1/30 Game: Off of my Lawn!

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Title: Many Sticky Hands
Location: Germany

1/30 Game: Off of my Lawn!

Post by Starfish »

Timeline: November 19th.

Bobby: Bobby sidestepped a particularly nasty looking puddle and squinted into the semi-darkness. This whole stealth thing had sounded far more fun in theory, and the Danger Room hadn't smelled like this.

Andreas: "Okay fellow dirt divers, here is the deal: No one does anything before I say so, got that?" Andreas folded his gloved hands in front of his chest, partly to stop himself from picking ever growing bits of dead skin off of them, revealing an eery glow in the process that never really subsided.

Andreas: "That's not because I like people doing what I tell them...well, not only because of that." Couldn't they have found someone else to do this? "I'd rather have you not kill anyone before we find out whether they're friendly or want to wear our skins."

Rogue: Rogue leaned in close to the wall of the sewer to get a good look at the slime sliding down it. She made a face and pulled away, "Pretty sure that stuff is alive..."

Nezhno: Nezhno followed after Rogue and looked at the slime. "Or at least it was alive at some point."

Kyle: Kyle was in nasal hell. Breathing through his mouth didn't help much with dimming down the strength of the sewer's odour. "Can we go faster? My, umm, eye are starting to tear."

Bobby: "Long, long ago." Bobby watched the back of Andy's head sourly, thinking the idea for Lorna to bring up the rear guard was a bad idea.

Selene: Selene's head poked out of the tunnel leading upwards to the sewer grate, as she hung upside down from the ladder. "What if we find any giant crocodiles in there?" She asked, her hair swaying from side to side. "Can we keep their skin to make clothes and bags out of it?"

Rogue: Rogue gave Kyle a small smile and reached out to rub his shoulder, "Yeah, can't imagine it's pleasant f' y'all..."

Kyle: "Burns." was all kyle could add to Rogue

Bobby: "....can you sense giant crocs if there are any? I mean, do they have minds?" He asked Selene.

Andreas: "If we find any crocodiles in here you can have them all for you, Selene." He didn't look good in crocodile leather. "But if you try to skin a hobo I'll have to step in, okay?"

Selene: Selene held onto the rung of the ladder, very glad about having decided to wear gloves, and freed her legs so that she now dangled in proper alignment. "Of course they do." She replied, looked at Bobby. "Everything that has a brain also has a mind. Some are simpler, some more complicated."

Bobby: "Okay, well... just head's up if you do sense something uncomplicated but twelve feet of luggage and teeth, kay?" Bobby squinted ahead again. "I still can't really see anything. It's cow fart city down here and the methane is screwing with my thermal vision."

Selene: She finally let go of the ladder and dropped to the wet floor below. "And don't believe that the smell isn't torture for my nose, as well. I have sensitive senses." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Ah, yes, that's outright disgusting. Brings back memories."

Andreas: Andy noticed that the light started to diminish rather faster than he had thought the further they went into the sewers. Oh well, he could help that.

Jono: Could they be any louder? Jono sighed in disgust and gave the signal for his people to disperse.

Selene: Selene clapped her hands together as she beamed at Andreas. "Ooh, in that case I'll make sure to lead us to all the biggest crocodiles and other reptiles that might dwell down here." She waved a hand. "And no worries about that. Hobos have bad skin. I wouldn't want a bum-bag, anyway."

Nezhno: "I don't think it would go with anything you wear Selene." Nezhno quipped as he stepped over a puddle of something.

Andreas: He pulled on his right glove and revealed a slightly glowing hand with only a few patches of skin left. A bit of concentration later the walls around them were flooded with stingy yellow, which, even though it was quite hard on the eyes as a light source at least allowed for a few feet clear sight.

Bobby: "Daaah. Man, Andy.... they make creams for that." Bobby grimaced at the scaly hand, trying to not think of the last time he saw peely skin.

Selene: "Oh, how fanciful." Selene commented as she walked down the corridor. "Couldn't we have just brought a flashlight or some good old fashioned fire instead of making Andreas sparkle like a loser-vampire?"

Rogue: Rogue snickered at Bobby's comment and shook her head, "Ah think Andy's beyond hope in that department. Go see a dermatologist, hun."

Andreas: "Hey..." There was a small hole in the wall of their current tunnel. Ignoring the chippering behind him he glanced inside of it. There were a few rags and other things that somehow didn't seem as if they'd been flushed down a toilet to get here.

Leech: Leech gave a full out salute with a grin on his face before he trotted off to a tunnel. He paused as he saw a bright glow coming from the main entrance and his mouth formed a small 'o' of curiosity as his eyes widened with excitment. He stifled a giggle as he pulled his beanie down tighter and ran off again.

Bobby: Bobby snickered at Selene's comment, then stiffened as the ambient temperature shifted in front of them. "Wait, shhh. Shut up everybody," he whispered harshly.

Selene: "Did you find anything you lost?" Selene wondered, stepping back to where Andreas stood. She was busy tying her hair into an assortment of knots, to reduce to risk of getting it in contact with any surface down there.

Rogue: Rogue arched an eyebrow at Bobby and put her hands on her hips as she waited for him to listen for whatever it was she needed to be quiet for. She listened too, but she wasn't sure what she was listening for...

Jono: Jono gave Leech a telepathic slap, reminding him to try to stay out of sight.

