9/13 Game: Underground Education

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Title: Executive Administrator

9/13 Game: Underground Education

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

Xavier: Xavier watched as his students came in the doors, setting his spoon to one side of his teacup and waiting for them to settle. Troubling times these were, but he had faith that they'd weather them. They'd had to go through so much already.

Elizabeth: Yawning, Lizzie came in, tugging her jacket off and rubbed the back of her neck. Her eyes rested on Xavier's tea...God, she wished she'd had time to grab tea...

Andreas: Entering the room suspiciously (you could never know where a motication talk might lurk) Andreas flunked down on one of the chairs. Though recapping the unpleasant recent results might actually be a good idea.

Japh: Japh got himself a seat, making sure no one was sitting on the empty one next to him as he waited for Cess to come. Xavier didn't look his usual lethargic self. Clearly the MRA was working on his bald mind.

Rogue: Rogue settled in a seat and crossed her legs, her hands wringing a bit in her lap as her eyes shifted constantly from Xavier to the rest of the students coming in.

Cessily: Cessily walked into the room and looked around. A small smile showing on her face as she spotted Japh sitting at the side of the room. She made her way over to him and sat down in the free chair next to his, dropping her bag onto the table and taking off her jacket and cap. "Hey, love," she whispered and leaned over to give him a kiss.

Xavier: "I want to thank you all for coming. I know that there has been considerable upheaval here since the announcement of the passing of the registration act."

Andreas: Each of the newcomers received a long and detailed look from him while he tried to read their expressions. What effect had the MRA on them?

Japh: Japh pulled back after the kiss and whispered back, "Hey, long day so far?" He looked back up at Xavier who started re-animating himself.

Elizabeth: Slipping her heel off, Lizzie put her leg up under her, curling up a bit. Xavier's words half caught her attention. Wow. Master of the understatment.

Xavier: "As you may know, we've been working hard before that announcement and since that time to support our students and to ensure thier safety as much as possible. We, as mutants, face dangers beyond the understanding of most."

Cessily: "Yeah, but I'm doing fine," she replied quietly. "How was yours so far?" She turned her head to look at Xavier in the front of the room. "You can say that again," she commented dryly. "Though, it's not like we didn't expect something like this to happen, no?" Cessily nodded at Xavier's following words.

Xavier: "Well, unfortunately you are right, Miss Kincaid." He took a sip of his cup. "Perhaps I should hear from you all what your concerns are to start?" He figured they'd be vocalizing them while he was talking anyways, so better to have them out in an open forum setting.

Andreas: "She is right.," he agreed with Cessily. Then, leaning forward. "I'd rather talk about what the plans are you have for this scenary, Sir?"

Jason: "Moreso than we expected to change the world with cookies." Jason muttered under his breath, flipping a pen in his hand and propping his head up in his free hand, slightly curious.

Cessily: Cessily closed her eyes for a second and let out a sigh. "Our concerns," she repeated, looking back at Xavier. "What I'm worrying about the most is not that this might violate our privacy, but that it's just a first step. They have started this by passing the law, and now they can go and do more and more to separate us from regular humans."

rachel: Rachel slipped into the room as quietly as she could and she fell into a seat. Yeah, late as usual...

Xavier: He could always count on those two to come forward. "We will get to the schools plans in a moment. I would like to hear from you first."

Cessily: "And we'd be interested in what will happen now," Cessily continued. "When will we have to register, and what will happen to those who refuse to do so? Have they said anything regarding this yet?"

Andreas: "Heh, okay." Andreas thought about the wording for a moment, but no, there was no way to present his point any way but hard. "I'm concerned that this stupidity will catch on through to your government hiding how screwed up the MRA is and using massive PR."

Elizabeth: Lizzie stared out of the window vaguely, not feeling like talking over everyone. "You know I'm sure a lot of that has been covered in reports..."

Andreas: Then he leaned back again to make his statement. "I'm concerned I'll run out of places to run away to from this, simple as that."

Xavier: "This is the time where there is only voluntary registration. I am sure that there is going to be a deadline, but it won't be for a while. We have a bit of time to work with this situation."

Cessily: "Alright, that's good to hear. Kind of." Cessily nodded and crossed her arms.

Japh: Japh wanted to lean over and ask Cess wether she will register now when it's voluntary, or wait until...well, until it's the last second. He didn't however. That may be something of a private topic.

