on lemons this morning - sourpuss." She poked his face, "Smiiiiile...."

Wade: ""What did Selene do now?"

Jason: Jason slowed down and watched the mirror again, just to see if Andreas may combust due to Anna's antics.

Eddie: "...did he just call me 'Edmond'?", Eddie said, blankly, shaking his head. "Yeah, anyway.", he turned back to Kitty. "Come on, live a little, if you want one - get one!"

J: He shook his head. He looked out the window as they passed the tattoo shop they were supposted to be going to. "Um... Jason. I believe you just passed our destination."

Kitty: "Um...I-I don't think so." She bit her lip, her fingernail completely bitten to the quick. Leaning over, Kitty whispered in J's ear. "Ok J. No matter what - You don't let me get talked into a tattoo, ok??"

Andreas: He didn't move nor did he change his facial expression upon the deforming abuse his face was suffering. "I lovd that car...And I can't smile, I'm lacking the facial muscles." Yeah, he was depressed and out to keep it that way.

Jason: "Really? Sorry, was hoping someone would explode." Jason cranked the van around. Okay, the van was enjoyable for U-turns.

J: He smiled and as he turned back to Kitty, "Sure thing."

Eddie: Eddie shrugged haphazardly. "Suit yourself, babe.", he said, more to himself as the van U-Turned.

Kitty: Kitty was about to answer Eddie when the van's U turned and tossed her into the floor. "Jason!!" she huffed.

Anna: Anna continued her poking, sliding along her seat a little at the unexpected u-turn, "Smiiiiiile... you have the facial muscles - the scowl says so."

Kitty: ((edit -van's +van))

Jason: "What? That's why we have seatbelts." Jason answered innocently. "Lucky you didn't go through the thing."

Eddie: "Hahaha! Christ! You are the most fun cabbie ever!", said Eddie in stitches, he helped Kitty up, still grinning.

J: J grabbed hold on the door as they flipped a uie. "Holy smokes..." When he was able to right himself he reached down to pull Kitty back upto the seat.

Andreas: "would you quit this now?" He glared at the offending finer as if trying to ignite it with his stare...which would have been more menacing if that wouldn#t have made it necessary to cross his eyes.

Anna: "Nope. Not til you smile. Go on. you can do it. Just a little one..." she coaxed.

Kitty: Kitty got back in her spot. "Thanks," she grinned at the two. "Got to work on when to and when not to phase."

Andreas: "I will end you if you make me..."

Wade: "What you need, my dear Frankenfurter, is one of Mr Wilson's patented Facial Smile Assemblers™" Wade said, "Trust me, it'll put a smile on that mug of yours.

Jason: "Because they don't make training pants for that." Jason nodded, pulling up to the buiding. Yes, there was Dirty Dan's, looking as pristine and classy as it ever could.

Eddie: Eddie looked over to Wade. "Or a tazer, whichever you think'd work.", he grinned.

Kitty: "That's Dirty Dan's??" She swallowed hard. "Well...the name fits." Noo way...NO way am I letting anyone in there touch me with ANYTHING!

Anna: "Awww don't be such a baby..." Anna poked Andy a couple more times as she turned to look out of the window. "Oh we're here?"

Andreas: Finally! "I hope you get a tripper in there..."

Jason: "I feel like I have hepatitus just looking at the place." Jason held onto the steering wheel, peering out at the storefront.

Eddie: "Wow...looks just like the shop back in England!", mused Eddie, looking outside. "So, the subcultures are here, the food and women are, too. If you could drive in the right side of the road here, it'd be just like home!"

Wade: "No, strippers are in clubs, this is a tatto place." funny germans and their accents.

Kitty: "There's no telling what you might get in there." She looked at J meaningfully. "No matter what..."

Anna: Anna unhooked her seatbelt, "Well don't worry about being ill - I'm a healer, remember?" She grinned.

Wade: Outside the van Wade already spied one of the many fauna on their wildlife trip, "Aww, it's a baby chihauhau.....or a rat, either way, it's kawai!"

Eddie: Eddie smirked cockilly as he popped off his seatbelt. "Unlucky for you there's no cure for a killjoy, eh?", he winked at Andreas.

Andreas: Why don't you heal your retardedness then...? was what he thought, though it would probably only start up another series of abusive pokes, so it turned into a condescending "Meh..."