Molevic: The old man slowly walked along the narrow walk ways of the sewers, hunched over his cane and appearing almost dwarvish that way. From time to time he scowled whispered insults at Jono for making him do this. But he had to admit that his little friends were quite helpful for checking the surroundings out.

Selene: Selene perked up, as well. She wasn't as good a telepath as Rachel or Lizzie, but she was skilled enough to detect foreign minds. And things that were alive. "Careful." She whispered, peeking into the darkness beyond the light. "I think it's... crab people."

Jubilee: Jubilee looked around worriedly.

Andreas: "I think there have been people living here..." Well, if oyu could call that 'living'.

Leech: Leech tripped at the slap and frowned, almost a pout, as he slunk deeper into the recesses of his hiding spot. Meanie.

Nezhno: Nezhno whispered to Selene. "Can you tell how many are out there?"

Selene: Selene turned back to look at the others, a serious expression on her face. "Whatever it might be that lived here. There's a good probability that it were either crab people or mole men." She paused, frowning. "Unless some of the crocodiles mutated and become sentient."

Bobby: Bobby gave Anna a smirk at the brow, but swung his head to stare again at Selene, wide-eyed. "Crab mutants would be pretty sweet actually. But yeah... we ain't alone." He moved past Andy to peer around a corner and hissed when his heat senses were blinded by a recently doused can of chemical heat.

Selene: She turned to Nezhno while finishing to sort her hair. "That's hard to tell. The sewers are a cramped place by nature. So anything that lives down here tends to just blend into one entity."

Andreas: "Lets go with the possibility of other mutants for now, Sel. Okay?" He stepped into the small room and looked around. "I would like one of you sensitive people to tell me how many and where they are, asap."

Rogue: "Sorry, Ah ain't much good in that department." Rogue crossed her arms and shrugged.

Bobby: "Well, I can tell you where they were" he said, poking at the small stove with a toe. This was just like the other camp he and Lorna had found. Ratty old tents, blankets, clothing...

Selene: "Like I said, I have no idea how many, and they're pretty much..." She held up her arms, ready to point in a direction, but then settled for a waving motion. "...all around us. Does that help?"

Molevic: With each little step he took a small, hand-tall figure arose from the moldy masses that covered about everything down here and instantly scurried away to fullfill the need of its master for information.

Jubilee: "I, I think I saw someone moving over there." Jubilee said nervously pointing at the shadows.

Andreas: He frowned at Selene's remark. "Okay folks, stay together, with the backs to each other. It's first about forming a solid defense, after that we can try to talk with them!" He grabbed Kyle and pulled him closer.

Selene: Selene's gaze followed where Jubilee's hand had pointed, and her expression betrayed her excitement. "May I run off into the dark and see what's there?" She almost looked pleadingly at Andreas. "Please? I'm a better hunter and tracker on my own. Solitary predator and all that, you know?"

Bobby: He gave Selene a look. "Um... probably not a good idea."

Andreas: "You stay with the group, lady. Don't make me spank you!" His second glove came off too, their surroundings were now illuminated as bright as in daylight.

Jono: Jono now recognized a few of the mutants in their home, but this glowing one was new. He fingered his own bandages and moved to get a better look.

Selene: "Killjoys." Selene pouted, but stayed put with the rest of the group. "Fine, have it your way. Always safe and reasonable and boring."

Leech: Leech blinked at how bright everything became and scuttled further into his tunnel, hiding in a crevice and curling up in a ball to cover his head. Too darned bright.

Nezhno: "That's not going to attract attention to us." Nezhno said as he gave Andreas a little pat on the back.

Molevic: Ah, there they were. A Few of his little constructs had found them and were peering at them now from out of corners and shadows. He sat back down with a small sigh and let the other little creations join.

Rogue: Rogue snickered at Nezhno's remark but turned it into a clearing of her throat instead.

Selene: Selene covered her eyes at the sudden brightness and winced. "Don't you have a brightness setting for those hands?"

Bobby: "Well, I think they know we're here since they skedaddled." Bobby licked his lips. "Talk, huh." He pitched his voice to carry. "Hey! We're not here to hurt you!"

Andreas: "Newsflash: They're already here." He looked hard and quite a few reflections indicated eyes...or eye-like things.

Selene: She peeked out at the others from between two fingers. "Maybe we should beat the drums." Selene found herself looking at things that looked right back at her. "Never mind."

Leech: Leech's head pulled up at the announcement and he peeked around to see who said it but instantly cowered again. "Too bright for Leech," he muttered to himself.

Bobby: "Whoa, shit." He noticed what Andy was talking about now. "They're not giving off any heat...."

Andreas: "Selene, are those alive?" They looked like something that had come out of a toilet, spitting and shaking its fist.

Rogue: Rogue made a face and pulled her arms around herself tighter, "That ain't comfortin'."

Jono: Oh no, you're never here to hurt us, are you? We're fine on our own, as you can see. Leave. Jono projected to the group.

Selene: "Or have any telepathic trace to speak off." Selene added to Bobby's statement. "They seem to be. But like I said, it's hard to tell down here. Everything is alive at this place. It's almost as if we were inside a giant slimy worm's stomach."

Andreas: "We should have brought bug girl along..."

Bobby: Bobby winced at the voice in his head. "That's nice and creepy too."

Selene: "Hey, Andy said we're not here to hurt you." Selene answered to the voice, albeit out loud. "Not me. Though, I guess I'll do as I'm told. For now. So, I'm nice?"

