5/10 Game: Peter Peter...

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Title: Executive Administrator

5/10 Game: Peter Peter...

Post by fourpawsonthefloor »

Remy: Remy stepped through the crackling leaves, Johnny on his shoulders, happily patting him on the head as they walked down the lane at the farm. He turned back to the others. "Feel like I should be wearin' overalls here."

Talia: Talia followed, smiling as she lifted a small pumpkin. "Look at this one! Super cute!! It's like, a teeny baby pumpkin!!"

Rahne: Rahne raised an eyebrow at him, "I'm a farm girl, shoul' I be offended by tha remark?"

Victor: "Mmm-hmm. Good job I'm used t' farms." Vic wrinkled his nose. "An' their smells."

Talia: TJ looked to Rahne. "Is overalls an offense??"

Remy: "Ah petite...ain't farm women supposed t' have skirts and aprons? D' farm work is for d' menfolk." He teased. "Y' should be mindin' d' kids an' sweepin' an' cookin'."

Victor: Vic snorted at that. "Yeah. Try explainin' tha' t' her an' her Nana."

Talia: Talia gave Remy a swat. "Ok, Rahne, I'm totally on your side now."

Rahne: Rahne rolled her eyes, "Dinnae be fergettin' tha basket fer collectin' tha eggs an' milkin' tha cows in a wee blue pinafore. Oooh arrh." She deadpaned.

Remy: Laughing he ducked. "Barefoot an' pregnant. I'm doin' my job. Y're jus' fallin' down on it Vic." He winked at Rahne. "An' bet y' looked sweet in it too."

Talia: This time she gave him a punch in the gut. "Jerk!"

Rahne: Rahne advanced on Remy, "Tell yer wha', I'll hol' him down an' yer can kick him Teej," Rahne jokingly threatened, flexing her fingers.

Victor: Vic laughed. "Oh no y' don'." He caught Rahne's shoulders, pulling her tight against him. "Wait till he ain' holdin' th' bairn, eh?" He winked at Remy.

Rahne: Rahne chuckled, "Eh? Good poin' ... we'll give tha baby to yer to hol' then."

Remy: He whoofed air out with the punch. "Oui. I'm holdin' Johnny. Don' forget dat!"
Talia: "Not for long. He's gonna wanna look at some pumpkins," she said, lifting the teeny one up to him. Johnny grabbed it and held it on top of Remy's head. "He loooves his pumpkins."

Remy: "Y'all know I'm jus' jokin'. I'm a modern man. I think y' should be prancin' around in a thong an' a push up bra." He shot out and started to jog away from them, much to Johnny's delight.

Victor: Vic laughed. "Nuh-uh. Let th' man hide behin' kids fer protection. Does wonders fer th' ego."

Talia: "HEY!" she chased after them. "You are SO dead!"

Rahne: "Uh-huh, sure," Rahne said, leaning back against Vic, "How many pumpkin's we gonna need then, yer recon?"

Talia: She slowed quickly, breathing a bit heavily, then looked back at Rahne. "How many are you guys getting? We need at least four for our house."

Victor: "Hmm?" Vic blinked down at Rahne, then smiled. "I dunno. Prob'ly a lot."

Remy: "Well...yeah. Lot t' decorate. Den some t' make pies?" He looked hopefully to the girls, walking backwards along the path.

Rahne: Rahne shrugged, "We nae'er really did Halloween when I was growin' up ... bu' I've been lookin' up all these recipies for pumpkin stuff online to use fer tha mush."

Talia: "Oooo pies! You know how to make pie, baby??" she asked him as he came back.

Victor: "Mmm. Pie." Vic licked his lips. "Knew there was a reason I liked yeh, Rem."

Remy: "I'm more a dinner sorta guy dan a baker. But it can't be dat hard, neh? Can buy d' crusts premade...an' I think dat's the hard stuff."

Rahne: "I foun' this really awesome lookin' recipe fer pumpkin soup ... an' I can make pastry if yer need Rem, after all I'm a barefoot, sweepin' openfire cookin' farm wench after all." She stuck her tounge out.

Remy: He laughed and gave her a pat on the bottom. "Good lass." He said in a slaughtered scot accent. "But oui. Gettin' together in d' house an' all bakin' would be fun."

Talia: "Down down down!" Johnny started his chant, reaching toward the ground, his little pumpkin falling.

Victor: Vic laughed loud at Remy's failed Scot's accent. "Ach, lad, ye need more haggis in yeh." He said in near-perfect Highland. "Tha' not Scots enou' tae wear th' kilt yet."

Talia: "We could bake something!" TJ said, looking up to Johnny. "Pumpkin pie would be awesome. I haven't had it in forever but my grandma has an awesome recipe I could get!"