Jason: "...'Kawai'?"

Kitty: "...rat?"

Anna: Anna fell out of the van then sprang back to her feet, "I'm okay!"

Eddie: Eddie stepped out over Anna, and past her almost tangible dippy-ness. "...man, you need one of those massive 'bubble-things'.", he muttered.

Wade: "Kawai? did I say Kawai? Sorry, meant Kawaii, forgot the second i at the end." Wade mentioned as he followed Anna out the van.

Jason: "This is just not right." Jason shut his door and eyed the building again. And people he knew came here and had ink inserted? His opinion of people was going down again.

Anna: "Bubbles are fun!" Anna replied to Eddie, with a grin. She paused to look at the shop, "Soo.... we going in then?"

Andreas: He pulled himself out of the van too and gave a short glance around. The night air felt chilly on his skin and cleared his head...which he really didn't want. He'd prefer an isolated corner and a drink that gets magically refilled whenever he empties it, thank you.

Wade: Wade breathed deeply, "Ahh, smell that air, it's the smell of rugged 'don't-care-if-I-contract-a-deadly-disease-just-as-long-my-new-tattoo-isn't-misspelled' feeling. Smells also of urine."

Jason: "I wonder if the urine is from the rats or the patrons."

Andreas: "The patrons played a game that involved peeing at the rats...there's a women's league."

Anna: Anna giggled at Wade then even more at Jason. "You two are funny."

Eddie: Eddie rolled his eyes at Anna. For some reason, he found it impossible not to like the fact she was mildly irritating. "Right! Sod this; lets see if a tattoo'll stay on me without disapearing every time I transform, eh?"

Wade: "Either way, what joy! Come along kiddies, the needles await! To the battoo cave"

Eddie: "Oh, God. That was terrible."

Wade: "I know, have this weird itch at the back of my throat all day, been stumbling bad puns like that since I woke up."

Anna: Anna grinned at Wade, "Have to see if we can fix that."

Kitty: Kitty followed them a little hesitantly. She had this wierd itch in the back of her head that kept telling her to get back in the van. She looked over at J to see if he was as uncomfortable as she was.

Jason: "But then he wouldn't be near as amusing as he is."

Andreas: "Weirdo." It started to dawn on him that he maybe should have just went into a different bar...and probably walked there.

Jason: There was something else that was telling them to get back into the van. A somewhat crumpled piece of printer paper taped to the corner of the door which was quite newer than everything else up there. Typed on it in bold, black letters, was 'No Mutants'.

Eddie: "...what the fuck is that meant to mean?", asked Eddie, shooting into 'comfrontational mode' instantly.

Anna: Anna pulled up short at the sign on the door, "Er...."

Kitty: "What does what mean?" She looked at the sign Eddie was staring at. "Oh..." she frowned.

Andreas: "Oh, now look at that." Andy came closer and looked at the sign. "This has to be the first thing Dan has ever written without one single mistake...I'll bet twenty that his mom helped him." His words implied simple sarcasm, but the voice dripped with surpressed anger...

Eddie: Eddie shook his head. "Heh, well..I say a nice, calm explination is owed, don't you all agree?", he glanced around at the others.

Jason: "I would certainly say so." Sure, Jason's identification card declared him mutation free but that didn't stop him from not exactly being pleased at the sight of the paper.

Wade: Wade came to join the group huddled around the door, "Man that rat can run, what we staring at? What we getting angry at? Should I go get hte pitchforks and torches?"

Jason: "Oh, yes. Now I have to decide if I want a pitchfork or a torch. Is there any way we could combine them?"

Kitty: Kitty nodded and looked. "Not that I wanted a tattoo...but, yeah - an explination." She crossed her arm.

Anna: Anna frowned and chewed her lip, her previous buoyant mood evaportated.

Wade: "Porchforks, for the multitalented mob." Wade suggested.

Andreas: "We could enter anyway. I mean..." He looked into the round. "Some of you look like freaks, but not mutant freaks." Then he gave Wade a look. "He can be a burn victim we help to resocialize?"

Wade: "Imagine the devil's burning fork, a porchfork." Wade explained

Eddie: "If you're all about done?", Eddie cut in, rather rudely, approaching the door.

Wade: "oh, you so rough," Wade said as Eduardo pushed past.

