07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

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Title: Sometimes the bark isn\'t worse than the bite
Location: the drama studio

07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by littlebamf »

14th Feb

Lorna: The first thing Lorna thought as they started to join the audience is that she really should have reconsidered the stance of proudly showing her hair. Well, only a little bit of her wanted a hat. She didn't like that bit of her, cowardly hat-wanter.

Alex: Alex squeezed Meggan's hand a bit as the two were standing in the middle of all that people. True, theoretically none of them could really hurt a megamorph, but stil...he was concerned regarding...heheh...his fiancée.

Meggan: Meggan smiled at Alex, "There's a lot of people..." she looked around, "maybe this will be good?"

Rogue: Rogue chewed her lip and let her hand quietly wring the other as she waited for things to begin. She still had no idea which side she was going to vote for, but maybe hearing the points for this would help her some.

Neena: For the umpteenth time that day, Neena touched her cheekbone. At Lazarus' insistence and Ben's encouragement, she had decided to forgo most of her makeup. Seeing Meggan gave her courage, but she couldn't resist covering up a little. Her spot showed through in a grey haze that still made her self-concious. She linked her arm to
Rogue. "Nervous?" she asked her roomate.

Lorna: Lorna looked around at the crowd, deciding it was a rather varied group. "Well, this should be interesting, right?"

Alex: "I definitely hope so..." He stroke her hair and gave her a short kiss on the forehead. Then he looked over to Lorna.

Rogue: Rogue gave Neena a small smile, "Kinda. Ah think it's more, Ah wish Ah knew which way ta vote..." She gave Lorna a weak laugh, "In one way or another."

Alex: "Let's hope Wal Mart was out of torches, eh?" Ugh, not really funny...

Jubilee: Jubilee played nervously with her shirt-sleeves, looking around herself.

Meggan: Meggan giggled and kissed Alex on the cheek then laid her head on his shoulder, "I'm sure it'll be fine..."

Lorna: Lorna laughed at the torches. "Who knows, maybe people have tiki torches in their car? I could do with a tiki bar."

ValCooper: Val smoothed down her skirt and checked her heels were immaculate before facing the masses. Adjusting her spectacles on her nose and with one final pat of the hair, she walked out on to the stage, her smile dazzling for the waiting crowd.

Alex: "I could go for a luau, you know? I wanted to make a traditional one once, but Xavier wouldn't allow me to dig up the lawn." He made a little pout.

Meggan: Meggan lifted her head again when she saw someone walk out onto the platform, "Ooo someone's there!"

Lorna: Lorna looked up and went still, tiki bars would have to wait now. She wanted to hear this.

ValCooper: “Thank you all -- and I indeed see Americans of all stripes in the crowd today -- for coming. Allow me to introduce myself: Valerie Cooper, secretary of public affairs for the Department of Homeland Security. On behalf of the Kelly administration, we are pleased to present the details of the Mutant Registration Act.”

Lorna: "And let's just hope we're pleased to hear them." Lorna couldn't help but mutter under her breath but put on a brave face.

Rogue: Rogue gave a nod at Lorna's muttering and gave Jubilee a smile before turning back to the woman at the podeium.

Jubilee: That didn't sound too good, Jubilee thought.

ValCooper: Oh, there were some...interesting children in the crowd. She smiled again.

ValCooper: “President Kelly and Vice President Stark, as well as representatives from both sides of the aisle, have put in long hours over the past months to craft this ballot initiative and to ensure it serves the best interests of all Americans. In April, the voters of this country will choose the path of the future, and we want to make sure Americans make an informed decision on that day.”

Meggan: "Seems ok so far..." Meggan muttered to Alex,

Alex: He squeezed Meggan's ringed hand again. "Seems so..."

Neena: "They always butter you up first," Neena said to Rogue. "And this intro doesn't bode well so far."

Jubilee: Jubilee walked a little closer towards other studentts.

Lorna: "I feel pretty smeared with country crock." Lorna smirked slightly. "But I'm all for informed."

Rogue: "Oh, Ah don't know. Ah'm pretty ok with how it's goin'..."

ValCooper: “According to most scientists, mutation is the very reason for the existence of life on Earth. To this point, mutation is nothing to be feared. The word ‘mutant,’ however, has recently become a target of unnecessary hate. After intense consideration, the administration will designate those determined to carry the ‘X’ gene as metahumans.”