Rahne: Rahne looked between Remy and Vic, "Oh dear Lord, I've created some linguistic monster's ... oh well guess it's tha season fer it?" She ambled over to some pumpkins next to the track and poked them, looking for soft spots.

Victor: Vic patted Rahne on the ass. "Of course." He grinned, changing back to his regular accent. "I coul' jus' insult him in gaidlig but he'd jus' switch t' french."

Remy: He set Johnny down and sighed as he grubbed in the dirt immediately. "Well...maybe we can do it after we give Johnny a bath." He caught Vic's line, and laughed. "Nah, I'd jus' beat y'."

Talia: She picked Johnny up and set him on his feet again. "No beating now! We gotta find pumpkins," she headed to a rather large one. "This one is perfect! And huge!" She bent over to try and lift it to carry to the others.

Rahne: "Wee bit o' dirt nae'er hurt anyone," Rahne smiled, still poking the pumpkins and pulling a face as she found a soft spot on one, ew. "I remember yer sayin' abou' yer Nana's pumpkin pie Teej ... it's a christmassy thin' fer yer ain't it?" Her voice got a little quieter as she said it, finishing thoughtfully.

Victor: "Correction. Y'd try," Vic snorted. "An' y'd know I enjoy it." He stroked Rahne's back gently before spotting Teej. "Wanna hand wit' tha' monster, babes?"

Remy: "Nice chere. Dat'll be great t' carve up. An' d' seeds roasted wit' some salt is great." He picked it up for her and carried it over to the wagon they brought with them. "An' y've not changed his diapers after he's eaten a bunch of dirt, petite."

Rahne: "Aye, but I have Duncan's ... ain't yer got de-sensitised to it yet Rem?"

Victor: Vic muttered. "Know I have."

Talia: "There's some stuff you like...can't get desensitised to," TJ told them, sitting on the wagin briefly. "Like...explodo poop."

Rahne: "It's gonna be so awesome when him an' mam come over," Rahne gushed, "He's gettin' so big these days."

Remy: "When is he comin' back?" He took a pumpkin that Johnny was sitting entranced with. "Want dis mon fils? Good pick!" He ruffled his hair.

Rahne: "Mam say's she'll brin' him over fer when we do tha dress shoppin' ... though she'll leave him wit' Vic fer tha acctual shoppin'. Sebastion was really good an' sorted us ou' a hotel fer 'em to stay tha's super secure."

Talia: "When's the dress shopping anyway??" she crossed her legs under her. "How close to the actual wedding??"

Remy: "That sounds nice." He gave his wife a grin. "Oui. An' speakin' of pumpkins." He held a medium sized one in front of his belly. "Y'll be swellin' like one soon enough, neh?"

Talia: "Soon enough? Ugh! Why are you rushing me getting fat! We got months still!" she said. "But you know, you look good with a big belly. Maybe we can find a way for you to have the baby."

Rahne: "Gah! It's like ... gotta be soon, I ain't even looked at dresses bu' whenever yer free Selene's doin' somethin' an' vis-versa. Bu' I did some double checkin' an' most places do dresses fer pregnen' women tha' can be fitted super quick tha nigh' before."

Talia: "Ok cool. Like...I haven't gained really anything yet...but like, it'll be getting tighter by then I think."

Victor: "There ain' no way in hell I'm comin' wit' ya fer dress shopping. Though Rem, y've gotta come t' Scotlan' ta get yer kilt. Ladies're welcome t' come watch." Vic chuckled.

Talia: "Oh so we have to go with YOU for YOUR dress shopping??"

Rahne: "I'm tottaly commin' wit' yer guys fer skirt shoppin' it's gonna by hysterical, an' yer get to babysit while we're dress shoppin' it's bad luck fer tha groom to see tha dress before han' ain't it?"

Remy: He grimaced a bit. "Ain't dem things one side fits all? Though havin' a trip would be fun."

Victor: Vic looked injured. "Kilts, Rahne, they're kilts. I ain' wearin' a skirt fer no one. Besides, yer da would have me at th' en' of a shotgun otherwise."

Victor: "No, they ain'. Ya have t' be measured. Y'll probably get a LeBeau clan plaid outta it too."

Rahne: Rahne snorted at that.

Talia: "Ooo we get a plaid too?" TJ giggled. "Johnny and Remy can match!"

Remy: "A plaid? I ain't Scottish...an' what's d' difference anyways? Don' we all have t' match?"

Victor: Vic snorted. "Hell no. Are y' kiddin' me? Wearin' another clan's colours?"

Rahne: "Aye yer do, stop tryin' to convert tha poor boy," Rahne nudged Vic in the stomach.

Victor: "That's tantmoun' ta declarin' war, Rem." Vic grinned at Rahne. "Hey. If I hafta suffer, so does he. In a Scottish winter too."