Jason: "This porchfork has my support one hundred percent." Jason stepped towards the door as well, standing straighter and trying to decide just how to approach this...matter.

Anna: Anna's frown deepened, she decided to hang back, just in case things got out of hand. With Eddie about, that was likely.

Andreas: "Edward, stop."He reached out and pulled Eddie back on his shoulder. "Me first." He stepped over to the door and banged on it. "DAAAANNN, oh DDAAAAANNNYYY-boy! Get out that whiskey bottle you've stored for me! And don't tell me you emptied it on your own, or I'm dragging your naked ass through Manhattan on the coldest day of the year. You know me Dan, I do things like that..."

Wade: "Fun!" Wade said, clapping excitedly.

Anna: Anna blinked at Andy and looked around to make sure people weren't staring. "Maybe.... we should, you know... go inside....?"

Jason: "...you know we can just walk in right?" Jason arched an eyebrow.

J: J looked at Andreas funny for a moment. "Why would you do something like that..." He muttered at the back of the pack.

Wade: "Shh, he's not from this country, he doesn't know how doors work." Wade defended Andy

Anna: Anna giggled at Wade and swatted his arm a little.

Andreas: "I want him to come out, the little weasel." He kept on banging. "Dan, come out. I saw what your mom made you draw and I want to give you a gold star for it!"

Jason: "Andreas, the kind of talk we're about to have, I don't think we want to have outside."

Kitty: "Did you see that 'No Mutants' sign?? I want to phase him into a wall or something." Kitty glared at J. Then turned back to the others. "Come on! He can't really keep us out of there." She stepped forwards and opened the door.

Anna: "No one could keep you out," Anna grinned at Kitty.

Eddie: Eddie followed Kitty. Far be it for him to not be in the action.

Andreas: He gave jason a funny look but refrained from commenting. "okay then, but I still want my whiskey. It#s single malt."

Wade: "You know, now would have been a great time to practice the mime against a wall technique, but I skipped that chapter on the Idiot's Guide book. Wade said as he walked in through the doorway.

J: "Yeah... But maybe he has a good reason for it?" He suggested,, trying to be diplomatic. His father would be proud.

Kitty: Kitty grinned back at Anna. She looked at the inside of the building. It was worse than the outside if that was possible. "You'd think he'd be gratefully for any business he got..." She cleared her throat. "Hey...Mr. Dan!"

Wade: "Nice digs!" Wade said marvelling at the clean shine of everything.

Andreas: "I wouldn't have thought there would come a day when you decline an opportunity to stir up shit, Jason..." Then he stepped through the door too.

Anna: Anna followed the others inside, "Nice place...." she muttered, looking around.

Eddie: Eddie closed his eyes. "Hey!", he yelled. "Who's the boss 'round here?!"

*** Jason has signed off IRC (EOF from client).

Eddie: 'Bring out that prejudical Nazi' was the next bit Eddie wanted to say, although chances are that wouldn't help.

*** Jason has joined #dirtydans.

J: J followed the others in, looking around at the art work and mangy surroundings. "I can not believe someone actually spends time here. Let alone uses this as a shop for a pseudomedical practice."

*** Jason_ has joined #dirtydans.

Jason_: "Oh, I'm all for stirring up shit. It's just that as long as we're outside it'll give other places reasons to stick these signs up." Jason muttered, stepping inside. "Plus, I don't want to have to give the police an assumed name again."

Jason_: Dan was stepping out of the back room, hearing the commotion and not really all that pleased about it. "What're you making that noise here. If you've been drinkin' get out. Not having you bleeding out in my shop."

*** Jason has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).

Kitty: "What's with that sign out front?" Kitty put her hands on her hips.

Eddie: "You're running the show 'round here, mate?", asked Eddie, 'trying' to keep the confrontational tone to a minimum. "What she said.", he gestured his head over to Kitty, still looking at Dan.

Andreas: "Dan! Dan Didio! Mein Freund!" He came closer to the man and put his arm around his shoulders, squeezing a bit too hard to be comfortable. "Dan, my friends here think you might suddenly have decided to dislike mutants. I told them that could never ever happen, right, mein Freund?"

Anna: Anna continued to frown, she already didn't like how this was looking. She wondered if 'dan' had cctv.