Jason: "But isn't it essentially already sealed? They've passed what they wanted to pass. They aren't exactly going to allow it to be overturned because the people the are after are fighting against it."

Cessily: Cessily turned her head to glance at Japh, giving him a small smile. She slightly leaned to the side, resting against him.

Xavier: "Yes, it has passed. That doesn't mean that we cannot lobby the government for increased rights or to be treated fairly or just as everyone else is. If you stop fighting that point, then you have no right to begrudge it, right?" He took a delicate sip from his cup.

Elizabeth: "They just as good as took away all our rights, so why would they just give them back just like that?"
Japh: Japh gave an inner sigh and gave Cess' hand a squeeze. "Because that's what governments are supposed to do. They screw up and the people make it right." Japh said.

Andreas: "How do we fight then?" An accusing finger shot towards Lizzie. "How do we get our rights back?!" His pissed-off-ness started to show on his face.

Cessily: "Professor Xavier is absolutely right," Cessily tossed in with a determined nod. "Just because we've lost now, it's no reason to simply give up. Opinions and politics can change, and different politicians can be elected who will be more in our favour."

Xavier: ((professor xavier promptly has a heartattack because someone actually agreed with him once))

Cessily: ((Nuuu! I killed Chucks! :bawl ))

Elizabeth: Oh what were they going to do? Bake cupcakes this time? "Did I say we give up? Gods sake I said, why would they just give them abck like that, nice as pie because we went and asked with puppy eyes."

Jason: "Giving up isn't exactly what I'm getting at. Lobbying is all well and good but we might want to concentrate more on our course of action for the worst case senario. People might eventually make it right but there's definitely no guarentee that it will be in any of our lifetimes."

Xavier: "You will of course all have to choose your own paths. You have your own talents and your own resources, but I believe - as I always have - that it takes mutants working together in positive ways to achieve this goal. This is why you are all here."

Cessily: Cessily decided to focus on Xavier and on what he said. He seemed to be the most level-headed and reasonable at the moment. She nodded again. "Yes, this is true. As long as we are an unfocused and dispersed minority, nothing will improve. Only if the people see and realize that they're affecting other peoples lives here will something change for the better."

Andreas: "Unifying mutants and demonstrationing makes one probably a target to mutant haters or even the government, though," Cessily's point was challenged

Elizabeth: "But in those sorts of situations, as history records at any rate, things always get worse before they ever improve. It's the way thins have always worked no matter how hard people try. And getting us all into one big, visual group just makes us a target. As well as an assumed threat."

Japh: Japh chuckled, "Million Mutant March," he mumbled in middle of the moment.

Cessily: "Perhaps it will," Cessily admitted with s sigh. "There's always a risk. But I say that little will be achieved by hiding away in the school's basement."

Elizabeth: "Yes and a Million Mutant March would be fantastic for a nail bomber."

Xavier: "I see that you have a lot concerns about this Miss Braddock. I can understand why, but could I ask if you have a solution of your own?"

rachel: She sighed and tried to pay attention to what everyone was saying. She should've just stayed at the tattoo shop. As boring as it was to clean things, at least she wouldn't leave with a headache.

Jason: "Lizzie's right, once we organize we make people more afraid of us because there's the question of what our intentions are. We can present ourselves as well as we can but the fear's still going to be there. It might not be the best idea to thrust ourselves out in the spotlight if we can help it."

Cessily: "I'm not saying that we all should get into one big group," Cessily tossed in. "You can get organized and unified without meeting in the same place today."

Elizabeth: ...Not one she'd like to share. "At the moment I'm more concerned about being thrown out of the country. But trust me, I am giving this thought..." over at the Club anyway.

Cessily: "But if we hide away and keep quiet, everybody will think that the MRA can't be that bad. After all, no one is complaining or suffering from it."

Japh: "If you're worried, then just register." Japh said.

Rogue: Rogue propped her elbows on her desk and put her face in her hands, shoving her fingers through the white strands of her hair. Why was she even here? She needed to be packing. Rogue frowned at her thought. No. She couldn't leave because of a stupid act.

Elizabeth: "If I register I'm in just as much trouble as if I don't. Plus my mother will probably have someone hired to have me shot. And I'll never publicly declare my powers. Telepathy is one of the most distrusted abilities out there. I don't see the intelligence in making myself and my friends targets."