Alex: "Doesn't 'meta' mean half?" He had to frown at that. "We're only half-humans now?"

Jubilee: "So now we're metahumans..?" Jubilee muttered, a bit confused.

Meggan: "At least she said we're not to be feared - that was nice of her..."

Neena: "Actions speak louder than words, Meggan," Neena reminded her. "We're still only 'half-human' now."

Lorna: "'to this point' she also tacked on. The uncecessary hate was nice though." Lorna shrugged.

Meggan: Meggan shrugged, "I don't mind being called half human..."

ValCooper: “Once approved by voters, the implementation of this act will be
overseen by the Department of Homeland Security. Over the last decade, the Department has worked to protect the citizens of this country and secure its future. We will be proud to take on the additional mantle of service to the metahuman population.”

Alex: "Well honey, the problem is when people start calling you that way, they normally tend to treat you so as well." A bitter line appeared around his mouth.

Rogue: Rogue chewed her lip as she paid careful attention to what the woman was saying, she wanted to be as informed as possible before she voted in April. "Half-human doesn't mean anythin' degradin' necessarily... Ah mean, we ain't just human f' sure." She smiled at what Valerie just said, "See? Protect us. That's good."

Neena: "History has taught us that labels like that are never good," Neena remarked. "And do they want to protect us, or keep tabs on us?"

Meggan: Meggan nodded, "Yeah this seems good so far - at least she's not saying everyone can chase us out of towns with pitchforks. And I don't think people could treat me worse than what my parents did, Alex," Meggan kissed him on the cheek again.

Lorna: I wonder if I should buy stock in pitchforks... Lorna shook her head slightly, not wanting her mind to wander too far.

ValCooper: “Immediately after passage, we will begin a period of voluntary registration. Those wishing to register may come to any federal government office. A simple blood test will determine the presence of the X-gene, either active or inactive. A physical examination will be required for those unable to take the blood screening.”

Rogue: "Well, Ah cain't say f' sure, Nee-Nee, but it sounds good..." She frowned, "Well crap. Ah cain't do tha blood test... An' physical examination could be dangerous f' tha people examinin'..."

Neena: Neena closed her eyes, the memory of being tested after her accident flashing before her eyes. The doctors were puzzled by the strange additional gene, but thankfully wrote it off as an anomaly. "Don't worry, Rogue, if you need to provide an example, you can use me," she winked. "With my luck, I'll be ok."

Meggan: "Don't think they'll need either with me - you only have to look at me to see I'm a mutant." Meggan grinned and poked her sparkly blue skin on her arm.

Rogue: Rogue gave her a smile and leaned in for a half-hug. "Thanks, sugah." Rogue looked over at Meggan and grinned back, "An' such a pretty one too."

Alex: "Hey, she's my girlfriend, get your own!," he joked and dramatically pulled Meggan closer.

ValCooper: “Once either metahuman or baseline human status is determined, standard identification cards will be issued to every citizen and resident alien tested. In cooperation with the US Census Bureau, this information will be used to better track trends in the metahuman population.”

Jubilee: "They probably have to take bloodd-test from me.. But I don't really like the idea"

Lorna: "Okay, that only set off half a warning bell." Lorna sounded wary though.

Neena: "And why should they even care?" Neena asked Rogue. "What good will this do? It's not like we're terrorists or something."

Rogue: "Well... Ah remember somethin' from when it was first brought up 'bout them doin' research 'bout tha powers ta figure 'em out... That could be a real help ta calm people's nerves 'bout us... Or help those of us who don't know much 'bout their powers," she finished quietly.

Alex: "I don't know..." He was as puzzled about this as the others. "Maybe they want to know where the 'loose guns' are?"

ValCooper: “Additionally, any citizen or resident alien who applies for a government license or certification must be tested. This includes, but may not be limited to, passport, visa and naturalization documentation; driver’s licenses and non-driver’s identification; business and professional licensing; and birth, death, and marriage certification.”

Neena: "Is it me, or did they just make registration mandatory with that little loophole?" Neena wrinkled her nose.

Alex: "Wow, sounds like a hassle for sure..."

Meggan: "Makes me glad we're not getting married here... sounds complicated..." Meggan glanced at Alex.

Lorna: Lorna twitched. That...well that just didn't sound good. "Yeah, they did." Heh, marriage certification. Fan-freaking-tastic.