Jubilee: Jubilee looked at the eye-things, they seemed very weird and a bit scary. But of course she wasn't goig to say that aloud.

Molevic: Jono, stop talking with them and let's just shoo them away, little punks... He shook his cane at his leader.

Rogue: "Eww, Sel. That's more than Ah wanted ta think 'bout bein' down here." She made another face and looked around again. She frowned at the slight push on her shields but slammed them tighter, not hearing what was said. "What's nice an' creepy?"

Andreas: ]"We're here as friends!," he shouted. "Don't listen to the...ah...less friendly ones!"

Jono: Enjoy. He told the old man.

Leech: Lemme play, Jono! He poked his head out again to look for his leader but couldn't find him. Please!!

Selene: Selene glared at Andreas. "I am friendly." She gave a shrug. "For my standard, anyway."

Jono: Be patient, your time will come, he told Leech. Once they were frightened and powerless, they'd be less likely to return to meddle.

Selene: She stopped again, her head swaying from one side to the other, as she glared into the darkness. "In any case, I can tell you that there seems to be quite a bit of telepathic activity going on out there." Oh, how she wished someone would finally let her loose to go hunt for anything she might find.

Molevic: Uh... With one simple thought hordes of mold men poured out from holes all over the place and jumped at the mutants, pulling on hair and screaming with voices created through bacterial diggestions rather than vocal chords.

Leech: Leech pouted and made a noise, not pleased at all. I don't like being patient! Leech wants to play! He sighed and curled back into his hidey-hole anyway.

Jubilee: "If they really don't want us here, why don't we just leave them alone..?" Jublee asked the others.

Rogue: Rogue squealed as things jumped at her that should not have. "Ok. Yeah, that slime was alive." She bat at the mold things and ducked her head, trying to get away from it.

Jono: Jono smiled and told the child to go, moving himself to take care of any stragglers.

Andreas: "Fuck!" Under a real flood of...THINGS he was fighting to get them away, more often than he liked squishing them in his hands. "Stay together!"

Selene: Selene froze when the screeching surrounded her, then joined in with a hiss on her own, resembling that of a startled cat quite a bit. Moldy things were all over her. Slimy things. And they smelled. Everywhere. Out of shock, she instinctively used her powers and drained the life out of everything that touched her.

Selene: Moments later, Selene wasn't covered in mold-creatures anymore, but surrounded by a swirling cloud of dust.

Nezhno: Nezhno started swatting at the slime things and stomping them to death.

Bobby: Bobby instantly iced up. "Oh, hell no! I've had enough mold this year!" He froze the nearest one, then wondered if maybe it was a mutant and wavered. "These things aren't, like, alive are they? Like sentient?!"

Lorna: As soon as Lorna turned the corner she really wished she hadn't. "Holy slimeball, Batman!" She covered her nose, putting a bubble up to keep them off of her. "I was just about to ask the same thing, anyone know what this is?"

Leech: Leech giggled and scrambled away from his hiding spot and stopped to stand in front of some of the other mutants. He tilted his head to the side and waved at them with a grin then scampered away again to watch from a distance as the moldy things attacked them.

Molevic: They were being insistent, huh? Well, they could be helped, maybe through tiny slimy arms reaching into their ears?

Selene: "Does is matter!?" Selene snarled back, then a second wave of mold attacked her. "Get away...." She was silenced when they covered her face.

Jubilee: Jubilee turned around and began to run away, just to find herself lost.

Lorna: "Yes it matters!" Lorna would have narrowed her eyes at Selene if Selene wasn't in need of a face peel.

Rogue: Rogue pulled them off her and flew away from the group, wiping at her face. When she'd gotten a few feet she sighed and stopped to take a breath. "Gross, gross, gross." A shudder ran through her body and she squealed as she found one crawling up her leg.

Andreas: "Lorna, get the boy!" He pointed at the direction where their visitor had run into as soon as he had seen his co.captain approach. She was the only one with ranged powers in here that could catch someone.

Bobby: "Well... yeah!" His guilty conscience was overruled though when a tentacle slithered into a very uncomfortable place! Bobby screeched and iced it, shattering the thing. "I'm not that kind of girl, thank you very much!"

Selene: Selene couldn't drain the things as fast as they came upon her, neither push them all away with her powers. Deprived of most of her normal senses, covered in slimy things, and quite confused and enraged, Selene started running around, careless about where she was going.

Selene: At some point, she ran into a wall. Turning around, she tripped over a ledge and fell. Then things become wet. She had fallen into a drain.

Leech: "No! Leech plays!" He laughed and popped up from behind a tent to wave again then ran further into the tunnels. "Leech likes the chase!"

Nezhno: The slimy things were all over Nezhno, he tried to swat and stomp them off but with no success.

Lorna: "Play?" Lorna turned to face where she had heard the voice, following but keeping her bubble up. "Is that what we're doing now?"

Andreas: "Damnit!" He concentrated very hard. Those things had eyes, right? So whether they were sentient or not, he could do something about them. This thought was followed by an instant flash of blinding light, disappearing as fast as it had flared up and leaving the mold...people in disarray long enough for him to look around. Where was Selene?

Jono: Jono watched the general confusion with some amusement, then noticed the man with the glowing hands seemed to be far too composed still. He sent a focused blast of energy at him, then quickly moved into another tunnel.

Leech: "Fun fun fun!" Leech was chanting as he went further into the tunnel.