Xavier: "Hmm. Alright. So I would like to explain to you all what we have decided to do as far as the school and our visability with our students. Obviously the registration act is one that leaves our students with concern of their safety here. As you pointed out, we're clumped together."

Japh: "Then don't register," Japh said, "You're a telepath, you can hide it."

Elizabeth: "I cna't hide my DNA if they catch me. And that would just be proving them right. That I will use my powers to twist things and manipulate those in power."

Xavier: "We think that our students need to make the choice on their own - to register or not. As such, we don't want them forced into something that they cannot condone." He nodded to Japh. "And as you point out, some of our students are more vunerable that way."

Cessily: "It doesn't really make a difference for me," Cessily remarked. "Everyone knows what I am, regardless if I register or not."

Rogue: Rogue slid her head up just a touch, peeking out at Xavier through her fingers, one eyebrow raised in curiousity.

Xavier: He had to wonder if they were paying attention, but at any rate he plowed on. "As such, this school will be going underground. On the surface we will no longer be known as a school."

Jason: Jason looked much happier to hear that. "Well, that's a relief to hear."

Andreas: "...Will we have a scret handshake?" He didn't know whether to take Xavier serious or not.

Rogue: "What?" Rogue finally pulled her hands away from her face and looked at the Professor, confused. "So how is that going to work?"

Japh: "What will this place be then? What else you gonig to name a giant mansion with strangers living in it?"

Cessily: Cessily turned back to look at Xavier. "Underground?"

Elizabeth: Now this was interesting. "So...Will we still be a school, just called something else? Like the Westchester Buddists?"

Elizabeth: "Or Scientologists prehaps. No one wants to go near them..."

Xavier: "Figuratively underground. And Jehovah's Witnesses actually. A closed sect."

Andreas: "Hotel?," Andreas answered Japh's question. "Or Church of Enlightened Bullshit, I think Lizzie is on to something here."

rachel: No more school... Did that mean no more homework? ...Maybe there were advantages to the Registration Act...

Rogue: Rogue just stared at Xavier for a moment. "Ya kiddin' me."

Cessily: She thought about what Japh said for a moment, then leaned close to him to whisper: "I don't think that an old man living in a big house with a bunch of attractive boys and girls would be any less suspicious than a school."

Japh: "......Jehovah's Witnesses??? Really?"

Andreas: "I want to point something out, doc." Well, how should he say this? "If no one knows this is a school, aren't our diplomas as such pretty much worthless? Where is the reason for this school anymore then?"

Xavier: "At any rate, I have already made the appropriate changes through my contacts. The official listing is now that. As far as local residents..." This is where it got a bit harder. "Memories have been adjusted and anyone that sees this place will not see what we are. This is a difficult undertaking, you will understand."

Jason: Jason looked at his classmates, wondering if half of their brains had decided to liquidate. "On the surface, he said I believe."

Elizabeth: Wow. Not even twenty two and she was in two secret societies. Life was fairly interesting. "Well that works. I suppose everyone will see the sign at the gate wall and steer clear. But what about activities? The jet?"

Xavier: "Your diplomas will be issued from a number of affiliate colleges as under thier campuses. No worries - your hard work is preserved."

Elizabeth: "So...You've basically played with the minds of the locals?" she bit her thumb, trying not to laugh at that. She was sure that sort of behaviour had never been part of Telepathy 101. "That must take a lot of effort to maintain."

Cessily: Cessily ran a hand through her hair, trying to make sense of this new development. Her parents would just love this. She would have to think of something to tell them.

Rogue: Rogue couldn't help a small scoffing laugh and shifted in her chair, turning so the back of the seat was at her side. She propped her elbow on the back and leaned her head in it, looking out the window. There wasn't much other choice, but she wasn't sure she liked this idea.

Xavier: "The jet has been outfitted with technology that allows it to be rendered effectively invisable. Any other activities that would appear suspicious will pass within the realms of my control. We will be the opposite of the 'pink elephant' in the room. We will be invisible." He gave Elizabeth a wry smile. "Why, yes, but I am up to the task, Miss Braddock."

Cessily: "And I was told that protesting in public would make the people distrust us," Cessily remarked with a dry chuckle. "My idea seems a lot more conservative in comparison to this."