Rogue: "They did..." Rogue frowned, "But then again, this thing hasn't been passed yet. Don't know why they're actin' like it has been already."

Rogue: "Though how someone can get a death certificate an' be found out as a mutant while already dead, doesn't make sense."

Lorna: "Because in their mind it is as good as done?" Lorna had to snort at Rogue's last question. "Well, I remember getting a huge scare from a girl in a tub."

Alex: "I'm sure glad...Remind me to bake andy a cake." He winked at her and returned his attention at the lady in front.

Rogue: Rogue laughed, "That's sure true, Lorna."

Meggan: Meggan giggled, "I will."

ValCooper: She smiled encouragingly at the crowd; they certainly seemed to be liking what she was saying. “We feel this will streamline the registration process, in addition to voluntary walk-in registration. A timetable will be created by both houses of Congress to begin mandatory registration. Those found to be unregistered or untested after that final deadline will face penalties.”

Lorna: "And just incase the loophole wasn't foolproof enough they just go ahead and nail that coffin shut."

Neena: "And there, my friends, is the catch," Neena shook her head. "They wanted mandatory registration all along."

Neena: "Note there was no word on what the penalities are," she added.

Alex: "Aaaaahhhh, there we go." Unlike Miss Cooper up there, Alex didn't feel like smiling. basically because quite a lot people in the crowd also started to smile when they heard the word'penalties'.

Meggan: "I don't mind registering... how bad can it be? I don't exactly like keeping it a secret - I don't at home."

Neena: "I do," Neena frowned. "It's our business whether we carry the gene or not. That's part of my medical history, and the last time I checked, that's private."

Jubilee: "I-I don't want to register.." Jubilee said nervously.

Lorna: "Well, it's more than the people at home knowing, isn't it?" Lorna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. This was just not sounding good.

Rogue: Rogue gave Jubilee a small smile, "Well, then Ah guess vote 'gainst it an' hope f' tha best."

Meggan: Meggan shrugged, "I don't see how it's different. I'm proud of my mutation, I don't use it to hurt people so why should I be afraid?"

ValCooper: “Not all metahuman mutations have proved beneficial to mankind or those who bear them. But because X-gene related abilities will be cataloged with the federal government, this information can be shared with public health authorities, or local law enforcement agencies.”

Alex: "Well, to be honest, I'd rather prefer not letting people know that I can step on them if they make me angry. Would make it hard to get a job, I believe..."

Rogue: "That's part of mah issue... Ah don't do it on purpose, but Ah do hurt people." There was no sense saying she liked the extra energy and new powers to play with...

Lorna: "Being proud is one thing, setting yourself up for trouble is another." Dr. Essex was still out there somewhere, who knows what other kinds of people were out there.

Lorna: "Local law enforcement agencies?" Lorna's brow furrowed. "Is it just me or does that not sound normal?"

Meggan: Meggan sighed, "Well I can see why some people wouldn't like it there are dangerous mutations and people would only get the wrong idea about the people with them but from a personal perspective I don't see that I have anything to worry about..."

Meggan: The notifying hte law enforcement part made Meggan pay attention again. Why would they need to do that? Not everyone with dangerous mutations used them to hurt people.

Lorna: "I think they already have the wrong idea an are preparing for it."

Neena: "I agree, Lorna, I agree."

Alex: "Me too..."

Rogue: Rogue chewed her lip, this thing wasn't helping her decide at all.. If anything, it was putting her more on the fence.

Neena: "It's putting too much of our lives in their hands. Too much power, and I don't like it. I only hope to god that if this passes the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional."

Lorna: Lorna crossed her arms across her chest, feeling just a bit tense. The more negative side of her wanted to comment that that all depended on if the courts ruled them as being human or not.

Alex: "Errrrmmm...me too?" He didn't really have any idea of the workings of the law-making process...were there polls invovled?

Neena: "Lorna," Neena leaned over. "Please tell me there are lobbysists working against this in Washington, do you know at all?"

ValCooper: “The administration believes that in this changing world, this is the best way to protect the rights of all Americans. Neighbor need not look at neighbor with suspicion, as a simple card will designate genetic status.”

Lorna: "I sure hope there are...I don't know for sure." Right, it was time to get interested in politics.

Meggan: Meggan frowned, "They're starting to make it sound like we're committing a crime by being mutants..."