J: J ran a hand through his hair and then put it in his pocket as he watched the other students talking with this 'Dan' character.

Jason_: Dan crossed his arms. "Look, kids, people watch the news, okay? There's been talk about disease, right? And I'm in the business where I gotta pay attention to that kinda talk. It's nothing personal." He shrugged.

Andreas: "...you are dirty Dan, you realize that?"

Eddie: Eddie's eyebrow raised. "'Disease'?", he repeated. "And you think thats due to Mutants? What the fuck?!"

Wade: BRRR!!! went one of the tattoo machines as Wade's ten second attention span found a button to press.

Anna: "We're not diseased..." Anna put in quietly, "I'm a healer - I should know...."

Kitty: "Disease?? What disease? Mutantions are contageious!" Kitty retorted. This guy can

Kitty: 't possibly be as dumb as he looks...

Anna: ((*shoots the enter key for raven*))

Kitty: ((tyvm!))

Kitty: ((*mutations))

Eddie: "'Mutant Flu', he claims!", ridiculed Eddie to himself, laughing.

Jason_: "They can laugh at the name, they can't laugh at what they think might happen. Just last night there was this thing on the news. Apparently something's broke out through Manhattan and everyone that has it is stamped mutant on their ID. So yeah, people're worried."

Jason_: (that was Dan, would hlep if I said so)

Kitty: Her hands went back to her hips. "You gonna ban humans who got the sniffles from coming in here??"

Eddie: Eddie scensored slured a little at Kitty's comment. "Point.", he smirked at her.

Andreas: "People a fuckshits, that's why I pay good money to be around as few of them as possible." He squeeze a bit more. "Don't do this to me Dan, you're like a brother to me...the retarded, sweaty one that stays single 'by choice'..." he made air quotation marks. "...but family nonetheless."

Jason_: "We know what the sniffles are. People don't know what you lot have but if they see you in here I lose more business than you lot can make up." Dan tried to use his slow and kind voice, the 'speaking to children and those who may not understand' voice.

Anna: Anna folded her arms and leaned against the door frame. She was begining to think reasoning wouldn't work.

Wade: Wade cleared his throat and gave a cough, hacking a couple times and wheezing in a breath, "I'm a perfect example of health."

Eddie: Eddie's smirk faded, he suddenly looked much darker. "So, you'll outlaw us for 'buisness', huh?", he spat. "And 'friendship', 'equality' and 'loyalty' means nothing to you?"

Anna: "Calm down guys...." Anna said, still not raising her voice, she was feeling anxious again.

Jason_: "Can't say as I even know you, kid." Dan pointed out. "I've got plenty of loyal customers. When one's against the other I gotta go with the group that's bigger though, don't I? The rent don't pay itself."

Kitty: "Don't talk to us like we're stupid, Dan." Kitty's temper flared a little bit. "Most of us have IQ's higher than you can count!" Well she knew she and J did at least.

Andreas: "You know folks, the Teletubby has got a point...."

Wade: "Yeah, I'm atleast a fifty eight!" Wade joined in.

Jason_: "Right then." Okay, the girl was going to be a problem. "I'm gonna hafta ask you all to leave."

Wade: "Well you can't argue with that logic," Wade gave up.

Anna: Anna sighed and straightened up, "But... we came here to buy things.... there's no one else here...." where was the harm if no one saw them there?

Wade: "Yeah, what she said!" Wade switched sides once again.

Eddie: Eddie growled low. "Fuc-....fine, whatever.", he shook his head and turned. This was exactly what everyone kept hassling him about; being too hot-headed.

Jason_: "It's a tattoo and piercing shop, girl. I can't use my equipment on you." Dan explained, motioning to the door.

Jason_: "Which is the nicest way of saying 'You're dirty blood' basically, hmm?" Jason arched an eyebrow.

Anna: "You never heard of disinfectant?" Anna raised a brow, "Ewwww....."

Eddie: Eddie stopped at the door. "...you all staying?"

Andreas: "Well, we surely could..." He squeezed Dan's shoulder until the joints cracked, holding him back. "But, you know, i haven't heard anything about any kind of disease yet..."

J: J wispered to Anna, "Hey... How bad do you want the tattoo?" He asked with a little mischeivious grin on his face.

Jason_: "You mean you aren't?" Jason smirked over at Eddie.