Xavier: "I would ask that you all do your part to uphold this. There are limits to my control. I do not mean that you need to hide here and not go about the city, but please refrain from mentioning the school."

Xavier: "As well you may want to restrain yourself in activities that would call undue attention to yourself or your fellow schoolmates."

Andreas: "And what do our families know? How are you ensuring that they don't 'spill the beans'?" He could imagine Xavier trying to brainwash their families though, but his mind stood away from the image of the bald headmaster in the head of his mother. Brains would break for sure.

Cessily: Cessily raised a hand. "What about the ones who can't hide the fact that they're mutants? Will it be safe for us to leave the school as we did before?"

Elizabeth: Now she was regretting talking about not using her powers for gain. She could have had ever so much fun playing about with this.

Rogue: Rogue's eyebrows pulled in on a frown, "Restrain in activities like what exactly?"

Xavier: "I am sure that they have your best interests at heart. If they do not, no one will be able to find records that this facility exists."

Elizabeth: "I think he means no powers while out and about...Unless you can really hide them."

Jason: "Well it never was the safest thing in the world to begin iwth." Jason smirked slightly. "I can hide you on outings for a small fee if you'd like."

Xavier: "I would say that you would keep yourself in lawful activities. Marching down the street naked exclaiming that you are from the school would be a good example of what you should restrain yourself from. I do not think it's that easy to completely not use your powers...however I would encourage less frivulous uses of them."

Japh: "and when you are out and about, and coming back, don't go a direct route to the mansion, use the bat-tunnel through the batcave into the mansion." Japh added

Elizabeth: "Charging, Jason? How rude. I'd thought you'd do it for the sheer amusement."

Jason: "Sheer amusement is tempting. I could take it under consideration."

Andreas: "There goes my sunday afternoon," Xavier's comment amused him. "So, we should have a telepath with us at all times? Equivalent of the flashy thing from Men in Black?"

Cessily: Cessily looked down and shook her head. "So I'll always have to take one of the telepaths with me when I leave the school to hide from the other people? Or sneak out and back in unseen?"

Elizabeth: "Now telepathy and 'flashy thing' are my specialties..."

Rogue: "So no flyin' then. Peachy."

Xavier: "I do not think that is necessary. I do not want you to have to hide." He tried to reassure Cessily. "Just refrain from giving your address, my dear, and keep safe."

rachel: "So, Liz and I get to become everyone's body guard? That's great," she snorted.

Rogue: Rogue narrowed her eyes at Rae, "Do Ah evah need a body guard?"

Elizabeth: "No, we're more the...visual and mind distorting guards."

Cessily: "Oh well, I'll try," Cessily replied. She still wasn't really convinced of this. "Well, at least I'm pretty good at sneaking and being generally stealthy."

Andreas: "I think you're forgetting someone, Rachel. Someone very hard to forget, and if it's only out of sheer mass..."

Elizabeth: "Farouk, yes, I'm sure he'd be most welcome on bar crawls."

Xavier: "Are there any other questions that you have? I imagine that you would like to have some time to discuss this between yourselves."

Jason: "When in doubt make yourself a puddle?" Jason shrugged, trying not to laugh too much at Rogue giving Rachel the evil eye.

Rogue: Rogue stood up and moved to the back of the room to pace. She couldn't sit still any longer. "This is completely and totally..." She finished with a small noise of frustration and took a breath.

rachel: Rachel rolled her eyes at Rogue, deciding it'd be better to not answer that question. "Yeah, I wish I could forget him, but who wants Farouk following them around..."

Elizabeth: "Maybe we could just cast the telepathic illusion he is following us around as that would put off most people..."

Xavier: "I do not think that it is right, Rogue. However, it is what we can do. We can only ever do that."

Cessily: "Thanks, Professor," Cessily replied with a small smile. "I guess we have enough to discuss and wrap our minds around for now. Thanks for all the effort, though."

Jason: "Rogue, it isn't like you go around demonstrating your power in public normally...right?" Jason suddenly didn't sound completely sure.

rachel: "If we take Farouk out, I don't think people would care if we're mutants. They'd be more worried about his fat eating them."

Andreas: "He'd crush them to death. Like the big boulder in Indiana Jones." He really got into that idea.

Elizabeth: "The ultimate distraction."