Rogue: "Wait... What?" She paused at what the woman said. "That set off alarms a bit... Why would neighbors need ta check f' a genetic status card?"

Neena: "Oh, so now we need to be checked? Like we're some kind of..diseased people?"

Alex: "You know, that sounds stupid. There's no reason I could know my neighbour is a mutant only because he has some card somewhere in his house. They're being politicians again." He was kind of disgusted by all this.

Rogue: Rogue was now being gently shoved off the fence in the opposite direction the woman probably wanted.

Lorna: "Sounds like." Lorna just hoped that nobody took it in their mind to put the diseased animals down.

Jubilee: "But we aren't criminals and being mutant isn't disease.."

Neena: "Exactly. Which is why this act is heinous," Neena suddenly needed a chai. Badly. That and to be very far away from here."

Alex: "Yeah, I agree with Jubes." He pondered whether it was a good idea to jump up there and start a debate with the lady...the thought of rioting soccer moms and the likes held him back, though.

Meggan: "Yeah..." Meggan said in a response to Jubes, she was starting to feel a little dubious about the whole idea. Admitting she was a mutant was one thing but having the mutation thought of as a disease or as something illegal didn't please her.

Lorna: "I'm not sure they see it like that." Lorna took a long breath, hoping that it would settle her stomach which had taken to churning ever since the woman started listing off the various certifications they would have to register for.

ValCooper: “When you go to the polls April 6, know that after careful consideration, this is truly the best way to monitor these changes to the very essence of humanity and ensure metahumans remain part of mainstream society. Once registered, we can help these citizens adjust and understand their place in the world.”

Neena: "We don't know if this will be put past the states, do we? Or is it a federal bill?" California would never let a thing like this slide, would it? It was the most liberal state in the country. Neena held on to the idea.

Rogue: "Understand our place in tha world?" Rogue was shocked at that. "They say that like we're aliens..."

Alex: "Oh, great, now we're being told our place in the world." A hand wandered up to his temples and started to massage them. This was giving him a headache.

Neena: "Feeling a little more decided, honey?" she asked Rogue.This stupid government woman was making her more indignant by the second. "'Cause I sure as hell am."

Lorna: "It's federal. We wouldn't be so lucky." Lorna tensed up more. She liked to think that she already knew her place in the world. That was apt to change though.

Rogue: Rogue's hands unconsciously started wringing together again. "A bit..." She thought back to the conversations she'd had with Bobby. "An' Ah have someone ta apologize ta when we get home. He was right."

Meggan: "But I already have a place in the world..." That comment had confused Meggan and she pondered the idea a for some time.

Jubilee: "I was just getting used to being a mutant and almost normal girl.. That and the fact my parents still accept me.."

Lorna: "So does anyone else feel a bit sick to their stomach now?" Lorna looked back at the others, trying not to look at the rest of the audience.

Neena: Neena half raised her hand. "I am."

ValCooper: Setting the crowd with a firm, determined smile, Valerie gave a nod. "I want to thank you all for taking the time to attend tonight and hope that you all do the right thing for this nation, come April 6. God Bless."

Neena: "Yeah, right," Neena muttered under her breath.

Meggan: Meggan was frowning, deep in thought, "Are they going to tell me I can't be a counsellor because I'm an empath?"

ValCooper: Striking an obligitary pose for a camera, Val gave an elegant wave to the crowd as she moved away from the podium and walked offstage.

Rogue: "God bless... Riiiight. God bless tha regular humans. Not us 'meta-humans'." Rogue was letting her temper get the better of her and she didn't care. "What kind of news is this to give on valentine's day? Now Ah cain't have a nice date..."

Neena: "Yes, you can!" Neena cried, hugging Rogue. "You will go out with Sam and have a great time. Promise me, ok? Don't let this ruin your day!"

Rogue: Rogue laughed some and gave a frustrated noise. "Sam always makes things better. He's good at that. But it's just.... Ugh!"

Meggan: You can too have a nice date - just be forgetful like me, it's fun!" she grinned

Lorna: "Well, I'll do the right thing anyway." Lorna let her arms fall to her sides, wishing that she still knew more. None of it was going to be good she had a feeling. "I wonder what Bobby would say to bringing out Xander again in protest of this."

Rogue: Rogue gave Lorna a wicked grin, "Ah think Ah want in on some of that next time."

Lorna: "Probably make them think we're dangerous though. We'll come at them...with paint."