Selene: Furious and borderline panicking now, Selene let loose a telekinetic blast that sent water, debris and less pleasant things flying in all directions. She attempted to get rid of anything alive that touched her skin, before pulling herself out of the water.

Andreas: He had no time to look for her anymore though, as something suddenly threw him off his feet and floored him.

Bobby: Bobby realized while he had cleared his immediate area of mold men, he had gotten separated from the main melee. "Shit, shit, shit..." He started back, but whirled when he sensed motion behind him.

Selene: "So... much... hatred... right now..." Selene snarled, still on all fours and dripping water. "This is the my most unpleasant visit to the sewers ever."

Jubilee: It was dark and damp, an anoying driping sound was coming somewhere near. And she didn't have a flashlight.

Lorna: Lorna caught sight of who she was chasing and almost stopped. She was chasing a child? Somehow that just seemed completely ridiculous. Still, what had to be done she supposed. Slowing down, Lorna concentrated on building a shield ahead of the kid.

Molevic: Molevic groaned as his little boys relayed the instant flash at him. He wasn't used to light anymore, especially not that bright. The result were hissing mole men that grabbed after tiny crystalized mold spears that popped out of the ground and strted to attack the kids.

Selene: Why was Andy's sparkling shine gone, Selene wondered as she got back to her feet. And where were the others? It was dark around here. But she wasn't alone. Not at all. Reaching out with her senses, she picked up nothing more than vague signals. There was simply too much going on down there for her to get much accurate information.

Jono: Pleased, Jono encouraged his people. As you can see, X-Men, we do not need your interference. I would think this would have been clear from our previous encounters.

Leech: Leech stopped and tilted his head at the growing shield. He turned and waved at the floating woman in the bubble. "Mold men on your head. Leech is amused." He stood and waited until she got close enough to use his powers, just smiling at her.

Nezhno: Nezhno finally got the slimy things off of him and had found himself seperated. He started to run back and found Bobby. "Where the hell is everybody else?"

Selene: Selene was still staring into the dark, watching out for anything that might reach one of her natural or supernatural senses. The one that reacted first was her sense of pain, when something sharp and pointy hit her cheek.

Andreas: "YOU..." Andreas realized that the voice had never passed his ears and therefore had to be telepathic. You little shit! What's this shit supposed to mean, shithead? Obviously one could poke a man only so far before the variety of words shrunk down into the directions of bowel movements.

Jubilee: Jubilee thought for a while about her opinions. Finally she consentrated on creating her sparks, they would provide light and heat, both.

Selene: It felt as if something was attacking her by tossing porcupines. Needle-bites all over her body. She focused on building up a forcefield while her hands felt for a flare on her uniform.

Bobby: Bobby jumped. "I don't know, Nez... I swear to God I saw something over here though..."

Jono: You think you can change the upper world, live among them! His chuckle was hollow. It is we who are right. They register us, they use us as lab rats, but the mutants shall rise!

Nezhno: "Well, there is no time like the present." Nezhno said as he started walking over where Bobby was pointing.

Lorna: Lorna nearly jumped at the voice, having no idea as to who that was. I'm afraid introductions might have to be in order? "Naturally moldy I guess. So, what game are we playing? Just chase?" Lorna put on a smile as she came closer to the boy "Ack!" She didn't care about the voice in her head at the moment as she found herself on the ground and without a sheild. "What the..."

Andreas: For now I'd be quite content with rising my foot while your ass is in the way... He got back up and started to glow again, registering with a satisfied grin that the little pests remained at a distance from him. Though I'll bet nut for dollars that you're too much of a pansy to ever face me...

Selene: Lighting the flare, Selene illuminated a part of the sewers seemingly deserted except for her, an army of mold creatures surrounding her... and a... mole-man? With a cane?

Andreas: Hopefully taunts would lead who appeared to be the leader of this little stunt out of his hiding.

Leech: Leech beamed at her and let out a giggle. He crouched and started bouncing on his heels as he looked up at her. "Leech likes chase. This is more fun sometimes though."

Selene: Selene realized that it were the little moldy things, annoying and disgusting, that tossed the pointy needles at her. In her surprise, her control over her powers staggered, and anther crystal dart struck her lip.

Bobby: "Dude, maybe I can see..." Bobby moved ahead of Nezhno and squinted. So much fucking sewer gas... "Definite movement," he whispered, moving down another twist.

Molevic: Jono that twerp wanted them sepparated, right? The old man released a hacking cough staccato and then sicced more of the mold against them while moldy tentacles reached out for their feet, trying to drag each of them into dark corners.

Jono: So violent. Are you certain you're with the right team? Jono realized his people had more closely engaged some of the X-men. There were other shadows though, minds he couldn't quite touch. Who? Distracted, he concentrated on those. Not X-Men, not Fringes...

Leech: She has green hair!! Leech likes her! Let's keep her! He sent out to Jono.

Jubilee: Jubilee let sparkles light her way back to the others, stopping little before she got there. She could hear many voices speeking, some of them she didn't reconais at all.

Andreas: Andreas walked around to find out what the close proximity looked like, eagerly watching out that none of those little monsters got under his feet. They wanted to send him flying, quite a coordinated effort even. They had to have a central mind behind them. I'm in the team that gets attacked, so obviously I'm not in the right one. But I can change that...

Molevic: Hmmm...can I have the raven-haired one? I could imagine her with a collar and a nice bikini... It had been ages since Molevic had touched a woman.