Rogue: Rogue sighed and shook her head at what Xavier said, "Ah know, Ah know..." She paused in her pacing to give Jason a 'do you think I'm stupid' look. "No. Not if Ah can help it. But that's mah point. Ah cain't help it. Even with precautions sometimes people find skin..."

Jason: "Well then, you see the need for more precaution then." Jason shrugged and turned away, trying not to imagine Farouk rolling down the street crushing all in his path.

Cessily: Cessily gave Japh's hand a squeeze and leaned against his side. "Looks like it'll get even harder now to go out in the city to have a nice dinner now."

Andreas: Damn, now the theme was stuck in his head. To get rid of it he started to slightly hum it under his breath.

Rogue: "How much fuckin' precautions can Ah take? Ya want me ta be a fuckin' hermit or somethin'? Ah cain't always help it!" Rogue's body tensed and her hands fisted at her sides before she went back to pacing.

Japh: "Pfft, just another challenge, no biggie," Japh tried to reassure Cess

Xavier: "I would like to point out that this is a safe haven for our staff as well as our students. We're trying to keep everyone that we can safe." He made shushing motions. "I understand this Rogue. Just things within reason."

Rogue: Rogue took a breath, "Ah'm sorry Professor..."

Xavier: "It is alright. I understand that emotions are high. This is a concerning time. You will be kept safe and protected here though, so please reassure yourself there."

Jason: Jason's eyes rolled and he swallowed his next comment. He supposed Rogue poking wasn't really the best thing to do at this moment no matter how amusing it was.

Cessily: Cessily gave Japh a quick kiss on the cheek before she turned back to face the professor. "Yes, I get that. I'm sure we'll all be extra careful to not get anyone into danger. I guess I can live with being extra stealthy for a while."

Rogue: "Ain't me Ah'm worried about," she responded quietly to the Professor as she tried to calm herself more.

Andreas: Feeling kind of sorry for Cessily, he helpfully pointed out that "We could say it's body paint."

Xavier: "So, I will leave you all to talk then. I am sure that you all have a lot on your minds. Please feel free to contact me in my office at any time if you have other questions."

Rogue: "Thanks, Professor Xavier." Rogue gave him a small strained smile. He really was trying and she should have given him more credit. As much as she didn't like the Jehovah's Witnesses idea, she wouldn't have been able to come up with better... All she knew was running.

Japh: "Not to worry Cess, I have a foolproof plan on being stealthy. Imagine this. Full. Sized. Mirror. Smuggle you in to clothe shops like that if you wanna go shopping. Or better yet, a set of armor, hey?" Japh joked, hoping to lift the mood just a pinch.

Cessily: "Thanks, Professor," Cessily added with a friendly nod. She turned to Japh, giving him a look, but then had to laugh. "That sounds so crazy that it might actually work."

Elizabeth: "Just make sure you keep a 'sold' tag to hand, Japh. People might think you shoplifted her."

Jason: "Now that I would like to see mall security deal with."

Andreas: He gave Japh's belly a critizising glance. "That armor could be a tight fit..."

Cessily: "Or I could be one of those living statue artists you often see in public places," Cessily said. "I could even earn some money that way."

Andreas: "I fear those are more hated than mutants, Cess."

Japh: "Dude, I'm thinner then you." Japh told Andreas.

Elizabeth: "Oh yes...They're certainly not high in any popularity ratings."

Cessily: "Oh well, there goes my lifelong dream," Cessily announced jokingly.

Andreas: "Are not!"

Jason: "He has detachable stomachs. I'm pretty sure he's thinner."

Elizabeth: "Yeah, it's a bit of a winner."

Andreas: "Oh, we're talking worms outside?" He shrugged at that. "I meant with the worms inside."

Japh: After a small moment, Japh pulled the maggots out from under his shirt, "Voila. Leaner then a junkyard dog."

Elizabeth: "You talk like being manorexic is something to be proud of..."

Cessily: "I can fully attest to Japh's slimness and his ripped stomach," Cessily tossed in with a grin. She reached out to pet the maggots.

Japh: "But I have to admit, these two have grown a bit. A Smidge." Japh asid, looking at Eanie then at Meanie.

Jason: "Right. I think I would almost rather discuss the topic we were left with." Jason tried very much to not visualize Cessily's statement.

Elizabeth: "Seeing what they've been through and what they've eaten...bombs included..."