Remy: "Aye and be golly." He snorted. "Like I know any of dis shit Vic." He wrapped his arm around Talia. "So den...how do dey pick d' colours?"

Talia: She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling a bit tired. Johnny found a pumpkin to sit on, and was bouncing on it happily.

Rahne: "Colour's fer wha'?"

Victor: "Kilts. An' I dunno. But th' guy I was talkin' ta muttered tha' theres a Creed clan somewhere back in th' dark days of Scotlan', so there's already a plaid fer it."

Talia: "Well, there's gotta be pink in the LeBeau plaid," TJ teased.

Remy: "Oui but y're from dere. Or d' general neighbourhood." He waved his hand. "My ancestors are from France through Canada. Papa has d' records." He gave Talia a pinch. "Y' an' y're damn pink. Hell no."

Rahne: "Pfft, like tha means anythin', my ancester's were French too ... though they did arrive in Scotlan' almos' a thousan' years ago ..."

Remy: He laughed. "It gets so complicated don't it?

Remy: Talia got up and chased after Johnny who was tottering towards another patch and he watched the fondly. "D' bar was fun d' other night, eh? Y' guys look happy together."

Victor: Vic smiled. "Aye. Well, it's a big step but....heh."

Rahne: Rahne smiled, "Than's Rem .. it's a shame tha we cannae do tha more often eh?"

Remy: "Well, it keeps busy wit' d' family an' work an' everythin'. But oui, I gotta make a point of it. Y' two are important t' us." There was an old bench nearby and he took a seat on it. "Even if it's more tame like poker at d' house."

Rahne: "Poker? Wha is it wit' guys an' poker?" Rahne sighed, folding her arms and shifting her weight onto one hip.

Victor: "Well, it's th' company that's importan', not what we do. An' I'm shit at poker."

Remy: "Well we can always do somethin' else." He looked out over the field and his wife and child. "I'm not fussy. As we said - bakin' might be fun. Eatin' it surely will be."

Rahne: Rahne made a dismissive soun' "Knowin' yer both, I'll en' up bakin' tha pies an' yer both'll eat 'em."

Victor: "Y' know I'll eat yer pies any time, darlin'." Vic winked, leaning against the wagon. "It's th' eatin' that's fun."

Remy: "Dat works for me." He looked over at Vic's leer. "Y've got a dirty mind, y' know dat Victor?"

Victor: "Hell yeah. Y' love it, Rem." Vic grinned back, giving Remy a suggestive once-over.

Remy: "I ain't got d' pie though." He pushed himself off the bench to go and pick another likely pumpkin, picking it up only to realize that it had split in the back. At the gleam of spidery guts in the middle of it he got a wicked idea. Scooping out a fingerful he turned. "And I'm not baked yet either." He flicked the small amount at Vic, snorting with mirth as it stuck in a bright orange blot to his forehead.

Rahne: Rahne giggled hysterically as Remy flicked the pumpkin goo at Vic, "EEE! Keep it away from me!" She squeaked, dodging to the side.

Victor: Vic wiped the gunk off his head. "Hey!!" He grinned, making his way over to Remy.

Remy: He let out a whoop and went to dash off but was hindered by a vine that sent him sprawling into and on another pumpkin.

Victor: Vic cackled and leapt for Remy, straddling him and mooshing his face into the split pumpkin. "Hah!! How's tha' fer karma!!" He grinned.

Rahne: Rahne dived for the relative cover provided by the bench Remy had been sitting on, and giggled at the two men.

Remy: He spat it out making a face. "Dieu. Dat don' taste anythin' like pie, dat's for sure." Twisting he gave Vic a small glare that slid into a wicked smile, and he shoved a handful down Vic's shirt, tumbling him on the ground beside him.

Victor: Vic flailed, before laughing and grabbing a handful, grinning evilly and lifting up the back of his trousers, shoving it there instead. "Fuck y'!!"

Remy: "Gah! Dat's not fair." He stood and made a face, shaking one leg as he dug a hand down into his bottom. "An' if y're idea of romancin' me is t' stick cold an' slimey stuff down my pants, I gotta say it ain't workin'." He took in Rahne who was laughing like mad on the bench. "Oh an' no pity from y', hey?"

Victor: "Nah, prefer hot an' sticky." Vic winked at Remy, getting up onto his knees. "Though, if ya wan' me t' clean y' up....well."

Rahne: Rahne flapped in Remy's general direction with one hand while holding her stomach with the other, "He-he- hehehe ... mebby he's plannin' on' ... lickin' it off yer? Heheheeee!!"

Remy: He held his besmudged hand up with fair amount of discust. Dangling it out to Vic, one streamer hanging off his forefinger he raised a brow. "Do y'?"