Selene: Startled by the weird little man the the mold creatures that tried to engulf her right away again, Selene staggered a few steps back... and tripped over the same ledge as before, ending up in the sewer water again.

Lorna: I just got taken out by the under ten crowd... Lorna was a bit confused as she picked herself up from the ground.

Jono: My people are quite fond of yours. He was so distracted trying to locate those other minds, Jono accidentally moved more into the open.

Nezhno: Nezhno followed Bobby into the darkness. "Can you make anything else out?"

Selene: She was enraged when she resurfaced, but only had a second for glaring at the offensive creatures, before a moldy thing jumped her again and hit her right in the face.

Leech: Leech smiled at the woman in front of him and pointed at her hair. "We match," he said, excited.

Lorna: "Yeah, we do." Well, while she wasn't exactly up and flying Lorna supposed she could try another approach. "So, what's your name?"

Andreas: There was someone...friend or foe? Well, right now, alone as he was (when had the other disappeared?) Andy was acting on the imperative of extreme prejudice. He#d give that guy quite some extremity alright.

Selene: Enough of that! Selene thought as she struggled with her attackers. She had to focus on using her powers, but all those little bastard on her - and especially those beneath her clothes - made this nearly impossible. Finally, she managed to transform into he shadow form and slip away.

Leech: "Leech." He narrowed his eyes cautiously and stood up to take a step towards her. He held up a hand for her, "Come with Leech?"

Bobby: There was one way for certain to fix the temperature situation. "Hope you wore your long johns, dude." Bobby iced the tunnel walls and floor and quickly slid forward to... nothing. "Um..."

Jubilee: Jubilee walked towards the others, sparks still playing on her fingertips.

Andreas: A few rushed steps with dimned lights brought him over to Jono, and then, like a living flashbang, he jumped him while shouting. "Your ass is mine!"

Jono: Jono twisted, powers flaring in a wild blast that threw the other man off. He whirled to face him. You think you fit so well in the flatscan world?

Nezhno: Nezhno looked at Bobby. "What Um... dude. Um isn't good is it?"

Selene: The moment she reformed into her humanoid form, Selene found herself freed from the mold-men, at least for a moment. But she had come up right in front of another of those bastards. A shadow moved in the tunnel in front of her. "Oh no, you're not getting away with this." She snarled.

Molevic: Molevic looked up through squinted eyes, covered behind shades. He slowly got up, heavily resting himself on his cane and then speaking with a voice as brittle as old paper. "Hello my child, can I help you?"

Lorna: "Sure." Lorna reached up to take the hand. "And I'm Polaris." The kid might lead her down to the dragon's den but at least then she would have a better idea about what was going on.

Leech: Leech giggled and started running with her hand still in his, back the way they came. Jono! Jono! She wants to stay with Leech!!

Selene: To her surprise, the shadowy figure turned around to confront her. Selene saw something flash up in the flickering light of the flare that she had discarded nearby. An instant later, she felt a stinging pain in several places at once. Something had definitely pierced her uniform.

Bobby: "I swear to God I saw something." He turned slowly in a circle. "There was... it was too big to be a gas cloud." Puzzled, he looked at the tunnel's dead end. He blinked, feeling a little dizzy. "I think we should get back to the others..."

Andy: "Oof!" He hit a wall quite hard and had to gasp for air before what the other guy had said...though went through to hime. "Did you just say my ass is flat? Because, man, I'm working out quite a lot and you surely ain't a beauty." He staggered back up, his unsteady pose betraying the bravado in his words.

Nezhno: "I'm right there with ya dude. But where is the others? I'm so turned around in here."

Selene: Hissing in anger, Selene looked back up, but the other figure was gone. Her hand moved to the places where she had been hit. It still stung. Hearing a voice behind her, she spun around, only to find herself confronted with the little mold-person again.

Molevic: He lifted up his cane and started to poke the girl. "Get off of my lawn, you!" The he pointed downwards where Selene could see herself standing in a huge blot of quite beautifully coloured mold.

Lorna: Lorna ran, keeing the little green mutant's hand. "So, where is it we're going?"

Jono: You are familiar. Jono tilted his head at Andy. Essex had you, didn't he?

Andreas: That made him stop dead on his way to hand out some Strucker-beatdown. "Yes, he did...do I know you?"

Selene: Selene's first reacting was to swat the weird moldman, but suddenly he seemed more odd than threatening. Out of sheer surprise, she took a step back and glanced down at the patch of mold. "What?"

Leech: Leech looked over his shoulder with a grin as he pulled Polaris into the open. "Jono!!" He called out, excitement bubbling inside of him. He paused when he saw Jono in a defensive stance. His eyes narrowed and he let go of Polaris' hand to go tug on the glowy man's arm, negating his powers. "Too bright for Leech."

Bobby: Bobby shook his head sharply to clear it. "Um..." He pointed vaguely back the way they came and dissolved the ice as he went. Behind him in the darkness, the tunnel wall shimmered and vanished.

Molevic: "That#s my lawn, it takes quite a while to let it grow in such a nice colour and in patterns, you know?" Right now the protection of his lawn was more important to the man than throwing out some mutant kids.

Jubilee: "Umm.. Shouldn't we leave now, since we aren't wanted here..?" Jubilee asked walking to the others.

Lorna: "Jono?" Lorna knew that name and her eyebrow went up as her eyes latched onto the man who went with that name.