Jason_: "You let me up, kid!" Dan's voice was much louder now and the niceness peeled back.

Anna: Anna turned her raised eyebrow on J, "If he's not using disinfectant I think I'm changing my mind quite quickly....."

Eddie: Eddie turned around. "No, I don't wanna 'dirty' this...ah...'fine establishment' with my 'Mutant cooties'...", he sighed sarcastically at Jason.

J: He laughed at that, "Ok. Was just asking. Can change his mind more effectively than Andreas, if you want..."

Anna: Anna giggled, "Could you change his mind to think he was a ballerina?"

Andreas: "Dan Dan Dan...does it really have to be that way?"

Jason_: "Do you want to break things then?"

Kitty: "Can't use your equipment on us? This equipment?" Kitty phased the tatoo chair, shorting out the electical wiring. "Oops. Sorry..."

Eddie: Eddie scrambled to look at Kitty. "...whoa...uh." Did she really just do that?!

Jason_: "I explained it all ready!" Dan swore when he saw Kitty though. "Don't think you're not paying for that either. I know where to send the bills for you lot!"

J: He smiled. "I could be so inclined." He sent out a little shock of electricity arcing to Dan, hitting his with a small static shock while he was distracted by Kitty.

Anna: Anna's eyes widened at what kitty had done, "Kitty!" She chastised. "What are you doing?!"

Kitty: "But we were nowhere near here, were we guys?" She grinned as she watched him.

J: "That should make him forget we were here once we leave, and from now on when he hears the word tattoo he will want to perform swan lake." He said with a grin.

Andreas: "I think we've changed into the mutant mob, folks...the diseased one."

Jason_: "Of course not, why would we be in here? There's a sign telling us not to!" Jason just grinned more. "Oh, are we zombies? This is much more fun than when I was close to a zombie the first time."

Wade: "If I knew we were going to be breaking stuff I would have brought my ski mask and Lucille, my baseball bat." Wade said as he sat down at one of the waiting chairs, knowing that this little confrontation would atleast still be going for maybe another hour or so.

Kitty: Kitty overhead J and smiled broadly at him. "I love Swan Lake."

Eddie: Eddie approached Kitty. "Hey, come on, I don't like being labled a 'leper' either, but i get the impression this is the 'wrong' approach, flower."

Andreas: "You named your baseball bat, Wade?"

Kitty: She turned to Eddie. "What did you have in mind, Eddie??"

Anna: Anna giggled at J, "Excellent...."

Jason_: Dan was swearing now, trying but failing completely to move from Andreas. "And you wonder why people don't want you fucking around?! They say one thing that you don't like and you rip up a place."

Wade: "No, I named her Lucille." Wade answered Andy

Eddie: Eddie's smile crept back, he released a spray of webbing over to the various needles and whipping them against the table, snapping them. "Something light and hard-to-fix, honey!"

Andreas: "Ah, you see, this isn't because we're mutants, this is because we're mean bastards."

Anna: "It's not just one thing, though." Anna told Dan, "It's a catalogue of things. We're not sick. You have no reason not to work on us."

Jason_: "Quite true." Jason grinned as he agreed with Andy, deciding the the cameras would really be beneficial to go for.

Kitty: "You started this, Danny," she smirked. "You and your stupidity." She put her hand through the cash register causing the cash drawer to shoot out and spill money all over the floor. "Might want to see to that."

Wade: "Oh look, Busty Asian Beauties, christmas special edition," Wade said, pulling out a magazine from the stack.

Eddie: Eddie looked up. "Ooh! 'Metal eye'.", joked Eddie, firing a lasso of webbing upwards and dragging the camera out of the celing.

Jason_: "I told you why! You're the ones that are throwing the fit!" Dan snarled back. "You think I want to kick out clientel?"

Eddie: "Then DON'T!", shouted Eddie. "I hate it when people say 'I have to' when they blatently don't!"

Anna: "So don't." Anna folded her arms, "We're not sick." She looked around at the others, even if he agreed to work on mutants he'd be screwed now....

Andreas: ((*blatantly))

Jason_: "You might not be but people don't know that! If I let you in word'll get around and I'll lose more. Don't you take any fucking business classes?"