Jason: "Bombs?" Jason's eyebrow went up at that.

Elizabeth: "Oh, I'll fill you in later. Long story. Don't worry, I won't throw smoothie over you for telling you this one."

Andreas: For a second he wondered whether those two actually used the maggots in some perverted way, but it was too much, so he agreed with his psyche to change the topic. "Yes. Discussing the MRA. Great stuff..."

Rogue: Rogue was able to crack a grin at that. "Smoothie? All over Jason? Oh, Ah'm so sure he deserved it... What'd he do?"

Elizabeth: "Asked me who Tom was. Then made several tree and orchard jokes.""

Japh: "Don't listen to them, you two just eat what you want, you have the metabolism of a schoolgirl." Japh mumbled to the maggots before letting the crawl on his body.

Rogue: Rogue had to stifle her laughter with the back of her hand as she looked over at Jason. "Aww, Jace, ya didn't find out f' yaself up in that tree?

Jason: "Several? I don't remember several." Jason supposed he couldn't argue though. "But let's remember who it was joking about Tom in the first place."

rachel: "Was going to say what a waste of smoothie, but guess not."

Elizabeth: "I'm a mind reader, darling...Some things I can't help but pic up, remember?"

Rogue: "Oh? Who would that be?" Rogue gave a smirk and went back to her chair.

Elizabeth: "Yes. Tom is fucking hilarious. Such a good joke," Lizzie narrowed her eyes.

Jason: Oh but it was nice to get someone else in trouble. Jason just leaned back in his chair, keeping his smile off of his face for the time being.

Cessily: Cessily barely paid attention to what the others were talking about. Instead she tried to think of what to do now, and how this entire school going underground development would affect her daily life.

Rogue: Rogue arched an eyebrow at Jason, then rolled her eyes, it was no fun if he wouldn't play along. And it didn't keep her mind occupied very well anyway. "Jehovah's Witnesses," she muttered under her breath in nearly disbelief.

Cessily: "I certainly can't tell that story to anyone in my family," Cessily remarked. "One half wouldn't believe me that I've joined some sect, the other half would think that I've gone completely crazy."

rachel: "Living here and crazy go together fairly well..."

Elizabeth: Lizzie nodded in agreement. "Also, what should we say? Oh by the way that school I went to is now masquerading as a religious establishment. I'm saying nothing to my family."

Jason: "Yeah, I can't say as I any intentions of explaining a thing to the family. It's just easier plus I'm afraid that particular cover story would make them far too happy."

Rogue: "It's easier ta not even have a family," she muttered and moved to sit on the windowsill.

Cessily: Cessily nodded, as well. "That would be the best way to go about this. I won't tell them, too. It's not like they'd be very interested in what I'm doing here in the first place."

Jason: Where's the world's smallest violin when you need it? Jason struggled to keep his tongue from getting him in trouble. He really needed to find other ways to keep himself occupied.

Elizabeth: Snorting as she overheard Jason's thought, Lizzie put her head in her hand. "You're so eloquent...." she eyed him with a sly look.

Rogue: Rogue frowned as she looked out the window, trying to think of some kind of solution. Shit, Sam was going to just love this idea... She paused and her frown deepened. Maybe he really would love it... He wasn't opposed to the act, why would it surprise her to disagree on something else.

Jason: Chuckling, Jason looked just a bit proud of himeslf. "Oh I try. I'm glad that I could at least provide some amusement."

Elizabeth: "You don't try. Being a bastard must come effortlessly these days."

Cessily: "So, I guess most thing would go as usual then," Cessily concluded, propping her chin on her hand. "With the exception that we'll have to be careful when and where we show our heads."

Elizabeth: "Exactly. It's not much to do considering what Xavier is doing for us after all."

Jason: "Stop, you'll make me blush." Jason barely kept himself from preening. "Yes, really it sounds a good deal easier than I would have assumed it would be."

Cessily: "Yeah, it's really great what he's doing to keep us
safe," Cessily agreed quietly and nodded. "Though, perhaps I should only leave the school when I absolutely have to in this case. Not only would that be safer for the school as a whole, but also much less annoying for me."

Rogue: "But do ya really wanna do that? Wouldn't ya go stir crazy?" She looked over at Cess.