Jono: No, but he took some of my people as well. I saw you the day we recovered you all. He turned to Leech and the green-haired one. And you as well...

Andreas: "What the...?" Suddenly the light went out. Andreas looked at his hands that revealed openly bleeding flesh.Then his heart started to race and he went down on his knees.

Leech: Leech made a face at the blood and went back to Polaris, holding her hand again. He grinned at Jono, She wants to stay!

Selene: Now revealed in the dim red light of the flare, that thing seemed more pathetic than dangerous to her. Selene cocked her head and grabbed the man's cane when he poked her again, holding on to it. "Oh really? Make me." She sneered. "Annoying little man. Get out of the way with your moldy things. I'm wet, bleeding, and covered in slime. You don't want to mess with me."

Jono: Does she? Jono's tone was amused. He turned back to the adults. Why are you here? What do you want? You've been nosing around for months.

Leech: Yeah! Can Leech keep her? He gave Jono a grin and big eyes, Please?! I'll walk her every day!

Molevic: He gave her a glare and then, in a sudden and surprising movement "HAAAIII!" he rappidly hit first her head and then her throat with the tip of the cane, finishing in a defensive stance and holding it like a sword.

Nezhno: Nehzno started running back and got somewhat lost with Bobby tagging behind. He then turned a corner and found Rogue. "Rogue what are you doing?"

Selene: Selene blinked at the moldy Yoda impression in front of her. "Stop it, I said!" She forced herself to calm down. The others had wanted her to not hurt anyone. She could at least try. "I'm not here to hurt you. Or your mold."

Bobby: Bobby nodded at Rogue and waved away her odd look. "I'm fine." He followed the two back to the main room.

Lorna: Wait, does she what now? Lorna's eyebrow arched higher. We heard rumours about mutants being down here. Thought we would see if the rumours were true and found something that made us think friends of ours were down here. We thought we would find out some more.

Andreas: Cussing and blubbering Andreas tried to drag himself away from the little figure that had brought this onto him. The further away he got, the easier he could breathe again, and then his hands started to glow again, stopped to bleed and...set his whole body into a netherworldly flame.

Molevic: "Then you should just go." Another few hits connected, hard and each time accompanied by a "HYA!" and slimy tentacles started to work their way up Selene's legs.

Leech: Leech screeched at the light and buried his face in Lorna's side. "Too bright!"

Nezhno: Nezhno now lead Bobby and Rogue around a series of tunnels and found themselves behind Lorna. Then a bright light came over them. "What the hell!"

Jubilee: "Selene are you allright..?" Jubilee asked with lightly unsteady voice.

Andreas: "GAH!" I appear to be on fire...FUCK! He couldn't think of anything but to get rid of this, just away with it before it completely consumed him...and it did go away, right out of his hands and towards the man and the boy.

Selene: "Hardly!" Selene called back into the darkness into the direction where she suspected Jubilee to be. The momentary distraction was enough to allow mole-guy to hit her against the throat, while moldy tentacles swiped her off her feet. "I'm so close to forgetting the X-Men don't kill rule." She growled. "Or change it to X-Men do maim."

Jubilee: She let her sparks grow a little to see better around her.

Jono: Jono watched the man with some interest. I believe your friend has a problem. He turned his stare to Lorna. Oh, simple curiosity? Human charity?

Molevic: Now the mold men came forth again and started to force her to the ground by sheer numbers, while the tentacles continued to bind her. "I think you're taken care of for now..." He turned around and walked into the dark to where Jono was. It was a bit concerning that he hadn't heard of him for a while now...

Lorna: "Shit, Andreas." Lorna started to step towards him but didn't get far before he, quite frankly, erupted.

Selene: Selene found herself restrained by moldy men and mucousy tentacles, which simply seemed to grow in numbers the more she struggled and cursed. Apparently the things were smart enough to now stay away from her bare skin, only holding her where she was covered by her uniform, thus making it impossible for her to drain their life force.

Jubilee: "Someone help Selene!" Jubilee called out.

Selene: Aside from that, the distraction was enough to prohibit Selene getting a firm grasp on her powers, so all she could do was crudely lash out with her telekinesis.

Selene: "Could someone help me here, for hell's sake!?" She yelled into the dimly lit tunnels. Unable to move a lot despite her superhuman strength, all she could was snap at the mold-creatures with her teeth and bite some of their appendages off. "Disgusting! Don't you know that the combination of schoolgirls and tentacles never ends well? I've seen where this leads to!"

Jubilee: Jubilee tried her best to help Selene free herself using her sparkles.

Selene: "Thanks for the effort, Jubes." Selene said, looking up at the other girl. "But you might step back from those things, unless you wish to find yourself in the same embarrassing situation as I do." She was able to squash a mold man with a well places boot.

Jubilee: Jubilee quickly stood back away from the tentacles.

Selene: Finally, Selene managed to pull a hand free. Tearing off the glove with her teeth, she grabbed the nearest tentacle and drained the entire complex of moldy creatures of life. Not much later, she found herself sitting in a pile of dust. "There we go." She said, sitting up. "I warned that creep."

Molevic: Molevic finally arrived at the scene, only to see Jono in imediate danger to be incenerated by some blond kid. He felt a bit like cheering.

Jono: Jono watched the man with some interest. I believe your friend has a problem. His eyes widened above his bandages and he barely had time to send a wave of his own power to deflect it, knocking him backward on his ass.