Jubilee: "Is this over now?"

Neena: Neena laughed a bit bitterly. "No, honey, it's only just starting out."

Rogue: "Ooooh Ah'm so scared of tha paint cans Ah'm shakin' in mah boots." She laughed, "Yeah, Jubes, it's over. Ah hope." She looked back up to the stage, "At least f' now."

Lorna: Lorna nodded. "Yeah, it's over. Maybe we should make a quick exit?" Lorna looked around. There were people milling back and forth and no clear shot of an exit. "Of course, we have to make our way through people to do that."

Neena: "Buddy up, everyone," Neena joked.

Meggan: Meggan laughed, "We'll be fine, just meet up somewhere if we get split up?"

Jubilee: "Can we leave now? I don't like it here.."

Alex: "Yeah, sounds good." He hoped Meggan would like the little chocolate teddy bear he had gotten her. Not too much you can do to top a proposal, though. Maybe waiting till Valentine's day would have been a good idea?

Lorna: "Yeah, let's head out." Lorna stepped into the crowd, wanting to make a quick exit of this and be on the way back to the school soon. It was more comfortable there if not safer.

Lorna: Or..."Anyone feel like some coffee? I could definitely use some."

Rogue: "Or a stiff drink?" Rogue sighed, "There's a good coffee shop 'round here that Remy an' Ah used ta go ta."

Meggan: "I can't have caffiene but a drink sounds like a nice idea - do they serve fruit juice?"

Neena: Neena sighed. "You read my mind. Kind of. I need a chai."

Lorna: "Yeah, coffee good." Lorna walked faster with the thought of coffee in her mind replacing some of the dreary thoughts from the speech.

Rogue: "Yeah. An' de-caff coffee too, if ya want that. They got all kinds of stuff." Rogue started leading the way to the small shop, her mind now revolving around how Remy and Johnny were doing as well as the speech.

Alex: "I want tea!" He rose his hand that was holding Meggie's.

Lorna: "Decaf? After all that we just listened to you heap more blasphemy?" Lorna had to smile. Coffee humor made things better.

Jubilee: "I would like some coffee."

Rogue: "F' Meggan, not me. Ah'd die without caffeine." Rogue snickered at Lorna and bumped her a bit as they walked.

Alex: "Did you guys know caffeine actually is a poison plants produce to not being eaten by insects?" He wanted to bring in some of his newfound kitchen knowledge.

Lorna: Door, door, ah, there it was. Lorna made a veritable beeline for it, holding it open to aid the others to freedom and that much closer to coffee. "It's my kind of poison."

Rogue: "Did not know that. Good thing Ah ain't an insect then." Rogue stepped in line to hold their places and frowned when the people in front of her were talking about the speech in a positive manner.

Neena: Neena listened in on the people in front of them, and glanced at Rogue. She had to bite her tongue to keep herself from responding to their comments.

Lorna: Lorna didn't want to listen in. She tried reading over the menu but when you only ordered black coffee there wasn't much need to read the menu. So she started to hum, loudly.

Meggan: Meggan looked at Alex, "Really? Maybe that's why it messes with me..>"

Rogue: Rogue snickered as Lorna hummed and started dancing a bit to it to keep her mind from wandering to the conversation going on. The people got their coffee and Rogue glared when they turned around and looked shocked to see a few obvious mutants behind them. She gave her friends a smile, "Who's up? Ah'm buyin."

Alex: "Most surely. On the other side, I like you either way, so go ahead." He grined at her over his shoulder and noticed a few mean looks towards them, shot by people who also had been in the crowd for the speech.

Lorna: "You're buying? Music to my tastebuds." Lorna forced herself to straighten up her stance as she realized they were being watched. No need to cower after all.

Meggan: Meggan smiled at Rogue, "Aww that's nice of you, I'll have some... um... grape juice I think." She smiled at Alex too and put an arm around him.

Neena: Neena grinned at Rogue. "You're so generous. You know me, cinnamon cocoa chai."

Rogue: Rogue ordered what she'd been told, plus her coffee. "Ain't nothin', y'all. Happy Valentine's Day. Hope it makes up f' that awful speech." She made a face and waited for the rest to order.

Alex: "Green tea, please." He gave Meggan a conderned look. "Is it okay if I drink something caffeinated if you don't?"