Wade: "I once took an origami class, wanna see me make a swan?" Wade asked

Anna: "Maybe you need to make people more confident in your hygeine procedures and you wouldn't have this problem, hmm?" She arched another eyebrow.

Andreas: "We do have business classes, but the teacher is enormously fat and his jiggling man-boobs always distract me."

Jason_: ((XD I knew you were going to say something like that when I set it up ^_^))

Anna: ((LOL))

Kitty: Kitty shuddered. That was without a doubt her least favorite class. "Just say you'll treat us like everyone else - and we'll stop." She shorted out more equipment. "Is that so unfair?"

Wade: "yeah! Cave into our terroristic demands!" Wade said while unfolding Miss Wudolph.

Jason_: "It's my fucking business and I have the right to keep some people out if it's going to ruin business. You just go work your civil liberties out and see when you can get that taken care of. Until you're not a health risk though you're not welcome here."

Kitty: She looked around to see if there was anything else she could short out. "Until you get some of this substandard equipment fixed. I don't think anyone is going to be getting tattoos or piercings here."

Jason_: Dan would dance...it was hard being pinned but he danced in place.

Andreas: "Are you having a seizure?" Andreas stepped back from th wriggling man.

Anna: Anna chewed her lip, she couldn't help the little giggle at the dancing. She grinned at J.

J: He grinned as he watched the grown man try to pirroette like a ballet star.

Eddie: Eddie stared. "...ok. What the hell...", is all he managed.

Kitty: "Now...that's just..." She had no words for the show Dan was putting on for them. She went over and gave J a big hug. "You're power is just awesome!"

Anna: Anna cracked up, "That's just brilliant!"

Jason_: "Um..." Jason arched an eyebrow as he got the last of the recordings. "I really wish I had left the cameras on for this."

Wade: "You do know he's probably going to permanently injure himself if he tries to....oh nevermind." Wade said as he looked up to catch Dan going for a split with one leg into the air.

Jason_: "Okay, I don't know about you lot, but I am officially disturbed." Jason cringed.

Jason_: Dirty Dan had missed his calling in life. He should have danced.

J: He hugged Kitty back, "He is actually not bad... I wonder if that is my doing... or was he surpressing something..."

Anna: Anna folded and sank to the floor in giggles, "Priceless!"

Kitty: Kitty watched Dan prancing around like a show pony. "You may have something there. It took me months to learn some of those moves. What I wouldn't give for a camera."

Andreas: "Can you make him sing? I always liked 'Hair'."

Jason_: Cellphone camera, perfect! Jason was all ready filming.

Eddie: Eddie blinked a few times. "...that's so scary...".

Jason_: "You have seriously gone up in my regard, J." Jason let him know.

Anna: Anna could hardly breathe, she was laughing too hard.

J: "Um... I do not know that one..." He shook his head, "I can only put in what I have pulled out of others." He smiled at Jason's aproval. "Thanks."

Jason_: Dirty Dan needed someone to catch him for this part!

Kitty: Kitty caught Anna's giggles and soon she was barely able to stand up.

Wade: Wade's theatre senses tingled, he was needed to catch the main character.

Andreas: Andreas reached out, his mood had incredibly improved.

Eddie: "Good God...you people really are insane!", Eddie laughed. That Dan guy wasn't seriously about to...?

Wade: "To me my herald!" Wade said, as he jumped up from his seat, throwing, gently, the magazine aside.

Kitty: "It is scary Eddie - scary funny!" She had to sit down before she fell down. "Go for it Wade!!" she cheered between gasps.

Jason_: Dan leaped for Wade!

Anna: Anna laughed even harder and clapped for their performance.

Wade: Wade caught the dan! Heavy. And in the same motion, hefted him into the air to Andrea's general direction.

Jason_: And Dan flew with the greatest of ease a 50+ year old overweight man could for Andreas!

Wade: "Fly!"

Jason_: Jason decided that Dan...needed an appropriate outfit and illusioned it on.

Andreas: He was really glad that he could increase his strength, because otherwise he would have been flattened on the ground. But as it was, a brightly glowing Andreas took in a several hundred pounds of man-flesh and realeased it again.

Kitty: All Kitty could think of was the scene from 'Fantasia' with the crocodiles and the incredibly huge hippo. She couldn't breathe as she watched, suddenly howling in laughter at the outfit that suddenly appeared on Dan. "Oh my God..." she gasped, doubling over in laughter.