Jubilee: "Can we please leave now?" Jubilee asked. "While we're all still alive and all.."

Andreas: "Oh...fuck me..." He sunk back and leaned against a wall. He was glad that he hadn't smashed the two to bits, but Andreas couldn't help but giggle at the butt-plant, all the while glowing like a house on Christmas.

Jubilee: "Come on Selene, let's just leave."

Jono: Jono pulled himself to his feet slowly and looked around. He dusted himself off fastidiously and glanced at the asian girl. That seems to be the most sensible thing to come from any of you.

Molevic: "Hmmm..." Without haste and completely calm the mold man walked over to his boss. I think we're at a disadvantage here, bub.

Bobby: "You okay, dude?" He questioned Andy, keeping an eye on the bandaged creep. "Hey, we're just here to try to help you. Jay was my roommate. My friend. Obviously you guys ain't doing so great for yourselves if you're living in the sewer."

Selene: "As much as I agree with you, I'm afraid we'll have to find the others first. I'm sure we'll find them if we go the same way that mold creep went." As she stood up, she again felt a stinging pain. Reaching into her torn uniform, she noticed some blood. And something pointy. Slowly pulling the object out of the wound, she held up a small, pointy throwing star into the flickering light.

Selene: "Let's go." She told Jubilee and led the way after she picked up the flare from the ground. "I can sense the others now. They're not far down this way."

Jubilee: "Good." Jubilee said following Selene.

Andreas: "I'm...brilliant." He hated himself for this pun, but this situation was just so absurd. Then he stood up. "But I think we should leave. We were supposed to find and communicate with mutants down here, though they seem to rather want to roast us alive. We have nothing to do down here anymore..."

Selene: First hearing familiar voices, she soon saw light at the end of the tunnel, and walked into the room with a scowl on her face. Rejoining the others, Selene noticed that they weren't alone. "Alright, who of you bastards shot that thing at me?" She presented the shuriken. "Admit if quickly, and I might only break a bone or two."

Jono: Yes, it's very much a mission of mercy with you charging down here en mass. His eyes widened again at the object in the dark-haired girl's hand.

Jubilee: "Uum.. Selene you are hurt, aren't you..?"

Molevic: Molevic hissed at Selene and her shuriken.

Lorna: Lorna pulled herself up, looking over to Leech to make sure he was okay. "Yes, believe it or not we may look out for other mutants out of concern but that doesn't mean we aren't going to defend ourselves if we think we're going to have to." Well, Selene's statement probably didn't help the peaceful mission appearance but Lorna kept her face straight.

Lorna: "But, as we can see, you definitely aren't interested in any further alliance of any sort, am I right?"

Selene: Selene glanced at Jubilee. "It's nothing serious. I've healed myself with the juicy energy from the mold people." She grinned wickedly at the mold guy.

Jono: Jono moved slowly toward the girl and held out his hand, almost touching the object. None of my people would use such a weapon. Why else do we have powers? Those are defense enough. He turned accusing eyes back to the X-Men.

Molevic: A cane was shaken at Selene. "Wench!"

Lorna: "Well, we don't generally go around stabbing ourselves either." Most of the time anyway.

Andreas: "Hey, don't look at me! Glowing brightly, having been with you all the time, ja?"

Bobby: Bobby held up his hands. "Maybe somebody else ain't too happy with your social skills either. Never read that book about making friends and influencing people, eh?"

Selene: "Alliance?" Selene grumbled. She cocked her head and studied this Jono type. He was the one who's voice she had heard earlier. "Why are we even considering an alliance with people who tried to drown us in moldy mucous." She glared at mold-guy. "I'm sure that he's the one to tossed that at me. He tried these ninja tricks on me and then wanted to tentacle rape me. And here's the shuriken. It all falls into place now."

Molevic: "That was kendo, that has nothing to do with ninjas!"

Lorna: "We've proven to benefit mutually before. The Fringes might not have been who we expected to find hiding underground but that's no reason not to talk." Lorna tried not to grin too much at the idea of Jono reading self-help books.

Selene: "It was suspicious enough." Selene countered, but took a step back, resorting to pacing around behind the others. Diplomacy wasn't her field, so she'd leave that to the others.

Jubilee: "Selene.. Calm down."

Andreas: "Lorna, trying to establish some alliance isn't in our mission parameters...," he mentioned, though basically he just wanted to proceed to hurt Mr. annoying over there.

Selene: "I am calm." Selene replied, not believing herself. "Consider me calm as long as I'm not at someones throat."

Lorna: "We've made contact, we might as well see if we can go on having contact or ignore them instead."

Jubilee: "I think we really should all go home and.. well not fight with each other.."

Jono: fuMutally benefitial only under extreme duress. He glanced back at the dark-haired girl, and at Molevic. It wasn't his, that much he knew. I see no benefit here. If we so desired, you would never leave these tunnels.

Lorna: "And if we desired the same you'd never leave these tunnels. There's nothing either of us can get from threatening each other."

Andreas: "Oh boy, don't try to show me how big your balls are!" He pointed an aflame finger at Jono. "We totally owned your ass there."

Selene: "Oh, interested in finding out whether you'll be able make this threat come true?" Selene retorted with narrowed eyes.

Andreas: "Hush Sel, leave the threatening to the scarier looking people."

Lorna: "Nobody is interested in testing out any threats." Lorna eyed her current team.