Lorna: Lorna ordered and waited impatiently. "Well, you just can't excuse some people, can you?"

Meggan: Meggan smiled at Alex, "Of course it is. No sense you suffering just 'cause I can't have something."

Alex: "Yay!" He beamed a friendly smile at her. "I promise I'll go on a diet with you if you should get pregnant, then...if you ever should...you know..." He started to blush beet-red when he realized what just had jumped out of his face.

Rogue: Rogue paid for the drinks and crossed her arms as she stood to the side to wait. "Ah think if they just weren't treatin' us like we were some kinda diseased population, it'd be a good idea... Some good could still come from it though... Ah mean, what if they could figure out somethin' f' people ta fix it if they don't want their mutation?"

Lorna: "I figure if anyone has a chance of figuring anything like that out it'd be Dr. McCoy. I don't really see them throwing tax money on it unless they make that mandatory too."

Rogue: "Which would suck."

Meggan: Meggan blushed too at Alex's suggestion, "One thing at a time," she laughed, "And why would anyone not want their mutation?"

Rogue: Rogue gave Meggan a shy look and immediatly shook her head to get it away. Sam's psyche was sneaking up again. "Ah don't want mine."

Neena: "I'm ok with mine. I'd just rather not look the way I do," Neena looked down at her hands.

Rogue: Rogue picked up her coffee and walked to a table in the corner, taking a sip as soon as she sat down.

Meggan: "But why not? Maybe it's just a control issue? I'm all for understanding how it all works but I don't think they should go messing around and trying to change our genetics.."

Lorna: "I'd definitely not give up mine." Lorna commented, distracted from adding more as her coffee came into her possession.

Alex: He got his cup and started to sip away on the green hotness. Mmmm
Rogue: "Ah've had 'em f' nine years now. Ya'd figure Ah'd be able ta control it by now if Ah could."

Neena: "It's a question of power, to me," Neena said. "Yeah, they may start out with good intentions, but do we really want them to have that much information on us? What if their opinion on the 'metahumans' changes? What if we wind up with another Japanese-American concentration camp?"

Meggan: Meggan smiled gratefully and thanked the man that placed her drink on the counter, he gave a hesitant smile back then scurried off to serve someone else, "I've had mine all my ife and i only started to learn how to control it when I got here. It takes time."

Alex: "I honestly don't think they would try and change our genes. They aren't even allowed to do this with frogs and the like..."

Lorna: "But we're a whole new thing. I don't think PETA is going to hold a rally for us."

Neena: "Amen, honey," Neena sweetened her chai. "What's more, people aren't afraid of cute little gerbils. Well, most people anyway."

Alex: "We can be cute too, right hun?"

Alex: He gently nudged his girlf-...fiancée.

Lorna: Lorna raised her cup to the 'amen, honey' and drank. "Well, I think we'll just have to be prepared...like boyscouts only a bit more awesome."

Rogue_: "But at least y'all's cain't hurt people, Meggan." She wouldn't meet any of their eyes and continued drinking her coffee.

Meggan: Meggan smiled at Alex then giggled at Lorna's boyscouts comment, "I'm always prepared - I just can't always remember what for."
Alex: "I have a swiss army knife somewhere..."

Meggan: Meggan cast Alex a sideways glance, "What ncould you possibly need one of those for?"

Lorna: "They're always handy to have." Lorna had to let her approval of cutlery known. "But yeah...I'm not sure what we're going to be able to do really."

Alex: "Well, boy scouts...swiss army knife...you know...being always prepared..." His wild gesticulating indicated his surprise that his joke hadn't come over.

Meggan: Meggan quietly sipped her grapejuice and cuddle up closer to Alex.

Rogue: "Ya know... Now that Ah'm more calm, Ah'm thinkin' that everythin' woulda been grand 'till they started with tha whole mandatory if ya want any kind of certificates..."

Neena: "Maybe their intentions aren't so noble, then," Neena blew at her drink.

Lorna: "Yeah, going to have to agree there." Lorna was going to need more coffee.

Rogue: Rogue looked over at Lorna and pulled a face, "Bobby's not gonna be happy 'bout that, huh? Think y'all might move tha date up 'till before tha votin' takes place?"

Meggan: "Or get married in another country..." Meggan suggested off handedly.

Lorna: "Heh, I'm not happy about it. We'll have to see." Lorna chewed at the corner of her lip. That was just a whole issue she didn't want opened up.