Anna: Anna cheered for the costume change. Didn't matter that it looked awful it was just too funny!

Jason_: Jason had to sit down as well, laughing his ass off. "Oh God, I feel so much better now!"

Jason_: Dan spun with Andreas, departing and dancing his way for Kitty.

Anna: Anna was crying she was laughing so much. She tried to get ahold of herself.

Jason_: "I'm just waiting for him to mess up and end up making a horrible Nutcracker pun terribly approrpiate."

Anna: Anna snorted, so much for calming down.

Kitty: Kitty looked up, seeing Dan coming her way. She danced a few pirouettes and even a side leap or two, then shoved him off into Eddie's direction. "Incoming!!"

Andreas: "He'll be hurting like hell tomorrow, you know?"

Jason_: "Well good, it's what he gets." Jason nodded approvingly.

Andreas: "But I don't care." Andy clapped cheeringly for Dan.

Jason_: Dancing Dan spun his way towards Eddie, dancer's smilie etched on his face all the way.

Eddie: Eddie turned around suddenly, barely catching the huge man. He danced about a bit with him. "Who's the 'pweddiest pwincess'?" he jeered.

Eddie: "Mmn, smell that? Dancer's sweat...", Eddie sighed, wondering who he could dump this guy on next.

Anna: Anna managed to get to her feet, finally calming down a little, she wiped her eyes.

Jason_: Daaaaan was the pweddiest pwincess! Especially as he pirouetted his heart out.

Eddie: Eddie held out his hand, letting the 'ballerina' spin his way over to Anna with all the grace of a dying swan.

Jason_: And now Dan held out his arms for Anna! It was truly a most artful dance.

Jason_: "As much as I want to sit here watching him do this forever we migth want to leave the 'crime scene'." Jason realized. "He's not going to remember this, right?"

Anna: Anna squeaked as Dan came her way, "Oh crap!" She didn't want to get flattened! She held her hands up, using her teke to take the overwhelming majority of his weight. "Good grief this guy needs to excerise!" She accidentally let off a small heal as her hands made contact with him.

J: "Nope, no recolection at all once we are out the door." He grinned as he watched his handy work.

Jason: "Perfect." Jason sat back and enjoyed the show.

Jason: Oh, much better! Dan danced with a great deal more gusto now that he was that much more fresh.

Eddie: "And he won't recall why his camera's bust, etcetera?" asked Eddie, covering his bases.

J: "We were never here." He answered.

Jason: "So...we're going to do this every time someone pisses us off, yes?" Jason looked hopeful.

Anna: "Oh please say we are!" Anna clapped and bounced, her good mood at returned!

Anna: ((*-at +had))

Jason_: "Well, I don't see any reason not to but then again, I'm generally a horrible person."

Eddie: Eddie shrugged. "Ah, I'm bored. Let's head back, starvin' my ass off, here."

Andreas: "sounds like an idea. I could use liquid joy."

Wade: "But first how about a drink before you break out the handlotion?" Wade asked as he eld up th magazine he was so interested in.

Anna: Anna giggled at Wade, shaking her head.

Jason_: "...I think you can keep the hand lotion." Jason pulled himself up and opened the door though, holding it open as Dancing Dan continued to spin around, slowing down.

J: J watched one final sequence and then headed outside and back to the van. "Well, guess I do not have to try to keep Kitty from getting a tattoo. At least for today." He smiled and slide the door to the van open.

Jason_: "Yeah...and that just sucks."

Anna: Anna took a final enchanted look at Dan then left the shop, shaking her head and still laughing silently.

Wade: "You know what would be really weird? If this all never happened, and we were actually just sitting in the van, deaming all of this thanks to J over here?" wade said.

Eddie: Eddie shuddered at the thought. "Now that'd be scary...".

Kitty: "Oh, this was so much more fun than getting a tattoo." She was still wiping tears from her eyes as she climbed back into the van and took a seat. She gave J a friendly pat.

Jason_: "...I could so do that." Jason realized at Wade's statement. Oh, yes, that would be fun.

Anna: Anna giggled, "That still doesn't detract from the awesome...."

[Edited on 8/11/2009 by steyn]

[Edited on 8/11/2009 by steyn]
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