Victor: Vic looked up at Remy, grinning evilly. "I've had better things in my mouth." He winked. "An' worse tastin' things too."

Remy: "Hey. I dunno if dat's meant t' be an insult."

Victor: Vic laughed before catching Remy's finger and slowly sucking the pumpkin gunk off it. He pulled a face as he let go. "Okay, think I made pumpkin guts sexy but goddamn."

Remy: "Ew." He made a face. "I was darin' y' I know, but I didn't think y'd actually do it..." His face split into a grin again. "Y' got it stuck in y're teeth."

Rahne: "Ewww, stay away from me then!" Rahne giggled from the bench.

Victor: Vic cackled again, digging it out before leaping at Remy and flooring him, grabbing a handful and smushing his face with it. "Hah! I never turn a dare down, y' should know tha'."

Remy: He sputtered and twisted and then quick as a snake elbowed Vic in the ribs to distract him and then rolled them over so that Vic's head was in the mass. "An' here I was worried about Johnny gettin' messy." He wiped his face off on the hem of Vic's shirt.

Victor: Vic was laughing too hard to do much more then scrape the muck off his face, before spotting Rahne. "Y' know, I don' think it's fair she gets t' hide while she watches us get messy in th' mud, do yeh, Rem?" He said conversationally, trying hard not to notice how....oh goddamn, he was not thinking of his best man like that. Not now.

Rahne: Rahne jumped off the bench and hid behind it, "I'm covered in fur!!"

Victor: "So'm I! Mostly."

Rahne: "Aye, bu' yer a boooooy, yer mean' to get all grubby an' smelly!" Rahne ducked down further so only her bright green eyes were visable.

Remy: He laughed. "Bumps?" He asked Vic. "I know better dan t' get her face."

Victor: "Yeah. Wit' pumpkin goo, mind. She likes t' rough it wit' the lads instead a' bein' safely chained t' the kitchen, barefoot an' pregnan', eh? See how she likes bein' grubby an' smelly."

Rahne: "Pigs! Pigs!" Rahne called over, damnit, where was TJ when she needed back up?

Remy: He jumped over the bench and seized her by her the upper body. "Right. C'mon Vic. She's stong."

Victor: Vic grabbed a double handful of pumpkin guts and descended on Rahne, grinning. "Pay me back later." He winked, before dumping it all down her top.

Rahne: Rahne screamed and wriggled, "Ew! EWEWEWEWWWWW!!! AHHH! That's SO gross!!" She shrieked, breaking Remy's hold and pulling her top up and out in an attempt to shake the stuff out. "EWWW!!!"

Remy: He laughed at her antics. "Well, I'd suggest doin' it t' Talia, but I think I'd lose my balls wit' her temper. Plus I'm still worried about dat pain she had."

Victor: Vic grinned at Rahne. "I am so gettin' tied t' the bed fer tha' one. An' yeah. Pregnan' women....nah."

Rahne: "Pain? Wha' pain?" Rahne asked, trying to scoop out the mush and still grimancing.

Remy: "She had a stomach pain a while back, remember? Before we went out d' other night t' d' bar."

Rahne: "Oh tha' .. bu' I though' it wasn't tha bad though ... dinnae pregnen' women get random pains anyway though?"

Remy: "Oui, I suppose. Jus' not been around a bunch of dem. An' I worry for her." He got a small smile through the goo and mud. "Means everythin' t' me, my family, y' know?"

Victor: Vic smiled, patting Remy on the shoulder. "We know, man. She'll be fine. Where is she, anyway?"

Remy: "Workin' on chasin' Johnny down." He nodded to a pair of figures picking their way through the patch. "Suppose I should go help probably. She's gonna smack my ass for gettin' so dirty in d' first place." He grinned. "Imagine y're gonna get spanked too."

Victor: "Oh yeah. But y' know I'm gonna love that." Vic smirked, before delivering a smack to Remy's ass. "That's fer startin' it."

Remy: He snorted, and flicked his fingers at him. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks guys. Y' mind managin' d' wagon full an' we'll meet y' back at d' car?"

Rahne: Rahne snorted and let her top flop back down, squelching a little as it hit her chest, "Sure, Rem."

Victor: "Sure thing. Make th' guys wit' the super strength do th' work."

Remy: He made a noise of dismissal. "An' y' whine all d' more for it. Grin an' bear it. Some of us have t' be d' muscle an' others d' brains, neh?" He gave Vic an innocent grin.

Rahne: "Oh than's," Rahne snorted again.

Victor: Vic's eyes narrowed as he grinned back. "An' some of us think better wit' one head then the other, eh?" He winked and patted Remy's ass again. "C'mon, babes, let's go sort th' wagon ou'."
I'm actually quite pleasant until I'm awake.
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