Cessily: Cessily didn't reply immediately, but thought about that for a moment, sitting with crossed arms. "I'm pretty sure that I would. Eventually." She turned to look back at Rogue. "But I don't plan to keep hiding forever."

Rogue: "Well, no, 'course not. But Ah'd go crazy f' even a couple weeks pent up in here."

Andreas: He had listened to the round and round of the discussion for a while, and he really didn't think it fair that out of the people in here right now, Cessily was the only one that would have to suffer so hard for being an obvious mutant.

Andreas: "Maybe I could offer you a sanctuary?," Andreas asked her. "I mean, obviously not every American mutant can live in castle Wolfenstein, but I'd guess...maybe the really obvious ones?"

Jason: "What? Are you making a zoo?"

Andreas: Boy, his mother wuld hate him for this...all the more reason to do it.

Elizabeth: "But...wouldn't that mean having to leave the school for that to work? Wouldn't that be even worse?"

Cessily: Cessily let out a sigh and shrugged. "It's just that I don't wouldn't cause at least some attention whenever I go out in public. I would more or less have to sneak out and then make sure that absolutely no one is following me when I head back to the mansion." She raised an eyebrow and looked at Andy. "Really? You'd do that?"

Cessily: "Yeah, it doesn't sounds very practicable, but thanks for the offer nonetheless."

Andreas: "Sure." He gave her a reassuring smile. "You might think differently of it later, though. As it is, I'd assume Germany is the country with the slimmest probability of following the US-example, considering our history."

Cessily: "Yeah, that makes sense," Cessily agreed after thinking about it for a moment. "Though, getting there wouldn't be exactly easy. I guess we'd have to take the school's jet. I don't think they'd let unregistered mutants on board of airplanes."

Jason: "Whether they follow the example or not people are the same everywhere you go." Jason went back to fiddling with his pen. "So I can't say as I tihnk it would matter one way or the other."

Elizabeth: "Oh because long distance flights are a drain. I can make them with my eyes closed."

Andreas: "If push comes to shove we can ship you over in a crate."

Jason: "Now that would be interesting to get through customs. I suppose you could be a shipment of mercury to some sort of lab."

Cessily: Cessily looked around. "Wait a second. How did we suddenly get to locking me up in some kind of package?" She laughed. "Yeah, right. And when the box is opened again, I'm in Baghdad."

Elizabeth: "Well if we can't get you on a flight, then according to the sources of wisdom in this room, the next logical step seems to be a crate..." Lizzie rolled her eyes. "It's a real winner, boys."

Andreas: "Beats the bottle, doesn't it?"

Cessily: "I think I'd just try my luck with a ship instead," Cessily decided.

Jason: "Well, it's not a winner but I'm terribly amused by boxing people up, especially willing people."

Andreas: "I assume digging in your backyard back home would reveal a few curious findings?"

Jason: "Well, it is a funeral home. Sometimes there's influx."

Elizabeth: "So you're keen on following on in your familys traditions?" Lizzie looked at Jason. "Now I thought you'd want to break out of all that."

Jason: "Oh I do. Suppose old habits die hard."

Cessily: Cessily chuckled nervously and ran a hand through her hair. "Alright, could we move on to talk about something else than my worst nightmare?"

Elizabeth: "Being buried alive or being the image of your parents?"

Jason: "The latter is a good deal more terrifying. At least with being buried alive you have the promise that it will end soon enough."

Cessily: "The former," Cessily said with an uneven smile.

Rogue: Rogue looked back at the room and stood up, "Alright, Ah'm gonna go talk ta Sam Ah think... See y'all later."

Cessily: "See you!" Cessily waved after Rogue, then turned to Japh. "How about we grab something to eat, hm?" She kissed his cheek.

Elizabeth: Nodding goodbye to Rogue, she checked her watch. Probably time to head into the city. Maybe she should get a hat from her room...Standing, she picked her things up. "Well things to do and all that..." she said vaguely, hunting for her phone.

Jason: "Enjoy." Jason started to get up as well, wondering just a bit where Lizzie kept slipping off to. Seemed to be making a habit of that recently.

Elizabeth: "I intend to..." Lizzie gave him a smirk as she slid out of the door.

Jason: The smirk did nothing to dissuade his curiosity.

Andreas: Andreas stripped down his clothes and ran out of the room screaming "WAAAAHHHHHHHAAHHAH!!!"

Jason: "...must be cold."
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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