Rogue: "Well, 'course ya ain't. Ah wouldn't be either if Ah planned on ever gettin' married." She took another drink.

Alex: "You could get a taste of it by being a bridesmaid, what about that?," he asked Rogue.

Rogue: "Ah'm already a 'best man'." She grinned at Alex, "Bobby asked me a bit ago."

Lorna: Lorna got up to get a refill of coffee. She hoped Bobby had watched the speech too. It would save telling him when they talked things over.

Neena: Neena looked down at her cup, making a mental note to discuss the entire speech with both Lazarus and Ben. She needed her brother's strong advice, and Ben's easy teasing to cheer her.

Rogue: Rogue set her coffee cup on the table and put her hands in her lap, wringing them again. She really needed to get this out of her mind if she was going to enjoy her time with Sam later.

Neena: "Hey," Neena nudged Rogue, noticing her fidgeting. "Are you ok?"

Rogue: "Yup. Just fine. Ready ta go home though. Once y'all are of course. No rush'r nothin'."

Meggan: Meggan quietly sipped her juice all thoughts of the speech already almost gone having been replaced by thoughts of the wedding and how behind she was in her homework.

Neena: "Where are you and Sam going tonight?"

Rogue: "Don't know yet." She smiled a bit, "Which is part of why Ah wanna get home. Sooner Ah see mah Rebel, sooner Ah'll be calm. Then we can figure out where ta go from there." She frowned, "On all accounts."

Neena: "I know what you mean," Neena replied. "I really want to see Ben. And talk to my brother."
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by Ult_Sm86 »

"Though how someone can get a death certificate an' be found out as a mutant while already dead, doesn't make sense."

*hem hem*

Moonbeam? :toothy
R.I.P. Ultimate Peter Parker :spidey 6/22/11 USM#160
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Deck Swabber
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by stjohn »

:synch will not be happy about this registration act at all...

[Edited on 27/7/08 by stjohn]
Stjohn: did i walk in on yall doing :shifty?
* Bobby covers Lorna's goodies and whistles innocently.
Lorna: You see nothing!
Stjohn: pay no attention to the couple under the covers?
Lorna: There is no couple, no covers, and, on a different note, no spoon.
Stjohn: I don't believe you. I'm holding a spoon right now.
Lorna: Well damn
Deck Swabber
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by wingyding »

I wonder what will happen when people find out someone's for it. I'm hoping no beatings or burnings-at-the-stake.
Neither Love nor Evil conquers all, but Evil cheats more.
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by Ult_Sm86 »

It's our choice as whether we want to or not. It's not like they're any less welcome in the school, but once it goes underground I think there will be some distaste for those characters, but that's something the player needs to work out.
R.I.P. Ultimate Peter Parker :spidey 6/22/11 USM#160
Read my reviews on SuperiorSpiderTalk.com! I'm a real, honest-to-goodness, published comic reviewer!
"It's not your fault. Listen to me. It's NOT. YOUR. FAULT." - a seismologist getting all territorial
Deck Swabber
Deck Swabber
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Title: Dusty Bits
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by wingyding »

Oh, I know it's a choice. But the response of the others is also a choice. And there are bound to be some who don't like them.
Neither Love nor Evil conquers all, but Evil cheats more.
Important Lessons Learned from the X-Men: Never give indestructible metal claws to something that doesn't die when you shoot it in the head.
Deck Swabber
Deck Swabber
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Title: The Boggy Man
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by stjohn »

Eve wont be facebook friends with anyone who registers.
Stjohn: did i walk in on yall doing :shifty?
* Bobby covers Lorna's goodies and whistles innocently.
Lorna: You see nothing!
Stjohn: pay no attention to the couple under the covers?
Lorna: There is no couple, no covers, and, on a different note, no spoon.
Stjohn: I don't believe you. I'm holding a spoon right now.
Lorna: Well damn
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by steyn »

Eve wont be facebook friends with anyone who registers.

Well, :kyle won't worry about registering. :maggot won't either.
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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by Slarti »

Courtesy of Steyn, for those who haven’t seen it in other references – these are the billboards some of the students have been so upset about. Everyone, feel free to reference seeing anti-mutant propaganda in this vein on billboards, in newspapers and so forth:

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07/26 Game: The Westchester Address

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

Awesome job guys! Ferg, you had me in stitches from the very first line.

I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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