Jono: Jono simply arched a brow at them. I find it difficult to believe you are here out of simple mutant charity.

Selene: "You seriously can't mean yourself with that." Selene shot back, cocking an eyebrow. "After all, you are the sparkling glitter boy here."

Bobby: "Maybe we just didn't want to see our friends living in the sewer." He looked around and wrinkled his nose. "I mean, this ain't the Hilton. What do you do for food? What if somebody gets sick?"

Selene: "I for my part have no charity in mind." Selene admitted and crossed her arms. "I'm only here because I was promised to get future shopping trips financed for me."

Andreas: "I'm the sparkling glitter boy that planted him on his overblown ass, thank you very much."

Lorna: "Don't want to see anyone living in a sewer but since you've made that choice and I doubt we're going to be able to talk you into going topside any time soon you may as well leave the option for food and medicine open."

Molevic: "I eat mold!," he answered Bobby's question

Selene: "Okay, maybe that's not true, but if you don't want me to switch sides, I demand new clothes." Selene added with a little shrug.

Bobby: "Um... yum?" Bobby edged away from the little old man.

Lorna: "And the only medicine you need is penicillin?"

Selene: "After all, it's not been a fulfilling day if you haven't had the chance to be opportunistic yet." Selene commented, musing more to herself than anyone else.

Andreas: "You eat mold?" He pointed at the other man. "What the hell, man? You people are living like a third world country right under New York! I mean, has the boy ever seen a school on his life?" The boy was Leech.

Molevic: "I make peniciline, yes..."

Jono: How noble. Jono eyed the group. One day you may not find the sewers so unappealing. After all, that act passed. Are the camps not far behind? You are fools to believe any different.

Jubilee: "Nice.. I mean you have pretty smart to know how to make it.. I don't know how.."

Nezhno: Nezhno spoke up. "What, we are fools to believe that we can peacefully coexist?"

Selene: "I don't know if it fits the current diplomatic procedure, but may I inform you that I'm drenched in sewer water, covered in slime, with torn clothes, been spiked with throwing stars, and am generally very annoyed? Borderline psychotic, even," Selene tossed in from her position in the back of the group. "If you don't want this to end in much tears and screams of pain, I suggest that we come to an agreement and leave."

Lorna: "Well, then consider it part of the deal. We help you now and if it comes to us being down here we will have a place here." Lorna shrugged. She had no intentions of ever taking that idea up seriously but it might make Jono feel a bit easier if he didn't think they were being altruistic

Jubilee: "Well, I agree with Selene about leaving." Jubilee said.

Jono: The Fringes have always been that. Fringes of the mutant society. The obviously mutant banded together to live and multiply. He looked again at the glowing man, then at the dark girl with amusement. It seems from all we've heard from Jay and Jillian that you are doing much the same. We are not so dissimilar. One day we may be the same.

Andreas: "Yeah, but my ass will still look better than yours."

Jono: He gave the green-haired woman a long look up and down. Acceptable.

Lorna: "So, if we may be the same one day we may as well at least remain civil to each other now. We'll leave you be and you'll know where we are if you do need something." Lorna smiled and nodded, offering her hand to him. "After all, it may have been strained before but I have to admit I'm glad both of our sides worked together last time."

Andreas: Did she really have to shake his hand now? Only good that no one had a camera with them, Xavier would love to have a photograph of that hanging around...

Jono: Jono took her hand after a moment, running his thumb over her knuckles. To such unions then. He released her and glanced at Leech and Molevic before vanishing down a tunnel.

Selene: "Splendid!" Selene announced with a fake cheer. "Now that we're all a big happy family, I could definitely do with a long, hot shower, before the urges for senseless violence in the back of my mind get any stronger. Yes?" She showed the others a toothy grin, then clapped her hands together. "Excellent!"

Jubilee: "Now we all can leave, right? Jubilee said a bit tiredly.

Lorna: "Right." Lorna was glad when she could float a bit again. No powers wasn't exactly up her alley.

Molevic: The mold man followed Jono while muttering under his breath, the waving Leech on his hand.

Nezhno: "Thank the Lord. I'm ready to breath some fresh air."

Bobby: Bobby moved over to Lorna. "Did that asshole just fondle you?"

Andreas: "Okay, let's hoof it out of here." He pointed over his shoulder and started to walk from whence they had come.

Selene: "I want a bath." Selene announced flatly, while plucking another shuriken from her uniform. "Maybe we should keep that."

Jubilee: "Maybe."

Lorna: "Yeah, yeah he did. Shower time is in order."

Jubilee: "Shower and nice long sleep.."

Bobby: Bobby made a sour face and glared over his shoulder at the tunnel as they walked out, muttering about freezing very important bandage-wrappd things.

[Edited on 1-2-09 by Starfish]
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1/30 Game: Off of my Lawn!

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Leech is sorely disappointed that he didn't get to keep the pretty green-haired lady...

Remy: he feels lust for everyone
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Molevic still has wet dreams about Selene in a gold bikini :shifty
:freak :andreas They're fighting!
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LOL good job guys! Very funny lines and good action.
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Freak wrote:Molevic still has wet dreams about Selene in a gold bikini :shifty
Have we found Moleman?
http://lh3.ggpht.com/shineboxmp/RkKb3H5 ... e+leia.jpg

[Edited on 1-2-09 by Starfish]
"The secondary penis slides into view. And they all lived happily ever after."
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